#with various celebratory gifs and statements
Howdy Partner - Part 1
I...yep. This fic finally broke out of the cage in my brain and found its way into the world. Careful. It bites.
If you'd like to be added to my taglist, please let me know!
Cross-posted to AO3 here.
Pre-War!Cooper Howard (Fallout Show) x fem!Reader
[A/N: This is just fluff with some suggestive language, because as sinfully hot as he is as a Ghoul, he looks like an absolute cinnamon roll as an actor.]
Warnings: Fluff, mild angst, mutual pining, idiots in love, they both think their feelings are unrequited, Cooper is already divorced, flirty friends to lovers, they both wanna kiss so bad, drinking but not heavy, mentions of alcohol, they're not tipsy but they have had a couple of glasses of champagne.
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"Cut! That's a wrap for this week," the director called, and everyone on set began to disperse. Beginning to corral the various props so they could be stored until Monday, I breathed a sigh of relief that the week was over. Halfway through winding up one of the ropes, someone cleared their throat behind me.
"Pardon me, ma'am. Any chance an ole cowboy could int'rest you in a celebratory drink?" The faux western accent drew a smile across my lips before I could school my expression. When I turned, Cooper Howard stood in full costume with his cowboy hat held respectfully over his chest. Always such a gentleman.
"Surely there's some gorgeous starlet who you'd rather be drinking with, Mr. Howard," I teased as I laid the looped rope onto its hook. Clasping my hands behind my back, I blinked innocently up at the man who'd been my friend for years and had quickly carved a spot for himself in my heart.
"Now, why would I want to take another woman out on the town when the most gorgeous one in all of Hollywood is standin' right in front of me?" He murmured, and despite the pang it sent through my heart, I gave a sly smile as I grasped his arm.
"One of these days, Coop, you'll regret being so flirty with me," I said as he plunked his hat on top of my head instead of his own. I couldn't imagine it looked as good on me as it did on him.
"Oh? And why's that?"
"Because, one of these days, the woman destined to be your next wife might overhear you, think you're taken, and give up before she's even met you." We walked toward his trailer, dodging busy workers as we talked. "Or worse...I might actually think you mean those sweet little things you say to me."
Keeping my head forward as we walked, I caught him looking at me out of the corner of my eye, his expression inscrutable.
"Wouldn't that just be a shame," he muttered, but his tone contradicted his statement entirely. A large grin stretched Cooper's lips as we stepped inside his trailer. I knew the drill by now. We left the door open, and I took a seat as he ducked behind a privacy screen at the other end. His accent fell away as he changed out of his costume. "That hat's yours now, by the way."
For a moment, all I could hear was the gentle sound of cloth as I tried to force my tongue to work.
"They had about ten of those hats for this movie, and I snagged a couple. One for me, and one for you. That one's yours," he called, and butterflies swarmed in my stomach. "Assuming you want an old actor's hand-me-down, of course. You could always just leave it in my trailer today when we go for drinks and the costume people will find it. I just remember you saying you liked the way the one from this particular movie looked, so I figured..."
He trailed off as he walked out from behind the privacy screen in a white button-down shirt and some dark brown slacks. My breath hitched in my throat, but I shook my head quietly.
"No, I do love it. I'm not leaving it here," I said as I got to my feet. "Thank you, Cooper."
Pink dusted his cheeks, and I couldn't help but wonder how I got this lucky. He didn't feel the same as I did, but it was enough that he considered me one of his close friends. Or, at least, that's what I told myself on those lonely evenings when I wanted nothing more than to fall asleep in his arms.
I'd been lost in thought for a moment, snapping back to reality when he waved a hand in front of my eyes.
"You in there?" He asked, a mix of amusement and concern coloring his features as I blinked up at him. "You looked like you were a thousand miles away."
"Only about fifteen," I muttered, and before he could ask what I meant, I plastered what I hoped was an enthusiastic smile on my lips. "Well, what are we waiting for? You wanted a celebratory drink, so let's go get it, shall we?"
Cooper had known me for too long to be fooled by that. Like always, I could see his jaw clench for a second as he tucked the information away in the back of his mind for later, then smiled back at me.
"Lead on, ma'am." His faux western accent was back, and he gave me a little wink as I slipped past him out of his trailer.
I'd expected to find myself in a bar with him, but Coop had different plans. He'd driven me to his place - a much smaller house than the one he'd previously shared with his daughter and his ex-wife. He'd downsized after the divorce, choosing a more rustic place that was closer to nature than his cushy almost-mansion had been. Modern conveniences were still present, but he was no longer surrounded by the stifling side of city life.
Kicking our shoes off and wandering out onto the upstairs balcony, we raised our champagne flutes and toasted the success of the new movie. I tried not to watch the bob of his Adam's apple too closely as he swallowed.
Looking out at the dark expanse of the night and the bright lights of the city several hours later, we'd barely finished more than a couple of glasses each. It was so incredibly easy with him. We'd talked the whole evening away, focusing on everything and nothing, paying no mind to the fact that the world kept spinning without us.
Eventually, a cold breeze whirled through the air, and we retreated inside. Cooper grabbed an oversized blanket and we cuddled up together in his living room in front of the fireplace. Setting the hat he'd given me on the coffee table, he wrapped his arms around me and let me rest my head on his chest.
This wasn't the first time we'd curled up like this, but it felt more weighted this time. His chin touched the top of my head just as I noted how fast his heart was beating.
Adrenaline. That's all it was. We'd both been startled by how quickly the temperature had dropped. There was no way it could be anything else.
"It looks better on you," he murmured against the top of my head, and my own heart thudded faster in my chest. "The hat, I mean."
A huff of laughter escaped me.
"Somehow, I think your fans might disagree, Mr. Howard. Hell, even I disagree," I admitted as I toyed with one of the buttons on his shirt.
"That's too bad. All of you are wrong. You look so damn good in it," Cooper said as one of his hands skimmed up my back. He sounded more serious than any of his other silly little flirtatious statements ever had - a feat I hadn't thought possible. I could never tell if he was joking when we were alone like this.
"Careful, now. I might end up thinking you're serious–"
"I am," he blurted as his grip around me tightened by a fraction. "I'm serious."
