#will's pretty clearheaded and ruthless
robotnik-mun · 1 year
With how much his character changed throughout Archie what would be the best way to handle Rotor if he were allowed to return?
Hmmm, tough call there. I wasn't exactly fond of Rotor being turned into a brawler sort post-reboot, but I think there could be ways to use him as another Tech Head. Namely by making clear that his specializations and skillset AS a technologist are different from Tails.
And honestly? I think making him a Weapon Specialist sort could do that. He builds gadgets and gizmos, but what he's really good at is devising new kinds of weaponry for our heroes, combat upgrades and the like. Forget that 'anti-guns' phase he went through in Archie, have him be the guy who goes all out when it comes to weaponry and explosives. Have it so that while Tails is a better all-rounder, Rotor's specialization gives him an edge when it comes to certain things by comparison even if he has deficits in others as a result.
Likewise, rather than spindashing ala Sonic, I'd imagine that Rotor is less of a close quarters guy and more of a 'shooter' sort... the kind of guy who makes use of a shoulder mounted plasma cannon to deal with robots and the like. Not that he's weak or helpless without weapons- he's still a big, strong guy who knows how to throw a punch, it's just that he's way, way better with weapons than he is without them.
Finally in terms of personality and dynamic? I tend to view Rotor as being down to earth and sensible in ways compared to most of the main cast- he is the rock, calm and unchanging in the face of the turbulence that surrounds him. It's not that he's unaffected by things or anything like that. It's more like he's just able to keep himself grounded where others might get carried away... this also tends to make him more of a 'big picture' sort of guy compared to his more idealistic friends, with a more pragmatic moral mindset. He's not exactly ruthless or anything like that, but he IS more likely to keep his eyes focused on the prize.
I tend to imagine Rotor being a kind of unofficial peacekeeper among the group, in the sense that he's the guy everyone goes to when they need to discuss something they don't feel like discussing in front of the rest of the group. He's a bit older and wiser in this regard, and his clearheaded perspective is useful, and while he doesn't really 'get' people all the time due to being a bit of a loner, he none the less is pretty good at figuring out problems and how to address them. I'd imagine, as part of an ensemble cast, besides being the Weapons Guy he'd also function as a sort of surrogate, collective older sibling in ways.
At least that's how I'd do it, were I in the position to do so. Rotor's schtick is always going to be a little shaky with Tails around, but I don't think you'd need to change TOO much to make him work in the present context of things.
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thedarkmongoose · 2 years
why’s will always such a wimp in fics? he’s a MONGOOSE, a fierce pursuit predator (actively chases prey) vs hannibal, who’s an ambush predator (hides + traps). hannibal literally spends hours decorating a table setting, y’all don’t think will could take him? lol meanwhile, my man’s out here fishing 24/7, building entire boats that can travel to europe, and wrangling 200 stray dogs. he cute but deadly. and he gets flustered easily but he claps back. give will agency!
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