#x: he's a magic man
kharonion · 2 years
for the couple asks: 2, 7, 13, 27, and 29 for whatever ship you’re feeling 👀
Spoiling me, Wish, thank you! 💚 » COUPLE QUESTIONS | OC LIST « How about some Rom/Oswald... and AU Charon/Gob? Because I haven't rambled about either of them in a bit. Let's go crazy and alternate answers, too.
2 | Do they like each other's friends? Do their friends like them?
Neither Rom nor Oswald have friends in a... "traditional" sense anymore; any they had turned feral. Though they weren't an established couple beforehand, they were relatively close. Rom was a loner, and though he didn't necessarily see Oswald's friend group as ones he could get along with, they welcomed him in with natural ease.
7 | What's their most and least favorite thing about each other?
Charon's instinctual answer for most favorite thing is always Gob's compassion. It's a quality he admires, one that has driven Gob's success. Though he wouldn't necessarily say it as a least favorite, Charon does dislike Gob's timidness in the sense that others take advantage of it, and Charon despises Gob being used in that manner.
Gob, in turn, will always rave about Charon's fortitude. It takes a tremendous amount of it for a man to survive war and come out still striving to be a better man. Gob does have to admit that he doesn't like Charon's short, sometimes random temper. It can be volatile at times, but he knows that Charon has little control over it.
13 | How do they express love for each other? Do they have compatible love languages?
Quality time and words of affirmation are how Rom and Oswald primarily express their love. They were both given second (or more) chances in life, and neither want to waste any of it, often ending up having open and romantic conversations during these moments of peace.
27 | What interests do they share? For interests they don't share, do they ever participate anyway?
Charon and Gob both enjoy reading, though different subject matters; they love to sit in the same space and just quietly read. Both of them also love to perform, and they're super supportive of how one another does so (for Gob, it's pole dancing; for Charon, it's drag and fronting his band). Even if they don't actively take part of differing interests, they stand by each other and support their passions.
29 | Where is their relationship lacking? What could they do to improve it?
Sexual intimacy is something that Rom and Oswald scarcely participate in. (They aren't versed in orientations at all... but Rom is asexual, which is why... but neither know that.) They don't see much of a need to improve it and don't really see it as something "lacking" either. For them, the nature of their romance is perfect how it is.
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kharonion · 2 years
1 2 9 11 for any pairing?
Thank ya! 💕 Ship + Number || OC List
1. Who confessed first?
Rom. After literal centuries of crushing on Oswald and ogling from afar, he finally gathered the courage to spill it...
2. What made them confess?
The sealing of the deal was definitely Rom's near-death experience. Both of them had a (arguably cliché) moment of extreme fear that their feelings would be lost with Rom, and he was very much driven to survive simply so he didn't leave Oswald alone again. Though it wasn't immediately after Rom's recovery; he wanted to allow Oswald ample time to grieve for Rachel.
9. What “traditions” do they have?
Rom and Oswald are both simple and unorthodox with their couple traditions. Mainly, every morning, the two walk through the hazy Kiddie Kingdom hand-in-hand, checking traps and attending to the Afflicted. They always end the excursion with a breakfast on the Cola Castle balcony.
11. How open are they about their relationship?
Neither broadcast it... and, really, there isn't anyone to tell in their little corner of the amusement park. They prefer it that way, though.
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kharonion · 2 years
What's ROM and Oswald's favorite shared pastime?
Oh, hey, Arlo, giving me an excuse to ramble about these lads, I see 👀
Aside from wreaking havoc on the various pillagers and raiders that dare venture into the kiddie park, these two enjoy the simpler things. Their mutual favorite would have to be sitting on the Cola Castle balcony with some playing cards and wine. The games always turn into a tug of war between Rom's poker face and Oswald's tricks of hand, but still, it is a lighthearted and romantic thing that they do whenever possible.
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kharonion · 2 years
A-C for the fluff ask! Any amount of OCs of your choice :3
Thank you, Lex! 💕 Going to answer for two pairs that I feel like I haven't rambled about enough... FLUFF ALPHABET || OC LIST
Activities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
GAIL / CHARON || They use any free time to just relax. That's something they don't get to do particularly often. Whether it's reading together on the sofa or simply just cuddling in bed with the radio on, they don't mind so long as they're zenning out.
ROM / OSWALD || When they aren't busy tending to their Afflicted friends or rigging traps for raiders, these two like to enjoy the quiet of the King Cola Castle balcony. Taking in the view, having some beers, and if they're feeling particularly romantic, sharing a dance.
Beauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
GAIL / CHARON || Gail really admires how truly Charon cares for what is close to him. It takes a long time for this to manifest into his sense of self as more than just 'contractual obligation', but it's very pronounced when it does.
