#yes its jpg roast me
sebscore · 1 year
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pairing: lando norris x driver!reader
author’s note: the next part of the headcanons series !! 🧡 this time our british rumplestiltskin is up! :) hope you enjoy it!
headcanons masterlist
• • • • • •
:: They met when they were 8-9 years-old at a karting competition.
:: Lando spilled his caprisun on her and she was very angry at him, cause she was wearing her favourite shirt.
:: Lando’s mom gave her on of his spare shirts which she still has until this day (no, it doesn’t fit anymore).
:: They weren’t immediate best friends, but would talk to each other quite often.
:: They live in the same apartment complex in Monaco, but they almost never run into each other.
:: Sometimes when one of them has cooked, they text the other one asking if they would like some of it.
:: Often the answer is yes and they go to the chef of the day’s apartment.
:: Their love language is roasting one another.
:: Whenever they’re asked about who their best friend is on the grid, they answer each other.
:: She is the most featured person on his jpg account aka his fan-account for her despite claiming it isn’t.
:: They bully George together.
:: Friends who bully together, stay together <3
:: They have drunkenly promised each other that if they’re both not married by the age of 40 that they’ll marry each other.
:: They’re both pretending they don’t remember that.
:: Max (Fewtrell) does and he’s waiting for the right opportunity to tell them.
:: Lewis thinks they’re more than friends, but is like Sebastian and doesn’t mention it- he just sits back and observes.
:: She was taller than him at one point in their lives and she’s never going to let him forget that.
:: Y/N is Lando’s hypewoman whenever he is dj’ing.
:: He was one of the first people to hug her when she got her first win in F1 :)
:: Sometimes they are referred to as ‘the twins’ by the other drivers, because of how inseparable they are.
:: dumb and dumber duo
:: aka Daniel’s kids.
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taglist :: @cl16version @missskid @missthem @rosesintj @evans-dejong @thehistoryone @dreamycloudsworld @alonsogirlie @muushmeg @topguncultleader @the-great-adventures-of-me @love13tter @xcharlottemikaelsonx @kiwisa @starkwlkr @nora_moon @princesselle2111 @valluvsu @thatsadsmallchild @babyyoda89 @milkbreadforlife @fxllfaiiry @hc-dutch @its-ash-not-grey @princessbetsy123 @mehrmonga @nyenye @screechingtrashkid @ahnneyong @holybatflapexpert @itsnotgray @beautycinders @rowansshit @uhhevie @revengze @nylaslife @majx00 @multi-universe21 @jaydensluv @isasalom @gentlemonsterjennie1 @appledashhh @breathinfive @lighttsoutlewis @champomiel @ooooohmicky @koufaxx @flannelforthetoads
@mysticfalls01 @ghostcorazon @mango-bear @totally-random-person @youkissedareaderinthedark @phoenix-luv @hamilton-mount @calcaneous @aurora-maria @idkiwantchocolatee @anonymous-platypus1
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inspectorgorgeous · 4 years
This post has been compensated by Inmar Intelligence and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #SauceIntoSummer #CheckOutOurBackSide #GreenMountainGringo
Like Avocado Toast, but make it tacos
Because breakfast is always better when there are tortillas involved.
I never really hopped on the avocado toast train because I couldn’t really see the appeal. Avocados are great, but what was toast bringing to the breakfast table?
A lot of crumbs? And crust?
Seems shady. A more logical recipe would be avocado tortillas. Don’t the folding capabilities alone make it superior? And at that point, you’re just a fried egg and some (really good) salsa away from having breakfast tacos. WHICH SOUNDS WAY BETTER THAN TOAST. And is consequently what we are whipping up today!
You’re welcome.
Let’s Taco Bout Salsa
So the breakfast taco sitch is this: we want something super healthy, light, fresh, refreshing (gluten-free & keto for me) while still being flavorful enough that it will put all of your other breakfast options to shame. Yes, even pancakes. BUT it’s nothing without a high-quality salsa.
