#wow saku writes stuff
kaoruko-han · 2 years
I feel like I should say it everytime but like. At the end of the day I won't stop people from liking stuff concerning fiction since I don't give enough of a damn to pursue someone personally and tell them to stop .
But dang I still have the right to say hm that annoy me
Anyway I need more platonic fic with Sukuna and Yuji actually. There's that one that I want to do since a year but I never managed to write a single line it piss me off
It's hard to write and I got myself into a burn out without even noticing so whenever I do try to write my mind go blank.
The only solution to this? Going to the manga café today. Because I really really want to read stuff and I can't focus on scan rn
I tried to finish strobe edge but man Io Sakisaka work isn't for me at all. Ao haru ride was boring, strobe edge is... Better but the mcs are boring, omoi Omoware is??? I don't know I dropped it years ago so maybe it's better. I actually like one of the character, Yuna
And Sakura saku, with the premise, I won't even try it
I have the same issue with Yamamori Mika where I don't get the hype at all. I tried daytime shooting star and given up when I saw how the heroine friends pushed her to use the second ML to pass her heartbreak because wow the romance of it all
And huh there's uruwashi tsuki something something where the ML is into the FL super fast and the FL is super passive and basically they're both boring. Like sure they look handsome but it's empty in there
I can't believe how people just forgotten Motomi Kyousuke. Queen's Quality is such a complete, interesting manga, that reply to most of what people want in term of Shojo (like a strong heroine for example) but nope everyone ignored it for years. I see more people know about it recently but it's still not the popularity this manga deserve in my opinion
I'd like to read more office romance too... But the best ones I found so far are still with high schooler. Especially that they avoid all the sex
There's so much to read. I need to make a list before to go to the manga café
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argumentl · 4 years
The Freedom of Expression Ep 20 - 'Corona Cafe' facing internet slander.
K: This is Dir en grey's Kaoru, starting this week's installment of The Freedom of Expression. Joe san, Tasai san, welcome to this week's episode. Soo, hows it going? Well, I say that, but who ever is watching this will know that we are recording three at once.
J: Yeah, they will.
T: Oh, but aren't Hanshin doing great, Kaoru?!
K:......Oh! Yeh yeh yeh!
T: They won 10 times unopposed! (*sarcastic prediction*)
K: Yeah, yeah.
J: There's a possibility this will become fake news!
K, T: Hahahaha
J: If it does we're in trouble!
T: Can you believe they turned around a ten point difference?!
K: Ahh, thats just like them. It looks like there's a chance of this event happening.
J: The possibility is rising, right? (*This exchange is dripping with sarcasm*)
*On screen note - 'As of July 2nd, Hanshin have won 2 games, and lost 10'.*
K: Is it really? Will they really be ok?
T: Yeah, I wonder.
J: Well, its important to fantasize sometimes.
T: Yeah
J: 10 consecutive wins...
T: 10 consecutive wins.
J: Its like, 'Could it be?'..In a Tokyo Sports kind of way.
T: Yeah, like with a question mark, 'Could it be?!'.
K: Well, I think I'll be buying it every day. Tokyo Sports.
J: Oh, Tokyo Sports right? But doesn't Tokyo Sports support the Giants the most? In Tokyo area?
T: Well, we support the Giants and Hanshin.
J: Ah, the Giants and Hanshin?
T: Well, what with these ten consecutive wins, Kaoru will be pretty pleased with himself.
J: Yeh, he'll be beaming. And then an event for everyone.
K: Haha
T: Yep. And if we sang Rokkou oroshi (Hanshin Tigers theme song) at the end..
K: It would be great if we sing that, right?
J: Hahaha. We can do it!
T: We can!
J: Everyone, lets support Hanshin this year.
K: Ok, well..for the topic this week, Joe san, if you will..
J: Ah, may I? This is the news of 'Corona Cafe' suffering online abuse. This cafe, located in Nagano prefecture, Saku city, is lovingly nicknamed 'Corona san' by local residents. Since the increase of covid 19 infections in March, this cafe has been suffering from harassment, such as prank calls, and an increase in heartless comments posted online. Third generation owner Sudo Hitoshi san (age 42) said, 'Covid 19 has no relation at all to the name of this cafe. All we can do is endure it'.
