#y’all know I’m not a big everlark person
jlalafics · 8 years
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Dylan is about to get into the plan...
I actually updated! Yay me!
Summary: Beatrice Everdeen-Carter and Ramona Mellark, two friends with one mission–to get their parents together. Modern AU Everlark.
Part Eight is now available below the cut!
You can read all other parts here:
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
The Family Plan
Part Eight
Quietly closing the door behind her, Katniss walked slowly towards the stairwell. She had intended to be out earlier, but several kisses from Peeta had left her sneaking out of his bedroom later than she wanted. Bea and Dylan would be getting back from Cato’s by noon and Katniss needed to make the house look like she actually hung out there.
“Don’t forget your coat downstairs.” She whipped around to see Ramona at her bedroom doorway, arms crossed and a devilish smirk upon her pink lips. “It’s cold out there.”
Katniss sighed and shook her head, resigned at being caught.
“How long have you known about me sleeping over?”
Ramona put a finger to her chin. “We’ve known since after Halloween.”
Katniss approached her warily. “We?”
“Bea left something at the house during her weekend with Mr. Carter after Halloween,” Ramona informed her. “You weren’t home and so she figured that you were here with us. You always leave your coat downstairs before sneaking into Dad’s room and it’s gone by at least ten—so we figured that you wanted to keep it a secret.”
She counted quickly before meeting Ramona’s amused blues. “That was nearly four months ago!”
The young girl giggled. “It’s okay, Katniss! We’re happy for you…me and Bea…though I think that Dill is still a little young to understand grown-up sleepovers.”
“We should talk,” Katniss said, leading the girl into her room. Ramona went to her neatly made bed as Katniss joined her. “Sweetie, are you okay with this? Better yet, do you understand what a ‘grown-up sleepover’ is?”
“First of all, yes. We’re totally okay with this. Bea used to worry that you were lonely when she and Dill were with Mr. Carter,” Ramona explained. Katniss smiled at her words. “Second, it means sex.”
She nearly choked at Ramona’s statement.
“I mean, I don’t understand the logistics or need for it besides procreation,” the girl mused. “But, I’m sure it’s one of those things that I’ll understand when I’m older.”
“Like, when you’re thirty.”
Ramona grinned. “Twenty.”
Katniss shook her head. “Twenty-five.”
“How about we meet at twenty-two?” Ramona countered. “I’ll be out of college or peaked in my dance troupe. Sex might just be the next thing I’ll need to learn.”
“I don’t think I like how cavalier you sound when you say sex,” Katniss told her. “But you’re right. Sex is definitely something that needs to be understood and learned when you’ve gotten your feet a little more wet…pardon my words.”
“Obviously, you and Dad enjoy it.” Ramona’s face flushed in embarrassment. “I mean you’re here practically every weekend that Bea and Dill are at their Dad’s.”
Katniss nodded. “Well…what can I say?” She took a breath before seeing Ramona’s curious gaze. “It’s not all about the sex.”
“I know,” Ramona replied. “There’s no need to sneak about. We understand…to an extent. It makes us happy that you and Dad are happy together. Because we care…and love you.”
The young girl went silent, her eyes darting to her bright comforter. A maternal warmth rushed through Katniss’ chest; she knew what Ramona really meant to say.
“Your father and I love you, too.” She gathered Ramona into her arms, pressing a kiss to her soft, golden hair. “So, so much.” They remained, quiet and content, for a few moments—before Ramona’s stomach rumbled. “How about I make you waffles?”
“I love waffles,” Ramona declared as they both walked out of the room. “I mean, you two were up pretty late last night…”
Katniss put an arm around her shoulders. “How about I add in some bacon?”
Ramona nodded, moving closer to the woman. “This is why Dad and I love you so much.”
‘I caught your Mom sneaking out of Dad’s. She finally fessed up. Got some waffles out of it.’
‘Finally! Mom is not at all discreet. Where are they now?’
‘Making goo-goo eyes at each other at the breakfast table. We really need to figure out a way to get us all in one house!’
‘I second that!’
‘Dad’s calling me…better go. See you later?’
‘Yes! See you soon, sis!’
“What’s going on?” Beatrice looked up to find her Dad placing a plate of corned beef hash in front of her. “Ramona’s up?”