When I lifted my head to look up at him, Cooper was already looking at me; his gaze was soft and vulnerable as he lifted a hand. The backs of his knuckles brushed down the side of my face so gently that the breath was stolen from my lungs.
"Cooper..." I tried to tell him what I was feeling - tried to force all of the words I'd been holding back to the tip of my tongue - but they got stuck somewhere in my throat.
"It's okay," he breathed, his voice was low and rough as he spoke. "You don't have to say anything. I know this probably isn't... I'm divorced, older, and I have a kid. I'm not under any delusions about how undesirable my situation is, but I just wanted to say it once...before I lost my nerve."
I must've fallen asleep. I was dreaming, I had to be.
"I don't expect you to feel the same. You're so beautiful, so kind...you must have men beating down your door for a chance to be with you, and you're stuck here drinking with a washed up old man," he murmured, guilt winding around every word. "When I drive you home in the morning...if it would make you more comfortable, we can forget I ever said anything...blame it on the champagne."
Alarm rocketed through me. I didn't want that. I didn't want to forget. I didn't want to blame it on the alcohol.
Dream or not, I just wanted Cooper.
Leaning upward, I took a chance and pressed my lips against his. They'd always looked soft. I never thought I'd get the chance to find out what they felt like on anything but the back of my hand.
When he kissed me back, I'd never been so glad to be wrong.
Giving in to my desires, I braced one hand on his chest and buried the other in his soft, dark hair. He grabbed the back of my neck, pulling me closer as we drowned in each other.
When we finally broke apart, Cooper nuzzled my nose drawing a breathless, joyful giggle from some dazed part of my mind.
"Stay with me tonight," he whispered, and I nodded my head.
"I did assume I would be when you stated that you'd be driving me home in the morning," I teased, and he gave me a gorgeous smile, his eyes twinkling in the low light.
"Beautiful smart-ass. I meant...stay in my room with me. Not the guest room," he murmured even as his gaze dropped to my lips again. "I promise I'll be good - keep my hands to myself."
"You don't have to." The words whispered against his lips prompted a hungry hum from his throat, but he shook his head.
"I want to wine and dine you first. You deserve that...deserve to be treated like a princess," he said, "that way, when the time comes, and I finally have you all to myself, you'll know how much you mean to me."
A desperate whimper escaped me, and he smirked like the cat that got the canary.
"Now, can you be a good, patient girl for me tonight, sweetheart?"
I agreed, muttering under my breath that he was a damn tease, but my protests were silenced by the look Cooper gave me as he led me to his bedroom. Longing looked good on him.
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kurinoot · 3 years
[day 6] six cute stickers | kageyama tobio
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-> a court reporter who is a big fan of the Adlers and the team’s setter who has an inevitable crush on you (unbeknownst to you). seems like a good combination, right?
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pairing: kageyama x fem!reader
themes: fluff, post-timeskip, court reporter!reader, pre-msby vs adlers, drunk!tobio
wc: 1.8k
note: I actually enjoyed writing this one LMAO bc the first part was somehow inspired from this video but make it a socially awkward tobiocchi uwu
*here’s a cranberry kiss for reference
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As soon as the last spike secured the Adlers’ win, the game concluded for the Schweiden Adlers as the champion. The entire gymnasium was filled with a cacophonous roar, basking at the victorious team, hugging in joy. The sound of clapping balloons and an encouraging performance from the Adlers’ cheering squad added to the occasion. You were on the sidelines jumping in excitement as you held your microphone tightly as you screamed into the camera.
“And the Schweiden Adlers just sealed the win with that beautiful spike from Number 20 Kageyama Tobio, ladies and gentlemen!”, with a cue, Adlers-colored confetti scattered and were strewn in the entire venue.
The audience can be heard clapping in chorus, celebrating the result of the game. The players then started to exchange hands by the net before lining up to their respective sides, both yelling a “Thank you for the game!” as they bowed at each other before retreating to their benches to rest and hydrate.
The emcee gives a brief commentary, replaying the spike from earlier as you quickly ushered the cameraman into the team’s area before the camera directed to you.
“So here on the sidelines we have today’s victors, the Schweiden Adlers!”, the camera directed towards the  Brazilian ace, Nicolas Romero, as he prompted the other members to position themselves for the camera. The entire team stood, hogging the camera in joy.
“And here, we have the handsome Brazilian ace, Nicolas Romero!”, you ushered as you could see some of the members smiling and waving in front of the camera as you went to interview them.
“Congratulations to you guys! Not only did you win today’s game, but you also won the hearts of the entire gymnasium!”, to which most of them replied with “Thank you!”. You could only suppress your inner fangirl as you clapped in excitement, much to the happiness of the team.
“That last match was intense! So how do you guys feel after that match?”, you asked with a smile.
“Of course we can’t say that we’re not tired, but that game was exhilarating, to say the least.” Romero answered as he pats the back of his teammates.
“It was a close one! But you managed to score at the last second!”
“Well, I’d like to give credit to our amazing setter,”, the team pushed the flustered setter to the front as Nicolas pulled him up close next to him. “Kageyama! If it wasn’t for him, we could’ve flopped!”, he goes on as he patted the blueberry-eyed flustered setter, who couldn’t face straight at the camera. You gave him a grin that even reddened the already-flustered setter, who unbeknownst to you may or may not have a crush on you for some time now.
“Kageyama-san,” you called, startling the nervous setter. “That was some quick decision-making in there for you to spike that ball with the blockers targeting you! It was amazing! What made you lead to that decision? How did you feel about that spike?”, you directed the microphone to him with the cameras focusing towards Kageyama, who shuffled nervously before giving an awkward smile.
“I-I-It was k-knife, n-nuff, nice...”, he stutters as his eyes shift away from you as Nicolas laughs along with you and patted Kageyama’s back.
“And so, to all the fans who have been asking, do any of you guys have a special valentine today?”, you teasingly asked, garnering various reactions from them as you pointed the microphone in their direction, hoping that at least someone answers your suggestive question. You can see the team knowingly look at each other (with the exception of Ushijima) as they thrusted an awkwardly flustered Kageyama into the spotlight of the camera. You could only smile at the setter which didn’t help his situation.
