#yea I'm not a fast writer lmao
mitchelljoni · 2 years
Okay!!! No more interval chapters?!?!? Will there still be flashbacks or are you too much of a pantser? Do you consider yourself a pantser or a planner?? I love your writing style so much and have so many questions I don't know what the questions are. Like what do you do while you write??? Do you have tea, do you have the TV on, do you have music on, do write on a computer, your phone, or a notebook first???? Do you have an outline or just an idea????? Or do I really just overthink everything
SGJKDGLKJF these are all such valid questions wait im gonna bulletpoint so i dont miss anything haha
ok i plead the fifth regarding whether or not there will be any more flashbacks because i dont want to give away more than i already have hahaha but yes there are no more interval chapters!
i would say i am a bizarre mix of a pantser (must say i love this word!) and a planner, i tend to have a good idea of where i want a general story to get to but can be a little hazier of the how we'll get there......i never sit down and start to write a chapter not knowing what I want it to cover though, i like to have a gestation period of thinking about the chapter and deciding what i want it to do, then i sit down and bullet point it/write out a summary of each scene. THEN i write. so even if i don't know what i want the NEXT chapter to look like, the one i'm working on is always relatively clear
when i write i have music on, really dependent on my mood, anyone whos seen my spotify or apple music profile/knows me even vaguely will know i have 150+ playlists kdjglkdfjg so it could be any one of them depending, though if i have decided i want to really blitz through a chapter i will put on something that i find easier to focus on like film scores/jazz or electronic but honestly that's...not really a hard and fast rule, i'm not bothered by music with lyrics when i work or anything like that so ye!
i will have tea or a beer jdflkgjdflg maybe a whiskey if im feeling like....in the mood to expedite the writing process lmao but generally speaking tea! of any and all kinds! i love that shit! i also love coffee but since i write usually at like 1am onwards i avoid as it is not wise to ingest it at that hour fkljgfdlkj
i never write on my phone omg even the thought of that makes me shudder nflkjgfldkjg i will write on my laptop or by hand if an idea strikes me when i am not near my laptop or if i'm struggling with a scene, usually it helps me to write it down! planning/notes usually by hand:) cause i scribble a lot of things and add stuff etc so yea
kind of answered this already but ummm for fic i usually am running mostly on an idea that is fleshed out a little into an outline, and always is with the next upcoming chapter. bwmh probably an exception because i planned out the way the interval chapters fell into the plot more thoroughly ! for my original work i believe nominally in the concept of an outline but im way more likely to just sit down and umm write whats popped into my head lol though i will know where in the plot that comes in:)
THANK YOU 🥺 so flattered that u like my unhinged writing style flkgjdflkg hope this satisfies ur curiosity! ur not overthinking anything i think all writers have their own fascinating even processes, even a lack of a process is a process of its own so yeah:)
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its-deputy-caleb · 2 years
1, 13, and 20 for the fanfic writer asks?
1) who is your favourite character to write for and is this the character you find easiest to write for?
hkfgfj this feels incredibly difficult to answer but i think its a tie between clara garcia and juan cortez atm (but i tend to change depending on hyperfixations) and yea i would say the characters i love are far easier to write for than others bc the ✨inspiration is flowing✨
13) are you a slow or a fast writer?
i would say fast. if i start writing headcannons i have to finish it that day or i swear i'll never look at em again so when i actually get to writing its quite quick. this is also true to longer fics where i have to finish the chapter that same day
20) what is your favourite thing about writing fanfic? what about writing in general
well obvi im a massive simp so fanfic writing seems like a no brainer lmao but that being said i've always seen myself as creative, and i love writing in general
i'm not really sporty and i have this wack imagination so writing is like my version of cheap therapy? and i also love visualising things in video games which often translates over to fics
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