#why is it always smuth! I need those adoption tendecies flared mates'
salmonight · 5 months
Touch my chicks and you are ROAST (literally 🔥)
Draco awakens his creature inheritance on his 14th birthday. It's a great news right?
For him and his housemates? Definitely. For anyone else? They find out pretty fast it is very much not.
As it turns out Draco is a very fierce and very temperamental flying chicken (Veela) who promptly adopted all the Slytherin lower years as his 'chicks'.
He would go into an absolute feral rage if ANY of them were hurt and deal with the preparators with no mercy or whatsoever. Let's also be said that Veelas are very, very vengeful creatures.
So as it should be other houses would learned very quickly that hurting one of the lower year Slytherins are a serious health hazzard (for them) and need to be avoided like the plague if they didn't want a pissed of pureblood or worse... a floff with anger issues and very sharp talons and instant combustion abilities out for their blood.
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