You flash him with a smile as you ask the setter, “So Kageyama-san, is there a special person you’re expecting for Valentines?” Unbeknownst to you, the rest of his teammates were silently whistling from behind.
“Go get her, mah boy!”, Romero inaudibly cheers on the sidelines.
“U-Uhm, u-uh...”, he stutters, as the setter tries to grasp what’s left of his ability to talk properly. You could only giggle and gave him an encouraging fist pump that was visible to him, which only short-circuited his brain more. You look back at the camera and could only breathe back with a “Sorry to the fans, looks like our setter here has someone in mind this valentines. She is one lucky girl! And so, back to you, emcee!” You wrapped up as you bowed to the team before one of the staff approached you.
“Ah, Y/N-san, the captain says we’re gonna go to a nearby bar later after the clean up, are you free today?”, Romero suddenly wraps an arm around your shoulders, “We plan going out to celebrate with the team. How about we all go later?”
You nodded as you hurriedly walked with the staff member, waving at the Adlers as you left. “Then we’ll all see you later at the bar!” Romero knowingly winks at Kageyama, flustered at the gesture.
After the occasion, you and your colleagues arrived to celebrate at a nearby bar. The bustling atmosphere welcomes you and the staff, settling in a celebratory mood. Your colleagues went ahead to grab an empty seat as you followed suit.
”Hey, it’s that cute reporter girl, Kageyama!”, Hoshiumi teases as soon as he notices your entrance, nudging at the setter.
You spot the rowdy team at a side with a laughing Romero before waving at the white-haired spiker. “Hoshiumi-san!”, you waved back, garnering the attention of the rest of the team. “Ah hello, reporter-san!”, the captain Hirugami waves at you, still sober as he looks out for his teammates. You waved and bowed at him in reply before taking a seat with your colleagues.
“You know, she’s been at our every game, and maaan… I wonder if she’s single. She’s really cute, you hear me Kags?”, Hoshiumi teases further as he eyes your every action, perching a chin on his hand as he sipped from his pint. Kageyama felt a sting in his chest as he looked away from the spiker.
“I don’t know about that.” His eyes glanced at your figure from afar as you laughed at one of your colleagues’ jokes. “She might already have a boyfriend…”, he silently muttered, still gazing at you. He watches you walk up to the bar counter, ordering something as the bartender did a series of flips. Hoshiumi abruptly stood from his seat.
“H-hey! Where are you going, Hoshiumi-san?”, he panickingly says as he grabs the spiker’s jacket. He looked at Kageyama with a confident smirk.
“Ordering a Cranberry Kiss.”, he says with underlying intent in a teasing manner before Kageyama’s grip loosened. Hoshiumi huffs as he walks toward the bar counter, approaching you. Kageyama carefully watches the scene, his grip on the handle of his glass tightening as Hoshiumi tells a few stories, making you laugh at the little giant. Romero clears his throat that catches Kageyama’s attention.
“You have a good grip on the game, but,” Romero stops as he looks at you and Hoshiumi talking. “For a young man yourself—”
Romero pauses, looking back at Kageyama. “I’m not a good talker like you or Hoshiumi-san,” he stands up, his eyes looking at his feet. “Or even cool as Hirugami-san.” He shuffled as he walked towards the comfort room. Romero sighs as he drinks from his glass.
“Kageyama-san,” Romero swirls the whiskey in his glass, startling Kageyama, smiling at the young setter. “You won’t know if you don’t try.”
“Just be yourself, meu irmão.”, he chuckles before downing the whiskey, leaving Kageyama confused at his statement.
You laugh and smile at Hoshiumi’s antics. Before he could finish his joke, a few fans approached him, taking away his attention from you. Kageyama spots you alone at the counter as you wait for your drinks. He looks around for the white-haired spiker with his fans as he tries to calm himself before approaching you. You quickly noticed his presence, giving him a smile that stuns the setter, a hint of red rising in his cheeks.
“Oh, Kageyama-kun!”, you grinned as Kageyama nodded, stiffening at the interaction. You motioned to an empty seat next to you, obeying as you placed your chin on your hand, looking at him. “So, what can I do for you?”
He felt the heat getting to his head, his cheeks reddening at the intimate space. “O-ordering a C-Cranberry K-K-Kiss.”, he nervously stuttered, trying hard to imitate Hoshiumi’s suave delivery earlier much to his chagrin. You laughed as you motioned for the bartender. “Two Cranberry Kiss on the rocks.” The bartender nodded, flipping and pouring several bottles at once.
“A-ah but what about—”, you looked at him, confused at his sentence. He unknowingly bit his lip as he looked away, cursing at his own awkwardness. “Oh, you mean my colleagues? They’ll be fine! And besides,” You and Kageyama suddenly locked eyes with each other, absorbed in your own space at the bustling bar. “A drink is best enjoyed with someone.”
Kageyama could scream at the moment, if it weren’t the people around them. He could feel his sweat running down and the heat rising in the air as his eyes glided over your features: from the strands that defined your face, to your long lashes which revealed your Y/E/C eyes, reflecting him, before gazing at your alluring colored something-glossed lips.
The moment was cut short as the bartenders served your drinks. You tipped the bartender as he resumed to serve other customers, leaving you and Kageyama alone once again. You picked the cocktail, inching it close to your lips.
The members remaining at the table watched at the scene unraveling before them as Kageyama stiffly held the drink as he drank it in one gulp, stunning you and the others, much to their amusement.
“I never thought of you as a drinker. All I knew is that you love milk.”, you laughed as Kageyama furiously blushed, calming himself as he set the glass down.
“I also drink once or twice. B-but not all the time!”, he says, worked up as you chuckled. Hoshiumi appeared out of the blue, patting Kageyama on the back. You both looked in unison as the team were gathered. “Oi, time to go, Kageyama!”, Hoshiumi says as the team  left the bar one by one.
“Anyway, I’d like to give this to you before you go.”, you said, reaching into your breast pocket, revealing a pack of six stickers which you personally made as a fan of his team.
