#yes even paulina and labelle
twiceasmanysunbeams · 2 years
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This politician sees the world through jade-colored glasses. He thinks it's a Crapsack World, with black-and-gray morality. He's gotten family members appointed to positions and his friends get the government contracts he doesn't keep for himself. A constituent who comes to him for help had better be ready to hand over a juicy "campaign donation".
Abusing and twisting the system for their own ends some are fully criminal and allied with The Mafia or some other criminal organization. They use their insider status to steer police investigations away from their crimes and exploit loopholes, engineer loopholes, or simply get rid of the law on their behalf. In the worst-case scenario, a particularly powerful, competent, and ruthless Corrupt Politician will be a fully-fledged Diabolical Mastermind.
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prettygreenpills · 2 years
julie taking care of reader when reader is pregnant with sandra <<3
awh, of course!
characters: Julie Ranmore x fem!reader
run down: you are pregnant with your and Julies baby and Julie always knows what do you need the most
warnings: no warnings, just fluff
word count: 1k+
request status: opened
“I am on my way!” Julie shouted from the hall, while you were standing up from the bed.
“I can do it myself,” you answered Julie and reached your hand out for the other pillow. It was in the armchair which you had in the bedroom. Only issue with it was that it was in the corner of the room, which was further.
Julie opened the doors of your bedroom just in time, to see you getting up from the bed.
“Lay back down,” she said only and turned to the armchair where the pillow was. She took it, by few soft punches she adjusted the pillow so it was pretty soft and then she checked it.
You were forced to lay back down and you leant your back against the headboard of the king sized bed you had been sharing with Julie. She looked at you and with few little steps she approached you, smiling.
“How are you feeling?” She asked you really kindly, being aware of that the baby could´ve came every single minute from that moment. You just smiled at her a little and nodded your head.
“She couldn´t sleep at night. She kept kicking me,” you told her honestly and Julie saw that something wasn´t really okay. You moved on the bed a little and you closed your eyes softly when you realized how your legs hurt. Swallowing you tried to deal with the pain, but the swallowing wasn´t really helping.
“Can I do something for you? Do you want to take a bath maybe, or?” Julie asked and you shook your head no. 
“I just want to keep laying here,” you said really quietly and then you breathed out, the pain in your feet and back getting even worse. A soft sigh slipped out from between your lips and Julie sat down opposite to you, being really careful. She folded her legs under herself, giving you the space you needed and then she reached her hands out.
“Can you lift your legs a little and put them here?” She took another pillow and she placed it in front of herself. You looked at the soft pillow and lifted your leg into the air and then you placed it onto the soft surface.
“Oh,” you breathed out really softly as your heel met the soft pillow and then you placed your other leg there as well. You slid a little on the bed so it was more comfortable and then you placed both of your hands onto your baby bum.
“We will make it better,” Julie promised and she took some bottle of oil. You frowned a little at her and looked down at the bottle. You couldn’t see the label, but when she used the little pump to push it out onto her palm, you realized that it was some oil. “This is a lavender one. It will refresh your feet and the scent will calm you down,” she said and you looked at her with a raised eyebrow. “I read about this.”
You believed Julie and let the woman to help you. She rubbed the oil with her palms and then she took your toes. She started really gently massaging your feet and you closed your eyes.
Julie´s fingers slid between your fingers, getting the oil into every valley between them. The pain wasn´t that bad as it had been before and you could bet that Julies fingers were made from gold. She was really gentle with you and you just kept smiling for yourself.
“When are you leaving for work?” You asked her, but you were too comfortable to move. You had found the perfect pose on the bed so your body wasn´t in that much pain and plus Julie was taking care of your feet.
“I am not going to the hotel today,” she said what made you lift your head in surprise.
“I called Hugh and told him that you are not feeling well. He was a bit pissed, but I remembered him of that he has Angela and Aaron there. And also Paulina, she said she is going to work today,” Julie informed you and a warm feeling filled your chest.
“Yes,” Julie smiled and you smiled back at her. “What else hurts you?” She asked when she saw that your feet were okay now, only a little swollen, probably because of the water you had in your body at the moment.
“My back,” you whined out and arched in your back a little.
“Can you sit up?” Julie asked you and reached her hands out for you. You took the woman by her hands and let her help you with sitting up.
Still holding your hands, she moved behind you since you had made a space for her between your body and the headrest few seconds ago. Julie sat down with her legs by your hips, so you were sitting between her knees at that moment.
“Can I take this off?” She asked you and you just nodded, letting her take off the cloth. She took it by the bottom line and she softly pulled it up. You raised your hands, to make it easier for Julie and she took off your clothes. You stayed only in your panties since you didn´t bother yourself with wearing a bra at home these days.
Julies soft hands were places onto your shoulders and she already started with massaging them. You closed your eyes and you were just taking what she was giving you.
Her fingers found every spot which hurt the most and she really softly and carefully massaged the pain away. You had your head bowed and as your muscles on your nech were stretching out, you felt a little better.
Julie continued in giving you a massage and you wrapped your hands around your little girl. You smiled down even if you know that she couldn´t see that, just like Julie and then you rubbed some spots on your belly with your thumbs.
“Are you feeling better?” Julie asked you as she continued lower on your back and you nodded with a smile.
“Yes. Thank you so much,” you whispered, but Julie continued in giving you the massage.
“You are welcome love,” she told you back and you smiled even more. Julie kissed you onto your naked shoulder and you felt like you were in heaven. “I am always here for you two.”
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Quick AU where Danny stays in town during Girls Night Out
Yeah, random thoughts spring into brain. Danny is trans. I think that's enough background info. Also, Tumblr got a new post editor, so I'm betaing it right now.
Danny was supposed to go fishing with his dad. But something came up. AKA, Vlad wanted him to go visit him without Danny. So Danny was in Amity Park when he was supposed to be having dad bonding time. What could he say? His dad got that dumb book and everything. It was gonna be epic. Except stupid Vlad had to go and ruin everything. Whatever. Dad said they would go next weekend.
