#yes I'm counting the twins as one for this- same man twice etc. etc.
I'm bored so it's poll time
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ficklewish · 4 years
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Sent by the Gods
An Osamu x Reader fic
Word count: 1.8k
Warnings: none
Genre: fluff and angst (if you squint hard enough)
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You just didn't understand. How does that work? It doesn't make sense. You were currently on route to a shrine to pray for a better brain, as dumb as that sounds, due to your brain not being able to remember a damn thing when you need it most. You'd always forget the most important facts as soon as the exam or test would start, even after pulling all nighters to study for said test or exam, which would lead to getting horrible results. You just didn't understand, studying was supposed to help, how was it not? Getting off the train, you head to the local shrine, your head full of thoughts on how it just didn't make sense. Once there, you immediately start praying for a better brain, or at least a better memory, not noticing a pair of eyes watching you from a distance. Throwing in a few coins into the donation box, you turn around, preparing to head back to your dorm, but immediately stopping in your tracks and looking down in front of you. There, was a gray fox, staring intently at you. Now you were even more confused, the shrine was in the middle of the city, how was there a fox here? Shrugging, you move around the fox and begin to head back to your dorm, deciding to walk instead of taking the train, as the distance was just a 5 minute difference. While walking back, you noticed that people were staring at you, eyes full of confusion. At first you ignored them, but the curiosity of why they were staring was eating away at you. You started touching your hair, then looking down at your outfit, when you noticed the gray fox was following you right at your side. Immediately stopping, you question whether or not you should pick it up and take it to a shelter. The fox however, had other ideas. Taking the lanyard that was dangling loosely from your pocket, the fox began to run. "Hey!" You ran after it, following the fox back to……your dorm? The thieving fox slipped through the gate, now prancing towards the stairs. After sliding your key card and opening the gate, you ran after it, wondering what you had done to possibly aggravate the fox into stealing your lanyard. After following it all the way up the stairs, you now realize that the fox has stopped in front of your dorm room, patiently waiting with your lanyard in its mouth. "Could you not do that thanks…" Taking your lanyard from its mouth, you open the door and enter your dorm, turning around to say goodbye to the fox, when it is nowhere to be found. Looking around, you find it's situated itself on your couch, not giving a single care. "Are you serious…?" Deciding to leave it be, you put your things down and check the time. "Shit, it's late." Getting your pj's and doing your business in the bathroom, you head to sleep, completely forgetting about the fox in your residence. 
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"Fucking sun, I hate you…" Waking up by the sun somehow getting past your blinds and sniping your eye was absolutely horrible. Turning around…or at least trying to turn around it seems. Noticing there was a weight on your waist, you immediately tense. Looking down, you see arms around holding you, and start panicking. 'I don't remember bringing anyone yesterday…I don't have anyone to bring in the first place, so who the fuck-' You slowly begin to turn around again, as to not wake whoever this mystery person was. That's when you see him, an absolutely beautiful man is currently in your bed with you, his gray hair slightly covering his closed eyes. Your eyes are blown wide, staring at the sleeping stranger. Snapping back into reality, you panic and kick him off your bed, effectively waking him up. "Couldn't you have woken me up a nicer way?" 'Oh shit his voice is nice.' You shook your head, removing that thought from your mind. "Who the hell are you!? How did you end up in my room!?" The handsome stranger looks at you, his expression looking bored. It wasn't until you really looked at him that you realized…"Tell me later, for now put some clothes on!!"
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"So your name is Osamu, and you're the fox that followed me here?" Glaring at this Osamu person, he nods. "That's what I said." After finally changing into some clothes that had managed to fit him (although it was a little tight), you began to interrogate him, although you were still confused. "Why'd you follow me?" Osamu turns away from you. "I was told to, it's my job right now to be with you." His job? A fox has a job? "You have a job?" The look on his face clearly says yes, but your brain is smooth, no thoughts. He seems to have read your mind, answering before you could ask. "You've been to the same shrine a few times already, praying for the same thing every time. I was sent to basically answer your prayers, and if you need proof, it's the fact that I am that fox that followed you and took your lanyard." Osamu turns back towards you, a small smirk on his lips. "Of course, you can choose not to believe me, but that's on you." You glared even harder, hating that you had to trust a complete stranger to help you with your smooth brain. Pouting, you nod at him, feeling a bit grateful that you at least had some kind of help for your current situation. His smirk turns into a small smile, and he pats your head. "There's a good doll." You blushed, though the gratefulness turned into irritation at the pet name. Standing from your bed, you head towards the kitchen to prepare breakfast, asking Osamu what he'd like. "Doesn't matter, I'm sure it'll be good." Turning towards the stove, you blush again. 'Smooth bastard.' 