Let me introduce you to Green Mountain Gringo® aka my favorite salsa for topping breakfast, lunch, and dinner tacos.
Look, when I say GOOD salsa, I don’t just mean tasty salsa. It’s GOOD, meaning it’s got a truly clean ingredient label. No hidden sugars. No hidden preservatives. No hidden agenda!
Need more proof? The folks at Green Mountain Gringo® brand dare you to #CheckOutOurBackSide (in the most proper way possible) so you health-conscious cooks can see for yourself.
What’s better than a great-tasting salsa that is made with YOU in mind? A salsa that is easy to buy…online.
Ordering from Target is already one of my favorite hobbies, so add online ordering my breakfast taco fixin’s on top of that (with the in-store pickup option)? LIFE CHANGING.
Or if you aren’t in the mood for an in-store pickup outing? I feel you. The Green Mountain Gringo® website has you covered. You can order jars and jars of their array of salsa, hot sauce, and tortilla varieties to be delivered right to your front door. Regular pants optional.
Maybe you are feeling like being a little social (while distancing) for salsa, and in that case, you can find a store using the Green Mountain Gringo® Locator.
Now all we need is an amazing keto and gluten-free soft taco shell. My skillet flatbread works perfectly here, just roll it realllllly thin and char each side in a very lightly oiled skillet.
Then we make this breakfast tortilla better than any other breakfast tortilla recipe out there. We melt a handful of cheese on the shell. No more dry cheese falling out of your breakfast taco!
Layer It
If you have a picky 5-year-old in the house, you might stop there, but you and me? We are going all the way.
Smashed Avocado and Lime Juice
Green Mountain Gringo® Medium Salsa
A perfectly fried Egg
Crushed Red Pepper, Cilantro, more Salsa…
I have even tossed a few stray purple onions in. I was not disappointed.
If you wanted to switch up your salsa flavor (maybe roasted garlic?) or scramble your eggs, you can. It’s still going to be amazing. Toss in leftover veggies from dinner, too, and then you’re cleaning out the fridge AND saving time/effort.
Is it just me or is this breakfast just getting better and better??
[mv_create title=”Zesty Breakfast Tacos! {Vegetarian & Gluten-Free!}” key=”197″ thumbnail=”https://www.inspectorgorgeous.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Gluten-Free-Vegetarian-Breakfast-Tacos-185.jpg&#8221; type=”recipe”]
Zesty Breakfast Tacos! {Vegetarian & Gluten-Free!} This post has been compensated by Inmar Intelligence and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #SauceIntoSummer #CheckOutOurBackSide #GreenMountainGringo…
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sunbus45-blog · 5 years
Tips for Cooking in a Tiny Kitchen
When I started Budget Bytes I lived in a tiny apartment with an equally tiny kitchen, that had only about 12-inches of counter space. The apartment was built in the 30’s and I always wondered how, in a time when people cooked at home far more than they do now, they were able to make do with so little workspace, especially without a dishwasher! Well, I’m here to tell you that it can be done. You don’t need a gigantic gourmet kitchen to pump out delicious meals, you just need to plan, stay organized, and improvise. So for all of you struggling with cooking in a tiny kitchen, here are my tips that helped me survive my small space. #thestruggleisreal
This post may contain affiliate links which won’t change your price but will share some commission.
Stay on top of your inventory. You may have heard me say before, “shop your pantry before you shop the store.” Always staying aware of what you have on hand and using those ingredients first helps keep your “inventory” low and reduces the need for storage space (in addition to the obvious benefits of keeping your grocery costs low and reducing waste). Take regular inventory of your ingredients, cook from what you have on hand as much as possible, and buy only what you need and when you need it.
