angelsdevils · 3 years
Yami x Reader
Title: Mine Now
You were making your way home after a long shift at the bar you worked at. You didn't hate the job, just sometimes the customers were so rude and belligerent you often had to use your magic to throw them out of the bar. Let's not get started on the bar fights that always happened, you always ended up getting hurt and you would snap throwing tables at the very same people that were arguing. You rubbed your temples slightly turning down a darker alley before seeing several of dudes standing there. You stopped and you both stared at each other blinking several times, normally no one was ever on this street so you instantly thought they were here for you. But they weren't just some typical thugs in the way of you getting home. You let a sigh out not wanting to fight at all, so you decided to take a longer route to get home. One of the men grabbed your arm and you whipped your head around punching him in his stomach. The man groaned letting your arm go and the other four men began to surround you.
"Seems we got ourselves a feisty lady, I like 'em like that." One said smirking at you, you bit your lip. You used most of your magic in the bar today as you had to break up fights and protect yourself from tables and chairs. You were to focus on the little magic you had but just then they were blasted away from you. You saw a guy with a cigarette in his mouth, and he was holding a sword that was covered in black magic. You could feel his mana and by it, you could tell he was really strong, he walked past you and glared at the men that were on the ground.
"You shouldn't lay your hands on a lady, and it's all of you against just her. That's truly disgusting, I am sure she isn't interested in any of you." He said as the men got up and began running from Yami, he turned to you and you had wide eyes. You realized he was one of the guys from the bar.
"Thank you." You said looking down, rubbing your neck slightly.
"It's no big deal, you should stay on guard more. They did follow you from the bar, so I decided to follow them." He said, his sword disappearing again. You rubbed your neck nodding your head slightly in understanding.
"I will be more on guard thank you again. I appreciate it." You said before feeling a cloth hit your chest, you blinked looking down and seeing the Black Bulls Robe in your hands.
"You should become part of the Magic Knights, and join my squad. I saw how strong you are in that bar, and we could use someone like you. Plus you will be free to be yourself." He said, your eyes widen slightly as you looked at the robe. You smiled slightly before nodding your head.
"I would love to join thank you..."
"Great what's your name?"
"(Y/N)...(Y/N) (L/N)." You said he dragged out his cigarette before letting a sigh out.
"I am Yami, the captain." He said walking ahead of you, you ran behind him catching up.
"It's nice to meet you thank you." You said, he nodded glancing at you as you put the robe on. He looked ahead of himself, he had his eyes on you the entire time he was at the bar which was all day. It was a quiet walk and you didn't mind as he continued to walk, you looked down before hearing Yami talk to you.
"I have a question, this is so... out of character for me to even ask." He said, you looked at him confused.
"Are you seeing someone?" He asked. You blinked several times before thinking, he got irritated that you had to think about it.
"Do you mean, do I see things that aren't there, a therapist or a guy?" You asked, Yami looked at you before letting out a loud and hearty laugh hitting your back and causing you to hit the ground.
"Sorry, got to push past your limits though to survive this squad you joined." You blinked standing up and rubbing your back.
"Yeah, yeah don't go sounding like my father." You said rolling your eyes, Yami groaned slightly being compared to your father.
"Back to the question are you seeing a guy?"
"Nope. I am seeing a therapist though who seems to be a guy... I think..."
"Why do you need a therapist?"
"I am messing with you." You said with that teasing smile and he gripped your shirt before realizing he was getting sidetracked again.
"Quit changing the subject." He said and you laughed slightly holding your hands up as he removed his cigarette out of his mouth. He flicked it to the ground and stomped it out. He looked at your face before leaning in and stealing a kiss on your lips. Your eyes widen and he pulled away, and you looked up at him in shock. He started walking ahead of you again while you stayed frozen. You placed your fingers to your lips before running up to him. grabbing his arm, he turned around and you removed his cigarette kissing him this time. You dropped it as he wrapped his arms around your waist holding you close, once you parted from the kiss he looked at you before whispering in your ear.
"You are mine."
"Geez how romantic." You said with a laugh and he shook his head with a small smile.
"What can I say? I see what I want and I take it."
"That...sounds terrible..."
"...Not like that damn." He said shaking his head.
"I am joking."
"You are going to fit in well."
© [@angelsdevils] all rights reserved. none of my posts or stories should be modified, reposted etc. I do not own the character, but I own the plots to these stories.
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harventheblorbo · 2 years
For request, BC YamixReader. Reader is falling from a high height but isn't worried because Yami will catch them (flying his broom hands free has its advantages)
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➥Yami, the knight in shining iron
Containing:… Yami, Reader
___ is gender netrual
Warning:… None
Note:... I'm sorry for being so short with such a long time. I Had to spend some time with family but I'm really proud of this one!
