#wyll is an intelligent person who knows what he's doing and so did not expect it
crossdressingdeath · 4 months
Y'know, one of the odder things I see re Wyll is people claiming that him believing Mizora about Karlach being evil shows that he's too trusting or gullible or whatever. Not necessarily because he's not too trusting (see him immediately believing that all the Fists deserve to be pardoned for what they did during the game solely on the grounds that Ulder said so, despite everything we see of them in-game and despite Ulder openly admitting the god of justice himself wouldn't approve), but because... guys. Guys. We are told in no uncertain terms that the only reason Mizora could send Wyll after Karlach was that she is actually, literally heartless. I freely admit I'm not an expert on Forgotten Realms lore but I feel it is safe to assume that it's not exactly brimming with literally heartless people! I see a lot of people talking about the whole thing like Mizora used some deeply cunning loophole that she could have used in the past and could use in the future to trick Wyll into killing countless innocents, but like... no, I'm pretty sure it could only work on Karlach specifically. It would've been much more effective if Larian hadn't added the engine as a plot point and Karlach had remained just another victim of the events in Elturel (in which case Mizora would have had to use a loophole that she could use on others and it would have raised the question of how many innocent people Wyll had killed), and I suspect any dialogue suggesting any real likelihood of Wyll having killed innocent people on Mizora's orders in the past is left over from before the engine became a thing; in the final game it really is a complete non-issue, because how many literally heartless people can there actually be in Faerûn? We certainly never hear of any others in the game! It's just a little silly to act like Wyll proved himself to be overly trusting by not considering that Mizora might send him after an otherwise normal and decent mortal who literally did not have a heart. It's not about him trusting Mizora, it's about that not being something that any rational person would expect to happen.
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artilaz · 5 months
Summoned by my eternal love for Wyll… I love how charismatic he is. He’s truly so well written in his dialogue, if you ever pay close attention to how he subtly directs questions and insults, or awkward things the PC can say, it’s so cool to see how well he spins anything that comes his way. He’s so cute when he gets genuinely flirted with and doesn’t expect that depth of affection. His gestures and mannerisms when he’s speaking are so endearing and graceful— Gale has a line about noticing how graceful Wyll is, and it’s true. His skill in dancing and skill with sword fighting are related! When he lets himself be a little sarcastic or dry with his jokes it’s hilarious. He’s bottling back years of anger and pain and grief and he never gives up hope in others, even while he doesn’t save any for himself. He’s a sweet man with a love of things that are magical and strange. And he’s so beautiful too.
Hey, thanks for hopping in here, you're the first person to actually come write me something!
Sadly I haven't been able to play the game yet because I don't have a good enough computer that can run it at all, so I can't experience his dialogue firsthand yet - that's the main reason why I'm asking the people of tumblr in the first place! And idk, just watching his romance scenes or something on YT without much base knowledge about him doesn't really do it for me. I've already been like 75% obsessed with Gale by the point I started watching his videos (except the infamous astral romance scene. I did see that one very early in my journey 😂), so I already kinda wanna have a feeling for the character again once I do that.
He sounds like a really intelligent guy, but so far I've never seen anyone point that out. Could he be one of those people who are just too humble to openly display their talents despite knowing they have them? Or is it more like he doesn't think of himself that highly at all?
I have seen some little bits of his banter though, mainly in videos about other characters, which sadly seems to be a theme with him. Even in his search tag on here it feels like in 80% of posts tagged with his name he shares the post with other characters, or the post is outright centered on another character and he just gets tagged because he's visible somewhere at the edge of the frame for half a second.
I'd love to learn much more about him, also regarding his relationships. What's the deal with his father? What's the deal with Mizora? That kinda stuff. I don't mind spoilers at all, since I don't know if I'll ever be able to actually play the game to begin with.
Thank you again anon! I hope you're having a great rest of your day!
