#xii.       ⸻       • 𝐧𝐲𝐚𝐦𝐡 '𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐞' 𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐞 •       general.
storytelers-arc · 3 years
Belle jumped from her seat as a man entered the drawing room, looking beyond him at the door to catch the housekeeper’s eye to understand what had happened, but the woman was gone before she could utter a protest. “I apologize. I asked to see the lady of the house. I would not want to bother you.” After her ship was caught on a storm, leaving only her and the Captain alive, they were surprised to discover they were closer to the English shore than to the Dannish one. The little ship was too damaged to brave on the trip to the arctic, leaving her with no choice but to cross English country and find a ship to take her there on the northern shore.
Her meager supplies would not last her the entire trip, forcing her to stop whenever needed to offer her services on the loom as a seamstress; the moon colored gown presented every time as proof of her talent. This usually meant having a conversation with the lady of the house, why a gentleman would be called (what did men know of dresses and fabrics?) was beyond her. Did she say something wrong? Her English wasn’t as good as her French or Danish, but she had done this six times already. 
“Will she be joining us, your grace?” Eyebrows drawn together, she was unsure if what she was saying was right, accent growing thicker on the last two words.
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storytelers-arc · 3 years
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• ENDLESS EDITS OF BELLE ( mutuals may reblog ) •
A beauty but a funny girl, She really is a funny girl, That Belle
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storytelers-arc · 3 years
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• ENDLESS EDITS OF BELLE ( mutuals may reblog ) •
It seemed to fly rather than gallop, but so smoothly that Beauty was not frightened. Indeed, she would have enjoyed the journey, if she had not feared what might happen at the end of it. Her father still tried to persuade her to go back, but in vain
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storytelers-arc · 3 years
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𝙍𝙊𝙎𝙀𝙎 - true romantic, loving the classics, pricked fingers, perfect makeup done to impress, bruises easily, beloved but unknown, soul as old as time, overused and under-appreciated.
𝘿𝘼𝙄𝙎𝙄𝙀𝙎 - clean linens, youthful naivety, family, wide open spaces, running barefoot, moving towards instead of away, trying to forget about death, sun blindness.
𝙎𝙐𝙉𝙁𝙇𝙊𝙒𝙀𝙍𝙎 - standing tall, strong roots, a home to always return to, warm summer air, holding onto lost hope, belief in growth, painted overalls, split ends.
𝘽𝙇𝙐𝙀𝘽𝙀𝙇𝙇𝙎 - the end of spring, determination for the truth, cold and cautious, moonlight on windowsills, the taste of ice, unnecessary shyness, quiet belief in the extraordinary, complicated morals.
𝘿𝘼𝙁𝙁𝙊𝘿𝙄𝙇𝙎 - mom friend, sweets, the smell of baking, riverbanks, leaving behind a toxic situation, being happy with your reflection, believing in luck, moving in a pack.
𝙄𝙍𝙄𝙎𝙀𝙎 - sour candies, unappreciated elegance, valour, crystals projecting rainbows on white walls, unintended organization, old royalty, refusal to bow, learning a new language for the fun of it.
𝙇𝙄𝙇𝙄𝙀𝙎 - secret poison, perfect handwriting, crisp consonants, pressed and ironed sheets, open windows, infinite persistence, thick skin, colder hands.
𝙇𝙄𝙇𝘼𝘾 - fleeting and fair, strong but delicate, radiating good vibes, the beauty of falling apart, the joy in being scattered, soft fabrics, whirlwind romance, keeping the door open.
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storytelers-arc · 3 years
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• ENDLESS EDITS OF BELLE ( mutuals may reblog ) •
There was an aviary full of rare birds, which were so tame they flew to Beauty as soon as they saw her and perched upon her shoulders and her head. Villenueve
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