#y’all remember Hobson?
vigilantesyd · 6 years
hello kids, are you ready to learn about privilege today??
okay so since it’s not the responsibility of poc/lgbt/etc. to educate other white people, as A White myself, am going to try to compile a masterlist of resources so y’all can educate yourselves instead of burdening anyone else. i’ll update this as i remember or come across new resources. let’s get educated people!!!!!!!
color blind or color brave? a ted talk by mellody hobson
are all white people racist?
racial microagressions in everyday life
a talk about racism and sexism by john dovidio
how we’re priming some kids for college and others for prison. a ted talk by alice goffman
13th, a documentary
how to overcome our biases? walk boldly toward them. a ted talk by verna myers
what the bible says about homosexuality. a ted talk by kristin saylor & jim o’hanlon
coming out of your closet. a ted talk by ash beckham
Transphobia/Complex Gender Issues:
walking in your truth as an lgbt youth. a ted talk by daniella carter
redefining realness: my path to womanhood, identity, love, and so much more by janet mock
Sexism/Feminism/Intersectionalism/Toxic Masculinity:
why gender equality is good for everyone, including men. a ted talk by michael kimmel
we should all be feminists. a ted talk by chimamanda ngozi adichie
everyday sexism. a ted talk by laura bates
the hunting ground, a documentary
men explain things to me by rebecca solnit
the mask you live in, a documentary
overcoming ableism. a ted talk by naty rico
as i said before, this is not completed, this is just what i could compile pretty quickly!! if you have a problem with any of the resources or would like to suggest them yourself please shoot me a message!!
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vampxrebarbie · 7 years
anyway so here’s that sparknotes post abt my legion of ocs (just whalers and guardians for now ill do others if y’all want)
basically got kicked out of the order and got the heretic’s brand by being a little too critical of the tenets and the abbey’s philosophies
was picked up by daud on the streets
spends years in self-loathing because the abbey brainwashed him and now he’s an actual heretic
grumpy asshole, hates everyone, hates himself more
eventually comes to terms with who/what he is, takes the outsider’s mark, and takes over leading the whalers after daud vanishes
SPECIALTY: has the best instincts, stealth and reconnaissance, and is the most talented at transversals
morlish and has the most OBNOXIOUS accent to show for it
pretty much a ray of sunshine 24/7 with enough energy to make the energizer bunny jealous
sends presents he collects while on assignments back to his little sister in morley
got his name by nearly botching a mission because he tripped and fell right into a bunker of overseers, and then proceeded to lead them on a merry chase around the compound
loves to pester hobson
SPECIALTY: easily the most likeable and unassuming of all of them, tends to play the distraction as a result
trip’s beleaguered best friend
very mild mannered
when trip was kicked out of his home by his father, misha packed a bag and left home to stick with his best friend
despite having lived in morley, his family is gristolian
is about 80% of trip’s impulse control
SPECIALTY: best swordsman in the group, best at playing civilian for undercover work
a Lying Snake(TM)
seriously absolutely no one at all trusts him and for good reason
he’s an arrogant shithead
lives to (good naturedly) torment trip and misha
lives to (not so good naturedly) torment hobson
is probably the only one that doesn’t mind being arond Vas, but he knows when to get the fuck out of dodge just in case anyway
SPECIALTY: intelligence gathering
an ex-sailor who became disillusioned with the methods of peacekeeping his superiors used
typically a guy with a bright disposition
isn’t afraid to challenge orders he’s given
he gets emotional over small animals
kicks hobson’s ass into gear when he’s being particularly assholish
respected daud but didn’t ever trust him
SPECIALTY: bruiser, usually the one that’s given the smash/break/intimidate jobs because Him Big
the literal youngest, he’s like 17 during the events of DH1
is the son of a witch from Serkonos who was killed by Overseers
spent time on the streets and got Real good at shady dealings
is very, very scary and almost always has a scowl on his face
he has a different sort of scowl that usually tells the other whalers when they should be running in the other direction
very little regard for the lives of others, up to and including the other whalers
SPECIALTY: poisons and explosives as well as general assassination
around trip and misha’s age (at least, people think so)
along with hobson (prior to him taking over leadership of the whalers), are never seen without their masks
usually play pranks on the other whalers and rope trip into it
they always remember to leave coins of 5 in the bolt holes of their fellow whalers on their birthdays
no one knows how they know when those birthdays are
will wind up staring at people in unison and finishing each others’ sentences and it creeps the shit out of people
SPECIALTY: sleight of hand and similar maneuvers, i/e planting something incriminating in a mark’s home
is a certified grade-a titan Dad(TM)
very gruff and tends to speak very plainly, and doesn’t have much regard for giving apologies when he offends
sentinel/defender class titan
is a hero of the battle of six fronts and is a friend to both zavala and shaxx
despite his gruff attitude he does care for his teammates and other people, he’s just not great at emotions
of most exos, he’s probably one of the few that actually acts a bit more robotic in thinking
his ghost’s name is andromeda, and she’s typically very warm-hearted and friendly
one of the first stormcallers to be revived in a number of centuries
loves his warlock mom aka ikora rey
also loves his titan dad aka Gil-23
is VERY young as far as guardians go--he’s only been around about 20 years
struggled after being first revived because he couldn’t seem to learn either the voidwalker or sunsinger/dawncaller path; after ikora operated on a hunch and sent him to learn stormcaller, he excelled
gil-23 and shaxx were the first mentors he had that actually believed in him
he was revived with an ancient mp3 device that his ghost scanned and integrated, which lets luke abuse team coms to play pre-collapse music
his ghost’s name is Gibson, named after the famous guitar brand, and is perpetually vexed by his guardian’s reckless streak and unconventional methods
he’s incredibly closed off, emotionally. with gil it’s a simple inability to process emotions properly--with kel it’s an intentional distancing.
