#with Phantom Manor and Vincent content
naddy-and-stuff · 5 years
Starry, starry night
So you might be thinking "WHERE MY FGO CONTENT AT??"
Sorry. I know it's been a while, but it's been hard to get the creative juices flowing... :( So have an Ikemen Vampire short instead. XD
I do not own Vincent. Both of the Vincents.
TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of suicide (very faint I think? Unless you actually know Vincent's biography). Please exercise caution when reading.
Vincent woke up early that morning. It was one of those days when he suddenly felt awake and well-rested despite only managing sleep for, at most, two hours. Despite being a nearly immortal vampire, he felt happy - pleased even - to know that he somehow still needed sleep. He could not feel many things, but he at least felt more alive by still having his basic needs.
Speaking of basic needs, coffee was something he still enjoyed, like sunshine filtering through the windows, or the soft purring of cats. It was like the flowers Sebastian tended to in the garden, Will's jokes, Theo's sharp eyes, or Arthur's swagger. It was sunflowers, feathers, moonlight, starlight, the taste of rogue, and everything in between.
It pleased him to smell coffee in the air, accompanied by a sweet voice: a sliver of white amidst a sea of inky blackness. The manor was quiet; none of its other colorful inhabitants was up and about yet, so Vincent had this moment all to himself.
For they could not love you
But still your love was true
The song was certainly not one he had heard before and living with someone like Mozart made him familiar to most songs. Vincent supposed it was one of your songs from the future. Foreign, but pleasing all the same: like a new easel that smelled of freshly shaved wood.
And when no hope was left inside
On that starry, starry night
You took your life as lovers often do
The words gave him pause and made his chest ache. It pulled the wool over his eyes, darkened his surroundings and painted four gray walls with nothing but a small window of hope. Was it a memory? He could not recall being somewhere so... dreary. How could he paint there? Theo would frown - like he always did - if Vincent presented him with that kind of painting, filled with hopelessness and lacked any substance.
The window gave way to stars: white against the swirling hues of purple, gray and blue. Vincent lost a paintbrush once, and had to replace it with a new one. In essence, they were the same brush, but felt different and wrong in his hands. He could see the stars, but they looked wrong. They looked more like they were being swallowed by the darkness, instead of casting it aside.
Vincent leaned against the wall. Something in his ear hurt: a phantom pain, but when he touched it there was nothing. It was surreal. He was unable to feel some things, but now he was feeling something and it felt wrong, like someone had somehow removed the manor and replaced it with cold, cold...
But I could've told you, Vincent
This world was never meant
For one as beautiful as you
The words were Theo's. Or at least close enough. But the voice was yours, the song from your time and all of a sudden it felt wrong, but also right. He smelled coffee again and the phantom pain in his ear disappeared. The stars twinkled as they should, much like in Mozart's composition. There was no coldness. His chest ached, but only so that he could still feel and not to overpower him. Before he knew it, he was by the kitchen.
You had stopped singing and while Vincent lamented that, he was also secretly glad.
"Yes please."
So I was playing Vincent's route in the EN server event and when he shared what Theo said about him (I forgot what it was exactly but it's kinda along the lines of the song), I climbed out of writer's block limbo and decided to write this. XD
I love the song Vincent really. It's one of the reasons why I'm looking forward to Vincent's route in IkeVamp. I tried to incorporate the end of his life, but that he somehow repressed it, or however you want to interpret it. Cause seriously? That sweet, sweet cinnamon roll in IkeVamp shooting himself and getting drunk on absinthe for the pain? Yeaaaaaah not the first time Cybird has completely changed the character. XD
No hate though. I'm just saying... :3
Lemme know what you think about it, or if you want to talk in general. :3 ALSO! I may or may not be thinking about making a cover of the song... Maybe...
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