ROM / OSWALD || Rom absolutely loves just how royally dedicated Oswald is to anything he puts his mind to. It inspires him daily and makes him so proud to be able to call 'Oswald the Outrageous' his partner. Seeing him so vibrant on his stage gives Rom butterflies.
Comfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
GAIL / CHARON || Both of them tackle this in similar ways: Maintaining close physical contact (enough to tell the other 'I'm here', while not being overbearing—usually holding hands) and simply letting them express without interrupting, only speaking when spoken to. It's a comforting, grounding silence for them.
ROM / OSWALD || This one might be a surprising answer. Hugs. As Oswald likes to say, 'they're magical.' Being held tightly by their better half is one hell of a good feeling.
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kharonion · 2 years
For each of your ocs!
Emoji Asks || OC list
Oh heck, Charlie... you're enabling me to go ham with this... Big Preesh. 🙏
💘— What was one of the first things that attracted them to their partner?
GAIL || Charon's eyes. Which sounds pretty superficial, but, specifically, it was the first time Gail caught a flicker of emotion in them—after their harrowing escape from Andale.
ESPER || Hancock's sincerity. Having gotten her feet wet in the fucked up politics of post-War Boston, his flavor of morality is honestly refreshing to her. And it pulls her attention immediately.
ROM || He's had a crush on Oswald for a long time... but he remembers the first magic show of his. It was for some stupid company get together, but looking back, it was love at first card trick.
MOLAKIS || Verne's tenacity. It shone like a goddamn beacon to him, at a time in Molakis' life where the world was bleak and dark. Inspiring and life-changing, he'd later describe it as.
VERNE || Molakis' curtness, oddly enough. It was refreshing to have someone who wouldn't beat around the issue, tell things like they are. Especially when he later found the compassion that was buried underneath it.
💝— What are their best qualities as a partner?
GAIL || Subdued, doting, loyal. They commit themselves fully and honestly, and trust is one of the most important things for them to maintain.
ESPER || Passionate, intense, protective. In a way, she wears her heart on her sleeve, putting her entire being and soul on display. It's rare to find someone as equally fervid.
ROM || Down to earth, honest, committed. Though he reeks of neutrality, his faithfulness is unbreakable. He'll do anything to ensure safety and happiness for his partner.
MOLAKIS || Family man, tenacious, fiery. His rough exterior usually steers people clear of him, but in reality, he can be one of the most goofy, lighthearted men ever, loving unconditionally and putting his partner on a pedestal.
VERNE || Open to personal growth, empathetic, easygoing. Many people see him as a mousy man they can take advantage of, so these are qualities he tries (and fails) to bury.
💖— Are they a showy partner? Do they make grand gestures of love or try to be subtle?
GAIL || Definitely subtle. So much so that they and Charon have a tap system just for telling one another 'I love you' without vocalizing it.
ESPER || A mix of both, leaning more to showy. After all, she is the wife of Goodneighbor's mayor; subtlety isn't at all in the job description. The more discreet actions are reserved for times that call for some romanticism, like their anniversary.
ROM || More showy than you might suspect. He isn't opposed to putting some obnoxious lightshow to declare his love for Oswald at random times.
MOLAKIS || Depends. Usually, he's subtle (though one could argue his proposal to Verne was most certainly not), but as mentioned, he'll have his grand moments. This is especially true when he's taken on the persona of Ache, where the shtick is to be flashy and assertive.
VERNE || Also depends. There's always a time and a place for everything, so like Molakis, he sticks to keeping things on the down-low. On days like their anniversary, he lets himself be bold, though—as a treat.
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kharonion · 2 years
💛, 💢, and ⛈ for any of your choosing! 😘
Emoji Asks || OC list
Thank you, Em! I'll answer for good ol' Rom this time.
💛 — How do they say good morning?
Rom isn't really a morning person; rather, he's an insomniac. His 'good morning' to Oswald is usually 'good night' as he crawls into bed to force himself to sleep for a few hours.
💢 — What are some habits of theirs that would take some getting used to?
He is... very growly. Often without meaning to be. When he's irritated or stressed, Rom tends to just snarl. It's never directed at anyone, though usually, this turns people away pretty fast; they assume he's angry.
⛈ — How often do they get emotional? Are they open with their partner about it?
Not often at all. Rom isn't much the type to let his emotions manifest themselves, so he comes off as stoic and cold. While this served him very well in the ranks of Operators, it's not ideal with the general populace.
With Oswald, however, he tends to let himself come out of that shell a bit, being much more open and forthcoming. In a way, it acts as a testament to the trust they put into one another.
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