Well, the name sounds similar, but also the beer, Corona, has been unable to sell. I wonder if they have stopped production, I'm not sure what they'll do. But in this case, there are comments online...why would you comment online??
T: Right.
J: What are these people thinking? This cafe obviously has nothing to do with covid 19. Moreover, the people writing this have certainly never been to this cafe, right?
K: Well, yeah. It seems like that.
J: Im certain of it. But still, this problem of so-called online slandering is..
T: Its getting big, right?
J: Yes, its getting big, unfortunately. There is now the idea of changing the law in regards to this..
K: Yeh, but I have a feeling its not gonna go away. In the end, you don't know...well, actually you do know, right?....but even if there were cases of people being caught, I have a feeling that wouldn't change anything, honesty.
T: Hm, yeah.
J: If you look..you see people slandering in all sorts of places, but the ones who are writing this are people who are either really  malicious, or people who just think its ok to repeat what the malicious people write, but who are not really that malicious themselves. Its very difficult. Real bad guys, who are intent on crushing, and people who are not intending that at all. But people are just typing away, it gains momentum, and some people are influenced by it. I mean, we mustn't forgive online slandering, but its very.....Well, like you said Kaoru, people aren't really thinking of any consequences when they write this stuff, so making up rules and expecting people to change is...
K: Yeh, in this sense too...like, there are people who are just writing their opinions, aren't there?
J: Yeh, yeh, yeh.....so its like, that could even end up having consequences in the future. Its a very complex thing.
K: Yeh, I feel like this is hard.
J: There is the idea of banning anonymity on SNS and only allowing real names, but its only due to anonymity that people suffering from bullying or discrimination are able to speak out, if they were forced to use their real name, they might be too afraid to say anything, and there is also the possibility of accusations..so, its like, where do you draw the line? What do you count as a slander? For example, if you see 'That guy is meddling' as slander, you won't be able to make a good judgement based just on the text.
T: Hm, yeh.
J: Its really difficult, isn't it. Especially on SNS, like Twitter, the number of characters is limited, so you never really know whats going on.
T: You can't convey all the details, or the right nuance.
J: Yeh. Nuance is also very difficult to get across. If there are people suffering from this kind of thing, despite doing nothing wrong, well, I'm not talking about Corona cafe here...there is a need to think about some countermeasures. But at the same time, SNS are super useful, really handy...its so hard.
T: Do you remember those morality lessons in elementary school?
K: Mm
T: Online behavior or rules could be provided in those lessons.
K: Yeh.
T: About not writing things that you would never say to soneone's face.
J: Well, its very difficult to define 'slander', but you could say its being critical of someone else, moreover to do them harm. So in that respect, by definition, saying something like 'Stop it' is not slander. I think how you say it will also play a big part, but yeh, we want to stop this thing of trying to hurt people who have done nothing wrong, not broken the law, not disturbed anyone. But the difficulty arises when considering whether to implement rules, because it would depend on each situation as to whether on not slander is being used, it would be difficult to judge. However, well, i may be talking too much, but if you look at Japanese lawmakers at the moment, they are doing a lot of things, right? Like, trying to change the prosecutor general to one of thier own guys and such. This isn't classed as illegal to do, so thats why they do it. If the state is doing this type of thing, it creates an atmosphere on the whole that its ok to do something, as long as its not technically illegal.
T: Thats right.
J: Its like you said, Tasai, its not exactly morality lessons, but if you think about it rationally, even though its not written in law, if you think about the spirit in which the law exists, to allow people to live, you will realize this isn't something we should do. There are things that are not written in law that we really need to be applying the same level of scrutiny to. If people don't do that, simply because its not actually written in law, we will become unable to properly develop future laws .
T: Yeah
J: I feel like it just becomes a vicious circle.
T: If people can get away with it, they will do it, right?
Kami: Um, I want people to quit bragging about themselves.
K: In that case, what would they write about? Hahaha.
