evoldir · 5 years
Fwd: Graduate position: MaxPlanckInst_Cologne.PlantGenomics
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Graduate position: MaxPlanckInst_Cologne.PlantGenomics > Date: 14 January 2020 at 07:10:57 GMT > To: [email protected] > > > > Phd position in population genomics available at the Max Planck > Institute for Plant Biology (MPIPZ), Cologne, Germany in Group Fulgione > in collaboration with George Coupland.  Title: Evolutionary genomics > of flowering behaviour in the perennial model species Arabis alpina. An > abstract can be found here. > > We seek applicants with an interest and background in some of the > following fields: population genetics/genomics, evolutionary genomics, > evolutionary biology, bioinformatics, computer science, statistics and > data science. An interest in plant evolution, physiology and molecular > biology is advantageous. A disposition towards quantitative biology is > highly desirable, as are some experience in population genetics and/or > bioinformatics and statistics. Experience in managing experiments > with plants in greenhouses/growth chamber is an advantage, but not a > requirement. Applicants should be able to work independently and have > effective communication skills, both oral and written. > > The project focuses on some intriguing populations of the perennial model > plant Arabis alpinaunder selection for unusual flowering strategies.The > project capitalises on phenotypic data collected in the department > across years of experiments and field work. The phd candidate will use > computational and population genomic approaches to reveal evolutionary > and adaptive dynamics in these populations. > > The group studies how plant populations adapt to their environment > from a population and evolutionary genomics point of view. Our primary > model organism is the alpine, perennial herb Arabis alpina.  The project > will make use of the tools we have developed in this species, such as > the genome sequence (Willinget al.2015) and populations collected in > diverse environments (Laenenet al.2018) as well as population genomic > approaches as in (Durvasulaet al.2017, Fulgioneet al.2018).The project > will be co-supervised by Max Planck director George Coupland. > > The phd position is 3 years long and it would start in summer/fall > 2020. The position is affiliated to the International Max Planck Research > School (IMPRS)on"Understanding Complex Plant Traits using Computational > and Evolutionary Approaches". In order to be eligible for this program the > deadline is February the 2nd, 2020. Instructions to apply can be foundhere. > If you have specific questions about the position contact me directly > at [email protected]. > > The MPIPZ and the Universities in Cologne and Düsseldorf form an > outstanding cluster for basic research in the plant sciences. Supported > through the Excellence Strategy of the German federal and state > governments(see here), we offer a truly interdisciplinary training of > young researchers who will work in a supportive international environment > designed to harness creativity. > > Andrea Fulgione,Ph.D > > Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research > > Carl-von-Linné-Weg 10 > 50829 Köln > email:[email protected] > > Andrea Fulgione > via IFTTT
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