#yeah... i know Tsukasa might just be taking her to destroy no.1's yorishiro for now... but this could happen anytime in the future!
ngmn2002 · 1 year
Ok.. so... a little something...
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So... we've reached this point I believe?
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Soooo.... she got Tsukasa himself!!! to tell her about various of stuff!! How cool!! how funny he is the one she immediately took off the list. lol Nene-chan he saved you all the trouble and came to you in person. consider that!
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anddd... instead of it being the assistant, it will be the master himself!!! Tsukasa - kun himself!!! WOW!!! What a great opportunity to get to know stuff from him!!! ahhh.. now I want to see Tsukasa going "what do you want to know, Nene-chan?"
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wow... first time Tsukasa talks about Nene's death in this much detail (recalling ch 91, he didn't say much about it unlike here), while hinting (stating clearly) it's connected to the destruction of the yorishiros, a new one out, she comes once step closer to death, and here I thought Amane had no idea about that fact until Tsukasa's assistant told Nene about it and Nene then told him about it on her part? I thought Tsukasa was also aware of Amane's unawareness of it?
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Amane won't really suggest that if he knew it will be the end of Nene by then? and Tsukasa seemd to know that? would Amane keep on doing something that will be the reason she will lose her life? especially when doing it is actually what would lead her to death?
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In ch 105 however, Tsukasa seemed to be talking with Amane as if he is aware Amane already knows of that fact "now, but not in ch 91"?
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Amane only got to know after Nene was told by his assistant in the scene above.. then.. how did Tsukasa know is he "now" aware of it? was he spying on them while chatting there? or lol... did he know about this?
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lol, look at all that self confidence.
of course, these are the options they actually are 2 halves of the same option but with with kinda different ways of happening if we said Amane was telling the truth there and didn't really know about that fact for real, which is a thing I believe since he wanted Nene to have Sumire destroyed before while trying hard to get her to live, and did stuff to ensure Nene would live like in the severance arc or p.p arc, if he knew... he wouldn't have asked that or did these stuff.. or that's how it's supposed to be?
And, I trust Tsu to know what is best to do. If destroying the yorishiros is the right thing to do from his view, I'm with him. I know for a fact the 2 he is fighting for are Nene and Amane and at the end he is trying to make sure they are "happy" together.
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He is trying hard to get this to happen.
Ok.... enough of that...! now... I'm hyped to see if Tsukasa is willing to share more really exclusive "information" with Nene at this point??? too exciting!!! imagine if him casually telling her he is Amane's yorishiro or if he went "as you already know I'm Amane's yorishsiro" would be one of the options! lol wasted energy, his assistant! I will laugh too hard if that happened.
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