Kami: Its really hard to listen to it.
J: Ahh
T: Hm, yeah.
J: There must be people bragging around Kami? *laughs*
T: Right?
Kami: Its really tough. Like if they do it without realising, it damages the people around them. I want it to be made illegal. A ban on bragging.
J: A ban on bragging?!
K: Hahaha
T: Thats interesting.
J: Thats a new kind of rule..
Kami: I really want people to stop it.
K: *laughing* Well, you don't have to look at it.
Kami: But it inflicts damage, right? Bragging about delicious french food, or wine..its like, we can't have that. Even small stuff like that, don't you think, 'what is this guy doing??'
T: Hahaha
K: He's quite wound up about this, isn't he? Haha
J: He really is. I mean, conversely you could say that if they are doing nothing but brag to that extent, you should feel sorry for them?
T: Do you wanna get rid of Instagram from the world?
Kami: Yes, yes. I really do. If you brag, I mean...really, its really..
J: Hahaha.
K: He's saying really, really.
J: Ah, Kami, you are really taking off.
T: Havn't you ever bragged about anything in your whole life, Kami?
Kami: Not much, no. I havn't got anything to brag about.
J: But I don't want a god to say they don't have a lot to brag about! What kind of god is it who doesn't have anything to brag about? Thats the first question.
T: But bragging could also be less like some low-life saying 'I've got a million yen', but more something like, 'I love basketball and I shook Michael Jordan's hand', or that type of thing. Isn't that a bit different?
K: Ahh, if someone said they'd shaken hands with Michael Jordan, you'd think 'Wow, thats amazing!'
J: Yeah, right?
Kami: Yeah, you would.
K: He's saying 'yeah, you would'. Hahaha.
J: I bet you do brag then, Kami!
Kami: Low life bragging should be made illegal.
T: Ahh, low life bragging.
J: Defining low life is difficult!
T: Well, talking about money, and stuff?
J: Money is out...Money and food, right? Relying on the power of money is no good?
Kami: Yes, thats it.
T: So for example, if Kaoru bought a really famous, great guitar, how about that?
Kami: An expensive one?
K: Yes
T: Very expensive.
Kami: A really expensive one?
K: If I made a post bragging about it...
J: You'd make a post, yeah.
K: Im not sure if I've done that..
Kami: I would want to hear the sound of it.
J: *laughing*You'd want to hear the sound?!
Kami: If it had a good sound, I'd want you to let me hear it.
T: Ahh
Kami: I'd want to touch it.
K: Well, if its something that has more to it, it might be ok.
J: Oh right
Kami: Yeah
K: Like, if you just say 'I bought a nice car', it just ends there.
T: Ahh, but if you bought a guitar..
K: Like, if you say what does it sound like, will he let us hear it...there is more of a future to it.
Kami: Yes, yes, yes. If it made a good sound, that would be ok.
K: But the same goes for that french food. If you thought it looked nice, you might think about going to that restaurant yourself, so there is a future to that.
J: How about that?
Kami: No, it depends how its written.
J: How its written? *laughs*
K: Ah, he's back to feeling like that again.
J: He's lost that vigour he had at the end.
K: Hahaha. You know, people who are suffering from this ought to talk to Kami.
J: One time, right?
K: He would get straight to it.
T: He would.
J: Kami, don't you have an info@ address or something? For people to send in stuff.
Kami: No, I don't have anything like that.
T: I want to discuss everything with Kami.
K: I've a feeling he would be encouraged.
J: He'd get straight to the point, right? But if people are feeling gloomy, before they comment online, they could talk to Kami..
K: Should we make an appeal? People could share thier troubles or..
J: Discuss thier worries?
K: Yeh, and then get a straight answer from Kami.
J: A word from a god.
K: Shall we appeal for questions?
J: Yeh.
T: Ah, its a good idea.
J: We've come up with a new plan.
K: And, so people could send questions to my twitter...Oh, did we have any local chinese restaurants contacting us yet?...We didn't?
T: I wanna go to a chinese restaurant, soon.
