#wish i could've been seeing a dentist regularly this whole time. maybe it would've been caught sooner
exrayspex · 2 years
so i was able to go to the dentist for the first time in years today, and i thought it was gonna go pretty well since i've been brushing and flossing regularly and haven't had any pain or anything. i thought at worst they might say i had some mild gum damage from my labret piercing or a cavity. but turns out i've been clenching/grinding my teeth badly, and it's messed up my gums some and actually caused some bone loss?? around my front bottom teeth???? 😭
i'm so upset honestly, i've been lucky enough to have very good teeth/gums up until now and i was so proud of myself for managing to get a good brushing and flossing routine down despite my health shit, but turns out that's not enough.
i ordered a bite guard to start wearing at night when i got home but i'm worried that won't be enough....now that i've been told about it i've noticed myself clenching my teeth a few times just in the hours since the appointment. augh.
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