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timeforelfnonsense · 4 years
Astarion x Dafni || G || Previous Story Chronologically (not necessary but might fill in some gaps) || Ao3 || Sunshine & Starlight: My on going bg3 series  
The low fire crackled and popped as it consumed more of its kindling into ash. Dafni idly ran her finger along the chipped rim of the ceramic mug clasped firmly in her hand. She prodded the slice of venison on her plate with her two-pronged fork, translucent red juices trickling out from the small puncture. A frown tugged at her mouth, as her mother’s voice rang in her ears.
Don’t play with your food dear, it’s impolite.
Dafni sighed, popping a portion of the meat into her mouth. She found the rich, earthy taste of deer flesh pleasant enough. There was a gameyness to wild-caught meat she’d missed in the city. It lent itself well to the simplicity of rosemary and salt Gale had prepared it in.
“This is very good Gale,” she said between bites, “Deer can be a difficult meat.”
The wizard grinned bowing his head ever so slightly in thanks, “That’s kind of you, Dafni. I’ve always enjoyed cooking! Though, I have to admit my skills are more suited for a kitchen than a campfire.”
Dafni rather liked Gale. He was the sort of man who might have visited her mother’s tower seeking knowledge. If she closed her eyes she could picture him on the steps of Laurel chatting with Leto and Theia as the younger of Thesmia’s daughter hid away in an alcove tittering and blushing like little roses over his handsome face and magical skill. Polymnia in particular would have been taken with Gale. The lovely alseid had a soft spot for human men. Especially those with a quick wit and keen mind. Perhaps she’d introduce them when this was all over?
As the thought crossed her mind, it occurred to Dafni that Gale might not be on the market. She hadn’t thought to ask him- or any of her new friends for that matter if they had anyone who might be consumed with lovelorn worry by their disappearances.
Normally the romantic entanglements of those around here were among her favorite topics of discussion. She had always enjoyed listening to the trials and joys of her patients’ courtships in the city. When she’d lived among her own people, the wood elves too for that matter- love and sex had been discussed free and open. She’d found that city folk were, all too often, needlessly sheepish when it came to such topics.
“So, do you have loves waiting for you once this is all over?” Astarion asked in an airy, casual voice. A mirthful glimmer in his red eyes as he tossed his untouched serving of venison to Scratch. Dafni wondered if perhaps her own thoughts had bled into his head via their tadpoles or if Astarion was simply as curious as she was.
“You know what -” Gale responded, his brows stitching, “that is not the easiest of questions for me to answer.”
So much for setting him up with Poly.
“You mean just waiting, like a love-sick puppy?” Shadowheart let out a judgmental huff, her pale gray-green eyes rolling as she spoke, “Short-term amusements are much less hassle. Do you have someone waiting for you in Baldur’s Gate, Astarion? A sweetheart perhaps?”
Dafni’s hands went clammy the moment Shadowheart’s words fell from her lips. Dafni had the unfortunate habit of finding herself enraptured with all sorts of eye-catching creatures, and mysterious, cheeky Astarion’s almost kiss had cast firmly him in the role of the leading lord in her girlish daydreams.
Bracing herself for what felt like an inevitable bruise- not only to her ego but her tender heart, she risked a quick peek at him through the little plume of steam forming above her cup. His long legs were casually outstretched, his elbow propped on the fallen tree behind him as if he were draped across a fine chaise lounge rather than earth and vegetation. He ran his hand through that perfect coif of soft, ivory curls. The cool, silvery light of the moon almost shimmered across his fair complexion. He had truly been blessed with the aloof, dreamy, beauty of Sehanine Moonbow. An incandescent majesty demanding admiration and awe.
“Not one in particular.” Astarion said with a coy shrug of his shoulders, “The city is a veritable feast of sweethearts.”
Dafni hadn’t realized she had been holding her breath until the lungs full of relief came whooshing out of her. While she was, in part, pleased to know there was no one of romantic significance in his life for her to contend with, his response had still left her a bit disheartened.
If he took such little issue with rake-ish behavior, why pull away from her kiss?