The first big issue was when Tucker disappeared. And he didn't. Might've been a dumb ghost thing. So he and Sam went to find stuff out. Except all the men in town were gone. It was glaring. "I-I'm sure it's nothing Danny!" Sam said nervously. "Yeah. It's gotta have been a stupid mistake. Maybe I'm immune cause I'm half ghost," Except there weren't any male ghosts either. "Yeah, that's gotta be it!" That when they heard Ember. "OH YEAH! NO MORE PESKY GUYS! IT'S A GIRL'S NIGHT OUT!" "Yes. You know, I'm surprised that worked. I was afraid it might've been a ghost only thing," Spectra drawled. "Of course it worked. The superior gender always prevails," Kitty replied. "And that's obviously female," Every vein in his body was pounding. "I think you might've confused sex for gender ladies," Sam said patiently. "We're not having sex!" Ember laughed. "You do realize how invalidating this can feel for trans people?!" Sam shrieked back. "If they're still here, that means it's a she," Spectra grinned. That was the last straw. He ran. As fast as he could. And for a half ghost that was fast. Once he got home, he slammed the door.
Sam saw Danny run off and knew how this was looking for him. "Isn't this rich? The ghost boy is really a girl," Kitty grinned. "I'm surprised I didn't notice sooner," Spectra laughed. Ember stayed oddly quiet for someone who was normally boisterously loud.
Danny curled in on himself. Herself. NO! Don't second guess yourself. It change the fact that it hurt. "All the men in town are gone!" He heard Jazz yell. "I realize that Jazz. Thank goodness your father is out of town," Mom sighed. "Wait, but Danny isn't! I really hope..." She was standing in his doorway. "FUCKING GHOSTS!" Jazz didn't swear. She never swore. "What is it Jazz? Oh. Danny, I'm so sorry," Mom pulled him into a hug. "I'll be fine," He grumbled. "Do you know which ghosts?" Jazz decided to change the conversation. "Spectra, Kitty and Ember," "Great. Spectra is going to use this horribly," Jazz grumbled quiet enough that only Danny could hear. "Listen, we have to get the guys back first," "Wait, if you're, that means any trans women in Amity are stuck there," Mom said. "Can we not talk about that? I'm seriously not in the mood," "At least pesky Phantom won't be here to get in the way," Jazz and Danny exchanged a look. Sam came bursting in. "Danny! Okay, I am going to make them even deader than before," Sam cracked her knuckles. "I'm fine Sam. Let's just find a way to fix this," "I have an idea!" Jazz said. "No," Danny, Sam and Mom said in unison. "Oh come on. Don't be like that. Not all my plans are bad," Jazz protested. "Speaking from experience (of being trapped in a thermos way too much for one night), that is completely untrue," "What was that about thermoses Danny?" Mom said. "Jazz put soup in my Fenton Thermos!" "I couldn't tell them apart! We really need to label things," "Like with a massive sticker that say Fenton?" "All our stuff has those!" "Fair enough," Danny conceded. It was the plan if anyone caught them talking about getting trapped in thermoses. It made sense because it actually happened. "Well, since Jazz's plan is out, I opt that we figure out how this whole thing happened," Mom said. "It's a combo between Kitty and Ember. Kitty has this thing that makes men disappear into another dimension. And Ember must've used her guitar to make it cover all of Amity. If we don't get them out in twelve hours, they'll be stuck there forever," "And I will have to resign to a life of raging dysphoria," "You were gonna have that anyways," "Times ten. This won't help anyways, but it won't be all bad," "Let's stop talking about you being trans. Danny, you're staying here," Jazz winked. He knew what that meant. They would get all the men back and Danny would keep the ghosts at bay. "Okay. So, from what they were blabbing, all we have to do is get them to do it again," Sam said. Once they had a plan in place, all they had to do was implement it. They left and Danny quickly transformed. Praying that Spectra wouldn't find a way to use this against him, he sped off. "Hey! Poo faces! I'm not gone, and it semi pisses me off!" He screamed. "Oh now sweety. Why would you want to leave behind the superior gender?" Spectra said. "Because it makes me feel horrible and like I was born wrong," "You were, weren't you," Don't let Spectra sink her claws in Fenturd! "Yeah, maybe I was, but if I work hard enough I can fix it," "How is Danny Phantom still here?" He heard Paulina say. Nope, not listening. "They're all going to know. You can't do anything about that," Spectra laughed evilly. "Now girls, follow the recipe! You too now," "I'm. NOT A GIRL!" The wail was probably ill planned, but Danny wasn't thinking straight. Shit, humans. He cut himself off. "Oh come on now. No matter how many times you tell yourself that, you still have to cover parts of yourself. Don't tell me you don't wake up every morning and wish you were a real boy?" "I am. I am a real boy. I just have to take a few extra steps to get there," "Oh come on now. Stop lying to yourself. Maddie, how can you possibly call these eggs? They're green," Okay, maybe dealing with Spectra first was a bad idea. But she was also taunting his mom. Deal with Ember. She must be better than this.
So he flew to a stage. Ember was rocking out with a bunch of girls. Sam was in the background. This was probably one of the less dangerous problems. "Listen, if you're going to taunt me for the fact that I'm still here, do it already," "Hey, listen kid. I'm not actually going to taunt you. Kitty and Spectra are being complete jerks, but I'm not going to judge you for being trans," "Y-you're not?" "Heck no! I'm doing this because I wanted to have a fun night without guys. You included. I'll just have to take a few extra steps to get rid of you!" Danny dodged the guitar strum easily. "Are you planning on bringing them back at the end of the night?" "That's really up to Kitty," "I guess," Sam could deal with Ember.
