#yes I wrote this before but I didn't add a title and tumblr wouldn't give me a chance to so I c+p'd it anew
danwhobrowses · 3 years
One Piece Chapter 2021 - Initial Thoughts
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After Obon snuck in and delayed the chapter we can return to normal programming. Fresh off the heels of Devil Robin and Momo's request we jump back into One Piece, but not where we left off
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release too!
Our cover page this time is Leo and co playing Hide and Seek, they're not that good at it
The map is actually quite handy for showing where the Straw Hats are as well, looks like Franky's well away from the others but nearest to the performance floor, if Nami and Usopp are to reconvene with Robin and Brook they'll likely have to go around BM fighting Kid and Law
Odd also that Ulti and Pay-Pay weren't shown defeated
15 Minutes is not a lot of time either, remember it took Luffy hours to days to defeat Big Mom's sweet commanders, time is not on our side
Luffy's eaten his fill but Caribou is in the background panicking, I'm guessing he's being told that he has to enter the battle
Finally back to the Raizo/Forehead fight
We finally seeing those patented earlobe crackers
Raizo is on the back foot though, because Forehead is exposing his emotions to give away his deception
Finally getting to see Izo and Denjiro during Raizo's speech, but also Kin, Kiku and Ashura's bodies too. I still hope Kin's alive though
Over to Killer vs Hawkins and despite losing a lot of strawmen Hawkins remains confident
and that's why, he somehow got Kid's soul bound to a Straw Man! Does that mean Killer was cutting down other members of his crew?
Come on Hawkins, I've stood up for you for this long, now you're just being a creepy evil Alucard in this place
But playing Devil's Advocate, it may seem like Hawkins doesn't want Kid to die, or else why would he tell Killer?
2 Options though I think Killer could use; cut off Hawkins' arm which Kid is missing or Sea Prism Stone. Though I'd still rather see Hawkins turn on Kaido but at least he's flexing some threat level here
King's back though, and with Queen they're making quick work of the SMILE atrocities
Marco and Sanji are also down having been forced to fight both
King and Queen are after Zoro though, they know it's over if he heals because he's already scarred Kaido today
Pero bastard as well sniping candy arrows
...I'm pretty sure Sanji still married Pudding, the plan was to shoot him as he kissed the bride right so technically they exchanged vows and stuff. But anyway is Sanji died you probably still would've had to team with Kaido because Luffy would still go to Wano
Neko finally fucking arrives, what take a couple of wrong turns buddy?
Taking it outside may also bode well for Carrot and Wanda, who may've recovered by now to perhaps help out, one hopes at least for Carrot, don't want to see her be leverage now
King and Queen have found Cactus Zoro, but Marco makes the save!
Huhhhhh, King is from a race that lived atop the Red Line? Were they ousted from Marejois?
Marco though immediately gives up, he's used his power and he's ready to let the next generation fight
Zoro is reunleashed, and Sanji's there to fight with him too
Tiny Tiny Chopper's face though XD
No squabbling this time though, they have the same goal in mind, win and Luffy's one step closer to being king
Ahhh ain't those boys back in town
finally gonna get a proper Zoro/Sanji team up it looks like against King and Queen. Which works for a lot of reasons but also that I don't think King and Queen can synergize as well. It'll take time though, Sanji hasn't put back in the Raid Suit after all so until then we know he's not at his best
In the defeat of the Tobi Roppo we've put some newer fights in place or back in the forefront so the action will continue. A 15 minute time limit though does make one wonder how it's all gonna go down at that point
maybe Act 3 ends with Kaido about to drop Onigashima, we'll have to see, but a lot is still left to cover, much is still left to do
Clock's ticking Luffy, gotta make your move now.
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Author Self Interview
Name: Shameaboutthedilettantism here, but Dilettantism on AO3 and FF.net (yeah, Dilettantism was already taken on Tumblr)
Fandoms: I've only written for ATLA but I also consider myself a pretty big fan/reader in Harry Potter & Buffy the Vampire Slayer, despite my complicated and mixed feelings about their creators.
Where do you post: here, FF.net, & AO3. I started writing last summer for kataang week because I had this idea that just wouldn't leave me alone. I posted it here and I don't think anyone read it, or possibly even saw it because I had opened my Tumblr account just before I posted the story. So I decided to post to FF.net because I did like my story a bit and was hoping someone else might. And then I got another idea and things just grew from there.
Most popular multi-chapter fic: Definitely The Only Way to Hold On with 64 faves and 97 follows on FF.net Interestingly, this one is NOT liked on AO3. The few comments I've had there are mixed, with a trend toward the displeased. *shrug* It does start out a bit rough, and I may have some regrets about the first chapter. But I am so excited about some things I have planned for the fic and it is not abandoned.
Favorite story you've written so far: Is it bad that it was essentially the first thing I ever wrote? I love Passion Put to Use. I feel like the idea that took hold of me and filled my head for weeks as I drove to work and while I washed dishes or folded laundry or swept floors (plus all those other mindless tasks adulthood requires, especially with 3 kids--yes, I have 3 kids) somehow made its way into words on a screen seamlessly.
Fic you were nervous to post: all of them? Okay, probably What Fate Decrees because I didn't know what kataang fans would think of the soulmate trope. It seems to mostly be a Zukka thing? But nobody said anything mean, so--Internet win!
How do you choose your titles: They're mostly phrases from poetry that I feel speaks to the fic. For example, The Only Way to Hold On is taken from the poem "Balance" by Alice Fogel because I feel like that's what the fic addresses--Aang, Katara, and Zuko's efforts to bring balance between the ways of the past/their past traumas and a hopeful future. Oh, and if you haven't read "I Am Not Yours" by Sara Teasdale, which gave me the title for "Not Lost in You," please read it because it gives me major kataang vibes!
Do you outline?: Only for longer pieces. I have a 25-chapter outline and timeline for The Only Way to Hold On. Heaven help me.
Complete: Who knows? I thought "Passion Put to Use" was complete for almost a year when I decided to add to it. But I feel pretty sure that "What Fate Decrees" and "Not Lost in You" are complete. Also, the piece I wrote for the 2021 kataang week prompt "height difference," which I haven't posted anywhere but Tumblr because a title eludes me.
Do you accept prompts: Maybe? I don't have a whole lot of writing time between a full-time job with a long commute and three kids, but if one really spoke to me I might try to do it justice. One of the future stories I talk about in the next question is from a prompt I saw on Tumblr.
Upcoming story you're most excited to write about: Well, the rest of The Only Way to Hold On primarily. But I've also started outlining a modern AU/band story and written a few bits that have me giggling.
Stories you're most excited to read: I'm always excited to see new kataang content because those two just don't get enough love.
Tagging: yeah, that social anxiety thing? It kinda keeps me from doing much more than sharing stuff I like and occasionally dropping fic, then running away to my real life where I already know everyone and feel comfortable. No offense intended.
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