“Consider it as my gift for you.”, you continued, winking at him before you joined with your colleagues.
Tobio quickly grabs the pack, immediately feeling a surge of happiness as he opens it to find a sticker of his face, the Schweiden Adlers logo, his jersey shirt, a Mikasa volleyball, and to his amusement a carton of milk as well as a container of yogurt. He smiles in pure joy before seeing the back of the paper lining up the pack legibly scribbled with “0X-XXXX-XXXX”. It might have been the last straw before his head inevitably (and figuratively) exploded at the revelation.
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back to valentines masterlist
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ithebookhoarder · 3 years
Chapter 11:  A New Equilibrium.  (The Gangster’s Daughter)
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Also available on AO3:
Warnings: Original Character(s), Canon-Typical Violence, Grief/Mourning, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Explicit Language, Gangsters, Period Typical Attitudes, Parent Tommy Shelby, Implied/Referenced Dubious Consent.
Life adopted an unusual but steady rhythm the following weeks after the mens return home both in and out of Watery Lane. 
Business was booming again, with the Shelbys at the helm. Men, all eager to enjoy the spoils of life back home in the city, eagerly filled the shop day after day, money in hand and bets ready to be placed. 
There was something celebratory about it all. About seeing the hope in mens eyes as they’d handed over their bets. About hoping their luck had changed, even in most cases it hadn’t. Still, every win was significant as the staff handed over the winnings with a happy grin and handshake. 
The staff in the shop felt similarly. Many hadn’t seen one another since the start of the war, having been assigned to various regiments. For those men, to be reunited again was something they’d been dreaming of. There were cheers and hugs as they’d arrived their first day back, laying eyes on the lucky souls who’d returned. 
Not everyone had been so lucky, as the vacant desks reminded them. Of course, there were plans to find people to replace their positions but it was obvious it would be no small feat. There may have been hundreds of men desperate for work, but none of them would be those brave souls who had perished in France, all in the name of king and country. 
Still, everyone did their best not to dwell, as was the way of life in Birmingham. 
The Shelbys, in particular, had had a lot to catch up on. Four years worth of stories and news was quite a lot, even with the letters they’d been writing back and forth. 
For example, Evie told them all about her schooling, and the fact she’d managed to secure a prefect badge for the final year. She couldn’t help but beam as she saw the pride swell in her father’s face - even if John and Arthur laughed themselves sick at the thought. 
“A Shelby prefect? Ha! Now I have heard it all.”
She paid them no mind, finding it a little funny herself. At least she gave them something to laugh about, considering the bleak stories they’d shared. Granted, they made a valiant effort to try to liven them up, with the odd joke or two but even that couldn’t mask the death and horror of war, written all over their faces. Finally, something the Shelby smile couldn’t hide. 
It was the same look Evie saw in John’s eyes when she went with him to visit Martha’s grave. They’d chosen to bury her in the cemetery just outside of the city, knowing she would have liked the fresh air, and rolling green fields around them, full of flowers. Evie had been to visit many times during the war, using it as a chance to escape when the house and the people in it had become too much. 
She’d often sit and speak to Martha, telling her about what John had written in his latest letter, or even bringing her newborn child to see her. Evie knew Martha would have liked that, to see for herself that they were alright. She also knew Martha was probably happy to see John here as well, to know he was back in the city and safe. 
So, she pointed him to the grave and left him to talk privately, knowing he probably had a lot to say. Four years was a long time after all. 
There were other small changes too, since John, Arthur and Tommy had returned. The fact people tipped their caps at Evie when they saw her in the street - police included - was enough to make her falter. She’d hadn’t noticed it these past years, or if she had it had never been repeated enough to spark her attention. 
It was as if the whole city knew the Shelby men were back. As if, the whole city was watching. Waiting. 
Waiting for what?
It was an odd feeling. One Evie was quick to bury. No matter what Polly may have said had she known, there was too much to be happy about to let something as trivial as a premonition ruin it. 
What good was superstition anyway? It was all rubbish. 
Wasn’t it?
Evie should have learned a long time ago not to dismiss the idea of the supernatural, or that her aunt had a scary habit of being right. 
She should have listened to her aunt’s warnings of premonitions. Maybe if she had, she wouldn’t have been so startled when she awoke one night. 
It had been weeks now, since her father and uncles had returned to Small Heath. 
Evie bolted upright, panting as she tried to work out what had woken her. Normally, she was a deep sleeper. It took saucepans or someone jumping on her to wake her from a good night’s sleep. However, tonight, something had yanked her from unconsciousness. 
Then she heard it again: the muffled screams from down the hall. 
Evie felt her blood run cold. Never before had she heard a sound so full of pain and fear. It rattled her enough that she gasped, feeling a tremor run down her spine. 
It wasn’t a ghost or some demon in the night. This wasn’t one of her books, after all. The sound was painstakingly real and loud, echoing through the wall behind her. Wait. That was her father’s wall? Did that mean-?
Evie was already out of bed. 
She didn’t even think as she bolted for the door and towards her father’s room. Her trembling hand reached for the doorknob and threw it open, preparing herself to see some horrific scene or someone attacking him. 
But that wasn’t what she saw. 
Evie gasped at the sight. 
She assumed it was her father, but it was hard to tell in the darkness. All she could see was a pale figure thrashing about on the bed before her, illuminated by the thin strips of moonlight pouring in through the window. 
Tangled up in his sheets, a thin sheen of sweat plastering his body, Tommy Shelby almost looked possessed. Sobs and half formed shouts escaped him as his limbs thrashed about, reaching for something Evie couldn’t see. Some invisible demon.
It terrified her. 
What did she do? Her instinct was to rush to his side, to try and gently shake him awake. 
“Dad?” she encouraged, trying and failing to release him from the mental torment he was trapped in. How had he done it, all those times before, when she’d been small and similarly afflicted?
Evie couldn’t remember. Her panic was too strong as it rang in her ears, muting out anything that wasn’t her father. 
“Dad! Wake up! It’s ok,” she pleaded. “You’re home. You’re safe. Wake up.”
His eyes snapped open. A sudden cry escaped his lips, sending her staggering backwards in a panicked daze. 