Next up was Kitty. Oh great, makeup. (I honestly forget what Kitty was doing, so makeup works) "Now girls. All you gotta do is apply the bronzer like so!" "Kitty! How would Johnny feel if he knew you were doing this?" "Oh come on now Ghost girl, you can't be serious. Johnny is having a guys night in all due time," "HEY! Don't you dare. Transphobia doesn't help anyone," Jazz yelled. "Oh stop complaining. She knows she doesn't belong with the guys. From the looks of it, Spectra's already gotten to you. This'll make this so much easier,"
The plan backfired immensely. Danny and Mom were a mess, Sam didn't manage to get the guitar, and Jazz just got in a debate with Kitty. Danny, having to keep up a facade, came downstairs. "How'd it go?" "Terribly. Though, I did learn the Ghost Boy is trans," Mom said. "Fascinating," "It's, well it's oddly human. Why would a ghost even bother?" "Turns out gender dysphoria comes to the grave," "Danny, this is no time for one of your morbid jokes," Yeah, maybe it was morbid, but it wasn't a joke. "Whatever. I guess we get to use Jazz's plan," "All we gotta do is convince them that a cis guy is still in town. Like wandered in after the disappearing act," "Great plan. Sam can't pretend to be me though," "How did you know I was going to do that?" "Lucky guess,"
So that's how Jazz ended up wearing a baseball cap and a pair of men's jeans into Ember's concert. "Did we really have to use a pair of dad's jeans? These barely fit," "You know, the fact that they fit at all should be surprising. Dad was skinny at one point in his life. Which means that one of us could be on his end of the gene pool," "It's probably you," "Don't make me think about that. Hiding what little chest I have is hard enough. If I got dad's genes, I'd honestly be terrified," "We haven't seen the women on his side of the family. And besides, you got the blue eyes black hair thing," "You are honestly scaring me. Now, I gotta scram before someone sees me talking to you. Mom or the ghosts," "Fair,"
And thus, the plan worked. Kitty, adamant that no men be left in Amity, blew another kiss. Ember amplified it. The men came back. The three got thermosed. Jazz laughed at their faces when they honestly though she was from out of town. Danny once again didn't get taken, even in ghost form.
Tucker and Sam found him curled up in his bed. "Hey man. I know this has gotta be tough for you," Tucker said. "Spectra had no right!" Sam continued. "Thanks guys. But I think I'm gonna take a few days off school," The trio heard Dash's voice outside. "Hey mom. I know what happened was scary. And I know it must've felt really bad, but I still see you as my mom," "Thanks Dash. I can always count on you to make me feel better," A woman's voice rang out. Danny looked over the window sill. "See Danny. It's not horribly weird. Just a few transphobic ghosts," Tucker laughed. "A couple," "What?" Sam and Tucker said in unison. "Ember isn't," "How do you know that?" "I talked to her," "Hey Fenturd! Don't you dare tell anyone about my mom! And don't be mean to her! I'm sure you wouldn't get it," "You'd be surprised Dash!" He grabbed his trans flag and hung it out the window. "I get it more than you seem to think!" Dash's mom smiled at him. "Y-you're trans? I thought you were just a loser!" "Yeah, and I had to talk to the transphobic ghosts. So I won't invalidate your mom!" Dash stared up at him. "Holy shit,"
Praying that this uploads, cause I've got shoddy internet rn. And I'm working on my Gravity Falls crossover fic. I just had this pop into my mind. Prolly just gonna be a oneshot. I might make another fic about Jack's side of the family later, that's connected to this one.
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captain-tiggy · 5 years
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“Are you seriously this cool all the time?”
(Macarena Achaga interview for InStyle Magazine, October 2019)
This phrase stuck in our heads when we stalked Macarena Achaga on her social media (that is, before an interview, we read, investigate, and we even get into those forgotten corners of the internet to know about the celebrities on our cover.) And we believe that this is the one question that many ask the Argentine actress...she answers it for us.
“I’m so excited, what did you think of the photos?” asks Maca about the photoshoot we did in Barcelona, ​​with the new collection of the Spanish brand “Desigual” (we love them, by the way). Precisely, she is an example of that (desigual), of originality embodied in a person; not only transcending from being a teenage entertainer in Mis XV, to becoming the actress whose character, along with Barbara Lopez, became the first lesbian couple on Mexican television in Amar a muerte, a telenovela written by Venezuelan Leonardo Padron and produced by Lemon and W Studios.
“I don’t want to discount any of my work because each of them has taken me to where I am now and shaped me professionally; I started with Mis XV and there I learned the importance of freedom at a young age. I am very grateful to have done it with maturity and that my parents always gave me the chance to make my own decisions; I constantly say that it’s better to regret the consequences of your own choices than to regret the ones that were decided for you. From a very young age, I faced and lived many things that, without knowing, would later give me the weapons to tell other people's stories and have empathy so that girls feel recognized.”
“That was the number one factor that happened with Juliantina; we were able to raise our voice for so many people out there who don’t have the opportunity to do so and who don’t have the freedom that I had. The transition in my career has been immense, but going through different experiences gave me the strength to go out and act. I do this because it allows me to be the voice of so many who don’t have one. Following what my heart says lets me do my job with a purpose,” confesses the artist who began more than 12 years ago in middle entertainment and today is one of the coolest faces on the small screen.
The growth that the Argentine has had has been tremendous, but she has also encountered unexpected challenges and obstacles. The industry is difficult, “as humans we are made to please. I think that it is one thing to pretend to fit in and quite another to want to belong. I don’t think it’s the same to fit in by changing who you are than to be with a group of people who are moved by the same things you are; however, I don’t look to change my way of being. I’m guided by the projects that align with my way of thinking. When I am old and I look in the mirror, I want to say ‘You did everything out of love’. I look to play roles that touch someone from a different point of view, but at the same time tell a message that I believe in.” And it’s precisely that, that she’s sure is how things are flowing and has been the success of her career.
She even told us a story of one of her castings, that she realized how the camera connects you to the audience, and because of that she is transparent with her acting and she feels that is part of the movement that is taking place with Juliantina.