Cook one-pot, sheet pan, or skillet meals. These simple all-in-one style recipes will cut down on the number of dishes you have to clean and the amount of activity you have going on in the kitchen while you cook. Keeping it simple is key in a small space. Check out my One Pot Meal recipe category for ideas.
Pictured above: Southwest Chicken Skillet
Make a game plan for cooking. Before you begin cooking, run through the directions for your recipe(s) in your head to make sure you won’t need your limited workspace for two things at one time. If you have a sheet pan coming out of the oven, you need a place to put it as it cools. If you’re draining pasta in a colander in the sink, make sure you’ll have space in the sink available. You don’t want to be dancing around your kitchen with a hot pot in hand and no where to set it down!
Limit your tools, equipment, and appliances. I’m a huge advocate for keeping it simple in the kitchen, using only very basic kitchen tools, and focusing on multipurpose kitchen equipment. A basic chef’s knife can accomplish hundreds of tasks, while a banana slicer can only do one. A Dutch oven can act as both a soup pot and a roasting pan. A simple cheese grater can shred not only cheese, but a variety of vegetables, frozen butter (for making pastry), or even quickly remove the zest from citrus. Stay away from single use tools and go for the tried and true classic kitchen tools. Here is a list of the basic kitchen equipment that I find most valuable.
Mise en place (prep first). Since you’ll likely be using your workspace for multiple purposes throughout the cooking process, it can help to do all your chopping, measuring, and prepping before you actually begin cooking. This way you can go as slow as needed and use your one work space for one task at a time, instead of frantically trying to multitask while the heat is on.
Clean as you go. Dishes can pile up fast as you cook and quickly encroach on the prep area in your tiny kitchen. Take every spare minute you have to clean a dish or utensil, or put away an ingredient. Instead of watching the pot as you wait for it to boil, clear away a few items. Have something baking in the oven? Put away everything that has already been used. As an added bonus, cleanup after cooking is so much less daunting if half of it has been already been done in small increments along the way. You may have to build this habit over time, but it’s SO worth the effort.
Invest in nesting bowls, pots and pans, and containers. Say goodbye to the chaos of random containers in your cabinet whose lids have long been lost. Invest in nesting items so components don’t get lost, you save cabinet space, and your kitchen appears clean and decluttered. Yes, they even make pots and pans specifically designed to nest now! Yay!
Think outside the kitchen. If you have a dining room, dinette, or some other small table and chair set near the kitchen, make use of it! Have yourself a seat and chop away, my friend. Have a closet in another room that isn’t being used to its fullest? Take advantage and make it do double duty for extra pantry items. Just pretend your whole apartment is a giant kitchen (that also happens to have a sofa and bed). ;)
Transform your sink or stove top into a prep surface. This was probably my most common technique when I had a tiny kitchen and limited counter space. Place a large cutting board over your burners or straddling your sink and use it as a prep surface. Just be extra careful that the board is sitting even and is stable. There are even cutting boards specifically designed to straddle the sink or cover the burners on your stove top.
Try a mobile kitchen cart. Another great way to get extra prep space is to use a kitchen cart. You can wheel that mobile prep surface in and out of the kitchen as needed and most have lower shelves for extra storage, or even hooks on the side for hanging utensils. Some are even collapsable!
Utilize wall space and the inside of cabinet doors. Got empty walls? Line up removable hooks on your walls to hang lightweight objects like cooking utensils, measuring cups and spoons, kitchen towels, etc. If you’re handy, install stronger hooks with drywall anchors to hang heavy items like pots and pans. This Buzzfeed article is probably the best round up of ways to add storage in a small space that I’ve ever seen, so check it out for clever ways to add storage to the inside of cabinets and empty wall space.
