#yandere jul 'mdama
yanderes-galore · 11 months
Harem Concept between Jul and Raia 'Mdama (Halo), Romantic/Platonic intentions. Technically a Sangheili darling would be easier, but I'd be interested on how a Human darling could work out too (probably would lean towards being AU territory due to the circumstances surrounding Raia's canon death). - Scale Anon
Sure! I'll explore this idea, this primarily focuses on Jul though. Looked at some lore so I hope this is accurate!
Yandere! Jul + Raia 'Mdama Concept
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic - Sharing
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Brief mate/Mating mention, Sangheili/Sangheili/Sangheili and Sangheili/Human/Sangheili pairing, Manipulation, Abuse of power, Degrading behavior, Isolation, Death, Violence, Forced relationship.
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While I agree a Sangheili darling would be easier, a human darling is an interesting thought.
Jul sees humans similar to The Flood, Raia's views on humans are unknown from what I've seen but we can assume she held a neutral view or held similar views to Jul.
As a Sangheili you most likely are loyal to the 'Mdama family one way or another.
This would allow you to be close to both Sangheili.
Perhaps you are simply viewed as a fellow brother/sister to them, a platonic relationship.
Or if they have romantic intentions... then a potential third partner for mating with.
When it comes to a human you'd most likely be seen as lower than them, a human pet.
Jul would be cruel at times due to you being human while Raia would be more caring.
Honestly if you were human but Raia was comfortable around you... Jul relents before growing reluctantly attached.
If you were a Sangheili loyal to them they'd often meet with you and speak with you.
Jul is the more manipulative one of the two but they both hide their intentions.
They both either consider you one of their family...
Or are preparing how to spring the idea of making you their shared mate.
Jul and Raia would be possessive of you regardless of the intention.
Raia often asks for you to stay by the home she and her mate reside in.
Meanwhile Jul makes it a goal to hunt down other Sangheili or even humans who he feels will take you away from the two of them.
You being human is... similar.
However you aren't really seen as a mate entirely.
You're seen as a companion and pet.
Jul gains a sick sense of pride when he shows control over you.
He dislikes your race... but doesn't really mind you.
Probably because he has total control.
Raia is calmer and a bit more caring to your needs.
Sure, the idea of making friends with humans is an odd idea of Thel, yet she can see the appeal when it comes to you.
When Jul gets a bit too rough with you... Raia tells him to calm down and reel things in.
They're meant to share, aren't they?
As a human you never leave their home.
Their children, if you ever meet them, find it weird that a human lives amongst them.
But if their mother is attached... they'll tolerate things.
Raia is certainly the voice of reason in the family.
Soon, through his wife, Jul puts aside his hatred of humans as a whole to keep you.
In his eyes you're "contained and unable to spread" as you're not around any other humans.
They keep you isolated for a reason.
Things would go down hill when Jul is abducted by ONI and Raia dies.
At first it's just you and Raia.
She appears distraught at the disappearance of her husband.
As a Sangheili you could try to comfort and reassure her, to which she respects this.
She may even think about clinging to you but keeps her composure.
If you're human she calls you over so she can distract herself.
She'd rant her concerns, all while dragging a claw across your soft skin.
You really do bring her comfort.
You're left alone when Raia tells you she has to leave to find Jul.
Well... not entirely alone, another member of the 'Mdama family will look after you if you're human.
If you're Sangheili you're free to roam.
Right up until Jul comes back... devastated at the death of his wife and mate.
If you're Sangheili then Jul calls for you, delivering the news.
You can see the rage in his eyes.
If you're human he calls for you to be brought to him.
At first he resents you... but his wife loved you-
He cares about you as much as he hates to admit it.
So he's going to continue keeping you all to himself.
After Raia's passing the relationship turns solely focused on Jul.
Jul feels he is going to continue this "relationship" between you going in honor of his wife.
If you're Sangheili he tries to indoctrinate/force you into joining his rebellion.
He won't hesitate to use force either.
If you're human he's dragging you with him to his rebellion.
You'll get to see what your race deserves for what they've done.
He won't hurt you, Raia would hate that.
But he will manipulate you to follow his every word...
He plans to honor what he feels is Raia's last wish and keep you in the family... one way or another.
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yanderes-galore · 4 months
Can I ask for a Jul' Mdama from Halo romantic concept?
I can try, sure! Sorry for the long wait, I just hope I nail his character ^^;
Yandere! Jul 'Mdama Concept
(Sangheili! Darling)
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Violence, Forced courting, Sangheili/Sangheili pairing, Manipulation, Possessive behavior, Imprisonment, Mentions of "Mate", Murder, Blood, Biting, Marking, Forced relationship.
