#will have to see if vivek's gonna have to have a serious conversation about that with gimlet
Hey congratulations on 900 followers!! So happy for you! I wanted to request a romantic game of thrones match up.
I'm 5'3, use she/her pronouns, pisces with long curly black hair and black eyes, an INFP and I am doing psychology rn. I'm questioning right now so you can ship me with anyone. I enjoy listening to music, especially the kind that's intellectual yk, that challenges you and makes you learn something. Currently I'm pouring over Arctic Monkeys' discography but I also love Hozier, Ruelle and Billie Eilish. My favourite colours are black, white and red. I am a bit dreamy, always kinda lost in my head so I love everything fantasy related. My favourite movies are Dune, Tenet, La La Land. In series I love Arcane and ATLA. I'd mention books but I couldn't choose more than the GOT series and the death of vivek oji. I'm pretty indecisive and an overthinker. Can't decide on something without considering all the pros and cons in super detail. I also enjoy writing. Sometimes when I think of a creative sentence I write it in my notes app.
I hope this is enough hehe. Thank you. And congrats again! ❤️
thank you for participating :)
since you have no gender preference, i’ll tell you which of both the boys and the girls i ship you with. but i’ll do the full description and blurb thing for the character i think you’re a better fit for.
i ship you with margaery and robb! i’m gonna go with robb for this, i hope that’s alright :)
i think your appreciation for intellectuality would fascinate him. of course he grew up well educated, but i don’t see him having a passion for continuing his education past what the septa and the maester made him learn. he was more interested in practical things, knowing one day he would have to be a soldier and a lord. but you would prompt him to think for himself more, instead of following what other people expected of him. he’d find himself reading and expressing an interest in the arts, simply so he could bring it up in conversation with you. he’d want to impress you, and so he’d be actively bettering himself just so he could talk to you and make you smile.
he’d find it endearing that you get lost in your head and like to fantasize. i think there are times in his life where he also thought of all the possibilities he could find himself in, if it weren’t for being the stark heir. he’d have a certain appreciation for the heroics and the adventures of all the stories you’d tell him about. but fantasy can get a bit complicate, and he’d need you to explain the specifics. he might not even understand what you’re talking about, but he doesn’t care. he just likes listening to you talk enthusiastically about something.
he’d also find your indecision endearing. i think he’s a pretty logical person, and also a very stubborn person. once his mind his made up, that’s enough for him. in order to be a good leader, he can’t be questioning his every decision. it would show weakness, and potentially put his men in danger. but he’d also fear sometimes that he was making the wrong decision. he’d ask your opinion on certain matters, taking it seriously. you’d think it out better than he would, so he would really value your input on more serious matters. but for the less important things, where you still treated it like it was life or death, he’d love watching your process of making decisions. it would amuse him.
he’d find you in the library, scouring over the shelves for your next book to read. he’d chuckle at your look of frustration, it bringing a smile to his face.
“it doesn’t really matter what you read first, darling. they’re books. it’s not like they’re going to grow legs and hop off the shelf before you can get to them.”
you’d groan turning to him. “but what if the one i choose is bad? what if it’s wasting my time? what if there’s a better book on this shelf that i’m missing because i was too impatient to get to it?”
his grin would widen, and he’d pull a book down from the top shelf, handing it to you. “here. you’ll like this one, i promise. i read it myself.”
“you read this?” you’d ask, raising a brow as you took it from him to look over the pages. “why?”
he’d sheepishly shrug, shifting back and forth on his heels. “i figured you could read it and we could talk about it after. i actually enjoyed this one.”
you’d smile, your heart warming at his thoughtfulness. you’d link your arm with his, letting him guide you out of the library with your new selection in hand.
“how sweet. thank you, robb.”
he’d smile down at you, keeping you close at his side. “you’re welcome, love.”
hope you enjoyed this! thanks again for participating :)
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orbitalpancake · 5 years
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Zodiac Legacy Challenge: Pisces Sibs...... Boyfriend Swap?
So follow up about Percy’s boyfriend, Rhys....... their friendship bar wasn’t actually that high? like they had a good time but when I checked their bar a few days later they really weren’t so far along? I was a bit surprised but it wasn’t a big deal. Their relationship isn’t super serious, that’s fine. He’d also gotten the “flirty” moodlet at school before bc a classmate told him he’s cute. The game never told me which classmate, I assumed it was Rhys.
HOWEVER............Percy invited classmate and casual friend of Ariel’s, Vivek Chang, to come over. Percy hugged him once he got to the lot and they apparently had a crazy high friendship bar ?? I didn’t do that. I was barely aware that they knew each other beyond the bare minimum after “friendly intro”. I was trying to have Vivek be bachelor #2 for Ariel now that Percy had taken Rhys....  but there’s thIS revelation?? But then Vivek comes over to see Percy and apparently they’re already creeping up on best friend status? And they’re coworkers?? As an added bonus, Vivek was VERY flirty talking to Percy....?? so I GUESS we know which classmate told him he was cute the other day.
Seeing an opportunity, Percy went to the library with Rhys super quick, they had a nice conversation and agreed to be just friends. Most amicable breakup ever. Then Percy came back home all playful, flirted with Vivek. Their romance bar went up incredibly fast, surpassing whatever he had with Rhys after 3 interactions. After their first kiss Percy almost died of hysteria (but he Didn’t !!)
(( aaaaand now Ariel can date Rhys for challenge-required partner number 2 ehehehe)) 
I think I’m gonna start measuring the success of my kids’ relationships by seeing whether they almost die of hysteria on dates
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