“Dad. Stop. It’s me,” Evie began. 
However, her words clearly had no impact on him. He was a man in a trance, still gripped by whatever terror was still inside him as he flung out a hand onto the bedside cabinet and bolted upright. 
His eyes whirled to her. 
She then noticed what was in his hand… The gun was pointing directly at her. 
She screamed.
 It fired. 
Her legs gave way as she dropped to the floor, covering her head as she felt herself go numb. The sound was deafening, the shot ringing in her ears as she stifled a sob of panic. 
Plaster showered down on her head from the bullet hole above her. 
The sound apparently woke her father from his terror induced haze as she heard the gun clatter to the ground. She felt it as he hurried to her side, cursing and trying to get a look at her trembling body. “Where are you hit?” 
He repeated it again and again as he tried to get her to respond. It took a minute before Evie could even look at him, let alone move her tongue. “I’m fine… you didn’t hit me,” she stammered, pushing his hands off of her. 
“Thank God,” he croaked, his tone suddenly sharp. “What the hell were you thinking?”
What had she been thinking? Better yet, what had he been thinking? Or feeling? 
“You tried to shoot me?” Evie gasped. The moment finally seemed to reveal itself to her in painstaking detail. She didn’t know what to say. All she could do was repeat the statement over and over again. “You tried to shoot me. With a gun. A real gun.”
“I didn’t know it was you. I wouldn’t have fired if I’d known,” her father pleaded, his voice trembling as relief and remorse flooded through him. “Listen to me, Evie. Never come in here again if you hear me like that. Understood?”
Evie nodded dumbly. “But… I thought… I thought you were in trouble.”
By then, she heard footsteps and knew they were no longer alone. The gunshot would have been enough to wake the whole house. If any were brave enough to investigate it was different. 
“Tommy?” That was Arthur’s voice, bellowing from the doorway. He looked almost comical in his pyjamas, gun in his hand, ready to fight. He would have been more menacing if his hair wasn’t poking up in all directions. “You alright?”
“Fine, Arthur. Go back to sleep.”
“I heard shots.” That was Ada, accompanied by a frantic looking Finn. 
“It was a mistake. An accident, but it’s all good now, eh?” 
Was it? Was it all good? Evie knew no one better at saving face than her father. She’d learned that a long time ago even if she had yet to perfect the art. 
Somehow, he managed to settle everyone and send them back to the rooms in the time it took Evie to calm her breathing. She had only just regained control of her limbs when he re-appeared, slowly easing her up off of the cold floor. 
This wasn’t right. She was supposed to be the one comforting him? Not the other way around.
Yet, despite shaking still and panting as if he’d been running a marathon, Tommy began to escort her over toward his bed. 
“Evie. Look at me,” he soothed, brushing his hand through her hair and gripping her chin so that she couldn’t hide from him. “I’m… I’m so sorry. I don’t know what happened but it was like I was floating, looking down at my body. I didn’t even feel the gun in my hand. You know I’d never hurt you, eh? Never.”
“I know,” Evie whispered. A small nod was the best she could offer as proof. 
“It won’t happen again, alright? You have to stay out if I have another nightmare like that. I… I can’t control myself or my actions.”
“Promise me,” he begged.
She’d never heard him so scared before in her life. His grip was tight on her, but not painful as he held her, held until she gave her word. 
It was clearly all she could do to calm him. 
“Y-Yes,” Evie gulped. “I promise.”
Thankfully, she saw the relief her answer gave to him. It was as if a literal weight had rolled off of his shoulders. 
Finally, he finally seemed calmer. Able to let go of her and resume something of normalcy. It was why he switched back to his paternal nature, reaching past her to light the the lamp beside them a moment later. He then leant back, pulling the covers aside so that they could both clamber into the bed.  
Evie wanted to laugh. The last time they’d done this, she’d been much smaller. 
“Are you sure?” 
Tommy nodded. “Would I offer it otherwise? We could both use some sleep and maybe with each other to protect us we’ll have no more interruptions.”
Evie hoped so. 
“Alright then,” she shrugged, nestling her way under the covers and curling up beside him. If only the others could have seen it. Tommy Shelby. Sleeping with his daughter curled in his arms. It was enough to make even the hardest of men melt. “Just don’t hog the covers.”
“It’s my bed, thank you very much miss. Should I read you a story?”
“Don’t push it,” Evie sniggered, even if a small part of her was tempted to say yes. She was curious which one he’d have chosen. 
However, as it turned out, it would have been pointless even if she had asked him. She’d only been in bed a moment before her eyes drooped closed. Apparently, coming off of such an adrenaline high was exhausting. 
So it was, Evie fell asleep that night, nestled in her father’s arms. Even asleep, her grip was deathly tight as she clung to him, as if trying to prove he was safe beside her.
She only hoped when she opened her eyes in the morning, it remained true. 
This was one dream she didn’t want to wake from. 
Tommy was gone when she woke. 
The empty space in the bed beside her told Evie that fact immediately as soon as she’d opened her eyes. However, her heart stopped racing as she noticed that along with her father, his boots were also gone - the boots her father normally wore when heading down to the muddy stable yards. His cap and coat was also missing. 
He must have risen early and decided to go for a ride. It was the usual Shelby tonic for most troubles, after all. No war could change that. If anything, he’d probably missed the horses and the chance to ride them for fun, not as part of a cavalry charge or supply chain.
Evie calmed down immediately. 
If Tommy had ever needed a ride, it was probably that morning. Evie wouldn’t forget the look of horror she’d seen on his face the night before. The ghosts that appeared to be weighing on his soul as he’d pulled that trigger and sent them plummeting into chaos. 
It would take a while for all of them to adjust. Evie was under no illusions of that and last night had made it all too clear. 
She sighed. She peeled back the covers, padding over toward the window and pulling the curtains back to let in the sunlight. 
Everything looked pale and starker in the sunlight than it had during the night. Then again, she’d never been in her father’s room enough to notice. It was his space. His sanctuary. One, she had always been eager to respect. He’d done the same. It was only right and fair. 
Well, until last night. 