“Yeah. Mom finally blew her cover and got caught at Peeta’s,” she said as she dug into her plate. “It’s been months, so I’m finally relieved. It’s not getting us any closer to bringing all of us under one house, though.”
Cato pulled out the chair next to her, pouring himself a cup of coffee from the pot on the table.
“Bea, do you understand what’s happening?”
Beatrice took another bite of her breakfast before replying, “Yeah—sex.”
Cato nearly choked while sipping his drink. “I was not ready for you to say that!”
“Dad, we live in the age of Tinder, Tumblr, and sexting,” she relayed easily. “We’re going to know what sleepovers mean.”
“Yes, you know what it means,” Cato said. “But, there are a lot of different varying degrees when it comes to…” He scrunched his face, pushing the word out like an unpleasant taste. “…sex.” Beatrice looked to him in interest. “There’s more to it. There’s emotions…and passion…and discussions…I know your mother, Bea. There was a reason that you are probably just getting the lowdown.”
“Mom wants to shield us…maybe shield herself.” Beatrice took a small bite before reaching to drink from her glass of orange juice. “I know Mom, too. She loves Peeta, but she’s scared…because he might love her back just as intensely.”
Cato took another gulp of his coffee. “He loves her.”
“And, how do you know that?”
“That look in his eyes,” her father replied in a far-off voice. “It’s the same way your grandfather used to look at your grandmother—your mom’s parents, I mean.”
His parents were not the best example of familial nor marital love. There were fights and accusations then, to his relief, a divorce. Cato admired the love between the elder Everdeens so much that perhaps he had hoped that his own marriage would be the same way. However, neither he nor Katniss realized that a marriage needed more than love to keep it going.
“Oh yeah…Pop and Gams always have that doofy look about them,” Beatrice said thoughtfully. “You and Mom never did.”
“I agree.” Cato covered his daughter’s hand with his own. “But I love her in my own way—as your mother.”
“How about you and Glimmer?”
He felt his face warm. “That is a whole other story.”
“So sis, what is going on with Valentine’s Day?” Prim inquired as she painted her niece’s nails. She winked at Beatrice before going back to putting the garish pink polish on. “You and Peeta doing it up big?”
Katniss, who was looking over art commissions on her computer, furrowed her brows.
“We haven’t really talked about it,” she replied off-handedly. “I don’t know if I’m that kind of person, anyway.”
“You’re totally that kind of person,” her sister retorted. “You—who makes heart-shaped pancakes and handmade Valentines?” She pulled away and smiled at Beatrice. “There you go sweets! Nice and festive…maybe you should go show Jamie.”
“Yeah, so he’ll see just what I’m going to scratch his eyes out with if he gets near me,” Beatrice huffed. “I’ll be back!”
The young girl rushed out of the living room and up the stairs.
“Don’t say those things to her,” Katniss reprimanded her sister. “She is still so young.”
“Ramona is the same age and didn’t you speak to her about the ol’ humpty-dumpty?” Prim retorted. “And, I know that you’ve already talked to Bea about it.”
“I talked to you about it and look how you turned out,” Katniss groused, her eyes going back to the screen.
“I’m perfectly daisy-fresh,” Prim preened, batting her long lashes at Katniss. “However, if you’re going to antagonize me, then maybe I won’t babysit on Valentine’s Day.”
Katniss bit her lip. “Maybe, you won’t need to.”
Ramona quickly typed back: ‘What’s going on?’
‘Please tell me that your Dad has something planned for Valentine’s Day!’
Closing her book, she rushed out of her room and went down the hall to her father’s studio. “Dad!” She knocked on the door. “Open the door, please!”
There was a shuffle and the rushed unlocking of the door. Peeta widened it quickly, letting Ramona in. “What’s wrong?”
“Dad, did you plan anything for Valentine’s Day?” she panicked.
Her father grinned. “Is this what has you all in a tizzy?”
“Yes!” Ramona practically jumped. “Every girl knows how important that day is!”
“Is this about Cameron?” Peeta teased.
Ramona stepped back, trying to hide her blush. “We are not talking about him. We are talking about you, Dad.”
“Well…” Going to her, Peeta turned her around and placed his hands on her shoulders. He led her to the back of the room to present the canvas to her. “…what do you think I was doing?”