What are your favorite tips for cooking in a small kitchen? Share them in the comments below to help your fellow tiny home dwellers! :)
Source: https://www.budgetbytes.com/tips-for-cooking-in-a-tiny-kitchen/
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badgerkick0-blog · 5 years
Tips for Cooking in a Tiny Kitchen
When I started Budget Bytes I lived in a tiny apartment with an equally tiny kitchen, that had only about 12-inches of counter space. The apartment was built in the 30’s and I always wondered how, in a time when people cooked at home far more than they do now, they were able to make do with so little workspace, especially without a dishwasher! Well, I’m here to tell you that it can be done. You don’t need a gigantic gourmet kitchen to pump out delicious meals, you just need to plan, stay organized, and improvise. So for all of you struggling with cooking in a tiny kitchen, here are my tips that helped me survive my small space. #thestruggleisreal
This post may contain affiliate links which won’t change your price but will share some commission.
Stay on top of your inventory. You may have heard me say before, “shop your pantry before you shop the store.” Always staying aware of what you have on hand and using those ingredients first helps keep your “inventory” low and reduces the need for storage space (in addition to the obvious benefits of keeping your grocery costs low and reducing waste). Take regular inventory of your ingredients, cook from what you have on hand as much as possible, and buy only what you need and when you need it.
Cook one-pot, sheet pan, or skillet meals. These simple all-in-one style recipes will cut down on the number of dishes you have to clean and the amount of activity you have going on in the kitchen while you cook. Keeping it simple is key in a small space. Check out my One Pot Meal recipe category for ideas.
Pictured above: Southwest Chicken Skillet
Make a game plan for cooking. Before you begin cooking, run through the directions for your recipe(s) in your head to make sure you won’t need your limited workspace for two things at one time. If you have a sheet pan coming out of the oven, you need a place to put it as it cools. If you’re draining pasta in a colander in the sink, make sure you’ll have space in the sink available. You don’t want to be dancing around your kitchen with a hot pot in hand and no where to set it down!
Limit your tools, equipment, and appliances. I’m a huge advocate for keeping it simple in the kitchen, using only very basic kitchen tools, and focusing on multipurpose kitchen equipment. A basic chef’s knife can accomplish hundreds of tasks, while a banana slicer can only do one. A Dutch oven can act as both a soup pot and a roasting pan. A simple cheese grater can shred not only cheese, but a variety of vegetables, frozen butter (for making pastry), or even quickly remove the zest from citrus. Stay away from single use tools and go for the tried and true classic kitchen tools. Here is a list of the basic kitchen equipment that I find most valuable.
Mise en place (prep first). Since you’ll likely be using your workspace for multiple purposes throughout the cooking process, it can help to do all your chopping, measuring, and prepping before you actually begin cooking. This way you can go as slow as needed and use your one work space for one task at a time, instead of frantically trying to multitask while the heat is on.
Clean as you go. Dishes can pile up fast as you cook and quickly encroach on the prep area in your tiny kitchen. Take every spare minute you have to clean a dish or utensil, or put away an ingredient. Instead of watching the pot as you wait for it to boil, clear away a few items. Have something baking in the oven? Put away everything that has already been used. As an added bonus, cleanup after cooking is so much less daunting if half of it has been already been done in small increments along the way. You may have to build this habit over time, but it’s SO worth the effort.
Invest in nesting bowls, pots and pans, and containers. Say goodbye to the chaos of random containers in your cabinet whose lids have long been lost. Invest in nesting items so components don’t get lost, you save cabinet space, and your kitchen appears clean and decluttered. Yes, they even make pots and pans specifically designed to nest now! Yay!
Think outside the kitchen. If you have a dining room, dinette, or some other small table and chair set near the kitchen, make use of it! Have yourself a seat and chop away, my friend. Have a closet in another room that isn’t being used to its fullest? Take advantage and make it do double duty for extra pantry items. Just pretend your whole apartment is a giant kitchen (that also happens to have a sofa and bed). ;)
Transform your sink or stove top into a prep surface. This was probably my most common technique when I had a tiny kitchen and limited counter space. Place a large cutting board over your burners or straddling your sink and use it as a prep surface. Just be extra careful that the board is sitting even and is stable. There are even cutting boards specifically designed to straddle the sink or cover the burners on your stove top.