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You and Yami were on a shared mission together up in the mountains to set bandits in a village in there place by putting them to jail. The trip up was fairly easy due to Yami’s broom. by the time You and Yami got there, it looked like it was a used battlefield because everything was in ruins. the houses burnt down and collasped apoun themselfs, the pens open with no cattle, small fires in the houses and crying childern becing comforted by their bruised mothers. 
“what the hell happened?” Yami mumbled underneath his breath but loud enough for you to pick it up. “bandits, evil bastards tore this place apart, thats what happened” You commented laced in sarcasm. Yami approached one of the weeping mothers with caution. “Ladie, i know your village got attacked and all that but where did you last see the scum bastards” He questioned the ladie as he bent down to her height. “They went..north i believe in the woods!” The weeping mother croaked through sobs as she greifed over her state.
“Well thats great..” Yami sighed with annoyance as he stood back up. He walked back to you. “Looks like we are gonna have to spilt up to look for the bandits, if you need backup press this device.” He suggested as he gave you a button with would attach to your belt. “got it..ill take the east side of the surrounding area. You will take the west side” i commanded. “since when were you the captain?” “Shut your trap and get this bastards in jail already” i commented as we went out seperate ways. this village was placed on a flat plateau so it was, for the majority flat but fulled to the brim with woods. whole area just woods
The only things you could really hear was the sound of leaves crunching underneath you and birds chirping. the sun was still rising so the rays of light shining through the trees made it look like you were in nature heaven. it was quickly ruined through the sound of a twig snapping that wasn’t done by you. You quickly snap you head, hand on your grimore.Soon, there was 1...3...5..6.7 twigs snapping and loud footsteps surrounding you. 
“shit..” you quickly mumbled underneath your breath. you take your grimore out and it hovers infrount of you like a tiny fairy. Suddenly, magic was being tossed at you, lucky enough you dodged them and sent a wave of magic revealing their postions, there was alot of bandits. too many in fact. You pressed the button that Yami had given you for backup. there was clearing up ahead that you knew that you could jump off. what a stuipd thought right? not when you have a captain has your lover. 
sure he might be busy but its fun. you sent out more attacks as you ran uphead. The last trees of the forest clearing as you got out of the forest was waking up to a new life but was shortlived as you saw your wounderful prick of a lover on his broom with his sword out down below. You called out to him and he rose his broom higher and caught you as you just went below the bandits eyelevel. He sent out a wave of magic through his sword to the bandits that caused them to be knocked down. 
“thanks hun” You thanked him with a kiss on his cheek. “of course, anything if it means im your knight in shining iron”
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For your follower event. 🎉-with YamixReader please.
Wooo! I've actually finished the first one! It took this request for me to finally write Yami content. I've actually never written for him before, so this was fun! 1/5 prompts done!
🎉- Deserving of Praise
     "Haha!" Yami chuckled as he left the bar where the rest of the Magic Knight Captains were.
     It was the second year in a row that the Black Bulls came in second in the star count. The other captains thought it would be a one-time thing, but the Black Bulls proved them wrong. Yami let out another hearty chuckle before grabbing a broom and heading off back to the base.
     You had known beforehand what the results of the star count from this year were. After a lot of pleading, Julius reluctantly let you sneak a peek at the results. When you spotted Yami's squad in 2nd again, you knew you had to throw him a little party, even if it was just the two of you. So when Yami arrived at the base with a giant grin on his face, you knew this was the right move.
     "Hey, babe," Yami rumbled as he threw his beefy arm around your shoulders.
     "How was the star festival?" You asked him. A smirk formed on Yami's face.
     "You'll never believe it. We got second place again!" Yami cackled as he snuffed his cigarette in the ashtray before lighting another one. "You should've seen Nozel's face! Priceless!"
     You smiled as you watched Yami laugh at what could've been the joke of the century. "I'm really glad you got second place! As a special treat, I'd like to take you somewhere."
     "Wait, you don't seem as excited about the rankings. Did that geriatric kid tell ya the rankings ahead of time."
     You chuckled. "Yup! Julius gave me a peek. I wanted to take you somewhere special to celebrate, so I asked him to give me a peek."
     At that moment, Finral stepped through a portal nearby them. "Hey, you two! You ready?"
     "Huh, you got my ride to help you. Nice thinking." Yami smirked as he stepped through the portal. You ran up to Finral and gave him a quick hug.
     "Thanks for this, Finral. I really appreciate it."
     "Anything for my favorite couple," Finral muttered, giving you a half-hearted smile. "I'm so-so jealous!"
     You let out a chuckle and stepped through the portal and found Yami sitting on the picnic blanket you'd set up earlier that day. He picked up one of the wine bottles sticking out of the basket and gave you a small smile.
     "You got me the finest booze available..."
     You felt heat rush to your cheeks. Yami was usually loud and relaxed. It was quiet moments like these when he was tender with you.
     "Well, I had to get the best for you."
     Yami patted the spot beside him, inviting you to sit. You sat beside him and felt yourself relax.
