#yes i'm a hypocrite bc i've cried about it but i don't want YOU to cry or be hurt about it!
septembersghost · 2 years
I feel like users on here from other fandoms who watch other shows are so snobby and mean to spn users 😔
i mean, there is a degree of that, for a bunch of factors - spn is not a quality show (yes, i've defended its folkloric gothic horror vibes and its Romantic heroes many times and would do it again, but we all know it's also not objectively "good." sometimes it's powerful and beautiful and affecting, it's subjectively great in moments, that's different. i say this with love and self-awareness, i've spent more time with it than anything, you know my feelings for dean, look at the sheer amount of pages and energy dedicated to it here. it's part of my heart! it's also a mess. it being riddled with holes and poor writing and inconsistent characterization is a significant part of its success, weirdly, because fandom takes advantage of having all those spaces and margins to interpret and fill. and i still watched it every week for fifteen years? idc, joke's on me), spn has a huge fandom, quite a lot of which is obnoxious and unkind, even though it also has many people who are intelligent and lovely, and it's ubiquitous on the internet to the point where, i'm sure, even if you don't outright "hate" it, you get sick of seeing it, like any popular thing. and then for some, pretentiousness plays a role if they think they're superior for hating it and only watching prestige tv or whatever. which can be debated all day, but genre tv and prestige tv both have their places and importance in the annals of fiction and shouldn't be compared anyway.
i personally love and cherish all my little goblin garbage shows. if someone is mean to you about liking a silly television show, that's a them problem far more than anything else. if they're making you feel shut out from participating or blogging about a different show...ignore them (i know that's hard in some situations) and enjoy what you enjoy and post whatever you want because how dare anyone try to take that from you?! my blog is just potpurri at this point. basically posting whatever i like while i throw around handfuls of glitter and petals. we can't let judgy people take our joy, there's not enough time on this earth, we're all dealing with some form of existential crises on a regular basis, i promise you that deriving pleasure from the stories in the moving picture box is supposed to be fun and is not a measure of your value. you're awesome, love what you love. (i just think you are what you love...)
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