Without a doubt, there are many girls, regardless of their sexual orientation, who have felt moved after seeing her performance as Valentina, who is part of a same-sex couple: “She encouraged them to speak without such filters. I don’t label myself and I want to convey that message. Of course, this opens up the conversation that you can have the relationship you want in the way you think it best; I think that these stereotypes and ideas that are so deeply rooted in society have finally begun to fall. I feel proud and responsible--even blessed--because so many girls have chosen me to be a voice that gives the message of equality and put it out there with the ideals of thousands of people. I am inspired by the change I see. As for the sexuality argument, it seems to me that it shouldn’t be a topic of conversation, not because it’s bad, but because it shouldn’t remain a taboo.” Macarena celebrates individuality and is sure that being yourself is the path to happiness, although she knows how difficult it is to translate into words.
And for the Juliantina fans comes a very important project: the movie that will take the couple to the big screen. Undeniably, it will mark a before and after in the history of Mexican television in which an LGBTQ+ couple transitions from a telenovela to a movie.
“It's beautiful to listen the community of women who are making themselves heard and who want to see the story that touched them so much. I thank God I was chosen to play it; it needed to be told. It is a romantic story, but above all, real. For me, it’s a response to the audience that’s socially responsible and their hope to see so much love and camaraderie. This opens a window for the world to be part of a turning point of love stories in general,” she emphasizes.
For her, it is important to go beyond generations, to reach entire families and that the audience connects with this moment of change. “It’s inevitable, urgent, and necessary that these issues are on the table, discussing important things requires courage. Talking about sexuality is uncomfortable, but it has to be done and we are opening the conversation. Recently, I had coffee with a fan from Brazil who told me that after a time of struggling, then seeing me on TV, and then on my social media, she realized that there was a life out there that she wasn’t enjoying. I want to end the prejudices and not have to explain, when many times you yourself are still discovering what is happening with you”.
Macarena is different, rebellious and breaking the rules since she was a child because she has a conscience that allows her to identify with what she likes and what she doesn't, although she admits that she couldn’t have accomplished it without the support of her family and fans who send her gifts, even from Korea, and make her feel special. 
“I like to break the rules and it’s important to learn how to say no and be an example without shame. End the excuses, give the answers from a place that comes from confidence in who you are,” she declares.
So yes, the answer is that Macarena is this cool, all the time.
Interview: Karla Jáuregui
Photos: Paola Vivas
Styling: Paulina Zas
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paloma-garza · 4 years
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FULL NAME: Paloma Magdalena Garza
NICKNAME: Palomita
OCCUPATION: High school math teacher
AGE: 27
DATE OF BIRTH: February 25th, 1993
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: She doesn’t like to label herself. It’s more about a connection with a person.
RELIGION ( or lack thereof ): Raised Catholic. She knows she believes in something, but doesn’t necessarily agree with a lot of the religion’s views.
ACCENT + INTENSITY: American accent, although when she speaks Spanish it’s a very heavy one mostly taken from her parents.
TATTOO(s): None
SCAR(s): She has a scar on her thigh from falling down from a tree when she was a kid.
PIERCING(s): Ears and belly button.
GLASSES: Yes, but mainly when she’s not out and about. She wears contact lenses for the most part.
HOMETOWN: Portland, Oregon
LANGUAGE(s): English and Spanish
SOCIAL CLASS: Lower middle class
BASIC EDUCATION: Grant high school (High school diploma)
COLLEGE EDUCATION: University of Portland
DEGREE(s): BS in Math, MS in Teaching
MOTHER: Paulina de la Cruz Garza
FATHER: Indalecio Garza
SIBLING(s): 3 younger brothers, 2 older sisters
ADDITIONAL FAMILY: too many to list
PET(s): none
POSITIVE TRAITS: Humble, eager, rational
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Naive, stoic, stubborn
BIGGEST FEAR: Letting her family down.
BIGGEST REGRET: Not learning to cook at a younger age
DO YOU CARE WHAT OTHERS THINK OF YOU?: Yes, but it depends on what aspect
HOW DO YOU DEAL WITH STRESS?: Not well, but I get through it eventually even if it exhausts me.
DO YOU DRINK?: Socially
WHAT IS YOUR CHARACTER’S LEAST FAVORITE PHYSICAL ACTIVITY? Lifting weights or doing anything that requires heavy lifting. 
WHAT IS YOUR CHARACTER’S FAVORITE WEATHER? Chilly but not too cold with a little bit of rain. 
WHAT IS YOUR CHARACTER’S FAVORITE SEASON? Definitely fall. It’s perfect weather and she loves to wear sweaters. 
IS YOUR CHARACTER A MORNING PERSON, A NIGHT OWL, OR SOMETHING ELSE ENTIRELY? She’s all of the above. There are days she’ll love waking up early and there are days she absolutely despises it. 
WHAT IS YOUR CHARACTER’S LEAST FAVORITE COLOR? Probably colors that are just bland, but she’s not a fan of super bright colors. Pastels and soft colors are her favorite. 
A STRANGER MAKES A CRUDE COMMENT TO YOUR CHARACTER. HOW DO THEY REACT? Paloma is one to stand her ground so she would not let it slide. She’d go off on them, depending on what kind of comment and how insulting it is, but she’d still keep her head held up high and defend herself. 
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Meet Allie Bennet
► Allie Bennet was created for the Polyvore group In Love With A Celebrity. As the name suggests, she was made to be the fictional love interest of a real life celebrity (Who wants to guess who I picked for the celeb? ;) ). This set was created for her personal information which is listed below the cut. At the very end I am including the requirements that I needed to follow while creating the set. 
Enjoy!! ♥
☾Allison “Allie” Bennet
☾Allie – basically everyone calls her that
☾ Allison – if the full name comes out, then she did something wrong
☾ Al – Byron is really the only person who can get away with calling her this
☾ Picks – a random nickname given to Allie by her friends due to her being a Picker
☾ Cis Female
☾ Emma Watson
☾ 5 / March / 1989
| AGE;
☾ 29
☾ American, British – She was born in America, but she and her family have dual citizenship.