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The death of his wife is what drove Jul to do become a leader of a new Covenant.
However, what really started things was the Arbiter making peace with the humans.
Jul is known to view humans as similar to The Flood, parasites that spread and cause nothing but destruction.
His hatred only grew when he was abducted for testing and his wife died.
He is willing to work with certain humans and even learns their language to communicate.
As the Didact's Hand he is manipulative and patient.
While he was not one to believe the original Covenant's religion, he's an opportunist and uses religion to manipulate his forces.
He wants to use Forerunner weapons to attack humanity.
He blames them for the death of his wife and even blames the Arbiter.
He pretends to be a Zealot to gain others under his control.
I imagine you are most likely a Sangheili that decided to follow him at the start.
Although, you could also be a human prisoner that he is using for info, similar to Halsey.
Although, for the sake of this concept I'll actually focus on a Sangheili! Darling.
I have a ton of Sangheili/Human content, let's try something different.
As said before, you can be a loyal follower of Jul... or you can be a Swords of Sangheilios prisoner.
Even if you were once loyal to Jul, your loyalty might falter later on.
If you think about it, Jul can be a terrifying yandere due to his alliance with the Prometheans/Didact.
Even with the Didact dead, he still can control Prometheans.
Which means, loyal or not, he has some significant power over you.
Jul may decide to court you after the death of his wife, due to feeling a need for companionship during this Sangheili civil war.
He ends up finding companionship in you... even if you don't like it.
In your eyes, you're a warrior trying to keep your kind safe.
Be that through peace or bloodshed... that's up to you.
Somehow your journey gets you involved with Jul 'Mdama, The Didact's Hand.
Prisoner or follower... his feelings are the same.
He intends to court you.
Jul has already sired two young Sangheili from his wife's clutch.
Usually Sangheili are paired off with a partner.
Yet... he's already had his partner.
So now he wants to choose... and as a leader of the New Covenant, he wants you.
You're a fine warrior, one worthy of his attention.
You'll see that eventually.
If you're already a follower of his, courting is easier.
He doesn't have to break you much compared to you being a prisoner.
Although... that would change when you begin to dissent from the manipulation he's put you under.
Jul is charismatic, he's a leader who knows how to win over a crowd.
Eventually, even if you believed him, you'll end up a prisoner no matter your original allegiances.
Once he's got his eyes on you he would be a fool to let you run back to the Arbiter.
This would be where the "yandere" stuff comes in.
He's possessive like most Sangheili, even more so when you're a Sangheili yourself.
If he sees you as a mate then of course he's going to be rather fixated on courting.
Other Sangheili under his command are threatened away from you.
Jul does not rely on empty threats, either.
No, if you had another mate or someone else was trying to court you, he'll slaughter them himself.
No need for Prometheans, he's capable of wielding a blade.
The blood that spills onto the floor is used as a lesson for both you and others.
No one is going to help you escape, you're on your own....
But why would you want to leave his side, anyways?
Follow his order and you'll be treated wonderfully.
You should know as a warrior that peace will not bring Sangheilios into a new age.
Can't you see humanity has taken so many of your people?
Humanity took his wife... he'd be ashamed if he let them take you, too.
You may not like it yet but you're his new mate.
He's proven himself time and time again that he has the strength, patience, and charisma to court you.
You won't get anyone better... the fact he kills off any other rival doesn't help.
Even if you force yourself to accept his proposal of courtship, you won't be happy.
It won't stop the bloodshed, you want peace more than anything by this point.
But Jul 'Mdama doesn't give you peace.
No, instead he tries to win you over with sweet lies.
He gives you bites, his claws digging into your skin.
You don't care if you're meant to replace Raia, you don't care about Jul.
You just want the best for your people.
Yet Jul is selfish, he's always been selfish.
Selfish enough to use and abuse his followers, selfish enough to use you.
He says he loves you, he says you're his mate.
Unfortunately, what you want is never fully considered...
In his eyes you're his now, even if he has to break your mind and place you in a cage.
"We'll create an empire together, one way or another you'll be by my side as I serve on behalf of the Didact. It's up to you if that's in a cell or not, mate. No other Sangheili is more worthy of you than me. I'll be sure of that."
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yanderes-galore · 5 months
I understand if you can't do this one, but can I ask for a romantic concept of Jameson Locke from Halo? ❤️
I know most people hated him... But I actually didn't mind him? Then again I was like... The only person who liked Halo 5 so-
As usual, Yandere Spartans are so difficult to write without going OOC....
Yandere! Jameson Locke Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Violence, Slight controlling behavior, Manipulation, Lucid yandere, Abuse of power mentioned, Subtle yandere, Dubious relationship.
