#woww is one of my ships finally gonna actually happen
powertwell · 1 year
OHHH WOWW with this season!!!😭🤩❤️❤️ Okay guys so this is going to be very long but I need to get this out hahah.
I´ve been busy with work this weeks and I finally binge watched S4
My thoughts on this season are a lot, it was LITERALLY a freaking rollercoaster of emotions, so much laughs, surprise, nostalgia, pureness, love, angst, sadness but above all LOVE!! Love in all ways, all of them really... This is something that resonates with me when I process everything that happened.
It was just too muchh, and actually I feel sorry for my anger towards Tim on the fact that he broke up Portwell and not just that, like the way it happened. I need to say and IT´S FAIR to do it, that he made an amazing job with all of the writing, RESPECT SIR. I know he isn´t perfect, he screwed up sometimes but who doesn´t? I think he nailed it with the writing, he dropped so much bombs in the most clever way and made everything make sense with Rina!
I´m a Portwell and will always love and remember my ship for who THEY WERE while dealing with what they dealt, and for the connection and support they had for one another! They were different people, specially EJ who was trying to be strong and be the best boyfriend he possibly could. But I truly recognize the development and growth Ricky and Gina had, both together grew on me and have a pice of my heart. Ricky made a quantum leap in maturity and in his emotional stability and made me proud for all he did for his girl, so as Gina. I understood her better and made myself remember the queen she is. Now, finally i can say RINA DESERVES EACHOTHER. God they´re adorable and JOSH AND SOFIA almost killed me with their perfect acting. So much talent and love in this cast, I love them.
Anyways this was A LOT and I could´ve said more about the other characters but speaking in general this season is so much worth to watch, it´s beautiful and REALISTIC! I love Olivia and all but I didn´t miss her, my point is that the season was so awesome that I didn´t actually care she wasn´t on the finale. I´m gonna miss my favorite series but I´m in peace and proud of everyone in this show!! This show is special in many ways and everyone should see it and understand the message of inclusion, love and acceptance, as well as the importance of having a safe space with people who love and understand you. THANKS TIM FEDERLE, THANKS TO EVERY SINGLE CAST MEMBER who left something in our hearts from their character! HSMTMTS has to live on for next generations!❤️❤️❤️👏👏👏
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