#yes overnight camp and cadet camp
hentaimommi · 4 years
ᴏᴄᴇᴀɴ ᴇʏᴇꜱ | ᴀʀᴍɪɴ ᴀʀʟᴇʀᴛ (x fem reader)
Warnings: cute cute cute. This is s4 Armin btw! (for timeline)
Summary: Being the new commander of the survey corps was fresh, new. Your first act was an innocent trip to the beach..but was it all so innocent?
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[O C E A N E Y E S]
"Commander (F/N), this is your new office. I expect great things from this space. Armin Arlert will be here shortly." Captain Levi left coldly, as he always did. A mystery even to his superiors, who had stripped him raw over the years. Your eyes met each corner of what used to be Erwin's office. Dust had taken over old areas, books piled high and unfinished paper work rested on his desk. Your eyes softened, paneling over to the chair Levi had sat your things in.
Erwin was a leader you'd looked up to the entire time you participated in the corps. Even as a newbie, he held his head high as the commander, and others followed. Being apart of the 104th was difficult; but you had ripped your way up the charts. Caring for no one was the name of the game, it was easy. Until you met Armin. He was the sweet to your salty, always right beside of you. He'd push you through every problem, loss, and back track you faced.
When Eren was gone, taken by the traitors, you knew nothing would be the same. Armin cried on your shoulder that night, and slowly, you learned to comfort him. Mikasa didn't mind your connection to him, neither did Eren. They only asked that you never hurt him, but, how could you? He was the sun in your darkness. So smart, kind, and full of dreams. The way he talked of the ocean, you knew you had to go. The day you all rode out for hours, nearly lost. Levi kept pointing out how stupid and useless that was, but you didn't care. Armin was happy, so were you.
When asked who you wanted your 2nd in command to be, the answer came without question. Armin accepted with joy on the promise that you would, once again, see the ocean. With him. That was your first thing to do, first plan as the 14th commander. No one agreed with you, but why would you care?
Unpacking the rest of your items and sweeping the last parcel of dust, you sighed looking upon the clean room. It was a nice fresh sight to see, perfectly suited to your style in all. You sat down in the old chair, only to hear a quick knock at the door. "You may enter." Your voice was raspy from not using it for so long. The door creaked open slowly, revealing the short-haired blonde man. "Hello commander! I'm here to help with plans for tomorrow! Sorry for the intrusion I just-" "Say no more, Armin, its okay. You can sit down- and, call me (F/N), as always, please." He nodded, sitting down along with the three books on the ocean he had brought.
You smiled at the sight, eyes lingering in his blue ones for a second longer. The one to break contact was him, looking down at the now open book you hadn't realized changed. "So, um, when would you w-want to leave?" His voice was meek, you could tell he was scared. "Are you afraid of something?" You asked, slightly smiling and removing your hair from the tight pony tail it had been in all day.
His swallow was hard, eyes jerking out of the window that subsided in the left wing of your office. "I just don't to overwhelm you to the point you don't want to go." His shame filled voice was sweet, making you smile once more. "I will go, no matter what. It's the least I could do." He nodded, beginning to read aloud a passage of the sea.
The night was sweet. He read, telling you interesting facts about the ocean. His eyes wouldn't leave the book, if only once to look at you. He observed your under eye bags, pretty hair, even wondering how soft your skin was. He then felt as if he had violated a boundary, instantly looking back down. By the end of the book, you'd fallen asleep in your chair. Armin smiled down at you, standing up. His heels clicked across the wood over to you, his nimble fingers scaling through your locks. He enjoyed seeing you at peace, for no one else had.
The next morning you awoke in your bed. The morning light split between the slips of your curtains, blinding your freshly awaken state. Groggily, you stumbled into the bathroom, only to find yourself losing motivation. Then, a knock came on your bedroom door. "Comman- (F/N)! Sorry. Are you ready?" The meek voice plated into your ears. Armin.
Swiftly you ran back into the room, opening your drawers to find a quick outfit. "Yes! Give me a moment please sweet heart!" Blushing at the accidental name calling, you threw on a uniform, matching yourself with the cloak in hand. Putting your hair into a ponytail, you then slipped out of the door and into the office portion of your quarters. "Sorry, I woke up late. Ready?" You asked, smiling. He took one look at you, then stared for a moment. You looked so breath taking, like this. His heart began to thump until he was smacked back into reality with a firm grip on his shoulder. "Armin?"