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After breakfast, Osamu had decided to make a schedule for you, planning when would be the best times for study sessions. Of course, he had a few questions for you as to why you thought you couldn't remember anything correctly. "So you're telling me…you'd study for only 30 minutes?" You nodded at him, confused as to why he looked so appalled. "You think that's enough time?" His voice has lowered a few octaves, sounding angry and a bit disgusted. Once again, you nodded. "You idiot, that's not enough time. No wonder you can't remember shit." You winced, knowing his harsh words were true. "Well…I study at least twice a week though." Osamu lifts a brow, mocking you. "That doesn't make it better, it's still not enough." Once again, you winced at his words. Then again, Osamu never said it was going to be easy. “So, the answer is to just…study for a longer time and more days?”  “No you idiot, there’s a few other things you need.” And so, the many long study sessions with Osamu began. Of course, in between getting scolded and being slightly praised by him, he’d opted to tell you about himself a bit during breaks. He has a twin brother named Atsumu, he can change from fox to human or vice versa on command, he doesn’t have a favorite food, etc. You noticed once again how handsome he is, not realizing you were staring. Before you could tear your eyes away from his face, Osamu notices. “Take a picture, it lasts longer.”
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One month later, you are currently waiting in your dorm room for your exam results with Osamu. As much as he helped you with studying and even becoming a good friend of yours, you didn’t want him to go, not yet, and probably not ever. You’d grown attached to the shapeshifting fox man, not wanting him to leave and go back to the shrine. Of course, you kept those thoughts to yourself. Hearing a ping from your laptop, you dash over to your desk, hoping it’s the results. Looking at the screen, you realize it’s just a discord friend. Sighing, you sit on the chair, Osamu behind you on the bed. “Listen, you did great doll, you said you remembered mostly everything.” Blushing at the pet name, you sigh once again. “I know, but I can’t help being nervous ‘Samu.” He smiles at you, though you can’t see it. “Listen, if you get a good score, how about going to get some street food?” Perking up at the sound of food, you turn towards him. “Really? But...what if I get bad results?” “I don’t see that happening, but if you do end up getting bad results, then I’ll, I don’t know, not take you out for food?” You roll your eyes, but are none the less amused. “Sounds good to me.” Hearing another ping from your laptop, you peek at it and see an email from your teacher about your exam results. Immediately reaching for it, you turn it away from Osamu, keeping the results hidden from him. After scanning the email, you close your laptop and put it on your desk. Osamu is patiently waiting for what you’re going to say. “I……PASSED!!!” As if your body moved on its own, you tackled Osamu on the bed, giggling in delight. Not sure what to do, Osamu holds you close as you slowly lose the giggling case you have. Looking up at him, you wear the brightest smile you could muster at the moment due to how happy you are. “Thanks ‘Samu, you really saved my ass.” He smiles back at you. “Of course doll, now let’s go get some food yeah?”
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As much as you wanted to enjoy this night out with Osamu, you couldn’t. The thought of him leaving soon terrifies you. You tried to hide it as much as you could from him, but it seemed like he could see through you. While walking through the park after getting lots of food, he stops, and you turn around and look at him in curiosity. “What’s up?” He looks at you and chuckles. “I should be asking you that. You seem off, everything alright?” You tense up, not ready to face the fear of him leaving. “I’m fine.” He walks up to you, now directly in front of you, so you have to look up at him. “I know you’re not, but you don’t have to talk about it if you-” “I’m scared.” Osamu immediately stops talking. “I’m scared of you leaving. I grew attached to you, and I know I shouldn’t have, but you’re the first friend I’ve had in a while, and-” “I’m not leaving.” Your head shoots up to look at him, confusion evident on your face. He smiles. “I managed to convince boss to let me stay, took a lot but it worked.” Your eyes widen, and you burst into tears, hugging him. He holds you tight and pats your head to help calm you down. 
“I’m not going anywhere doll.”
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