Try a mobile kitchen cart. Another great way to get extra prep space is to use a kitchen cart. You can wheel that mobile prep surface in and out of the kitchen as needed and most have lower shelves for extra storage, or even hooks on the side for hanging utensils. Some are even collapsable!
Utilize wall space and the inside of cabinet doors. Got empty walls? Line up removable hooks on your walls to hang lightweight objects like cooking utensils, measuring cups and spoons, kitchen towels, etc. If you’re handy, install stronger hooks with drywall anchors to hang heavy items like pots and pans. This Buzzfeed article is probably the best round up of ways to add storage in a small space that I’ve ever seen, so check it out for clever ways to add storage to the inside of cabinets and empty wall space.
What are your favorite tips for cooking in a small kitchen? Share them in the comments below to help your fellow tiny home dwellers! :)
Source: https://www.budgetbytes.com/tips-for-cooking-in-a-tiny-kitchen/
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kerrylifeandloves · 6 years
Its no secret, I love food. I love going out for dinner, and the whole social aspect of eating with people. I also love discovering new restaurants in Essex that can go on my list of paces to eat. I have a few pet hates when it comes to restaurants, so I am known to be a little fussy. Not gonna lie. The George and Dragon in Epping, Essex has recently undergone a huge refurbishment, and we were invited along to the restaurant to sample the new menu that had been launched. On a slight side note, I always feel so very, very lucky when my blog allows me to share the experience with people I love. Its very special and I feel so honoured that I get to do that for them.
The fabulous manager and the team at The George and Dragon wanted a very honest opinion and feedback (she came to the right gal, lets face it) so I took along my husband, my 18 year old son, and my Father-in-law. I thought that would give a varied view as we all have very different tastes. Although we were gifted the meal that we had, I was not obliged to write a review or post about the restaurant at all. This is purely my own decision to tell you about this place. So, here you have my review of The George and Dragon in Epping, Essex.
Reopening of The George and Dragon, Epping
First Impressions
As is usual in any high streets, parking is often minimal. The George and Dragon does have some parking, but there is also parking directly across the road. All the planets aligned for us however, as we pulled up outside, just as someone was pulling out. Yes! I blooming love that when it happens. Situated directly on the High Street in Epping, the restaurant welcomed you with an abundance of tiny fairy lights in mini trees outside. So pretty.
The interior of the bar and restaurant is very sleek and modern, but with warm colours in the furnishings and wall coverings, and ambient lighting in cosy corners. It feels welcoming and atmospheric. I loved the decor a lot. The mix of modern and texture really works. We were shown to the bar and left with the extensive drinks menu. Now, if you are a fan of cocktails, you will be in your element. They have a great choice. As is well known on this blog of mine, Im a big fan of gin, so I was over the moon to see many varieties, as well as mixes available. Think I might just settle in for the night……….
The Food we Had
While enjoying our drinks, we were brought over some appetisers to enjoy. I opted for the vegan option as I wanted to see what would be on offer. I am not vegan, but am a non meat eater, so always enjoy the vegan options in eateries so thought it was a good chance to see how they catered for vegans. (You will be pleased to know my vegan friends, that there is a large vegan menu on offer!) You will be well looked after. The rest of our party had the usual menu. They were delicious! Great variety from cheese bites, pate on melba toast, a beetroot relish on melba toasts and chicken tenders. There was a lot! All of us agreed that everything we ate was tasty, varied and plentiful!
After we had enjoyed our drinks and sharing platters, we moved over to our table. Now, one of my pet hates in restaurants is tables being right on top of each other. I really dislike feeling like the table next door can hear your entire conversation. The George and Dragon has got this right. They have a few booth type tables, round tables well spaced out and all of the tables felt spacious. Winning point George, good work!