When you all set off there was a breeze in the air, something special. You had wished other cadets a sweet goodbye, leaving your duties to Levi for the evening. He agreed in order to keep his fresh shipments of tea coming in. Armin looked back at you a few times on the ride. You rode the carriage, which had many supplies for an overnight camp-out on the shore. Everything was tied down well. You all spoke little, determined to arrive there before dark.
Upon arrival, the ocean stared at you smack in the face. A sea breeze like no other, salty and sweet, perfect for the both of you. He looked back once more, only to feel the same feeling from before boil in his ribcage. You looked stunning. You had been looking back, too. The eye contact was unbreakable, like the ocean wasn't even there. Although it broke when your horse shook, scaring the both of you. Playing it off with a chuckle, you coughed. "Should we set up camp?"
Armin nodded, "U-Um, yeah that'd be good." He jumped down from his stallion, climbing onto the cart that held your supplies. Pulling a small paper and pencil from his pocket, he began checking off things. You, however, were captivated by the sea. So large and beautiful, like nothing you had ever seen. You almost felt bad. In your own world with Armin, citizens would never see this in their lives. Why did you deserve this?
"(F/N), we have a problem." His voice was almost squeaky as you turned around, wind blowing through your locks harshly. "Yes?" You walked over, smiling at his frown. "There is only one tent, someone must have forgotten the other." Hands placed firmly onto your hips, you laughed a bit. Problem? That wasn't so bad. "We can sleep together, can we not?" As soon as the question left your lips, his ears and cheeks free ablaze. "Y-Yeah, we can. For sure." You smiled, clapping your hands together. "Okay, let's get this done!"
When finished setting up camp, Armin had been basking in the dull light of the shore. His feet were dug into the sand, pants rolled up along with his sleeves. Your heart panged, why were you feeling this way? He was so beautiful, so untouched and virgin to anything. If you had romantic feelings, would he even notice? You shook off the feeling, sitting down beside of him. There were no words as you both looked out, the ocean reflecting beautifully from his eyes like the depths of something you had never seen. In a fit of exhaustion, your head fell loosely onto his shoulder, making his chest rise. You looked so calm, so gorgeous. He wanted to hold you instead, but knew it might overstep a boundary.
"Sleepy head, it's dark, we need to get into the tent and snuff the light." You heard Armin's voice push you away from your sleep, your eyes meeting with his. His hands were tucked softly under your legs, which had been wrapped around his waist. Never had you felt so flustered, although it was obvious he had lifted you from the sand. "Oh! I'm sorry." You got down, wiping yourself of the sand. He smiled, opening the tent flap for you to crawl in.
You did, and he followed, only making you realize how cramped the space was until this point. The tent was meant for one person and a few items, but you had two people, along with their items. Armin felt conscious of his breathing, as he nearly held you agaisnt his chest whilst being curled into the cramped tent space. "I-Is this, is this okay?" He asked, pushing the light away with one hand. It was dim, barely providing adequate light. "You can come closer, if you need. I know the sand is uncomfortable." You offered, pulling yourself as close to the tent wall as possible. He did so, scooting further, spooning you.
Both of your faces were bright red, ears as well. The tension was so thick even Levi couldn't cut it, and that was saying something. You felt him hesitate, but slowly relax. "(F/N)?" He asked, arm resting onto your shoulder. You turned, finding him closer than you had thought. Your faces were met close and together, finding out just how small the tent really was. "Yeah?" The air was hot, matching your cheeks and forehead. "I have something to tell you."
You nodded, stomach churning. Did he not like this? Was this making him uncomfortable? How stupid were you. "I have feelings for you. The reason I insisted we go alone, was because I'm in love with you," He admitted, clearly zoned out enough to let himself admit just embarrassing things. "When I see you walk with Eren and Levi, laughing, it hurts. When I watch you cry, I only want to hold you. I've never felt this way for anyone, so I have concluded this is love." He finishes, finding himself looking into your eyes for reassurance.
