#would be the Ash and Ash-Greninja stans learning to be decent . . . I don't see that happening
sage-nebula · 2 years
“(far less likely) they’re hiding new accessories and using the older / familiar designs to keep it a surprise.” Thank you for giving me some hope. Also I’m in love with idea of them having sun and moon pendants, extremely fitting. I hope they do Alain justice as he deserves and don’t give in to some dedicated haters. Also hopefully after this, the butthurt ash greninja fans can relearn how to be nice to other people & not harass official artists in their posts just bcuz their fav lost 6 yrs ago
Thank you, but don't hold onto that hope too tightly, because I really don't think it's likely, haha. I really think the most likely answer is they just didn't want to bother designing new accessories and just used the old designs instead, but I would love to be wrong . . .
And thank you! I've had the headcanon about the pendants for years now. The specific designs are that Lizardon has a half-sun pendant with the Charizardite X, while Alan has a half-moon pendant with the Key Stone. The two would link together to create a full circle. They were given to Alan as a gift from Professor Sycamore in this fic (which was written before the Flare arc concluded and thus a lot of it was jossed), as a way of reclaiming the Key Stone and Charizardite, as well as serving as birthday gift for the missed birthdays. My friend @somegiantmess also drew the pendants once (drawing from a scene from another fic of mine) if you'd like to see them visually, too:
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If only TPCi had contacted me, I 100% would have given them permission to use these pendant designs in the series, albeit with a few stipulations (e.g. give me a spot in the credits, don't treat Alan as a pawn to make Ash look stronger / make the shitty people in the fandom happy), but alas. 'Twas not meant to be. :(
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