#will probably hold off on those until I'm ready to cry again 😅
im-no-jedi · 2 years
I’m listening to the season 2 soundtrack finally and ngl it’s really weird listening to music from previous episodes while I’m making gifs from episode 9 LOL
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misshoneyimhome · 9 months
How can you look at those pics and want to trade Princess Diana reincarnated…I want him biblically, if I was his partner and saw those I’d be ready on my knees for him when he got home ready to have some baby making practice🥲
Darling, I can practically hear my own ovaries clapping 🥺❤️ I mean, yes! 😍 in a way, I'm actually conflicted by him - I mean, he still seems rather boyish, and you know that insanely charming lover-boy smirk that makes your downstairs lose all control - yet, there's just something about him that screams baby-daddy 😅🫠
Small warning of language (I think...)
A small bump I William Nylander
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"Hey y/n!" Axton called out as he shouted down the halls of the Scotiabank Arena.
"Hurry up, we don't want to be late," Jace added.
"Yeah, coming!" you exclaimed cheerfully, following the enthusiastic young boys closely.
"There you are," Aryne said as you, Jace, and Axton caught up to the group of wives and girlfriends of the Toronto Maple Leafs.
"Sorry, took a bit longer. Turns out I'm rubbish at mini hockey and had to do five push-ups as a punishment," you chuckled, explaining the outcome of the game you’d played with the boys before the hockey match tonight.
"Maybe you just need more practice," Axton sweetly suggested as he settled into his seat. "That's what Daddy always says."
The sweet little boy beamed at you.
"Well, he's probably right about that," you replied with a smile to the youngest of the two, before all of you focused on the ice where the players were about to warm up.
However, the match didn’t start off too well.
The Bruins took the lead halfway through the first period, and then scored a second goal just 8 minutes into the second.
But the Leafs fought back strongly. Matthews scored the team's first goal, and just two minutes into the third period, Domi levelled the score 2-2.
Time passed, and despite the Leafs’ impressive comeback, the Bruins struck back and took the lead once again 10 minutes later.
However, just when everyone believed the Leafs were finished, Matthews pulled off the unexpected and scored, levelling the score once more, just 8 seconds before the final buzzer.
Despite the Leafs' incredible comeback, the Bruins came back even stronger. After nearly five hard-fought minutes, they clinched the game in overtime, ending it 4-3.
The corridors were filled with light chatter as everyone awaited the players' emergence from the locker room. That was, until Jace, Ashton, and some of the other kids started playing mini hockey and suddenly shouted out loud.
"Mooom!" Jace's voice echoed through the halls.
"Oh, shit," Aryne murmured. "I wonder what they've done now…" She sighed deeply, glancing at you with the newest addition to their family in her arms.
"Do you want me to go and check on them?" you offered a sweet smile, well aware of the boys' tendencies that might lead to a disagreement.
"Oh, no, one of them started crying... But maybe you could hold her while I go and check?" Aryne suggested with a concerned expression, and you eagerly nodded in response.
The newest Tavares member was absolutely adorable, and you couldn't help but smile as you cradled the baby snugly in your arms, ensuring she was secure in her comfortable blanket and protective headphones to shield her from the noise.
And just as you hugged and gently swayed to keep the baby calm, William emerged from the locker room, his eyes widening slightly at the sight of you.
You and William had been together for a couple of years now. And initially, your relationship was actually just all fun; a rebound from your previous relationship to be exact.
However, there was something about William that kept drawing you back to him. And he simply cherished having someone he could always rely on and spend time with.
At first, it was all casual, no-strings-attached sex - meeting up after a game or when he returned from a road trip. But then it evolved; you started spending the night, then several days, and eventually ended up staying at his place even when he was away.
And this routine continued for several months until William's teammates encouraged him to bring you to a match. So, he did, leading to his teammates then noticing the chemistry between you. And soon after, he had to acknowledge that there might just indeed be something deeper between you two.
Since then, your relationship had been absolutely fantastic. You had so much fun together, trusting each other and feeling completely at ease in one another's company.
To put it mildly, William had fallen harder than he ever anticipated, and now he couldn't imagine letting you go.
However, despite the wonderful connection you shared, there were serious topics that didn’t come easily. Moving in together was one of them. It wasn't until after you’d met his parents and they’d pointed out how strange it was for you to pay rent when you practically lived at William's place.
And another one was the future.
William just didn’t speak much about it. At times, you even wondered if it was because he didn't envision a future with you or if he simply didn't think that far ahead. And as it turned out, it was more the latter.
William enjoyed living in the moment, which for now, meant focusing on his career and having you by his side.
So, you brushed aside any concerns about the future and focused on the present.
However, when William saw you holding little baby Tavares, something did stir within him. The sight of you with a baby, wearing a wide smile on your beautiful face, sparked an unfamiliar feeling. As he slowly walked towards you, a smile appeared on his lips, and he couldn’t help but imagine how it might be if one day that baby was yours and his.
"Hey," you smiled at him as he approached. "Ready to leave?"
William nodded.
"I just need to wait for Aryne to come back and take her," you said, meeting William's gaze for a moment. "What?" you chuckled lightly, noticing a different expression on his usually smug face.
"Nothing," he simply smiled and shrugged before Aryne came over to take the little one back into her arms.
"Thank you, y/n... You're a natural," she smiled at you before you bid your farewells and left the arena.
However, the image of you with the baby lingered in William's mind for the rest of the evening. It was a new vision he hadn't considered before, but there was something about it that felt just right.
You, however, didn't dwell much on it. You had a great relationship with the Tavares family, enjoyed spending time with the boys you occasionally babysat, but that was the extent of it. You didn't think it was something William would dwell on, so why should you?
