#y/n is there at some point. they're there b4 the butt stuff and get ta watch that shit unfold
spaciebabie · 2 years
(Fanfic anon)
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(imma b honest this is the first time I've thought deeply abt their characters beyond the ass jokes so these characters are likely ta evolve as i draw em more. my characters just tend ta write themselves yk yk?)
first off: the lunatics use they/he pronouns!
first thing that came ta my mind was that luni drives an old run down car that's got a ton of scratches n dents, but they've had it for years n they're an incredible mechanic so-
luni was a car mechanic b4 getting a job at the pizzaplex and was a little intimidated and shocked when they got the job! even though they're good at what they do, they have a little bit of imposter syndrome at times. he's a little shy, modest guy, but extremely extroverted! once he gets comfy all bets are off
tic went ta college. they went HAM. they had the goal ta work at fazbear inc b/c of how advanced their tech is! they can b a bit egotistical at times, they def think they're that shit and they have the skills ta back it up. literal science genius. he's an introvert, but he's really out there n likes ta get in ppls face. he relishes in the fact that he can creep ppl out
luni was at the pizzaplex first b4 tic came along. now, while luni is shy at times, he's not gonna take shit from NOBODY n tic was a little bit (a lot)rude ta him at first. something something...."I'm way better at my job than you why are you even here?" and so the rivalry began :)
yeah that's right!!!! rivals ta lovers!!! hoh yeah baby!!!!
they go thru some competitive stuff a la: who can fix the animatronics faster? who can do the most repairs? who can come up with the best upgrades? and it just kept going n going till they both ranked up enough in fazbear inc ta where they get paid BUCKET LOADS of money. like. these guys are LOADED. fazbear inc pays them WELL.
eventually, they get ta a point where they've both reached their peak and there was nowhere else left ta go. they're forced ta work on equal ground n get ta know each other beyond the rivalry n end up crushing on each other :3
as they get ta know each other they realize that they share similar interests in loving memey n cursed shit. HR is fucking suffering b/c they're tryna keep the pizzaplex afloat w/all the "incidents" that keep happening that they literally don't care what any of the employees are doing as long as they're doing their jobs. the lunatics at this point are valued members of the fazbear inc team n so they basically become untouchable b/c of how good they are.
that also means they're often left w/nothin ta do since the robots last p long between repairs. so bored one day, tic gets a funny idea. "what if we glued asses onto the bots?" luni laughs and the rest is history.
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