☾ Before Allie was born, her parents moved from England to America for her mom's job. While both her parents grew up in England, her father's side of the family has Greek traces and her mother's side has French traces. When she was growing up, she gained their accents and never really lost it.
☾ Portland, Oregon
☾ Allie double-majored when she went to college. By the time she graduated, she had a bachelors degree for both History and Business.
☾ Allie is a picker and she co-owns a small shop with her brother. They drive around the country, stopping at places that have 'junk' on the property and buy some of that 'junk' to restore/sell in their shop. While both will go out to find items to buy and sell, she mainly stays behind and runs the shop since someone needs to be there and she has the business background.
☾ Demisexual Heterosexual
☾ Marylin Bennet – Mother – Marisa Tomei – 52
☾ Paul Bennet – Father – Nathan Fillian – 49
☾ Byron (Moore) Bennet – adopted brother – Tyler Hoechlin - 28
☾ Byron (Moore) Bennet – brother/best friend/roommate/business partner – Tyler Hoechlin – 28
☾ Larissa “Lacy” Hanlin – childhood friend/roommate – Rose Leslie – 27
☾ Carrie “CC” Clark – college friend/roommate – Paulina Singer – 25
☾ Robert “Robbie” Martin – friend/part-time employee – Darren Criss – 26
☾ reading, traveling, collecting Breyer horses, restoring vintage items, baking, cooking, clothes/fashion, collecting salt & pepper shakers,
☾ getting a good deal, seeing others get excited about history, cats, “Say Yes to the Dress”, traveling, donuts, meeting new people, “American Pickers”, people who are just pure little cinnamon rolls, french fries/chips, books and reading, “Expedition Unknown”, Breyer horses, restoring old items, shopping, England, road trips, those ridiculous tourist traps, “Mysteries at the Museum”,
☾ when people make Pride & Prejudice references because of her name, customers who don't know how to listen, spiders, making a bad call on a pick, the song 'What's New Pussycat?' by Tom Jones, geese, flying, mushrooms, clowns, thunderstorms, people who take advantage of others,
| BIO;
☾  Allison Bennet was born March 5th, 1989, in Portland, Oregon to Marylin and Paul Bennet. It was a difficult pregnancy for Marylin, one that resulted in a hysterectomy, but she and her husband were blessed with a beautiful and healthy little girl. With being born in America and having a majority of her family living in England, Allie's parents worked to get dual citizenship to go between the two countries. It was no surprise then when she ended up with more of an English accent (that never actually faded). When she was 6, her parents took her to her first flea market. She fell in love with the place, begging her parents to bring her (and, eventually, her friend as well) to the markets as often as possible. The items were so cool to look at and the sellers were just as awesome to listen to.
Despite not having any siblings, Allie found a brother, and best friend, in the neighbor boy. Also an only child, Byron Moore attached himself to Allie and they became like two peas in a pod. Even though Byron was one year older, the two pretty much ignored each others classmates. They played with each other, protected each other, and helped each other out over the years. When she was eight, tragedy struck. While the Moore family was heading back one night from a trip to Seattle, their car was struck by a drunk driver. Byron was the only survivor, leaving the wreckage with several scrapes and bruises, a concussion, and permanent damage to his ears. Since he had no other family that could take him in (his grandmother was in a nursing home), the Bennet family brought him into their family and eventually officially adopted him. Allie and Byron became even closer as she helped him deal with the aftermath of the accident, spending hours learning ASL for when he didn't want to wear his hearing aids.
When Allie was 12, she gained a new friend. Allie had just entered the school with Byron when they were pulled into office and placed face-to-face with a small red-haired girl. From that second on, 12 year old Larissa Hanlin, former resident of Scotland, turned the dynamic duo into a troublesome trio. Even though it wasn't the same, it was comforting to Allie to hear Lacy's accent. It was also wonderful to have another female she could talk to. Byron was great, but there were some topics that were just plain weird to discuss with him. With Lacy, Allie discovered a love of fashion and makeup, as well as some cute boys as school.
At the age of 15, the trio was snooping around at the local flea market when Allie met the person who would forever change her life. The lady was a Picker – someone who travels around the countryside looking for places with a lot of junk - “rusty-gold” is what she called it – outside. With the landowner's permission, they then dig through the items and buy old pieces to then resell, and sometimes restore, to prospective clients. Road trips? Antiques? Meeting new people? It was the best thing that Allie had ever heard of! She immediately started making plans to have this future. She could picture it then, having long days of picking before heading back to a cute little shop to display her finds.
A few years later, with Byron having gone off to study mechanics a year prior, new graduates Allie and Lacy both became roommates for their college experience. As Lacy started acting classes, Allie decided to dual major in History and Business. If she wanted to have her dream of picking and owning a business, this is what she had to focus on. Her first year passed without a hitch and in her second year she met a guy who they've come to call D.B.. Attractive and charming, they had English together and D.B. wasted no time with his flirtatious comments. Allie, having no previous dating experience, was beyond flattered. After a few dates they came out with an official label on their relationship, but, since this was all new to her, she wanted to take it slow so she could get comfortable with the concept of dating. The first month was pure bliss for their budding relationship, but after that D.B. grew a little prickly towards her. It was another month before he finally admitted that he was irritated that their relationship hadn't advanced beyond a certain point. Allie was hurt. She didn't understand why he was so upset. They had agreed on the pace at the start of their relationship, yet, here he was, seemingly on the verge of dumping her. Sure she hadn't exactly told him the 'L' word yet, but Allie did care a lot for him. Since she didn't want to lose him, she thought 'why not?'. Weeeeeell, D.B dumped her two days later. Actually, dumped isn't really the right thing to call it. After two days of silence on his end, she more of saw him flirting and hitting on another girl on the campus quad. While Lacy consoled her with comfort food and Byron threatened to beat the guy to a pulp, Allie decided to swear off relationships for the time-being.
