#y'all thought all your precious badass monster T. rex and Smilodon had precious badass roars
corvuserpens · 6 months
One fun thing I've learned while researching for my Master's paleoart project is that apparently saber tooth cats such as Machairodus and its tribe, Machairodontini, are closely related to the subfamily Felinae in the phylogenetic tree Felidae (which includes all cats).
Now, the subfamily Felinae includes what's called the small cats that can't roar, such as the cheetah, the caracal, lynx, ocelot, pallas cat, the domestic cat, among others. All this to say:
Saber tooth cats such as Machairodus likely did not roar, but produced all kinds of weird and cute chirps and yowls. They could probably purr, too.
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