     "Y'know, you're real thoughtful," Yami sighed. "Not sure what I did to get someone like you in my life, but I'm glad you're here."
     You felt yourself fall even deeper in love with the man beside you. "Yami, I did this because I love you and who you are."
     Yami turned his head when he heard your confession. He removed the cigarette in his mouth with one hand and pushed your hair behind your ear with the other one. You definitely weren't prepared for the kiss he left on your lips.
     "Thanks," he whispered. "I love you too."
     You swore to yourself you couldn't fall deeper in love with him, but here you were, feeling your heart beat rapidly as you fell in love with Yami all over again.
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I'd like to request a Yami x Reader, prompts 64 and 95
So, you didn’t specify which prompt list you wanted this from, but I’m going to assume the Smut Prompt List which I believe is the only one I have that goes that far? Anyways, I am so sorry about the wait on this, like I’ve said before, getting our power and internet back was a nightmare after getting hit by a massive wind storm. This is my first time writing smut for Yami so I hope I did him justice! (If this isn’t the prompt list you meant, just let me know and I’ll write you a new one!)
Warnings: Spicy/NSFW, swearing
64: “Let me show you what happens to little brats who don’t follow the rules.”
95: “You better watch your fucking mouth.”
It certainly wasn’t the first time that you and Yami had done a little role play in the bedroom, but it never failed to turn you on immensely.  Currently he had the top half of your body pressed into the mattress with your bare ass stuck up in the air.
“Let me show you what happens to little brats who don’t follow the rules.” He lightly growled out; lightly rubbing circles on your thighs before lifting his hand and smacking it hard down on your (now reddening) ass. The blooming pain mixed with pleasure made you cry out loud, asking for more. He smugly complied, smacking harder each time his hand came down on to you. You didn’t complain though, his spanking sent shocks of pleasure throughout you body, causing you to moan each time.
Once your cheeks were sufficiently red and you were out of breath, Yami gently started moving the lower half of your body on to the bed to give you a moment of reprieve. However, you didn’t want to slow the momentum he had started, so you rolled over on to your back to give him a half lidded look and say,
“What? Growing tired of punishing me already? I thought you were going to show me what happens when I ‘don’t follow the rules’?”
“You better watch your fucking mouth.” He growled out once again, quickly moving to hover above you and pin your arms above your head. “You know how I feel about those who talk back.”
Without giving you time to respond, he ducked his head down to start attacking your neck with his mouth. The nips and licks he coated you with had you struggling against his hold, desperate to grasp on to any part of him. It was when he took his hand, the one that wasn’t pinning you down, down to your dripping folds that you started crying out in pleasure one again.
Spurred on by your reactions, he lazily circled your mound a few times before pushing deeper into your folds and into your core. He slowly massaged your walls outward, his fingers picking up speed with each motion. His ministrations and the barrage of bites on your neck was getting increasingly too much to handle. You felt something coiling tightly inside of you, building pressure that had you begging for release.
Yami sensed your nearing end and quickly pulled away from you, but kept you pinned down.
“W-why did you stop?” You whined out, panting heavily. You tried to thrust your hips upward towards his, desperately chasing the high that was quickly leaving you.
“Only good girls are allowed to cum,” his voice was husky, “Are you gonna start behaving?”
As much as you wanted to keep up your bad girl act, your body ached to feel that pleasure he was giving you. You must’ve stayed too quiet for too long because he reached his hand down to trace your slit. Your nerves were already heightened from the previous foreplay that even the light touch had a massive effect on you.
“Y-yes,” you moaned out, unable to stop yourself from bucking into his hand, “I’ll be a good girl, I promise.”
Satisfied with your answer, he plunged his fingers into one again, setting harsh pace. Your walls quickly started clenching around his fingers, so he slowed down and whispered in your ear,
“You’re not allowed to cum until I say you can, got it?”
All you could do was nod as you let out breathy moans, knowing if you tried responding, it would just come out as an incoherent mess.
“Good. Now, I want you to moan louder so everyone can hear how good I’m making you feel.” He didn’t have to tell you twice, as he started pumping his fingers inside of you faster again. The hot coil returned again and it took all that you had to keep the rebuilding pressure at bay.
“And who’s making you feel this way?”
“Y-you are.” Your response was low and breathy.
“Louder.” He commanded, now slamming his fingers into your core at a punishing pace.
“You are, Yami,” you practically screamed out, “You feel so good, p-please don’t stop!”
“Good girl,” he moaned into your ear, “Cum for me.”
As if you were made to follow his commands, the pressure finally burst from you, causing you to moan loudly as stars danced in your vision; Yami helping you ride out your high for as long as possible.
When you finally came back down, both of you panting heavily, you noticed he still had a tight grip on your arms, but when you tried to wiggle your way out, he doubled down his grip on them and smirked out,
“Oh, we’re not even close to being done, babe. I hope you’re ready for round two.”
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