#would you believe me if i said they're ALL romcoms even if tle is... insanity itself
humanoidtyphoons · 3 years
hitskarin as my favourite kdrama otps au! not all of them technically work, but shh, we’re living in a world that it does. 
cunning single lady. once upon a time, hitsugaya toushirou and karin were the happiest and most in love couple ever. then toushirou quit his job, and continuously failed to find investors. eventually, karin just can’t handle overworking herself, and decides to get a divorce. years later, hitsugaya toushirou is now a successful businessman, and kurosaki karin... is not. it would be fine, except karin finds out that it was her idea that made him successful, and she wants compensation, dammit! deciding to join his company as in intern, thus begins the cat-and-dog quarrel between divorcees, who hurt each other terribly, but also, cannot get over each other either as easily as they’d like.
because this is my first life. hitsugaya toushirou has a great apartment, but owes a lot on his mortgage. enter kurosaki karin, who has focused on her writing career and never dated, and is in need of an apartment. because it’s not acceptable for a single man, and a single woman, in reality, a landlord and his tenant, to share the apartment, they decide to get married to prevent suspicion! everything will be fine! they’re not going to fall in love! they make a contract outlining how their marriage of convenience will make everything simple and beneficial to them both. they can communicate easily, because they don’t have feelings for each other. but that soon changes, and love, unfortunately, has a way of making even what was the most simple of things the most complicated...
weightlifting fairy kim bok joo. kurosaki karin, university student chasing her dream of weightlifting, develops a crush on her friend hitsugaya toushirou’s cousin, grimmjow jaggerjaquez. at first, hitsugaya toushirou teases her, and decides to help her out, because, well, they are friends, and friends help each other right? but soon enough, finds himself falling in love with her. but the question is, will karin return his feelings?
the last empress. kurosaki karin is a bright and vivacious musical actress that marries emperor hitsugaya toushirou, who has been broken hearted ever since the death of his first wife until he meets and falls in love with karin. or so it seems. in reality, toushirou marries her as a means to cover up his scandalous affairs and terrible crimes, with karin none the wiser, until she becomes involved in a mysterious murder that sets off events that threaten the monarchy itself, and she realizes how vile the monarchy truly is, and becomes determined to expose the crimes that the royal family have tried to cover up all this time. you won’t believe what happens next!
touch your heart. kurosaki karin a popular actress because she’s pretty but bad at acting, and unfortunately, gets involved in a drug scandal, so her career is essentially over. however! she is offered a second chance: if she gets work experience as a secretary for a lawyer for a couple of months, which is the role for the exciting drama she wants to star in, there’s a high possibility for a comeback! meanwhile, hitsugaya toushioru, attorney at a law firm, cold-hearted and arrogant, is told by his boss that he needs a secretary, and who better than the goddess kurosaki karin herself (whom hitusgaya toushirou has never heard about because he’s uninterested in the acting world)! unhappy about it, but begrudgingly accepting, it’s only three months, he tells himself, with gritted teeth, it will pass, will sparks fly as these two meet and dislike each other from the get go...?
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