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I only really know him from Halo 5, but he does have some lore in Nightfall and the books.
I imagine a scenario I could use for this concept if you're part of Team OSIRIS.
Perhaps you've even had history with Locke, either also being part of ONI or being part of the same Spartan training group.
I like to imagine there was background between you two.
Just enough to share some sort of connection that gets progressively worse during Halo 5.
Locke is a natural leader, he focuses on the mission and doesn't allow emotions to get in the way usually.
He cares for his fireteam and inspires loyalty in those under him.
Locke's similar to John in this, however I don't think he's as strong as John.
He's also more emotionally available than John.
Your experience and bond has been proven through countless training sessions and battles.
Even more so when you're with Vale, Tanaka, and Buck.
Your bond seems relatively normal.
You've shared drinks with Locke, you've listened to his every order, and shown great teamwork
Buck may even comment that you two look like you're closer than you are.
Perhaps even dating.
You always shut down Buck when it happens and Locke does too, yet he can't deny he does care about you.
Locke isn't violent unless he needs to be.
His wiki personality says he prefers to negotiate and always seems collected.
He's good when it comes to not allowing emotions to cloud his judgment.
Although, with intense romantic emotions towards you, I can see him faltering just a bit.
When it comes to you he does have a clouded mind.
He knows you can handle yourself.
Although he can't help but worry.
A relationship with a fellow soldier is unprofessional.
It can sabotage the missions and you couldn't be on Team OSIRIS anymore.
Locke would try to keep things professional and not personal.
He is aware of the growing obsession he has over you, although he knows better.
Due to his nature he won't kill any humans around you.
He's a protector of humanity, he'd suck at what he does if he did such a thing.
Along with being labeled a traitor.
So instead he sticks close to you, trying to stay under the label of your leader.
He's capable of having relationships, he and Buck are both Spartan-IVs and Buck canonically is in a relationship.
He's capable of it but is worried about how intense it is.
Locke is a lucid Yandere, he is aware of his darker thoughts and does his best to smother them.
It... doesn't really work, unfortunately.
He definitely tries to use these feelings to protect you as a fellow teammate.
As you can imagine, he only begins to feel worse throughout Halo 5
After all... Remember all the battles Team OSIRIS went through?
The assassination of Jul 'Mdama, The hunt for Blue Team, The Sangheilios Civil War, The hunt for Cortana...
That last one even continues after Team OSIRIS splits up.
Locke, like most Spartans, can usually hold back problematic emotions.
He often looks at you in fondness, even during war.
He wishes he could be beside you normally.
Although even then... He fears he won't be the best option for you.
His behavior is slightly controlling and manipulative.
As your fireteam commander, you naturally trust and listen to him.
Sometimes he finds himself accidentally being a bit too controlling towards you.
He finds himself holding you back out of the fear of losing you.
You aren't just a soldier to him, you're someone he loves.
You may not know it, but he does love you a lot.
Too much, actually, as he begins to learn.
By the end of Halo 5 he still has you on Team OSIRIS.
You two are often with one another and Tanaka on the Infinity.
He isn't really possessive... Just concerned.
If you point out his bad behavior, he tries his best to correct himself.
He may actually be someone you could have a genuine relationship with.
He doesn't force you, not intentionally.
He would wait for you to come to him, even in all of the chaos.
Although without your knowledge he may manipulate you away from other partners.
He's very subtle with his actions.
His controlling behavior is subtle and easily hid behind his rank if he plays his cards right.
Plus, you've been beside each other for a long time already.
He'll wait for you... Even though he should shut down such a thing, he finds himself accepting the offer to date.
He actually acts... Normal.
He's caring yet knows when to be professional.
It feels good to have your lips on his and to feel your touch.
He's craved this since forever.
The most yandere thing I can think of for him is him subtly manipulating a relationship with you.
He tries to excuse himself for his actions when he has you, he never tells you he wanted this outcome for as long as he did.
You look so happy... He's happy... He isn't going to ruin it.
Despite your relationship, he tries to clear his clouded mind.
No matter the threat, he plans to protect you.
If anyone tries to make a move on you, Locke appears with a glare.
He'll have no one ruin this for him.
If anyone wants to challenge that... Then he may indeed get a bit violent.
He just won't be lethal... For the most part.
Blood on his hands, no matter whose it is, doesn't seem that bad if it means a successful mission... And you stay safe.
His feelings may be wrong... But he just doesn't care anymore.
He only cares about you and begins to prioritize you... No matter the cost.
They may label him an insubordinate... They may call him a traitor... Yet when did Locke like the UNSC anyways?
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