#will move on to his affections stories... or do selena's voicelines.
dawn-of-tomorrow · 3 years
Wanshi/Banji : Fate (Voicelines)
Construct Acquisition: Nice to meet you, I’m Wanshi from the Strike Hawk squad. Is this gonna be another troublesome mission…? I’m so exhausted… zzz…
LVL Up: Feeling a bit more lively… I think.
Promotion: If this is how you show your approval, then, perhaps I can accept this.
Evolve: Looks like I’ll have to take things just a bit more seriously now.
Skill Enhancement: Reloaded, prepared, examined, hah-- about time I take a break and sleep.
Equipment: Accuracy, range, ammunition capacity… it’s a reliable firearm.
Added to the squad: Huff-haaaa… time to get back to work.
Appointed as captain: If you’re the Captain, then does that mean you get a longer rest time…? I see, looks like that’s not the case, huh.
Mission Complete: Hah… then, is it alright if I go take a nap now?
Daily Conversation 1: (Yawn)...
Daily Conversation 2: Is there trouble brewing again? Mn...(yawn)… Captain Chrome should be on standby back at base right now, and there ought to be about 5 more minutes left till the next mission starts.
Daily Conversation 3: Reclaim the Earth and defeat the Punishing. What a lofty goal, that is…
Daily Conversation 4: “As long as you have the resolve, then everything will go well”… From whom did you hear this? Kamui?
Daily Conversation 5: I think the location of the base’s break room is… yeah, I remember it now.
Daily Conversation 6: The “wish-granting machine” setting only works for children, you know. Are you a child or what?
Daily Conversation 7: You want to see how I look when I’m serious? It’d probably be for the best if you were to never encounter any situation where I have to give it my all, at least that’s what I hope for.
Daily Conversation 8: What? You want to know… if it’s possible for a Construct to see the Commandant in a dream? …Mn, yes.
Daily Conversation 9: Looks like we meet again, Commandant. Hm? When was that, you ask? It was last night when I was already in bed… ah, Captain, please stop hitting me, I was just kidding; I was talking about my dreams, we met in my dreams!
Daily Conversation 10: Presumably, a Construct has no definite lifespan, meaning that the emotional data within their sea of consciousness will only continue to grow and accumulate. It’s almost like a never-ending, infinitely-expanding dream… rather interesting, isn’t it?
Daily Conversation 11: It’s because of you that this foreboding world I keep waking up to doesn’t seem so bad.
Daily Conversation 12: What incredible recovery abilities… oh, no, I wasn’t talking about Liv; I was referring to you, Commandant.
Daily Conversation 13: … Since I’m usually lazy and listless, when do I usually get serious, you ask? Right now, I’m serious about you.
Daily Conversation 14: You are the beautiful eternal dream I have fallen into ever since the very beginning, and one I do not wish to wake up from. This isn’t an excerpt from anything in the Captain’s book collection, nor is it something I’m saying casually. … I’m completely serious.
Daily Conversation 15: Whenever you’re here… I don’t feel like closing my eyes at all, how odd.
Increased Trust 1: If there’s nothing else at the moment, then can I go to the break room now?
Increased Trust 2: How utterly troublesome…
Increased Trust 3: I can sleep almost anywhere, and at anytime, to the point that… (snoozes)
Increased Trust 4: Do you want me to pass this on to the Captain, or is this for Kamui? It’s for me…?
Increased Trust 5: Whenever I spar with the Captain, I can’t help but get serious, and as a result I end up burning through my energy consumption and get extremely tired afterwards…
Increased Trust 6: I’m truly grateful.
Increased Trust 7: Exhaustion? There’s no such thing. Regardless of how troublesome the problem or the situation is, it’s all just a matter of how time-consuming it is.
Increased Trust 8: Cuddling with you to sleep every day…? … Just how much has Kamui told you, honestly…
Increased Trust 9: Compared to reaching for such lofty ambitions, it’s far more difficult to protect the things you really care about. That’s why, Gray Raven Commandant, you really are incredible.