You are stunned for a moment, taken aback that he felt the same for you. Quicky he over-thought the silence, thinking this was rejection. Though, you noticed the drop in his expression, and cupped his pale cheeks into your hands. "Armin, I love you."
His cheeks grew even more red, eyes searching for your own. His large hands came up to yours, cupping them softly. Your bodies came closer, forever shutting the physical and metaphorical gap between the both of you. Your lips met, noting how soft his were. Just as he was. Then, his nose nuzzled against your own, foreheads meeting to match. "I truly do love you."
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captainkirkmccoy · 6 years
Continued from here.
From: George Kirk <[email protected]>                                    To: Joanna McCoy <[email protected]>                    Subject: You’ll Never Guess What Happened
I just got to spend the weekend with my dad! And your dad!
So, your dad is totally amazing. I’m sure you already knew this but I need to tell you what happened yesterday afternoon.
And I guess I should also say sorry your mom didn’t let you come to family weekend. I know you would have had an amazing time!
But anyway, your dad totally saved my dad’s life!
So my dad’s pretttty much allergic to everything. My mom says she’s grateful I didn’t take after my dad even though I am kinda allergic to a few things. Bones (I get to call him this too!) says that he should write a medical paper on my dad because they discover like a new thing he’s allergic to every day.
So, we were all at the camp cookout. And this guy Gary--who is a total asshole like your mom’s fiance--was making the food and your dad told him to please make a separate meal after he cleaned off the grill because he was making skewers with peppers and my dad’s allergic to peppers. (I just pretend I am because I think they’re gross).
But Gary--who, your dad said is a few peaches short of a pie--didn’t do that and some of the pepper juices got on my dad’s burger and he had an episode!
He started choking and his face swelled up and it was soooo scary.
Your dad jumped into action so quickly! He apparently always carries an epi-pen on him and he stabbed my dad in the leg with it. And then the paramedics came and dad and Bones and I got to ride in a transport.
He’s still in the hospital because they have to keep him under observation and he had to breathe with a tube overnight.
I’m kinda freaking out but your dad has been really nice. He made me a milkshake when we got back to their apartment and this morning before we went to go visit my dad, he made the best pancakes. He said he used to make you pancakes all the time. I’m sorry you couldn’t be there.
George Kirk
From: Joanna McCoy <[email protected]>                      To: George Kirk <[email protected]>                               Subject: Re: You’ll never guess what happened
Oh my god, is your dad okay? I’m so glad that my dad was there and that he acted quickly. My dad is amazing like that. He once gave the Heimlich to Mr. Gershwitz, who’s like a hundred years old, when he choked on a meatball at a town spaghetti dinner. He was so calm when everyone was freaking out. 
I hope this Gary guy gets reprimanded. He should have known better.
And yeah, I wish I was there too. I’m not talking to my mom right now. I’m so so mad at her. She’s impossible.
Joanna Beth McCoy
Honor Society Vice President, Woodward Academy
First Chair Viola, Woodward Academy Orchestra
From: George Kirk <[email protected]>                                   To: Joanna McCoy <[email protected]>                   Subject: Re: Re: You’ll never guess what happened
Oh, yeah. Your dad sent a bunch of angry comms to Captain Pike, who handles cadets, and a few other people. I think he’s getting whatever Starfleet’s version of a time out is.
And I hate to break it to you, but the way your dad was soooo worried about my dad? And the way he shoved Gary when he found out about the peppers? I think that means your dad really really likes my dad. A lot.
From: Joanna McCoy <[email protected]>                      To: Doctor Leonard McCoy <[email protected]>       Subject: You’re the best
Dear Daddy,
I just wanted to write and tell you how proud I am of you. Thanks for being the best.
P.S. Did you really punch Gary Mitchell at the picnic? I hope you didn’t get in trouble even though he deserved it. I hope Jim’s okay too.
From: Doctor Leonard McCoy <[email protected]>            To: Joanna McCoy <[email protected]>                   Subject: Re: You’re the best
Oh, darlin’ that’s the best thing a daddy could hear. Thank you. I’m so proud of you too, sweetheart. I’m sorry you didn’t get to come to family weekend but guess what? I get a little break in a few weeks and I’m planning on coming to Georgia to see you. Can’t wait to see you!
