#wow only just noticed i didn't post my reply until i was changing my theme ;jewa
ryeriy · 1 year
tis the season
warnings: fluff
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a/n: I had a late start to my 31DOH but here is what was supposed to be October 1st
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"God this is heavy!" I said while dragging the heavy toat across the floor labeled with the word Halloween on top of it. I had time to spare today since Buffalo has a pre-season game today at home. He'll be back in a few hours. Owen was playing in the game so I turned on the TV to watch while decorating. Tomorrow's October 1st so I decided to get the fall decorating done. Owen says I'm crazy for decorating this early but it's never too early. I have always had a passion for Halloween and fall. "Let's get this sorted out," I said while dragging the that into the living room. I lifted the lid off of the toat to see all the Halloween decorations I had collected over time.
I started taking out and going through the decorations I wanted and didn't want to put up around the house. I started setting up cute fake pumpkins on the coffee table, TV stand, and a few shelves. I found a few photo frames that were Halloween-themed. My hands reached up on the wall to grab the photos we had hanging on the wall. The pictures were of the two of us, us with our family, and or friends. I replaced the frames of the photos with the themed ones, putting the old ones back in the toat I had opened.
I took a break to watch the second period of the game. I didn't notice how fast twenty minutes went by until I stared at the TV watching hockey. Laughing to myself as I don't usually watch tons of TV. I saw Owen making some really good plays and I was happy to see that. I like watching him play it's not only entertaining it's fun. I feel so supportive even if he doesn't know I'm watching him sometimes. Intermission was over and the third period started and that's when I decided to start decorating again.
Dragging the toat into the kitchen. It wasn't that heavy anymore since I took out some stuff but still wasn't light. Searching through the toat I found fridge magnets. They must have been from a long time ago because I don't remember these at all. They were skeletons, bats, and jack-o-lanterns. Really cute magnets so I put those on the fridge. Our fridge has a ton of stuff on it so we could use those. After putting those up I searched for any other decorations I wanted to use. The last few things I decided to use were some candles, mugs, and cups. Those didn't take long to set up at all.
I gathered all the things I didn't use and put them back into the toat. Then I took the toat back into the basement where I got it from. The house looked so nice and festive now. When I came upstairs and into the living room, where I left my phone I saw the game had ended. I got a text notification on my from Owen.
hey, the game ended and I'll be home soon :)
sounds good :))
I replied to him. I was changing the channel trying to find something good to watch and eventually just put on reruns of Grey's Anatomy that was on. I wasn't paying attention as much to the TV as I was also on my phone. Scrolling through my Instagram feed when I heard the sound of keys unlocking the front door. I walked over to the front door to Greer Owen, knowing it was him. When the door opened I saw him standing with coffee from Tim Hortons. Both of our faces smiling when we saw each other. I opened the door for him and he walked in. "Wow, you already decorated for Halloween?" He said while putting the two coffees on the kitchen counter as he looked at the decorations. "You should know that I do my decorating early," I say while laughing.
"Well, I'm glad the house is decorated for a holiday that's in a month." He says while chuckling and I just smiled at him. "Oh stop," I say jokingly. "Okay fine then, I'll drink your coffee the-" I cut him off before he could finish what he was saying. "No!"
"I'm just messing with you." He says. "Here you go." He said while handing me my coffee. "You know me so well," I said while kissing him on the cheek. "Is that pumpkin I smell?" Owen questioned. "I told you I decorated," I said while laughing softly. "You should know it's pumpkin season," I said. "You're just so adorable." He says while kissing me on the head.
31 days of Halloween
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mentions: @67-angelofthelordme-67 @jackhughes-86 @trevorzegrizz @francesfarhadi
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