It was in her third year, while she was working at the local library, that Allie met Carrie Clark – a first year history whiz with big plans for teaching the newest generations. The two quickly hit it off with their love of history and soon Carrie joined their little squad. It was Carrie that introduced Allie to the second biggest revelation in her life. C.C. had been going on and on for days about this awesome new website she found called Tumblr. When Allie and Lacy couldn't stand her rambling anymore, they each made their own account. A few weeks later, an intriguing post popped up on Allie's dashboard late one night. It was about different sexual orientations and gender identities. Once section in particular caught her attention and the more research she did, the more Allie realized that she was Demisexual. Suddenly, the idea of dating wasn't so daunting anymore.
When graduation loomed on the horizon, the question of 'What to do after this?' came up more and more. For Allie it was easy – buy a roomy vehicle and hit the backroads of America. The only problem was where she was going to live. That was decided over pizza. Since none of the girls wanted to be separated and with Lacy searching for acting jobs, Los Angeles was perfect. They could find a house to rent together and it would offer each of them a chance for jobs.
It seemed like seconds had passed from the time Allie and Lacy had moved to when C.C. join them down in L.A. two years later. Allie had bought and sold enough items to be able to keep up with the picking lifestyle. Although, she hadn't gotten her storefront yet. An online store, yeah, but not her physical shop. Though that changed after three years in the bustling city. Allie mainly focused on non-machine antiques; things like toys, furniture, signs, and the like, but occasionally a vehicle caught her eye. That's when Byron would be called. When she was in the middle of Kansas, she found and bought an old, decrepit Harley-Davidson, Byron was summoned down to L.A. from Portland to see about it's restoration. Three days of talk ended with him quitting his mechanic job in Portland, moving into the group's little house, and becoming Allie's business partner. Together they bought a small storefront using the money they got from selling the old motorcycle (among other items) and set about stocking it with their finds. Allie, with her business degree, took over the shop and dealt with clients and customers while Byron took on the picking aspect and the mechanical restorations. Bennet-Moore Antiques officially opened for business when Allie was 25.
When she was 26, Robert Martin joined their merry troupe. Robbie, a local L.A. mechanic, had come into the shop to look at a bike they had for sale. After chatting with the siblings about their business, Robbie ended up becoming a part-time employee and full-time friend. When he wasn't working his own job, he helped Byron with restorations and learned the art of picking, a skill that Lacy and C.C. helped him develop as well.
Now 28, with a thriving store, a dream career, and great friends, Allie honestly doesn't know how her life could be any better.
[+] Include 2+ colored pictures of your OC’s faceclaim.
[+] Include 1+ black&white picture of your OC’s faceclaim.
[+] Include lyrics of a song that captures your OC’s personality and link the youtube link here:
If Then // General Ghost // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_lEMsBlH5w
[+] Include 1+ speech bubble.
[+] Include a magazine article.
[+] Tag the members in the comments.
[+] Include an outfit your OC would wear.
[+] Include a featured item.
[+] Make your set square.
[+] Include a filler of a person.
↳ All of the OC information listed above
Tagging (using my All taglist and a few others): @red-shirts-always-die4444 @captainsbabysitter-blog @loststarlight @southernbellestatues @jiminthestreets-bonesinthesheets @doctorginsberg @kjs-s @feelmyroarrrr @yallneedtrek @haveyouseenmymind @reading-in-moonlight @annathewitch 
*previously made with Polyvore (account : popularculture) and currently posted on shoplook. I don’t own the images used to make the set and it was made for entertainment purposes
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monotype-on-phantom · 7 years
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Okay, here we go. Tucker. While I don’t see as much active hate towards him as Sam, he’s still criminally underappreciated. He’s an amazing friend, incredibly intelligent and quick thinking, and he’s a vital part of the team. It really disappoints me just how much even the show seems to write him off. So lemme gush about my favorite techno geek.
One thing that gets overlooked a lot is the fact that Tucker actually gets some pretty good, lasting character development.
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At the beginning of the series, Tucker’s basically constantly talking about how he’s much more cool, charming, and good looking than his two friends, and he’s not at all a nerd. Mostly, he’s using this to cover up his own insecurities, similar to how Sam covered up hers by ragging on Paulina. This results in episodes like What You Want, where Tucker gets jealous of Danny’s ghost powers, and 13, where Tucker gets so tired of being labelled as a geek that he abandons his technology altogether.
Both of these episodes are great because they show how Tucker grows as a person and learns to be proud of who he is, even down to the labels he has put on him. He still calls himself good looking and cool, but now he’s able to see himself like that even if others don’t.
Unlike some other lessons that the show tries to hammer in repeatedly, we never see these lessons come back. Tucker’s development sticks, and another aspect of his character is addressed instead.
Of course, Tucker isn’t all flaws. Another thing that gets overlooked a lot is what a caring and loyal friend he is.
In the above gif, Tucker’s marching up to Dash like that because Dash claimed there were no nerds around to hide him, and so Danny was wide open to being beat up. Tucker knows he can’t stand up to Dash, but he angrily marches up to let this jerk know that he is a nerd and he is absolutely going to stand by Danny.
Let’s also not forget that Tucker took a sword through the chest for Danny, or the time he put aside his extreme phobia of hospitals to break in and rescue his friends.
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I talked a bit about this on my other blog here, but Tucker is loyal and self-sacrificing. He is a goof, and he has a teenage obsession with pretty girls, but those traits don’t negate the positive aspects of his character. It’s also important to remember that one does not need to hate themself to be caring and self-sacrificing. Self love does not equal selfishness.
In fact, the fact that running in to help his friends comes so easy to Tucker shows how much he values them. He views himself as important, yes, but his friends are important, too. They’re worth risking himself for. There are times when he’s cowardly, but a truly brave person is someone who does something despite being afraid.