J: Yeah, so do I. I wann go to Hosojimaya too.  We might get questions for Kami though, people sharing thier worries. And one answer from him.
T: What do you think of this plan, Kami?
K: Lets do it.
Kami: Well, i might end up being to well behaved.
J: Oh really *laughs*
Kami: I'll *laughs*...I'll end up making myself seem like a good person. Like I might just stop being able to talk.
J: I'm getting this really strong image that you are smiling while saying that.
K: Hahaha.
J: Kami, you are nasty.
Kami: Quite..
T: Well, lets keep this tone for it.
J: Yeah. We could also do a live  broadcast once. A live chat with Kami..
K, T: Ahh.
T: Yeah, with a live feeling.
K: He kinda got carried away on the last live broadcast, didn't he?
J: Definitely, haha. This time he'd have a specific role, discussing worries.
T: That sounds good.
J: Like ten quickfire questions.
T: Yeah.
J: And he would answer in quick succession.
T: Ahh, thats a good idea. Like, 'Next!'.
J: What do you think, Kami?
Kami: Oh, its not a big deal for me. Its no big deal for me so..
J: He said it twice, haha.
K: Hahaha. Well, its an interesting plan.
J: Well, you can be the judge Kaoru, of whether we'll do it or not.
J: Well, we'll appeal for questions. Ok, well let's finish here this time. Please subscribe. Thank you very much.
J, T, Kami: Thank you.
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i see you haven’t posted in a while, so i just want to say that i hope you’re doing good! please feel free to delete this if u dont want to respond, but i hope ur okay, and that ur healthy. have a good day/night, and make sure to stay hydrated n all that good stuff! bye! 💕
oh! wow, i’m delightfully surprised that someone actually noticed so thank you very much, anon!
i keep meaning to make a post saying something but i keep telling myself “it’s fine, i’ll get back to writing today!” but then i never do lol
but i guess i’ll use this as an opportunity to attempt to explain??
so currently my mind is kinda mess of both anxiety and adhd. it’s not that i don’t feel okay! i’ve been really wanting to write, but i just... can’t think of the words?? like i have the ideas in my head but i can’t figure out how to word them if that makes sense.
i don’t know if i’d call this a break or writer’s block, but.... it’s more like it’s just taking me longer to figure out how i want to word it. i’d rather have writing that i think is good work rather than have something mediocre that i just push out quickly to have done.
so i guess i’ll say the poly event is kinda on hold?? or it’s just going to take me longer than i thought it would.
but this being said, i’ll still be here to chat if you want to send any asks into me! also! so i don’t leave you guys with nothing (because i honestly really wanna create content but my brain says that words don’t exist) i’ll open up temporary asks to the boys while i attempt to figure out how i want to get the poly stuff done! so as of now, i guess i’ll be sorta operating like an ask blog!
as far as the asks (if you want to send any in of course!) you can send me characters for kiss, marry, kill (or fuck, marry, kill) or just ask me any random questions you want! or just send in asks for the boys! (or as saku the boys if you want to make me uwu overdose lol)
i promise i haven’t forgotten or given up on this blog! so please bare with me while i suffer from a little case of alexithymia. thanks for understanding, guys! just know that i love you all and i hope you’ll understand!
- your local saku simp, juju
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tejennnn · 5 years
Hi + throwback Estonia 2019 trip
Hi tumblr. It has been the 5th day since 2020 and many stuffs happened either locally and globally... In Indonesia, especially Jakarta we had extreme flooding in many areas due to the increasing rainfall and the latent risk of land subsidence...(thankfully my family and I were safe!) Hope all of you always be in safe and healthy condition!!!
I just got an energy to write a throwback of my last year’s trip to Talinn, Estonia, here it is! :>
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((yay it me))
On the third week of January 2019, I (with my organization colleagues) went to Tallinn, the capital city of Estonia for an international conference. I applied for Estonia visa via Finnish Embassy in Jakarta (because Estonia only have consulate representative in Jakarta and Bali), and the visa application process took about 10-15 working days.