On the following day, the topic of children continued as the Maple Leafs players were invited to meet with the SickKids of Toronto.
It was a tradition for the team, and after not being able to do it since 2019 due to the pandemic, they were all eagerly looking forward to it.
For the players, it meant a lot to give back to the community - whether through financial donations or simply being present as role models, it brought them immense joy nonetheless.
And that day was filled with nothing but happiness – as much as possible, of course. As William walked into the room to greet the children, wearing his jersey, and seeing their faces light up with excitement, it meant the world to him. Being part of an event that spread so much joy to children who faced constant struggles meant everything.
The atmosphere buzzed with laughter as the players interacted with the children, sitting down to create homemade friendship bracelets. Some of the kids crafted bracelets spelling out names like "Felix" for Auston, and they all took selfies together, sharing their stories. These heartfelt moments simply struck a chord with everyone.
Throughout the day, the media team made sure to capture these touching moments. And when the day ended and the players bid goodbye to the young ones, they were all deeply moved, though they didn't show it openly because of their tough-guy image.
But once they were all back home, things were different.
"Hey, baby, how was your day?" you asked as your boyfriend entered the condo.
He wore a soft but slightly sorrowful expression as he joined you in the kitchen where you were by the stove. William moved gently, wrapping his arms around you, and resting his head on your shoulder before placing a tender kiss on the crook of your neck.
"Emotional," he simply replied. Feeling his body leaning into yours, signalling his need for softness and intimacy tonight, you turned your head slightly and met him in a gentle kiss.
"Well, I made one of your favourite meals," you spoke softly, prompting him to glance over your shoulder at the dish you were preparing. Swedish meatballs and mashed potatoes with gravy and lingonberry. "Thought it might be an emotional day for you guys, so..." you offered a sweet smile.
"Have I ever told you that you're an amazing girlfriend?" William remarked, nudging you gently as he kept his arms around you while you finished preparing the meal.
"Um, no, in fact, you should tell me more often," you chuckled.
Then with laughter and smiles, you both set the dinner table and prepared to enjoy the delicious meal together.
But during the meal, you couldn't ignore William's subdued silence.
"Hey, what's on your mind?" you softly asked as you both neared the end of the meal. "Talk to me, Willy…"
"Just thinking… about those kids," William spoke almost in a whisper. "They don't deserve this... But they have no choice. They deal with these struggles every day. I mean, what if it was our kid?"
His question caught you off guard. What if it was our kid?
Our kid...
It echoed in your mind before William interrupted your thoughts.
"Are you okay?" he chuckled slightly, noticing your stunned expression.
"Huh… oh yeah, sure," you offered him a sweet smile. "I just..." You hesitated, unsure whether you should explore the topic further. But William was already on to you.
"Talk to me, y/n/n," he gently urged, repeating your own words.
"I just wasn't sure if you'd thought about... that."
"About what... kids?" William chuckled lightly, and you nodded, looking down at your plate, softly fiddling with the last meatball. "Well, maybe I haven't thought about it much... But after seeing you with Johnny's children yesterday and I’ve been spending time with those kids today, it did make me think things," William added with a chuckle. "Also, I come from a big family – and I know my mom would love to have grandchildren one day, so... I don’t think it's too crazy to consider."
His voice was tender, prompting you to look up and search his eyes, hanging onto every word.
"Me neither," you softly spoke, flashing him another sweet smile. "So, maybe it's in the cards?"
And William couldn’t contain his excitement either. "One day, maybe… yes," he simply replied, before both of you finished your dinners, smiles lighting up your faces.
For the rest of the evening, everything between you was soft and tender.
Thoughts about finally opening up that conversation about the future, went thought your minds, and as you both went to bed together, you fell asleep with smiles on your faces, envisioning a family together in the future.
The following morning, the images of a future family with William still lingered in the back of your mind. Despite trying to push them aside while getting ready for work, it wasn't easy to ignore.
What made it even more challenging was when the Toronto Maple Leafs' media team posted photos from yesterday's meeting with the SickKids.
Sitting at your desk, you scrolled through the photos and watched the short video of the guys interacting with the children. And it touched your heart deeply. Seeing the lads engaging with the kids, their smiles evident even behind face masks, hit harder than expected.
Especially the pictures of your boyfriend.
The way he connected with them, showing so much love and care, made your heart skip a beat. You could almost feel a flutter in your lower stomach.
"Shit," you softly mumbled to yourself, trying to calm your beating vagina, as you kept looking through the pictures.
It was in that very moment, you became surer than ever that one day, you wanted nothing more than for William to be the father of your children.
Imagining little versions of him running around, with his blond hair and blue eyes mixed with your own genes, causing as much mischief and noise as he’d done with his siblings.
Holidays and vacations spent together as a family, with extended family joining in to celebrate festivities; that was your biggest wish for the future.
So naturally, throughout the workday, your mind lingered on thoughts of your incredible relationship with the love of your life, especially now that you'd shared your thoughts about the future. It simply all felt so perfect.
And later in the evening, as William returned home from an afternoon training session, you had subtly decorated the condo to set a romantic mood. He immediately noticed the candlelit ambiance throughout the living room but was more captivated by something else: you.
Clad in your finest lingerie, wearing a seductive smirk, you stood in the doorway, your gaze fixed on him.
William couldn't help but chuckle lightly as he approached you, his hands gently finding your waist as he drew you close.
"So, is this what I get for mentioning kids?" he smirked, his touch gentle yet firm against your body.
Your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling his face down just slightly. "Perhaps," you chuckled. "Well, at least the practicing part – you know, before we're ready," you winked playfully.
"Hmm, well, it's good to practice really hard," William replied before connecting his lips with yours, allowing a soft exchange before lifting you up and carrying you to the bedroom for your own private 'bedsheet training session.'
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