#wip: foaw | the seven
11/11/11 tag game —
I was tagged by @alalawrites ; thank u!
❥ one — favorite line(s) you’ve ever written.
- one of my favourites rn is “her head ended where my heart began.”
❥ two — how did you come up with your story?
- okay, let me shortly remember....
flight of a warrior
well flight of a warrior was just elise manifesting in my head and me starting to get curious. who is that girl? why does she look so different? what’s her story? and so I started to tell it.
kingdom of thorns and arrows
this is the oldest story I have dhsjjs. while i was in sixth grade, my friends and i were obsessed with books and were talking about how to pronounce names. we talked about ‘gideon’ back then and one of them pronounced it very weird and wrong hdjdjd. and I was like ‘your pronunciation sounds more like a last name’ and then we started to daydream about a story we wanted to write together.
now we don’t talk anymore, not very much at least. they lost their interest for books and writing while mine just grew stronger and a few weeks ago I was like ‘I need to write that story’ and asked them if they were okay with it. they are and now I am completely changing everything sjskks
fallen like a god
actually, it wasn’t planned to be a greek mythology story. i wanted to write about shapeshifters and season spirits. and it should still be in the world of foaw. weird.
the land of crows and nightmares
tbh, I don’t quite remember. i was visiting my sister in the city she studied and lived in and we were walking around and then it hit me. it was quite inspired by frederic the great and time travel coz i love those books.
queen of night and soul
ouhhh my first lgbtq idea! i was really into spirit guides and yin yang at that time and it’s first name was “how the moon fell for the ocean” yes I watched atla at that time don’t look @ me. anyways, I came to chap one and it was shit so I threw off the idea and got the rest from a dream / walk home from school.
❥ three — do you often get interesting dreams that you then use to create a story and/or a character?
- well, I mostly have nightmares for some reason but if I get good dreams, they are affecting my stories. book two of kotaa (blood like water) is completely dream inspired.
❥ four — tell us 5 trivias about your WIP(s).
- i just say five trivias about foaw coz I am just at planning the rest :
1. never underestimate someone. just don’t.
2. scars have a meaning even if it’s isn’t obvious at first.
3. habits are the worst.
4. names !!!
5. think about everything. even about the things which might not be helpful.
❥ five — do you read fanfiction? if yes, link some of your favorites!
- i actually don’t read fanfics. I used to read a lot mlb ff but I don’t anymore. maybe this teen!lock fanfic ?
❥ six — favorite original character ever.
- EVER? uhhhh hard one, gosh. i think it’s cloelia. like i love this chick
❥ seven — do you remember the first character you’ve ever created? if yes, describe them the best you can.
- when I was younger i have always drawn little princesses and mermaids on papers and cut them out, gave them a name and played with them ignoring the thousand dolls i have. huh, I think those were my first, but like really created? i think it would be max gidgeon. he was an elf, had blue eyes and blonde hair, he had a sister and strange dreams hdjsjs
❥ eight — name 3 characters (not yours) that you love and 3 that you hate.
- love, hard : maxon shreave, cardan greenbriar, rhysand
hate, not hard at all: bella swan, emerson (hourglass), laurel (wings)
❥ nine — do you draw? If yes, do you draw mostly original characters/settings/etc. or fanart?
- yes i draw! mostly nature and original characters. or just random characters, for fun
❥ ten — how long does it take you to outline your novel?
- well... considering what u mean with outline. my outline is normally the first draft hdjsjs, and i am currently redoing that outline / first draft and I am at 2/5 hdjsjs. the very first outline /draft took me like two to four lunch breaks at school ( 90 to 180 min)
the outline / draft now takes much longer coz i am outlining every chapter kind of
❥ eleven — how long does it take you to write your novel?
- well, I haven’t finished one but i am quite good in time i guess! I am actively writing since january and have 53k words rn! i am planning 130k words tho but I think I could manage to finish that till end of next year! (if you think about it, in seven months more than 50k and the year isn’t over i think it’s realistic!)
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my questions :
describe your wip(s) in one word, one city and one colour.
what music genre fits your wip(s) best?
who would be the faceclaims for your main characters?
the best place to write? (not at your home?)
a place in a fictional wold you would live most likely?
choose an animal to be the gatekeeper to your world. why this animal in particular?
when would you like to have started writing? with what age?
the zodiac signs of your original characters.
a personality/ physical trait you give every of your character for some reason. (for example : everyone is loyal / has tanned skin)
deep dark writing fear?
describe your favourite character (not original) in one renaissance painting.
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tagging —
@farrradays @storyteller-kaelo @dancingwithwind @vandorens @theforgottencoolkid @omgbrekkerkaz @mybookisbad @disoriented-writer @vviciously @omniawrites @sorroways
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