It felt uncomfortable to be there without him. It had been one thing to intrude last night when she’d thought he needed her. But now… now she felt like she was somewhere she didn’t belong. Like she was about to be caught and scolded. 
Her uneasiness only grew as she turned back towards the door; the bullet hole directly in her eye-line. 
There was no way to avoid it. 
The hole in the wall was obvious. It was hard to miss, with the ripped wallpaper and plaster powder marking it for all to see. 
Evie couldn’t bear to look. Then again, at least it could be filled and mended, hidden away beneath plaster and paint. If only all such scars could be fixed as easily. 
With a soft sigh, she hurried out of the room and back to her own to dress, ready to face the day as best as possible. 
“Morning, Pol,” Evie mumbled, skipping her way down into the kitchen. She wasn’t surprised to see her aunt there, pottering about as if she owned the place. She was there most mornings, choosing to come early before the shop opened. Then again, she only lived a few doors away. It wasn’t as if she had far to travel. 
“Breakfast’s on the table if you want it.”
Evie smiled gratefully, perching in a chair and beginning to fill her plate with toast and jam. It was her go-to in the mornings, and after last night, she didn’t know if she could stomach a fry up. 
 By now, Evie knew someone would have filled Polly in on what had happened last night. Even then, Evie wouldn’t put it past the woman for her to have found out through some supernatural means. She had an uncanny habit of doing that, always knowing what Evie was going to say before she even said it. 
This morning was no exception as Polly made her way towards the now cooling pot of tea on the side and began to pour herself a cup. “I heard it was an exciting night last night.”
Evie chose not to say anything. She didn’t know where to begin and honestly, she was too tired to start what was sure to be a long conversation. All she wanted was to get to school and pretend like the night had never happened. 
“You could say that.”
“I could. I could also say that, from what Ada told me, it sounds like your father gave you quite the fright.”
“I don’t know if nearly being shot by your father counts as simply ‘quite a fright’,” Evie grumbled, aggressively biting the edge off of her toast. “I didn’t… It’s not his fault, I know. It was stupid of me to think he could go off to war and come back the same person but I did. Alright? I did and now I don’t know what to do, Pol.”
Her aunt sighed. She gently perched herself next to Evie as she listened to her confession. She then pushed forward a bowl of porridge as an offering and made sure Evie ate some before talking. 
“You’re not stupid, Evelyn Shelby. You’re a lot of things and stupid isn’t one of them, alright?” she began calmly. “Secondly, I think you were being hopeful before, when you thought about your father coming home. You were just a child, Evie. What did you expect? There was nothing wrong with hope. God knows we needed as much of it as we could get with everything happening over in that Hell Hole. Your father did an admirable job hiding any details from you in his letters, but I’ve heard people talk. I know the horrors he must have seen.”
Horrors that now continued to plague him, or so Evie suspected. Why else did he sleep with a gun so close by? 
“You both did what you needed to survive, Evie. Now that everything’s changed, the war’s over and we’re trying to pick up the pieces of our lives,” Polly continued firmly, making it clear she didn’t want to hear her niece berating herself again any time soon. “There is no right or wrong way to feel. There isn’t a guide book on how we’re supposed to behave and act. It’s down to us to listen to one another. To protect each other and support our family."
She made it sound so easy. Evie didn’t even know where to start with such a request. Wasn’t it her need to make sure her father was ok that had got her into that mess last night? How was she supposed to support a man who wouldn’t even tell her the first thing about what he’d been through or how he felt?
Then again, it wasn’t exactly as if she was going to win an award anytime soon for her emotional honesty. She’d inherited that much from him. 
Evie sighed. She bit her lip as she tried to control the urge to cry. “Will we ever get back to how we used to be, before all this?”
“I could read your leaves but even then it isn’t a guaranteed thing,” Polly exhaled, letting loose a plume of smoke from her lips. “There are somethings even the spirits can’t help with or answer. This is one of those things… There’s a darkness in men, Evie. They each have their own demons to fight, just as we women do too.”
Was that was she was calling the nightmares plaguing her father and uncles? It wasn’t fair. Hadn’t they all done enough fighting for a lifetime. They didn’t deserve to come home and have to continue fighting for their sanity as a result of a stupid war they hadn’t even started in the first place. To have their choices on the battle field haunting them. To have their sins linger…
“Does - does that mean,” Evie stammered, “being a soldier, he must have killed. They all must have. Dad almost did last night… Is he a good man?” 
It was the first time she’d ever uttered those words aloud, the first time she’d been brave enough to truly want an answer. Even after all she’d seen since she’d entered Watery Lane. 
“War changes men. I don’t think there is a set definition of ‘good’ but I know he loves you. He loves you so much he was willing to go off to war and be shot at for you,” Polly sighed, squeezing the girl’s shoulder comfortingly. “That’s all I care about and all you need to know right now. Your father needs to handle all of this, his own way. Give him time.”
“I gave him four years, Pol,” Evie sighed. “How much more time am I supposed to give?”
Nevertheless, she knew better than to argue any further, so merely looked back down at her porridge and ate silently. It was only as she went to place the dish in the sink that she finally saw the man in question. 
Her father was always a composed man, no matter how rushed he was. This morning was no exception. Despite the fact he was already running late, and hadn’t even done up his waistcoat yet, Tommy Shelby strolled about with utter composure. 
“Morning all,” he greeted, reaching for the teapot and a cup. His chipper tone was completely at odds with his exhausted appearance. The bags alone under his eyes alone made him look almost ill, no matter how hard he tried to hide it. 
“It lives,” Pol remarked, even if living was a bit optimistic for the state he was in. “Some of us have been up for hours, you know. John and Arthur are outside waiting to open. It was payday yesterday and half the town are banging on the doors.”
“What are you keeping the good people waiting for then?”
Polly rolled her eyes, murmuring something under her breath about Shelby men and curses as she stubbed out her cigarette and marched out of the room. It was time to unleash the masses and like a tidal wave, they would come, money in hand, bets ready to be placed. 
Hence why Evie was more than eager to make her escape. The last thing she needed was to be trampled to death in a stampede of factory workers and drunkards. So she hastily grabbed her bag and coat off the hook by the door, slipping both on as she made her way past her father and toward the rear exit. 