Dafni worried the fraying edge of her sleeve as she nibbled her lower lip. She felt a familiar tenderness in her chest. The same ache she’d felt as she watched each of her sisters be asked for dances of turns about the garden by the lords and ladies of the Summer Court during countless Seelie Soirées. Despite her outgoing nature and sunny disposition, those around her had always seemed determined to exile her to wallflowerdome.
“You must be eager to get back then. Slimmer pickings out in this wilderness.”
I think the pickings are just fine, thank you very much!
Dafni’s nose crinkled, a sour, resentful glare taking form across her face. She  knew  Shadowheart’s comment wasn’t intended as a dig but it felt like one nonetheless.
She’d always felt babyish compared to her beautiful older sisters. They were the kind of poised and lovely women folk expected the elves and nymphs of Faerie to be. Tall, slender ladies with a wild fey beauty that was nearly impossible to resist. In contrast, Dafni was petite in stature and plump in shape. She’d stopped aging physically sometime in her early 20s leaving her heart-shaped face with a trimming of eternal baby fat.
While she’d come into her own by no small measure whilst living among the wandering wood elves of Lylarth Forest. She could tease and tempt with the best of them and she’d had her share of dalliances in the last half-century. Even so, the ghost of the girl, sat pouting in the corner while her lovelier, more worldly sisters made merry lingered.
“How about you, dear?” Astarion asked tilting his gaze towards Dafni’s sulky figure, “Is there anyone waiting for you back in the city?”  
“Not really, I’d only been in the city for a few months,” Dafni explained. She kept her eyes fixed far away in hopes he wouldn’t see the fluster looming in them. “I don’t know many people in Baldur’s Gate aside from those who frequent my clinic and it wouldn’t be appropriate to pursue any of them. I think the people in my neighborhood found me a bit too… Unconventional for their tastes at any rate.” She tried her best not to sound bitter but there was still a bite to her words. While she’d been practically invisible to her fancies in the feywilds, in Baldur’s Gate she stuck out like a sore thumb. Most of the inhabitants of the lower city had never met a wood elf let alone an eladrin. They simply didn’t know what to make of her otherworldly countenance. Moreover, her own ineptitude when it came to understanding customs and niceties outside of the wilds had solidified her reputation as an eccentric outsider.
“To the hells with being conventional, darling.” Astarion scoffed, “Conventional is just a word tedious, uninteresting people use to justify their own mediocrity.”
His voice had an indignant edge to it. As if he was offended that the rabble of Eastway hadn’t been falling at her feet every time she crossed over her threshold. Dafni tried to fight the rush of heat that crept across the bridge of her nose and full cheeks. It felt good to be seen by someone so dazzling. And Gods, It was endearing to see him so ruffled on her behalf. If only he’d been at all those dreadful parties.
Perhaps he might have asked her for a dance...
Stop that! He’s only being polite, Dafni!  She scolded herself,  Don’t do this! He just admitted to being a heartbreaker, you silly, starry-eyed, ninny!
She tried to banish the cacophonous thumping in her chest. To herd the whimsical yearning into submission. It was no use. With every passing moment, she felt her attraction to him solidify into a full-on fancy. With luck, the feelings would fade in time, as they had with countless conquests before him. Their time together was far from over, so she’d just have to pray disinterest would take hold before she did something  too  embarrassing in an attempt to win him over.
“I’m inclined to echo that sentiment.” Gale’s voice felt like mercy. He had spared her from having to stammer out a reply of her own, “I think you’d be hard-pressed to label any of our number as conventional and I’d wager our chances of surviving these parasites are better for it.”
Gale was right, as usual. Dafni cast a glance across the faces of her new friends. Gale’s intelligence, Criella’s ingenuity, Wyll’s courage, Shaowheart’s wit, Lae’zel’s metal, Astarion’s charm. Each of them outlandish and remarkable in their own way. Their quirks and eccentricities made them the people they were. Despite the squabbling, despite the clashing personalities, she was glad to have them.
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