“Dad, it’s perfect!” Ramona turned to hug him. “Katniss is going to love it!” She quickly took a photo. “I’m sending this to Bea!”
“I’m not quite finished with it yet,” her father said sheepishly. “But, I heard that Katniss is really into homemade Valentines.”
Ramona grinned, tears filling her eyes. “This is so sweet!” Her eyes went back to the canvas. “You really love her, don’t you?”
Peeta put an arm around his daughter, pressing a kiss to her temple.
“I do.”
Beatrice smiled down at the photo on her phone.
The canvas painting was a large heart, made of purples, reds, and blues.
To her, it looked how love must feel: passionate, fiery, and true.
This was the kind of love that her grandparents gave one another; the kind that Peeta looked at her mother with, the kind that her parents could never really grasp.
She typed back to her Ramona: ‘Sis, it’s perfect.’
“I’m here!” Prim slammed the front door with a flourish, beaming at Beatrice and Dylan who had rushed over to greet her. “Y’all ready to party?”
“Primrose Everdeen.” Katniss walked down the stairs, putting her other earring on, as she stepped onto the carpet. “You’re going to be at Peeta’s house. Please make sure the kids are good…” Her eyes went to Dylan sans bra on his head, but wearing a metal colander as a helmet and Beatrice smiling just a little too brightly. “…as good as they can be.”
Prim picked up Dylan, letting him wrap his legs around her waist. “They’ll be good as gold. I promise.”
“You look so pretty, Mom!” Beatrice rushed over to her, giving her a hug. “The LBD is really working for you.”
Katniss had gone out of her comfort zone, on her sister’s suggestion, and bought the black body-con dress with lace bottom. The look was completed with a pair of stilettos that nearly made her faint when the salesperson told her the total. Bea had done her hair, giving her shapely waves, as she did her own makeup.
“Thanks love,” she replied. “When you’re appropriately old enough, you can wear this dress.”
“And, when will that be?”
“When I’m old enough to take my teeth out,” Katniss said. Beatrice giggled at her words. “Fine…after my first hip replacement.”
The doorbell rang and Dylan screamed before scrambling out of Prim’s arms to answer the door.
“Hey son!” Peeta picked Dylan up, knocking on the metal colander. “What’s going on here?”
“Special communication helmet, of course,” Dylan replied.
Beatrice went to Ramona, giving her a hug. “When did you become ‘Ram-Ram’?”
“Since I got him that book about Area 51 for Christmas,” Ramona informed her friend. “He gave me the name so the aliens would think I’m one of them during the invasion.”
“Good to know you’re so protected,” Beatrice replied. Her eyes went to their parents. “Look at that…”
The look in Peeta’s eyes was full gazing at Katniss. He whispered in her ear, his hand lightly resting on her slender waist, before she pulled away to do a little twirl to show off her hard work. They looked as if they were in their own little world and content to be there.
Her Aunt went to her and Ramona, grinning conspiratorially.
“I have a bet going with Glimmer and your father, Bea.” She put an arm around each of their shoulders. “That these two get engaged by the end of the year.”
“I’d say that they’re married before then,” Ramona countered.
“We still have to find a way to get us all under one roof,” Beatrice responded.
“Hey Prim!” They looked to Peeta, dressed in a perfectly fitted navy suit. He threw a set of keys in her direction. “Keys to the car and the house. I left some money for pizza in the living room and you’re welcome to anything else in the fridge.”
“There’s not much,” Ramona said with a chuckle. “Maybe, we can stop by a grocery store?”
Peeta nodded in agreement. Reaching into his wallet, he handed a credit card to Prim.
“Just in case you need extra.”
“Like an extra Gucci purse?” Prim batted her lashes at him. “I mean, you’re going to marry my sister.”
“Not without the kids there,” Peeta replied without batting an eyelash. “We have reservations so you better get going.” He moved towards the door, opening it for the group. “We’ll see you later tonight.”
“We get it—grown-up stuff,” Beatrice said with a smile. She went to her mother, giving her a hug then hugging Peeta. “Show her a good time.”
“I will. She deserves it,” he replied. Ramona approached after saying goodbye to Katniss. “You’re in charge tonight.”
“Don’t worry, everything will be fine,” his daughter said. “Have fun, Dad.”
The group left in a flurry of waves and happy shouts, slamming the door behind them.
