#yes i'm doing marina/pearl yuri don't @ me side order made me insane
clovecardamom · 4 months
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i decided the next music project i'm going to tackle is splatoon related, and i got really emotional listening to some of the music again.
writing through my thoughts on it over on my secret twitter, they felt actually poignant enough to share.
like. we live in a media landscape that fundamentally does not understand who and what kids & especially teenagers are. splatoon not only understands them, but effectively reminds its adult players to empathize with and care about kids. splatoon wants you to engage with kids as part of a community. their community. not yours. if you are an adult in this space, you are a guest.
this is unbelievably special. this is important in a way i don't think people get unless they either work with teenagers a lot or raised one successfully themselves.
i worked in youth development before, during, and after the pandemic and like. from my perspective, splatoon is a sacred space for teenagers to be authentically weird as all hell, and for adults to actually enjoy being around them and supporting them on their weird little journeys.
tl;dr splatoon is a video game where you see a twelve year old on your team with an epic cool badass username and start cheering for them until you're hoarse.
it rules so hard.
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