I feel like the fandom and even the show itself often write Tucker off as just a comic relief character, but he really is an amazing friend. He loves Sam and Danny both and he’ll always be there when they need him.
Also, how can people reduce him to just a guy who likes the ladies or praises himself a lot when he’s literally a technological genius, inventor, and entrepreneur?
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Over the course of the series, Tucker has hacked into advanced ghost technology, government level security systems, and an incredibly advanced robot from 10 years in the future with little more than handheld devices. He’s created his own tourism business, a babysitting service, and a lawn mowing service. He has invented things that ended up being crucial in the defeat of ghosts, such as his cologne which functions a ghost bug repellent and his mood machine. The first one actually saved the lives of all the other students in his school.
Some of these things are often shown in a comedic light at first, because Tucker’s a goofy guy, but the fact is that he’s saved lives and is the only one of the trio who could survive on his own merits right now. Just because his inventions don’t always work out how he intended or his businesses often fail doesn’t make these skills any less valuable, and his talent with computers would be enough to get him some really high-paying jobs.
I’m not saying the other two can’t be successful, but Sam’s family is wealthy and Danny comes from a family of mad geniuses. Tucker comes from a completely average family, and all of these skills he has are self-taught. Of course he’s going to fail or look goofy at times. He’s only 14. When you look at these accomplishments from that perspective, Tucker really is a child genius, and he’s absolutely going to have a successful life in the future.
Tucker is goofy. Tucker drools over girls a lot. Tucker’s a nerd. But he’s also incredibly smart and talented, as well as an amazing, reliable friend. He deserves so much more love and respect than he gets, and he is my son.
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downermult-blog · 5 years
2009 Dancing With The Stars Week Three: Mya Earns Initial 10S (Video Clip)
Donny Osmond is an entertainer and he's made this period extremely entertaining--on and off stage. The kiss with decide Bruno Tonioli was shock that Tonioli and Osmond carry on to perform on. However Osmond is a competitor and he took the criticism to coronary heart, creating sure his moves were sharp. Last evening, during his Argentine tango, it payed off. He scored a 29--two tens and a nine (from Len Goodman). The first team to carry out was Group Paso, consisting of, Mark Dacascos, he said, Mya and Michael Irving, along with their Dancing with the Stars expert partners. The judges praised Group Tango and scored each 24 factors.
Snowboarder Louie's smile on the dance floor looked like the ultimate illustration of deer in headlights: he danced like a truck was about to hit him. Louie got some fairly hefty praise from the judges, even if he did get known as a "little dancing hobbit" by Bruno. I guess Louie can dance all the way to The Shire with a rating of 19, and with a extremely great impact on the team salsa.
Aaron Carter Albums
Co-hosts Tom Bergeron and Samantha opened the hour of the first Dancing with the Stars drop 2009 outcomes display by turning to head judge Len Goodman and requesting the judges' pick for the encore dance. Final evening's shock sleek swan of the ballroom Kelly Osbourne and Louie van Amstel delighted the group with their Viennese Waltz as soon as again. I'm still so impressed with Kelly. I had, fairly actually, nearly no expectations for Kelly Osbourne on DWTS season nine. I thought she'd suck and I felt badly for poor Louie. But she's incredible and was amazing however once more tonight.
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Michael Irvin and Anna Demidova. Michael Irvin gained 3 Tremendous Bowl rings whilst playing for the Dallas Cowboys. In 2007, Irvin was inducted into the Expert Football Corridor of Fame. He presently hosts his own radio display in Dallas for ESPN Radio. His companion Anna Demidova produced her DWTS debut in the celeb round of the Season eight pro-dancer competitors. She gained and clinched her place as a Period 9 professional. She is also a three-time expert dancing winner. With Irvin's appeal and athleticism and Anna's 1st yr enthusiasm, this may be 1 few to set the dance floor on fire. Judge verdict: Len said, "Sometimes less is more-but not in the jitterbug. More is more." Carrie Ann whooped it up and said she was thrilled. All three dinged him for a misstep in the direction of the finish.
Aaron Carter Skinny
So that's that! Kathy Eire went home at the close of Dancing with the Stars week two results show. Be sure to tune in next 7 days for much more DWTS period 9 motion! Or you can just check in with me. You know I'll be watching. There has been much speculation and numerous media reports surrounding alleged quotes from singer Aaron Carter on the famous King of Pop, Michael Jackson. When a reported interview made headlines more than alleged estimates from Carter, the singer quickly denied that he had at any time said any of the things that he was being quoted as stating. In accordance to a new update produced by the singer by way of Twitter, Aaron Carter will reportedly be highlighted on E! News these days in an job interview in which he will be discussing the Michael Jackson story. Three women and one man stay as we go into the semi-finals of Dancing with the Stars Period nine. Kelly Osbourne defeat out go to this web-site final week showing that getting followers may be much more important than getting skills in this competitors. Every couple would carry out three dances, such as a "knock-out" dance that is meant to wow the judges and the viewers.
Aaron Carter Dancing With The Stars
Yes, Miley Cyrus' newest video was premiered next, but I'm disregarding it. I'm not happy with her. Disney and pole dancing don't belong in the same sentence, states this mama. So that's what occurred on Dancing with the Stars; another week of competitors is in the books. I was impressed in a 'wow, I'm surprised' way with Louie Vito, Donny Osmond and Natalie Coughlin. I was impressed in a 'will of steel' way with Tom Delay. I was happy to see Kelly Osbourne stage it back up once more. So who goes home? Mercy states it ought to be the hurt Tom Delay, who might well not be in a position to dance next week in any case. But I'll say Debi Mazar, just because she was in the base two last 7 days. Now I admit that goes towards my typical concept that instant survivors of the bottom two will be is aaron carter gay the beneficiary of additional votes the 7 days following their bottom two-ness, but I don't treatment. That's my prediction.