Our Starters
Im not going to bore you with the details of each and every dish, so I thought I’d list what we had with a brief description, anything worth noting and some photos. Sound good? Lets get stuck in
Me – Deep fried Brie with chutney – blooming delicious. Cooked beautifully and so tasty!
Nik – Chargrilled Lamb Kofta – Served on skewers with a salad of goats curd, plum tomato, roasted pepper and mint
My Father in Law, (Jim) – Thyme roasted Portobello mushroom with rustic toast – So, so gorgeous! So different
Cally (my son) – King Prawn and Lobster pot with Devon crab creme fraiche and toasted ciabatta – Like a mousse , very light and fresh
Lobster and king prawn pot
Portebello mushroom
lamb kofta
I think you can see, the starters were both delicious and of generous size. We all really enjoyed them.
Main Course
We were not rushed at all onto the next course, which was nice. After our starters were cleared, we had about 10 minutes to relax and enjoy our drinks before the dinners were brought out. So, to give you the run down
me – Lobster and Devon Crab Fishcakes (perfect. Not filled with potato as some fish cakes disappointingly are) with a mint pea puree and asparagus
Nik – Chicken, Leek and Creme Fraiche Pie (A posh pie as we called it. It had a ham hock crumb and was served with kale mashed potato)
Jim – Pan Fried Sea Bass Fillets (with pancetta, olives and spinach. Beautiful)
Cally – Fillet Steak (cooked perfectly. Served with twice cooked “proper” chips and a beef dripping sauce)
The mains were amazing. You know when your eating and all you can do is enjoy every mouthful? We really did feel incredibly spoilt.
sea bass
posh pie
fish cakes
After a little gap, a breather, we were shown the desert menu. I was spoilt for choice as there were so many options! Im not a lover of chocolate, preferring things like cheesecake or pudding, and I could have had about 10 things! In the end, we all decided on the following
Me – Vanilla creme brûlée (so beautifully delicious and light)
Nik – Melting chocolate bomb filled with sticky toffee pudding (three deserts in one! very decadent)
Jim – Sticky toffee pudding and custard (my father in laws favourite. He was NOT disappointed)
Cally – Same as his Dad, the chocolate bomb
inside the bomb
creme brule
We were well and truly, full to the brim when we finished. So content! We all had a chat about the food on the way home, and there was not one thing we were disappointed by. The only observation we did make, and that I have fed back to the manager, is that the drinks were a little slow coming out. This was the very first time that the restaurant had been open to “normal people” and not just staff testers though, so the manager said she recognised this. The restaurant opens properly today, 8th November.
If you are in essex, or even London as Epping is so close, I would strongly recommend you visiting the George and Dragon. My father in law summed it up perfectly. He said “its very rare that you come out of a place, having loved every single thing that you have eaten” we all agree totally Jim!
Isn’t it lovely when you find a new local place to you that feels like its going to become a regular? Have you that where you live? What would you have chosen from the choices we made? Id love to hear!
Reopening of The George and Dragon, Epping, Essex Its no secret, I love food. I love going out for dinner, and the whole social aspect of eating with people.
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evelynsmusings · 6 years
Super Supper Singapore List (Eat Play Travel Blog Article)
”If you got that ‘Screw Calories’ mindset and you are already planning to go somewhere with your pals down to hang out, you have come to the right list! Best to drop those plans to a nearby fast-food restaurant or that instant noodles because the SUPER SUPPER SINGAPORE list is gonna treat your time and tummy to a merry night with these top late-night foodie hangouts!”
2017, Eat Play Travel Blog Article
 Feng Shan Food Centre/Bedok 85 Market
AKA Bedok 85 where any eastie will tell you it’s the place to be for supper. Most stalls are open till 10pm and some staying open till 3am to satiate your late night cravings! Must eats at Bedok 85 are Bak Chor Mee, Oyster Egg, Chicken Wings, Hokkien Prawn Mee and Sambal Stingray.