“See you later,” she gasped.  
However, she hadn’t even made it to the door before she heard her name called. She paused, looking back over her shoulder. 
“I want you home straight after school tonight,” Tommy began, his tone oddly calm. “Alright?”
Evie paused. “But I was going to go by the yard-”
“Well, change of plans,” Tommy interrupted, smiling as he tried to soothe the sting in his words. “Look, these streets have changed since the men came back. I don’t feel comfortable with you wandering out there on your own.”
“But I wouldn’t be alone, I’d be with Uncle Charley-”
“It’s not up for debate, Evie.” His tone was starting to grate on her nerves, as was his distance. It was like when she’d first joined them all over again, barely seeing him except when he needed something or wanted to check she was still breathing. “I mean it,” he repeated, watching her for her acceptance. “For the time being I want you to come home straight after school. If you want to go by the yard then one of us can take you, but I don’t want you out there alone.”
Maybe it was last night that had rattled him. Evie couldn’t be sure, but if coming home meant he would relax for even a moment then it was the least she could do. “Fine,” she conceded, rolling her eyes and stealing a kiss on the cheek. “I’ll see you later.”
“See you later,” he echoed, a smile cracking his otherwise cool expression. “Now go and show them other kids what Shelby brains are capable of, ey?"
“On it.”
Ever since that night she’d avoided his room or even discussing anything related to their nighttime conflict. Of course, she still heard the odd moan, thud or cry. Only the odd night or so passed without a sound coming from her father’s room, but Evie wasn’t blind. She knew nothing had improved, even if he had found a temporary relief.
Evie, however, had found no such relief. 
She was starting to go stir crazy in this house. It was now so loud, so crowded. Even though she wouldn’t have changed having them home for the world, she could have done without the noise and interruptions her father and uncles brought with them. Especially when she had work of her own to do that didn’t involve horses, betting or being a Blinder. 
She’d resorted to studying at Polly’s sometimes after school. She’d also resorted to utilising the Garrison during the quieter periods, when she knew almost no patrons would be inside. Harry never minded, in fact he was rather supportive, letting her and Lara (when her brothers drove her mad) utilise the private room for her study sessions. 
At least they both understood the struggle of a busy, testosterone fuelled house. They also understood the necessity of having female allies to get through it all.
Like now, Evie had strategically placed herself in the parlour where Polly just happened to be sprawled out by the fire, a book in one hand, a cigarette in the other. She felt somewhat bad, utilising Polly as a human shield like this, but considering it was that or failing her maths test, Evie would take her chances. 
“All done, Pol!” 
Her aunt was quick to appear over her shoulder, glancing over at the girl’s work for herself. It was only after she’d given her nod of approval that Evie closed the book and put it back in her satchel by the door. 
“Lord only knows where you get yer brains from because it certainly isn’t your father.”
“What can I say?” Evie grinned, trying not to let the praise make her too giddy. It wasn’t often anyone ever received it in this house, let alone from someone so important - or at least in Evie’s eyes. Her Aunt was one of the people she most admired in the world, and one day she’d have the confidence to say it to her face. “I’m a natural. Must be the Shelby luck.” 
“It’s something alright,” Polly smirked, lighting the cigarette she’d had perched between her lips. “At this rate you’ll sail right out of Birmingham and to the stars one day. There’ll be no stopping a smart woman like you, not in today’s world.”
Evie secretly hoped she was right, even if she felt guilty at the thought of sailing beyond the smoky horizons of Birmingham one day. “If we can now have a woman in Parliament then who knows what’s waiting for me out there?”
“Amen to that - but don’t let the others hear you saying it.” Polly smirked again before shaking her head as her name was bellowed from somewhere else in the house. “Now go on. Get out of here, I don’t need anymore Shelbys under my feet.”
Evie didn’t need to be told twice. 
She was quick to gather her things and run them back upstairs, to her room. As usual, she placed them back by her bed, spreading the rest on her makeshift desk by the window. She loved that spot. It always managed to catch any sunshine the city offered, as well as offering a decent view of the houses nearby. 
It was a great spot to think in. To write. To dream of a world beyond the smoky streets of Birmingham such as the one Polly had just described. As she argued, there was nothing wrong with her dreams and she knew it. It was more the guilt at thinking of needing anything other than what Evie had here that kept her quiet. 
She knew her family would never see her desire for more as anything other than insulting. Or nonsense. So, she was content to keep such dreams to herself, mere scribbles in a journal. Mere stories she wrote by candlelight and stored in her desk, under lock and key. 
Maybe one day she’d do more with them. Publishing them had always been a possibility, as had living them to the best of her abilities. 
Why couldn’t she have daring adventures?
She was a women. Yes. She was young. Yes. But why should that stop her from doing anything?
Evie chuckled at the thought, hurrying back out onto the landing. She couldn’t see her family sharing her opinions, other than maybe Polly and Ada. She knew giving them her copy of Mary Wollenstonecraft had been a dangerous idea. 
Speaking of dangerous, Evie couldn’t help but pause as she reached her father’s doorway, staring inside. She hadn’t dared step over the threshold since the other night and the ordeal she’d experienced inside. It wasn’t one either of them had been willing to repeat. Even now, she knew she should have turned away and kept walking. 
However, curiosity had always been a weakness of hers. 
Her eyes flickered toward the nightstand. 
It was as if a siren’s call echoed from it, coaxing her in, coaxing her closer. 
Before she knew it, she had strolled over, opening the drawer and staring inside. Just as she’d suspected, her father had left the gun tucked away, wrapped in a cloth and out of sight. He would never agree to throw it out entirely but at least they’d found a compromise. The bullets loose in the drawer were all the proof she needed that the previous threat had been eliminated. If he now woke up and tried to fire, the worst he’d be capable of was giving someone a fright. 
The wall, and the family’s sanity, were most grateful not to be at risk anymore. Despite that realisation though, Evie felt a sudden urge ran through her to hold the gun. 
She knew better than to touch it, even if a part longed to. To examine the item that had almost ended her life. To know what it felt like to hold one, to know what damage she could inflict upon an other if she so chose. 
