#work out tho. who WOULDN'T want to be a blinged-out creechur??
neganium · 5 months
You know what is truly an underrated stone? Corundum.
Corundum is both what we know as rubies, and sapphires. But it comes in more colors than just red or blue. (For some reason, the other colors are still referred to as "sapphires"- fancy sapphires, apparently... the humble red ruby does not get as much love...) It can even be black! Though, iirc, it's natural state is clear. It gets its colors from whatever the makeup of the ground is that it happens to be growing in, I guess. Certain inclusions can also get you the "star" effect, if you cut the stone just so. Ever seen a star ruby or sapphire? They're almost always a smooth round cabochon. It's pretty fancy stuff.
Anyways. Corundum. The versatile superstar mineral. Or something like that...
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