The flight itself took about 26-27 hrs (including transit) because there are no direct flight from Jakarta to Estonia.. It is very rare for Indonesian people to have trip or affairs in Estonia, and my friend even said that you can count the number of Indonesians in Estonia with all of your fingers haha ;;
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My first time in my lifee really.... to see snow falling on Frankfurt airport!!
We got lucky to get *relatively* affordable connecting flights using Singapore Airlines & Lufthansa (Germany), which are the 2nd and 9th best airlines in the world (according to Skytrax 2019)!!! What an experience ;_;
With sore butt and bloated tummy on the long flights, finally we arrived on the Tallinn Ulemiste airport at night.
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The first night sky I saw on Estonia. No auroras? :’D
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((so Nordic))
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The view from my hotel room. In winter, the sun rises at 8AM and sets at 4PM so before and after that hour it’s totally dark.. and everything feels so cloudy and ...gloomy? It looks like there’s no people outside and I’m not used to this kind of scenery (Jakarta is very sunny, humid, and hella crowded)
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On afternoon. Sunlight makes me a bit happier as an equatorial hooman :)
((I realized there are many work-related stuff in my photos, so I can only show you the non-conference photos!))
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We went to Old Town Tallinn as the main historical and cultural spot. There is a church and tall pine tree at the center of this district that is a main photo spot :D
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Some souvenirs~ Estonia’s chocolate is so yum! However some have rum inside and I need to be careful if I’m about to bring it as a souvenir for several moslem friends ^^;; (alcohol is considered haram/prohibited, but it depends on one’s personal value as well)
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in Ulemiste airport bookstore. ((wow BTS is also viral in here))
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Smol booze for € 1.5 - € 2! Due to the small size it’s not confiscated in the airport btw hahaha
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The prices of some alcoholic drinks. Saku is like the most general beer there (like Bintang in Indonesia or Heinenken)
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When in tropical countries we have indoor ‘snow world’, in here they have indoor beach club that shook me LOL
Plus there are some small differences that I noticed unique as a foreigner (feel free to give your thoughts if you also have it in your country!):
1. Every time we are about to eat, there’s only fork and knife on dining table and hard to find regular spoon.. Turns out that spoon (especially the very round one) is only used for soups..⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 2. When I ordered a glass of water, kinda surprised I was given a sparking water instead. So I have to order mineral water as "without gas" or "flat water". 3. No bidets, only tissues / dry toilet. I’m not used to that because in Indonesia we often use bidets to clean (wet toilet) :’)⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ . 4. The air was really dry and the temperature was about minus 6-10 C, so even though I have nosebleed it quickly turns out to be a... bloody booger... 5. First time to use my phone on a very low temperature, so the battery drops very quickly (about 3-4%) every time we took a photo or selfies :’) 6. Wondering how people there are full of energy. After conference, we have a dinner + party every night, plus afterparty session (past 00:00). The next day, they still show up on time and ready for the conference.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ . 7. Surprised by the first rule when we stayed on a backpacker hostel : "Don't be an a$$h0le" LOL
That’s all for my trip to Estonia! Maybe I will post my India trip as well in 2016 but let’s see when i’m feeling like doing it :)
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mynameistori · 6 years
entry 8 (oct 8)
Long time no talk, everyone~
I’ve been swamped by midterms lately! Luckily they were all before the Thanksgiving/Reading break but having three midterms in three days is never fun. Also, kudos to those in philosophy -- I have no idea how you guys do it because those concepts are so confusing to me. I also lowkey didn’t know I had three midterms in a row until maybe 2 weeks prior? My bad LOL so I studied for the heaviest and longest one two days before the test?? Yeah sounds weird but I had confidence in myself to do well on it, and I think it’s in the middle among the three (the first one I got a 95 and the third one was philosophy so UM HAHA).