And yes, Jim’s okay. He’s got more lives than a cat. Thank you for checking in. Mitchell’s on probation. I have a feeling I won’t have to worry much about him anymore.
From: Joanna McCoy <[email protected]>                      To: Doctor Leonard McCoy <[email protected]>       Subject: Re: Re: You’re the best
I’m so excited! I scared Juniper so bad that she fell off my bed, poor kitty. Will you be staying at Nan’s? Or maybe you can sleep in the guest room? Or if that’s too weird, can we get a fancy hotel room at the Forest? And we can have afternoon tea and shirley temples in the fancy room with the fireplaces?
Anyway, I CAN’T WAIT. Is Jim coming??
From: Doctor Leonard McCoy <[email protected]>            To: Joanna McCoy <[email protected]>                 Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: You’re the best
Yes! I am! For a whole week. I’m so excited too! Can’t wait to see you, darlin’!
I think I’ll be staying at Nana’s for the time but I think we can definitely plan to go to Forest’s for afternoon tea.
Jim has a few mandatory seminars and tests to attend to over the break so he won’t be able to come visit. But you’ll get to meet him soon. I promise.
From: Joanna McCoy <[email protected]>                      To: George Kirk <[email protected]>                               Subject: Re: Re: Re: You’ll never guess what happened
Guess what?! My dad’s coming home for a whole week next week! I think your dad is doing some stuff at the academy so he can’t visit. That’s really unfortunate because I wanted to meet him. 
Are you going to be able to spend any time with your dad during the break?
I’m also still not so sure about our dads getting together, though. I think they’re just really really good friends. My dad’s the best. Everyone likes him, even when he’s grumpy and all doctor-y. It would be nice, though. He deserves to be in love. 
From: George Kirk <[email protected]>                                   To: Joanna McCoy <[email protected]>                             Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: You’ll never guess what happened
Ughhhh, lucky!
I won’t get to see my dad at all because I have to go back to Iowa with my mom. My grandparents still live there. But it’s really boring and they don’t even have a good vids system. I mostly just read A LOT. My grandma on my dad’s side doesn’t even live in Iowa anymore so it’s not like I get to see her either. She’s an engineer on a Starfleet base near the neutral zone. I talk to her a lot on comms. She’s funny and tells the best stories about dad as a kid. 
He worked a whole summer fixing everyone’s appliances--old Terran radios, replicators, air conditioners--but he always did something funny to them. Like the radio only played Romulan stations or the air conditioner talked or the replicator made everything a certain color (even if the food was still good). 
I wish I could do stuff like that. Dad’s good at everything, even if he won’t admit it and doesn’t like to show it. Mom said she was always trying to get dad to act smarter than he was. But that he was always such a doofus. I wonder if your dad thinks that?
What are you guys going to do next week??
From: Joanna McCoy <[email protected]>                      To: George Kirk <[email protected]>                               Subject: Sorry!
Hi George!
I’m sorry i didn’t write. Daddy got to come early! It was like the best surprise in the world. Even mom was impressed!
So, we went to this amazing inn in town called Forest. It’s super old like before World War Three old. And they make the yummiest sandwiches and chocolate covered strawberries at afternoon tea. Have you ever had a scone with clotted cream and raspberry jam? They’re my favorite. 
We also went to a baseball game in Atlanta, which is like an hour away from our town. And we went shopping and went to a movie marathon at the hover car drive in. It was THE BEST. 
Annnnd, my dad couldn’t stop talking about your dad. “Jim said this...” “Jim did this...” “One time, Jim...”
And his eyes kinda get that bright, lit up look like my eyes do on Christmas or when I get my Viola solo music for the first time. 
Well, I have a few more days with my dad and I’m really looking forward to not spending it with mom and Clay, ugh. 
Talk soon!
From: George Kirk <[email protected]>                                   To: Joanna McCoy <[email protected]>                             Subject: Re: Sorry
I comm’d with Dad yesterday. I think he misses your dad A LOT. He kinda looked sad and lonely. He said he was going to bed at TEN THIRTY. Kirks DO NOT go to bed early. It’s like against the law. 