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Aaron Carter Albums
Natalie Coughlin and Alec Mazo. The charming Olympic swimming gold medalist is the most decorated athlete of both the 2008 Bejing and 2004 Athens games. Her companion Alec Mazzo was the professional winner when he partnered with Kelly Monaco in Period 1. His prior celeb companions include Toni Braxton, Josie Maran, Paulina Porizkova and Kelly Monaco. With Natalie's athleticism and Alec's experience, this team ought to go much in the competitors. Grammy Winning singer/songwriter Joss Stone took to the phase with her single Free Me when the Dancing with the Stars results display continued. I don't know about you, but when I look at Joss Stone and her fairly encounter and girly hair, and then hear her sing, I'm always stunned by the cacophony in between the sight and the audio. Her voice is lovely, I think, but just not what I ever expect. Anyway, she was joined by a pair of professional dancers performing their thang on the ballroom flooring. It looked like an elaborate bedroom dance, if you want my viewpoint. Bruno said, "It was like watching a little dancing hobbit." He noted that Vito lacked fluidity and fell two times. From there Bergeron labeled Vito: Louie Frodo.
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ojaneyg-blog · 7 years
hey y’all !! name’s em, i live in ye great olde tornado valley ( that puts me in the cst! ), i’m twenty and always a struggling psych major ( the s stands for “strangled by her own perfectionism” ) but enough about me, this is about jane, the uber cautious! single mom and the “artsy” member of the band b u. i prob haven’t done an oc in . . . god, so long,but i’m so excited to take this chance to develop janey here. this is a flying post & run because i’m about to head into work, but if you maybe wanna plot or whatever that is like !! this post and i’ll slide into your im like i’m about to cha-cha real smooth.
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- ̗̀ PAULINA SINGER ⋮ CISFEMALE ⋮ SHE/HER ̖́- that’s JANE GILLESPIE on the cover of castle magazine. the TWENTY-FOUR year old is mostly known for her MUSIC career on the castle channel. the tabloids exposed her to be CAUTIOUS & ASSERTIVE, but people close to her know her to be CLEAR-HEADED & DEDICATED. she has been a part of the castle channel for THREE YEARS and is MUSE D4 in B U. ( EM ⋮ 20 ⋮ CST )
janey here has been affiliated indirectly with the castle channel practically since birth b/c her mom works in the costume dept, so she’s been hanging around the sets since . . . forever ?? ( like there are legit stories in all of the tech aspects of her waddling around as a toddler getting up to mischief. easiest way to embarrass her is to bring up one of these stories, which the crew will happily share b/c it’s basically a family  )
when she was almost 21 and looking for an internship to fulfill some college credit her mom hooked her up and talked the management at castle into giving jane an interview for the costume dept — obvi not working under her mom, b/c yikes. jane cinched it in the bag and so has officially been working with castle for around three years
first of the three years she spent with costuming, which led to her getting to know the cast and band members that were around that early, which . . . led to sammy, her two-going-on-three-year-old son. jane fulfilled gabriel santo’s connection of his secret baby momma
quote -   “ they had a baby when they were together a few years back but his management are making him keep it a secret because they don’t think the scandal will help his career. the only reason is he going along with it is because he’s brainwashed into thinking its the right thing to do. plus gabe and the mother want to keep their child out of the limelight as much as they can. they are no longer together but he sees his child as much as he can. ”
jane nearly lost her position at castle over this, though of course the channel will staunchly deny it. actually, the channel denies any rumors of gabriel santos having a child with one of its other employees, not wanting to get the bad rep as a scandalous company for youth entertainment.
the scandal and jane’s ensuing job loss was what actually led her to b u as it was just being pulled together by the company. the music label was promoting this all-girl empowerment band and one more opportunistic higher-ups at castle thought that the story of an empowered young mom putting her energy into raising her newborn son on her own would be a good image for the band to sell
it didn’t hurt that she could carry a tune either, nor that her mom had saved up money all throughout jane’s childhood so that she could buy her cheap art supplies and musical instruments from local flea markets so that her daughter could practice
so jane caught another job just in the nick of time, and samuel gillespie came screaming into the world entirely unaware of how dangerous his very existence was
since then, jane has been  VERY CAREFUL to keep her son out of the limelight — not only because of her terrible experiences under castle’s scrunity, but also out of spite towards the company. she wasn’t about to let them use her son to promote their image when they’d been about to fire her over it
this cautious and assertive nature hasn’t garnered her much fans in castle’s management, so any time she’s stuck in a meeting with them she’ll let the other girls in b u talk for the band and just keep quiet to herself
but meanwhile ALL THAT SCANDAL ASIDE jane’s presented a very different story to the public eye ; she’s not nearly so DEFENSIVE when it doesn’t come to her son or her past at castle
publicly, she’s got the rep as the “ artsy one ” in b u as she’s always open to talking about her love for design and etc. arts. she jumps @ the opportunity to help out at the costume dept when she can
sometimes she feels a little out of place in the band since she’s one of the oldest there, and v removed from the problems of the younger members since she . . . already got a son from one of her romantic dalliances yikes and hasn’t been interested in the dating pools since
but she’s 100% ready to be the “ voice of reason ” and “ mom friend ”, offering advice whenever the situation calls for it
and sammy often works as her ice-breaker whenever she brings him to work with her, so that doesn’t hurt either
sOOOOOOOOOO TL;DR version of all that: janey g is the epitome of a mama bear, no one can touch her kid and get away with it, and she’s something of a “ difficult employee ” @ castle and is 110% ready at all times to fight a company but would rather swerve into a ditch than hurt any of the people she really cares about
plotting’s super open since jane’s been around the company before she was even there in professional standards, so if you’ve got a connection idea or just wanna headcanon the shiznit out w/ me like this message and i’ll im you once i’m free from Retail Hell(tm) or im me and i’ll get back to you once i’m ............. well ditto !!
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