 Address: 85 Bedok North Street 4, Singapore 460085
Opening Hours: Varying Times, Latest 4am Close
 The Bark Café
 The Bark Café stands beside the Changi Chapel Museum is a chill, laid-back supper spot for your friends with drinks and perhaps a game of pool. The quaint outdoor dining restaurant and bar is known for their Asian and Western cuisine, with an extensive menu just for different palates!
Address: 1000 Upp Changi Road North, Singapore 507707
Opening Hours: Mon – Thu, 11am to 1am; Fri – Sat, 11am to 2 am; Sun, 11am to 1am.
 126 Wan Dou Sek Dim Sum 
 Dim-sum Eastie fanatics rejoice! This place is famous for their delightful dim sums, particularly for their siew mai and chee cheong fun aka rice noodle roll. Located along the Sims Avenue, Wan Dou Sek has a vast selection from their massive menu, so there’s definitely something for everyone!
Address: 126 Wan Dou Sek Dim Sum: 126 Sims Ave, Singapore 387449
Opening Hours: 24 hours (Daily)
Fei Fei Wanton Mee
 One of the most talked about Wanton Mee in Singapore, this old-school wanton mee is open 24 hours and if you are craving for some noodles at that ungodly hour of the night, here is your fix! It’s well-known outlets are located in Joo-chiat, but fret not, there’s an outlet right at Clementi for westies to enjoy!
Address: Fei Fei Wanton Mee: 18 Clementi Road, Singapore 129747
Opening Hours: 24 hours (daily)
          Boon Lay Power Nasi Lemak
 Westies are no strangers to the absolutely delectable Boon Lay Power Nasi Lemak. The stalls operate during night time daily to after midnight and even if hunger pangs in the night, be sure that you get to enjoy plate or packet of fragrant Nasi Lemak. 
 Address: Boon Lay Power Nasi Lemak : #01-06, Boon Lay Place Market and Food Centre, 221 Boon Lay Opening Hours: 6pm to 2am (Daily)
                  Bangkok Street Mookata
 This fuss-free mookata chain is a fail-proof option when you're craving a BBQ fix. Located within heartland coffeeshops in neighbourhoods like Jurong West, Bedok and Ang Mo Kio, Bangkok Street dishes out hearty mookata sets at affordable prices — perfect for penny-pinching students.
 Address: Bangkok Street Mookata (Jurong): 498 Jurong West Street 41, Singapore 640498
Opening Hours: 5pm to 3am (Daily)
 Springleaf Prata Place
 “It is just pratas for the night?” Not just merely prata my friend, anyone that has been here before knows that this place is a great supper spot because of their dedication to prata! Sure, you can get your gorengs but if you are in a group, why not share THE ULTIMATE MURTABAK jam packed with tandoor chicken cubes, egg, cheese, mushrooms and onions for perfect savoury. Other must-try creations include the Prata Blaster and Umami 50 as well!
 Address: Springleaf Prata Place (Thong Soon Ave): No. 1 Thong Soon Ave, Singapore 787431 
Opening Hours: 8am to 12mn (Daily)
        Xiang Ji Roasted Meat
 If you stay around Choa Chu Kang, there is this 24-hour coffeeshop that you might been acquainted with. However, if you are new to the area and your friend that stays there invites you down to the area, you have to give this stall a try. Tender Roast meats and Char Siew awaits you as it pairs along well with their sweet gravy and fragrant rice, something that will fill your belly and mood up!  
 Address: Block 302, Choa Chu Kang Avenue 4, Singapore 680302
Opening Hours: 24 hours
             Al-Azhar Eating Restaurant
 Cred: Shafiee Barahim https://www.instagram.com/p/BA9GlUPxl-X/?hl=en
 A plethora of food choices awaits those that live around Woodlands when you come down to Al-Azhar. Staple choices like prata and gorengs are available but have you ever tried a Teh-Pakistan before or Kashmiri Naan? All you got to do is look a little and surprises awaits you but if you do want to stick to local comforts, you must definitely have their Butter Chicken Masala to call it a delightful night!