She shook her head. 
She’d stayed long enough as it was. 
Yet, as she went to close the draw, something caught her attention. Something she hadn’t expected to see. 
A pipe? 
Since when had her father moved from cigarettes to a pipe? 
Evie paused, checking the coast was clear before she picked up said pipe and held it up to the light. Almost immediately her face dropped. She didn’t have to be an idiot to know what was inside wasn’t tobacco. In fact, it was a smell she knew uncomfortably well from the streets of her old home in London. 
It had almost been a pandemic in London. She’d heard enough talk of dens that had opened and of the roaring trade being run through the docks of the stuff. Her neighbours had always been ones for gossip and there had been more than enough of it to go around regarding the filthy stuff that appeared to be flooding the streets. 
She’d heard what it did to those consumed by its enticing grip. She heard of their decay, physically and mentally - if they escaped being caught taking it and sentenced to prison. 
She’d even witnessed it first hand. The amount of times she’d seen addicts, penniless and lining the streets as they begged for money to fund their habit, was heart breaking. But such was London. It was a place for both the elite and the tormented souls that comprised the lowest rungs of society. 
Evie’s blood ran cold to think of such a substance in her house. To think of someone she loved taking it. 
Anger flooded through her, followed by disappointment. 
She didn’t know what to say or think. Instead, she chose the safest option for now, which was putting the pipe back inside the drawer and closing it shut. Out of sight, out of mind, or so she told herself, hurrying out of the room. 
Confused was an understatement for how she felt right then. Did she say anything, even though that would prove she’d gone into his room? 
Did she not mention what she’d seen and simply hope her father would confide in her? 
Or, maybe he’d simply stop taking it?
It was official. Being a Shelby was too complicated. When had this become their life? Where had the care free, simpler version of their family gone? The family who had spent summers cloud watching, and made each other laugh so hard they peed. They were never perfect, but no family was. 
But nightmares and opium? It was a world away from what Evie was used to.
She didn’t care what Polly had said. Giving it time wasn’t something she believed she could do. Not when it made her heart race and her palms sweat. First, she had been shot at and now her father was an opium addict…
She had to get out of the house - preferably before she lost her sanity. 
She wasn’t the first Shelby to escape the house by covert means. 
Evie had discovered that fact for herself some time ago, after catching her Aunt Ada doing just that one night. 
Ada had often been off by herself, enjoying the higher sides of life in the city - or so she said after being caught by Evie one night, shimmying in the bathroom window. Apparently her window had jammed shut, leaving her caught off guard. 
Of course, Evie hadn’t said anything to anyone, finding the whole thing rather hilarious as Ada tried to gracefully sneak in, her fancy dress and mud stained heels doing their best to give her away.
In exchange for mutual silence, they’d agreed a plan. From then on, Ada had been all too willing, assisting Evie in selecting something appropriate to wear. She’d also been the one to give her the first pair of proper heels she’d worn too. 
“Here,” she’d smiled, offering a slightly worn navy pair of t-strap shoes. “They’re your size but I haven’t worn them in ages. They deserve to see some fun again.”
And, boy - had they seen some fun since then. It was that same fun Evie longed for then, staring out the window and sighing. Another night of house arrest was akin to torture, especially if there wouldn’t be anyone home with her anyway. Polly would be at her home, Arthur and the men would be down the Garrison, and she suspected Ada was going to be out herself. That only left her, and her father, if he didn’t have some last minute business to attend to. That, or if John and Arthur tag teamed him.
It was Saturday night. Was it truly so bad for her just to want to have some normality in her life, some excitement? Most people she knew would be out on the town… and now, so would she. 
Her plan made, it had almost been too simple to get away with it. After all, Lara had been begging her for a night out on the town for weeks now. She’d called her friends when it had been quiet, and agreed the details as per their usual routine.  
All she had to do now was sit back and wait - a task she didn’t realise would be quite so challenging. Not when every moment that passed made her all the more tense and itch with a need to escape the house and the chaos within it. 
For example, the meeting that had been happening across the house was making Evie’s mood steadily worse. Even sat with Finn by the fire in the parlour, it was hard to miss a word being said. 
They had been discussing business for the last hour, debating races coming up, issues with the office and staff, as well as a few skirmishes here and there. Apparently the Shelbys weren’t the only ones interested in expanding their business and takings now that the war was over. 
“We’ll need their support if we want to keep that side of the territory,” her father explained, watching a very irate John and Arthur rile themselves up at the prospect of a fight. “We need to offer an alliance to the mill workers. They know what’s going on in that part of the city, as well as the fact they sit dangerously close to the Lees.”
“We can’t let those bastards snatch their support,” Arthur roared. “We need man power. Tom’s right. We need to send over an offer of peace.”
“I can do it.”
“You, Tom?” Arthur blinked. “It’s dangerous territory over by the Mill. Let one of the other lads deliver the message. It ain’t worth the trouble.”
“Then it shouldn’t be a problem, eh?”
Tommy shook his head, chuckling as he patted his older brother’s shoulder. “Come on, Arthur. I can take care of myself. Besides, there’s three Shelby brothers. Mum had her heir and John can be the spare if anything happens to me. What’s one less Shelby?"
The laughter from the group was instantaneous. Except for Evie. In fact, she could feel her blood boil as she turned and stormed from the doorway. Any guilt that had been lingering in her gut about her nocturnal plan had evaporated at the comment. 
How dare he? How dare he prance about like some king of the castle? He’d swanned off for four years, leaving everyone and everything behind as if they had been a pair of old socks. 
He could risk his life in the trenches? 
He could disrespect the miracle of his survival, something so many had been deprived, by risking his life again now? 
He could take opium whilst ordering her about? Lecturing her about self preservation?
The hypocrisy was nauseating. 
Evie swallowed, her fists clenching as she ignored the urge to say something stupid and start a fight she knew she would never win. There was stubbornness and then there was Shelby stubbornness. Instead, she stormed down the hallway, heading towards the parlour. 
It was official. If Tommy Shelby could do whatever the hell he wanted, then so could she. 
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