Increased Trust 10: What you give to me belongs to me alone. That’s why, please don’t give others the same thing.
Increased Trust 11: You look like you’d be perfect to hold close and sleep with… Hm? What’s wrong Captain? [You can’t go and say things like that]? It’s not like I meant anything strange with what I just said… Huh? What did I mean by strange? Well…
Increased Trust 12: What I want? Hm… A new pillow, eye mask, an enhanced version of my resting cabin, and… you.
Increased Trust 13: A wish-granting device, a place to return to (refuge), resting cabins… hah, these are all these features I’d like to add for the sake of a certain someone.
Increased Trust 14: The gift you’re giving me isn’t you this time either?
Increased Trust 15: I've finally found a reason to keep waking up from my lonely dream.
Increased Trust 16: My return gift is right in front of you. Yeah, it’s this tall, and this big… you can’t miss it, right?
Idle/Ignored 1: Zzz…
Idle/Ignored 2: Too tired to even move… eh? The Commandant as well?
Idle/Ignored 3: Seems like the Commandant is also the type of person who needs to take breaks on occasion.
Idle/Ignored 4: Tired? There’s still space left in Strike Hawk’s resting cabins. I won the right to use it for an entire year.
Idle/Ignored 5: I’ve made a recent discovery. Being able to quietly watch over you is also another effective way of rest and recharging myself.
Long time spent online 1: It seems like the Gray Raven Commandant is the same type of person that Captain Chrome is.
Long time spent online 2: How odd, isn’t being able to rest and sleep the best thing in the world?
Long time spent online 3: It’s time to go to sleep now, good night.
Long time spent online 4: Would you please dream of me…? Since you’ve promised that now, then isn’t it your turn to fulfill my wish from earlier?
Long time spent online 5: Have a good night.
Login 1: If Captain Chrome comes here, can you please tell him you didn’t see me at all? Thanks.
Login 2: “It is precisely because you are yourself that [you] are important; you are important, no matter what, even until the end of time.” ...Heh, it’s nothing. It’s just something I’ve read from one of Captain Chrome’s books.
Login 3: (yawns) Good morning, good afternoon, good evening… one of them’s bound to be the right one, yeah?
Login 4: Since the first thing I saw when I woke up was you, it looks like today’s going to be a good day.
Login 5: Maybe it’s not a bad thing to feel energetic and full of life on occasion, is what I just realized. The reason being, because then I’d be able to do and enjoy a lot more fun things together with you.
Login 6: What a wonderful dream. Well, it’s not entirely wrong either way.
Login 7: I’m having a good dream right now.
Login 8: Whenever I wake up, I see you; and even when I’m in my dreams, I always see you.
Long time offline 1: To think that I’m able to only dream of you… how troubling.
Shake 1: Hey Commandant, have you ever heard of the word “wake up”... hmm?
Shake 2: Medicinal malpractice is strictly prohibited, you know.
Shake 3: Alright, alright, quit fooling around now.
Continuous tap 1: Are you doing a physical examination?
Continuous tap 2: Huhm… please don’t cause a scene here.
Continuous tap 3: Behave yourself now.
Activity MAX: Now that I’ve rested up enough, I feel completely recharged. A bit unusual, but I feel like moving around more now.
Battle begins: (yawns) Let’s get this done quickly so we can go home sooner.
Battle 1: It’s time to sleep, you guys.
Battle 2: How fortunate you are to be able to sleep forever.
Battle 3: I will shoot to kill.
Ultimate: Shooting to kill-- close your eyes, and rest in peace.
Hit: I don’t plan on sleeping early this time.
Serious injury: Going to bed early… though it seems like I woke up a bit too early.
Unable to fight: It’s okay, I’m just… gonna get a good night’s sleep.
Support: Backup, assistance, aiming a killshot.
QTE: Let’s quickly deal with this guy, since it’s an emergency and they like to disturb other people’s sleep.
Battle end: Haah, how exhausting.
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