 Address: Al-Azhar Woodlands, 30 Woodlands Ave 1 (Woodgrove Dr), Singapore 739065
Opening Hours: 24 Hours
 Outram Park Yu Hua Rou Gu Cha
  They say back in the days, this dish was meant to be a breakfast dish. It might not be like steamboat but it sure can be affordable and wonderful with your pals as well when you share a piping bowl of Pork Rib Soup. You can find it warming both your belly and your soul when you drop by down for their signature soup or settle down for their watercress soup to cool you down if it gets too heaty!
 Address: 7 Keppel Road, 01-05/07, PSA Tanjong Pagar Complex, Singapore Opening Hours: Tues to Sat 7am to 3am, Sun 7am to 1am (Closed on Mon)
         Jen’s Kitchen-On-the-Go
 Hotel Jen: https://www.hoteljen.com/uploadedImages/Hotel_Jens/Hotel_Jen,_Singapore/Taste/Restaurants/Jens-Kitchen-On-the-Go.jpg
  Now if you are in the mood to pamper yourself, especially if you are around the city or just staying at Hotel Jen, do visit Jen’s Kitchen On-the-Go for late night treats. Its chic and it is the perfect spot for you to chat till sunrise over a good cup of Sea Salt Caramel Latte but if you do need that extra energy to last through the night, spoil yourself with their Melted Peanut Butter Milkshake. It will make an excellent date location to impress your special someone tonight.
 Address: 1A Cuscaden Road, Hotel Jen Tanglin Lobby, Singapore 249716 Opening Hours: 24 Hours
                 Beach Road Scissor Cut Curry Rice
 My late nights often bring me to this place for a good fulfilling pick me up and where else can you get curry gravy this good anyway? Sure, some people not accustomed to this might say it looks sloppy but one spoonful of that curry rice along with the braised sauce will set you back to the queue ordering for more. Don’t let your plate be merely just curry chicken, fill it up with those crispy prawn fritters to really soft yet well-cooked vegetables and you will find yourself ready to head out once more!  
 Address: 229 Jalan Besar, Singapore 208905
Opening Hours: 11am-3:30am
 Ye Shang Hai Teochew Porridge
 Another fine Chinese that guarantees that you will feast like an emperor at this Teochew Porridge shop. Take your humble porridge as a canvas and fill it up with as many side dishes from their homemade fishcake to their salted vegetable that will leave your tastebuds tingling in euphoria without busting a hole in your wallet. If you brought along friends or just feeling real hungry, go get their steam fish and meatcakes for the authentic Teochew porridge experience!
 Address: 116 Bukit Merah View, #01-217, Singapore 151117
Opening Hours: Wed to Mon 10.30am to 5am
 Soon Li Yong Tau Foo
A big pot of tasty Yong Tau Foo would not go unnoticed by us, especially when it comes with crispy ikan bilis and flavourful soup. However, be warned that the food is in high demand! You take what you want in the bowl and the stall owner will whip you up the best Yong Tau Foo that you have ever known.  
Address: BLK 115 Bukit Merah View, #01-78, Bukit Merah View Market & Food Centre, Singapore 151115
Opening Hours: 11.30pm to 3am (Varies)
2am: dessertbar
 If you are around Holland Village after a late-night meal and desire a touch of sophistication, drop by 2am: dessertbar where every dish is presented to you like an amazing work of art. You can expect burgers and sides but we rather persuade you to go pamper yourself with their Japanese-infusion artisanal desserts. It is a definite must-go if you are one that loves indulging in fine tastes with a date.
 Address: 21A Lorong Liput, Holland Village, 277733
Opening Hours: 2pm-2am
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