Katniss walked to the door, locking it before turning to Peeta.
“So…where are we going for dinner?”
Reaching, he wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her close before pressing his mouth to hers. His hands skimmed her sides, savoring graceful curves and the thin cloth of her dress. Katniss moaned, deepening their kiss, and pressing Peeta closer.
“Should we go to dinner?” he asked breathlessly as they pulled apart.
Katniss grinned. “I am a great lover of pizza.”
Peeta laughed huskily. “Funny. So am I.”
“I’ll make the call,” Katniss said, going to the entryway table where her cellphone was. However, she was yanked back into Peeta’s arms. “Yes?”
“I don’t think you want to eat pizza in that dress,” he told her.
She grinned before turning so her back faced him.
“Help me out of it?”
Peeta nodded before reaching for zipper.
“This is your house?” Prim’s bright eyes stared at the home in wonderment. “Kudos, Ramona!”
“I like Bea and Dill’s place better,” Ramona declared, her arm going around her best friend’s shoulders. “Too many memories in this place.”
“Well, let’s make some fun memories,” Beatrice told her affectionately. “And, find a way to get us under one roof.”
“No luck so far, huh?” Prim said as they walked up the porch and she unlocked the front door. Dylan pushed the door open, rushing inside and hopping onto the plush couch of the sitting room.
“No.” Ramona shook her head. “It’s hard to find a perfect situation to get us together.”
“Well, how about you two try to think of something that might help while I put the pizza in the oven?” Prim suggested. “I’ll call you two down when the food is ready.” She turned to Dylan, already opening his backpack, full of art supplies. “Chicken fingers for you, baby boy?”
“Yup!” Dylan said cheerfully.
“Do you want to come up with us?” Beatrice asked her brother.
“Nope. I can talk to myself here,” he replied easily.
Ramona giggled, going to him and kissing his cheek.
“Don’t ever change,” she told her pseudo-little brother before following Beatrice up the stairs.
“Did I say thank you for the painting?” Katniss said as they sat on the couch, pizza cooling on the coffee table. “It’s really beautiful and I can’t believe that you painted it so quickly.”
She had almost burst into the tears when Peeta had brought to her house along with an official invite for Valentine’s. It had been a long time since she had been romanced…actually, it had been a long time for a lot of things.
“I found myself unbelievably inspired,” Peeta replied. His eyes went to the clock on the mantle. “I guess we’ve missed our reservation.”
“We have a house with no children,” Katniss reasoned and he guffawed. “I’ll take that over a five-course dinner any day!”
“I know what you mean. I love them all, but sometimes I appreciate when it’s just us two, you know? Like, I love waking up to you in the morning…or having that quiet moment to hold your hand when the kids are asleep.” She put her head on his shoulder, listening to his soft words. “Do you think you want more?”
“What do you mean?” She shifted on the couch, leaning into him. “Like do I want to get married again? Have more kids?”
“I was asking if you wanted more pizza—” Peeta laughed when she socked his arm. “—but, I think kids would be great.”
“Kids…that’s plural,” Katniss drawled.
Her eyes went to the photos on the mantle. The kids were the greatest joy in her life…and Ramona, she loved her from the moment they met. If she closed her eyes, Katniss could see more photos on that mantle; photos of a new little one in her arms…maybe that little brother that Dylan had wanted.
“It’s a good sort of plural, though,” she continued. “I think, however, that we need to figure out some other logistics.”
Peeta placed a kiss atop her hair. “Like what?”
“Well, you do like waking up to me in the morning.”
The painting was turning out just the way he wanted.
Dylan loved to create things, stories…buildings like his Daddy…paintings like Peeta-Daddy…
This one was going to go in Mommy’s room, just like the one that Peeta-Daddy made. It was full of reds, pinks, purples…he just needed a bit of green—Mommy’s favorite color—to finish it up. Looking at his paint palette, Dylan discovered that he had run out of green.
Suddenly, an idea zinged into his mind.
Grass was green.
He went to the front door, looking to the lush lawn before grabbing a handful of blades close to the edge of the lawn. Running back into the house, he tossed the bunch into his water cup to swish to make green.
Not quite green…but maybe he needed to mash it up.
Dylan raced to the kitchen where Aunt Prim sat on the tall counter, flipping through a magazine.