is a gunslinger class hunter--was previously a bladedancer/arcstrider
he’s one of the very few guardians that remember their past lives, although arguably he’s got one of the worst cases considering he remembers everything
he frequently sees hallucinations of his dead wife and little girl
is pretty much only close to gil, who’s been his de facto partner since the battle of six fronts; after gil dies in the taken war, kel kind of loses his mind a lil bit
finding Thorn didn’t help
he tries to hate nikon on principle because nikon is taking on gil’s spot in the team, but nik’s got a good head on his shoulders and a ferocity to defend people that is a bit too familiar for kel to shake
his ghost’s name is echo, and she’s a quiet little thing who doesn’t actually speak in words but in bright trills and chirps and other such noises; kel and gil are the only ones able to understand her
basically the ‘hello children i am the fairy squad mother’ text post from this site
super short
is nightstalker hunter class
worked with a warlock named Ji-Hun prior to leaving City walls; has held a grudge against the vanguard--mainly ikora and zavala--ever since they denied her request for support in defending an outside settlement. Ji-Hun was killed.
has a semi-soft spot for cayde because he was the only one of the vanguard to vote in favor of sending in support for the settlement
hums to herself when she’s sniping
basically attached at the hip with Nikon after she rescues him and leilani
her ghost is named Kessler, and he’s real sassy and spirited, and a bit of a dork
anger issues: the autobiography
despite being a walking textbook definition of ‘hair trigger temper’, nikon is actually a sweet guy. he cares a bit too much and has a bad habit of not filtering himself when he talks, but he wears his heart on his sleeve
is a sunbreaker titan
up until nyx rescues him and leilani, had never actually set foot within City walls; hed opted instead to guide and defend a group of nomadic settlers with a few other guardians and spent 2 centuries doing so
don’t touch leilani if you want to live.
keeps small toys and trinkets that leilani gives to him in his room in the fireteam’s apartment
has absolutely done a fastball special with nyx
his first ghost is named Bit and he’s a bit abrasive and sarcastic; his second ghost is named Rue, and she’s pretty even-tempered and calm and is as fond of Leilani as he is
unlike kel, his assholish behavior isn’t to purposefully keep people out--he is, in point of fact, an asshole
even if it’s just because he hates himself a lot
he’s an arcstrider hunter
pretty suspicious and nervous around new people
used to be a hireling to a warlord that went around killing survivors outside the City’s walls; eventually turned tail and fled to the City himself when that warlord’s cruelty started getting too much for him
coincidentally, that warlord is the one that massacred the group nikon was protecting.
nikon doesn’t like him much.
his ghost is named tesla, and she’s a direct opposite to him personality wise--very friendly and warm. tends to apologize a lot for his behavior.
he’s a Fallen captain from the House of devils
very grouchy
NOT a guardian but he winds up working with my fireteam
was exiled from his band because he took a liking to a human girl and instead of killing the girl, actually met with her frequently and learned about humans
has a very rudimentary ability to speak and understand english because over the course of ten years the little girl started teaching him how to speak it
btw, that little girl was leilani
(nikon is also not happy about this when he finds out)
is about as protective of leilani as nikon is, which eventually brings them into a mutual understanding and grudging respect
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