He has a big test tomorrow. Some survival unit thing. Dad and I are kinda competitive so I know he’s going to do the best in his class. Kirks are the best at tests and games. Just so you know. 
From: Joanna McCoy <[email protected]>                      To: George Kirk <[email protected]>                               Subject: Is everything okay??
George! I heard what happened. Dad left immediately on a direct shuttle back. I hope your dad’s okay. Dad was really worried. 
From: George Kirk <[email protected]>                                   To: Joanna McCoy <[email protected]>                             Subject: Re: Is everything okay??
So I guess that thing about my dad having more lives than a cat is true?
And your dad saved my dad’s life AGAIN? I think we owe him big time. 
I’m in the hospital with dad. I fought two nurses before your dad told them to leave me alone and I can sleepover in the room. 
Your dad is now my best friend. 
From: Joanna McCoy <[email protected]>                      To: George Kirk <[email protected]>                               Subject: Re: Re: Is everything okay??
I guess my dad’s just real good at saving lives and punching people who bother your dad. 
Mom actually gave dad a name of a lawyer she went to school with in San Francisco so that my dad and your dad can protect themselves if that paparazzi sues them or something. But Starfleet apparently also stepped in? I guess they didn’t react well when one of their cadets was harassed. 
I’m glad to hear your dad’s out of the hospital. Let me know if you need anything. 
My dad’s pretty great. I’ll let you be his best friend for like a day. But we’ll have to share him with your dad I guess. :D
From: George Kirk <[email protected]>                                   To: Joanna McCoy <[email protected]>                             Subject: Re: Re: Re:  Is everything okay??
Thanks for not asking about the obvious. Everyone else does. I’m sick of talking about it. People think I’m damaged because of it. But like...how could that have affected me? My dad was little when it happened. 
My mom’s letting me stay home for the week. I usually get to stay home around Remembrance Day too. I actually wish I was in school, though. I hate that everything can’t be normal. Stupid reporters. 
From: Joanna McCoy <[email protected]>                      To: George Kirk <[email protected]>                               Subject: Re: Re: Re: Is everything okay??
I’ve never seen my mom so upset! She went into full lawyer mode when the news broke. She’s been on the phone with her attorney friends for hours. 
I don’t understand why people want to keep talking about the tragedy. It happened over twenty years ago and it was awful. I hate that we even have to learn about it in history class. 
How did they even find out your dad was on Tarsus IV?
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34, 38, 39?
34) Ever fired a gun?Yes when I was like 10 because my dad wanted me to have the experience. I cried for hours afterwards. (I’m a bit scared of them haha)
38) How long have you gone without sleep?I dunno. A loooong time. Insomnia and school did not mix well. Thankfully I don’t have constant homework anymore so I have a reason to stay up all the time, rip
39) Do you have any scars?I have lots of scars, some for not so good reasons which I won’t discuss, but probably my favorite isn’t actually even. A scar. Technically. I have a dent in my right shin bone. When I was at my first camp with the colt cadets, I managed to lose my shoes overnight so I was running around the school in socks trying to find them. I ended up deciding to run up the stairs back to the gym. These stairs were steep. And sharp. Socks didn’t mix well, and I tripped. It left a dent in my bone which I still have. My friends and I still find it pretty funny. I also have one on my chin when I tripped at Costco when I was like 5, and various scattered ones because if I even get a paper cut it will scar 😂
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vintydolls · 5 years
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The day I’ve been waiting for ALL WEEK!!! Cadet Camp to be over. I’ve always been a lover of writing my feels so I hope you guys are up for it 🤣 My baby girl Dakoda Lee is growing up and looking back, it’s seemingly happened overnight. One minute your wiping their butt and next minute their telling you of their planned future. Without you in it lol. And truth be told you don’t think about that stuff! You don’t really ever stop to think to yourself that one day, they will fly the coop with those brand new wings you helped create and they will create their own adult lives. All that time you spent nurturing their independence will someday be the wings in which they use to fly away 😭😭😭 In 4 years, Dakoda is joining the army to be a combat nurse and god knows where she will go. Am I proud of her? God yes. I couldn’t be more proud of her if I tried but I’m also filled with sorrow for the years that have passed us by so quickly. Did she have a happy life? Did I spend enough time with her? Will she be okay without me? Or more to the point will I be okay without her? Dakoda is my rock. For so many years just me and her journeying through this amazing thing called life. When I fell pregnant with dakoda at just 18 my life was in absolute ruins and despair. But that little heartbeat inside it me spurred me on to make the changes I needed to make to ensure a healthy and happy life for us both. And it’s been such a beautiful blessed life, she brings everyone around her so much happiness and joy. She’s such a courageous young woman that is destined for amazing journeys and adventures. There are still so many things we have to do together so I’m ganna take those trips I said we’d take. Fun adventures await us! And for everyone who got that far thankyou xx https://www.instagram.com/p/B28TMLpnJwh/?igshid=1bj21ggu85f2w
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inkandblade · 7 years
06: Fading
This my July Camp NaNoWriMo prompt fill, but it is also a second installment of my Bubblegum Series song!fic, Take This Heart Away, though it's not a direct continuation. It should be okay to read as a stand-alone piece, but it's definitely part of that A/B/O universe.