“What’s going on?” she asked.
“I need a fork, Aunt Prim!” he said excitedly. “I’m making green!”
“Uh…” Reaching to the drawer next to her, his Aunt produced a fork. “Here you go. Be careful.”
He nodded before heading back to his painting.
Mash…mash…mash…Dylan liked the squishy noises that fork made as he made green in his water cup.
His green wasn’t looking any greener—and there were brown spots all over the carpet!
He remembered that Ramona’s mean mom didn’t like messes. If she came back, Ramona would be in trouble!
His mind searched and remembered that Mommy said that he could always clean up his paints with water—and there was a hose outside. He had seen Daddy clean up the whole porch with it. It would definitely clean up some brown spots!
Going outside, Dylan easily found the hose; it was right on the side of the house, wrapped in a big circle. Pulling it, he raced into the house to put it over the stains…there were a few more now because of his sneakers—but the water would clean it up!
Now all he had to do was turn the hose on.
Back on the grass, Dylan searched for the thingy to make the water flow. He followed the hose until he found its end and the knob. Now he remembered! It needed a twist!
Turning it, he waited to hear the sound of water…nothing. Maybe it needed a few more turns…
One more extra for his upcoming birthday.
There was a definite rush of water now.
Excitedly, Dylan ran across the lawn and back into the house.
There, before his bright eyes, was a large green snake dancing in the sitting room, spraying venomous clear liquid everywhere from its round mouth...all over the walls…on the carpet…and the couch…
But, what happened to the hose?
“DYLAN!” Aunt Prim screeched. “What’s going on?”
There was another rush of steps followed by two high-pitched yelp coming from his sisters.
However, amidst the screaming and his Aunt running out of the house, Dylan’s eyes remained on the dancing, green snake.
He couldn’t wait to tell his friends at school about it.
The frantic knocking on the door roused the two parents from the couch. Katniss quickly threw on the pair of leggings that had found their way to the floor as Peeta zipped up his pants. She threw on a shirt, which was actually his.
“What’s going on?” he asked.
“I don’t know,” Katniss replied, just barely pulling herself out of her sated stupor.
Together, they went to the front door and Katniss yanked the door open.
“I am so sorry, Peeta!” The first words from a soaked-to-the-bone Prim. “I wasn’t watching him!”
Right behind her, Beatrice and Ramona emerged. Both were drenched, as well—their faces full of exhaustion.
Dylan ran forward excitedly, wet but beaming with exuberance.
“Guess what, Mommy?”
Katniss, looking amongst her family in a daze, gave him a bright smile. “What darling?”
“We killed the snake!” He jumped and his sneakers made a squishing noise. “It got venom all over the sitting room, but Bea and Ram-Ram got buckets and poured it out!”
In a semi-shocked state, Prim handed Peeta her phone. “These pictures can be sent to the insurance company.” She wrung out her hair before bypassing the couple and walking into the house. “I’m going to go dry up—then get my tubes tied.”
“We weren’t watching him either,” Beatrice said in a forlorn voice. “Sorry, Peeta…Mom.”
The noise that came out of Peeta’s mouth, as he looked at Prim’s phone, sounded like he was being held under a chokehold.
“We’ll go dry up, too,” Ramona told the couple. She placed her hands on Dylan’s shoulders to lead him into the house. “Let’s go, little brother.”
Left alone, Katniss looked at the photo on Prim’s screen—the water-soaked living room…the muddy couch, and the various broken knick-knacks on the floor.
“I’m really sorry, Peeta,” she told him. “I’ll talk to Dylan—”
“No, we will talk to Dylan. I need to hear this story.” Peeta turned to her, a chuckle escaping his mouth. “It’s a good thing that we agreed to move in together. This just lifts the burden of deciding which house it was going to be.”
“I still totally owe you,” Katniss replied.
Peeta led them both into the house.
“Yes, you do,” he declared. “The first payment being that you let me get one of those Tempur-Pedic beds for us—no questions asked.”
She nodded. “Deal…anything else?”
Katniss shook her head, laughter escaping her lips. “Oh boy…”
Peeta grinned. “Or, girl.”
He closed the door to their home behind them.
Kids say and do the darnedest things…
Next: The big family move-in…more Jamie, Ara, and Cameron—Yay! Along with their parentals.
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