Some insta updates: apparently Killing Me was removed because of the music so I’m reuploading it. How KDC has it on their account is beyond me, but I pitched the music this time so we’ll see how it goes. Sorry for not catching it earlier and fixing it/uploading something else T____T. I also won’t be continuing with the original order of the covers I asked Pretty Boy for… I haven’t really been following it so far anyway LOL 2-3-5-IDOL-1-9-4 much order such wow. KDC tutorials also make it worse because newer songs tend to kind of cut the line (sorry older songs, I still love you!). It’s hard to keep the order of songs because some are harder and take more time to learn so sometimes it’ll push the timeline back. I wrote 6 songs when I’ve only really covered 5 (because IDOL wasn’t a legit take) -- 4 is actually the song that got me interested in KDC and I could play it for hours on end for multiple days, which is why it’s so difficult for me to take the recording seriously LOL I’ve tried to record it and I’ve practiced the dance for months but I still can’t get it right. I think I’m too used to seeing all the parts together and derping around to the song that I don’t commit fully to it, maybe.
More on increasing entropy around these parts (wow I am totally ready for NCT’s comeback), I also think these entries shouldn’t be called update posts LOL because I think that there will be quite a lot if I don’t have a major topic planned yet I want to write about my daily life in general.
Speaking of daily life, it’s been going ok. I got a new buddy to talk to daily! His name is Salty Engineer 1 (his name is accurate in more ways than one, so it’s hilarious to me). I met him through A Cappella, and I got him to come to KDC tutorials muahahahaha.
Wow it’s been so long that I don’t even know what I wanted to include in “my next entry”. Let me try going backwards.
Well, today I went shopping with my mother…? We went downtown to the Eaton Centre where I picked up a pair of heattech leggings from Uniqlo. Then we went for lunch at Saku Sushi, dessert at Butter Avenue, coffee at McDonald’s, and then heading back up to Scarborough Town centre to pick up two blouses from The Gap and a pair of jeans from Old Navy. Not bad for an ~$85 haul? Was tempted to buy some skincare stuff but I never get around to using any of it anyway so it’s not that worth it in the long run for me.
After my midterms, I put my “thought wall” back up! It’s actually a compilation of my thoughts, excerpts from books I’ve read, as well as lyrics from various songs (though some are changed to better reflect me). It even has a few verses from the Bible, even though I’m not a religious person (I often question the point of religion). I started it in third year and after I moved from that house it sat in a bag by my desk for my fourth year, but I feel a lot better putting it back up! It’s kind of like a cathartic (form my psychology education, catharsis is never a good word to use) therapy for all of the thoughts I bottle up in my head. Kind of like this blog actually, but more poetic. Fun fact: I like poetry and I post my recent works on my main IG story. Let me know (continuing to question whether or not anyone reads this stuff) if this is something you guys would be interested in reading -- or maybe I’ll just post some one day for shits, who knows.
I got two new tattoos since the last time I posted! They happened within three days of each other lol Salty Engineer was like “well this turnaround is really quick” indeed friend it was quite amusing to go from one tattoo at the end of 2017 to two new ones in the same week in september 2018 like who am I turning into??? And I’ll probably get about 2-3 more before the year ends yay -- a plague doctor on my thigh, a matching tattoo with Carrot Oppa somewhere else (I don’t remember if I mentioned it was with Carrot Oppa in a previous post ._.), and maybe a lavender-vanilla one on my ankle? Haven’t thought too much about that one.
This term I’m an exec for KDC (did I mention this before? I can’t remember) and currently I’m editing their IDOL cover… actually maybe that’s a bad thing to reveal because if you can figure out what KDC actually is and find the cover, you can find me LOL eh I’m not too worried because I don’t think people read my blog anyway ^^” But you guys already know that I’m in the I’m Your Girl cover sooooo not that hard to find me let’s be real.
I write entries over a few days, did you notice? Sorry LOL Anyway, I just went out with an old friend of mine. We’ve known each other since we were in grade 10 from volunteering with an organization called Unity Charity. Our relationship has been pretty stable since then, even though we live very different lives in two different cities. Today we went to a Korean fried chicken restaurant called Mymy Chicken in North York, and stopped by the Tsujiri next door for dessert afterwards. I think I can confidently say that we both enjoyed catching up over food and the evening stroll. :) Uhh let’s call this friend Dancing Fashionista.
Anyway, that’s it for this entry. I hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving <3
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