#yandere raia 'mdama
yanderes-galore · 11 months
Harem Concept between Jul and Raia 'Mdama (Halo), Romantic/Platonic intentions. Technically a Sangheili darling would be easier, but I'd be interested on how a Human darling could work out too (probably would lean towards being AU territory due to the circumstances surrounding Raia's canon death). - Scale Anon
Sure! I'll explore this idea, this primarily focuses on Jul though. Looked at some lore so I hope this is accurate!
Yandere! Jul + Raia 'Mdama Concept
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic - Sharing
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Brief mate/Mating mention, Sangheili/Sangheili/Sangheili and Sangheili/Human/Sangheili pairing, Manipulation, Abuse of power, Degrading behavior, Isolation, Death, Violence, Forced relationship.
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While I agree a Sangheili darling would be easier, a human darling is an interesting thought.
Jul sees humans similar to The Flood, Raia's views on humans are unknown from what I've seen but we can assume she held a neutral view or held similar views to Jul.
As a Sangheili you most likely are loyal to the 'Mdama family one way or another.
This would allow you to be close to both Sangheili.
Perhaps you are simply viewed as a fellow brother/sister to them, a platonic relationship.
Or if they have romantic intentions... then a potential third partner for mating with.
When it comes to a human you'd most likely be seen as lower than them, a human pet.
Jul would be cruel at times due to you being human while Raia would be more caring.
Honestly if you were human but Raia was comfortable around you... Jul relents before growing reluctantly attached.
If you were a Sangheili loyal to them they'd often meet with you and speak with you.
Jul is the more manipulative one of the two but they both hide their intentions.
They both either consider you one of their family...
Or are preparing how to spring the idea of making you their shared mate.
Jul and Raia would be possessive of you regardless of the intention.
Raia often asks for you to stay by the home she and her mate reside in.
Meanwhile Jul makes it a goal to hunt down other Sangheili or even humans who he feels will take you away from the two of them.
You being human is... similar.
However you aren't really seen as a mate entirely.
You're seen as a companion and pet.
Jul gains a sick sense of pride when he shows control over you.
He dislikes your race... but doesn't really mind you.
Probably because he has total control.
Raia is calmer and a bit more caring to your needs.
Sure, the idea of making friends with humans is an odd idea of Thel, yet she can see the appeal when it comes to you.
When Jul gets a bit too rough with you... Raia tells him to calm down and reel things in.
They're meant to share, aren't they?
As a human you never leave their home.
Their children, if you ever meet them, find it weird that a human lives amongst them.
But if their mother is attached... they'll tolerate things.
Raia is certainly the voice of reason in the family.
Soon, through his wife, Jul puts aside his hatred of humans as a whole to keep you.
In his eyes you're "contained and unable to spread" as you're not around any other humans.
They keep you isolated for a reason.
Things would go down hill when Jul is abducted by ONI and Raia dies.
At first it's just you and Raia.
She appears distraught at the disappearance of her husband.
As a Sangheili you could try to comfort and reassure her, to which she respects this.
She may even think about clinging to you but keeps her composure.
If you're human she calls you over so she can distract herself.
She'd rant her concerns, all while dragging a claw across your soft skin.
You really do bring her comfort.
You're left alone when Raia tells you she has to leave to find Jul.
Well... not entirely alone, another member of the 'Mdama family will look after you if you're human.
If you're Sangheili you're free to roam.
Right up until Jul comes back... devastated at the death of his wife and mate.
If you're Sangheili then Jul calls for you, delivering the news.
You can see the rage in his eyes.
If you're human he calls for you to be brought to him.
At first he resents you... but his wife loved you-
He cares about you as much as he hates to admit it.
So he's going to continue keeping you all to himself.
After Raia's passing the relationship turns solely focused on Jul.
Jul feels he is going to continue this "relationship" between you going in honor of his wife.
If you're Sangheili he tries to indoctrinate/force you into joining his rebellion.
He won't hesitate to use force either.
If you're human he's dragging you with him to his rebellion.
You'll get to see what your race deserves for what they've done.
He won't hurt you, Raia would hate that.
But he will manipulate you to follow his every word...
He plans to honor what he feels is Raia's last wish and keep you in the family... one way or another.
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