“Actually. Can you get me a tub of Ben and Jerry’s? Chubby Hubby or Peanut Butter Cup will do.”
Cora didn’t even look up from the shopping list she was making. “There’s three kinds of ice cream in the freezer, Derek. Have one of those.”
Derek could see the logic in her statement. He walked around her and opened the top door on the fridge. There was a tub of the expensive vanilla stuff their dad liked, an unopened tub of Ben and Jerry’s Banana Split and what looked to be an almost finished pint of their Mint Chocolate Cookie. He reached out to take the last, a flavor he’d usually pick if given the option, but stopped before he touched it.
It wasn’t what he wanted at all.
“Nope, I want Chubby Hubby or Peanut Butter Cup. The market always has both.” He dug into his back pocket as he flipped the fridge door shut and turned around. He pulled out his wallet and the fifty he had tucked in the back for emergencies. “Here, get me one of each, and a couple of other flavors for the freezer.” He was staying overnight, and he’d be damned if he’d share the pints he wanted, so he might as well make it less tempting for everyone else.
Cora looked at him and drew her head back and then tilted it to the side. She moved her gaze to the money in his hand and then up and over his shoulder to where their big sister was in the family room. “Lo, there’s something wrong with Derek. He’s trying to give me money.”
Laura snorted. “Take it. Get him a bag of mini Reese’s as well.”
Derek was sure he should be making a snarky remark at them both, but that actually sounded good.
Cora picked up her list and stepped backwards, making a show of the fact that she wasn’t going to turn her back on them. “You want fifty buck’s worth of ice cream and candy?”
“He wants a pint of Chubby Hubby, a pint of  Peanut Butter Cup, and a bag of Reese’s.” Laura’s voice had less laughter in it now, and Derek twisted around to look at her, not bothering to say goodbye as Cora left. “Come and sit with me, Der.”
He had no reason not to, so he did.
She was stretched out sideways on the sofa, belly round and proud, and a square cushion was stuffed under her waist for support. She bent her legs up for him and he sat, happy to have her straighten them back over his lap.
“I thought you were a bit space-cadet in that meeting this morning, little brother, but I didn’t realize quite how serious it was.”
Derek looked down at her legs. They were bare. She’d long since announced that she’d decided to stop shaving them, half because of the pregnancy and half because she just didn’t want to anymore. The hair was soft and fine, and it looked almost blonde in the late afternoon sunlight. Derek put a palm across her top shin and squeezed a little when he turned to face her again.
“It’s not that bad. I just…”
He just missed Stiles like crazy. But, waiting wasn’t an impossible thing, and he had no one to blame but himself, really. Deaton had been definite when he’d informed them of the statistics. Given what the doctor had called their staggering biological compatibility—he’d said that with an actual smile on his face—they had a ninety-eight percent chance of conceiving when they first consummated, and thereby solidified, their bond.
Derek was ecstatic at the idea, and Stiles’ scent had seemed to agree. But, Derek didn’t want to take any attention away from the baby that Laura and Jordan had taken over eight years to conceive, so he’d asked Stiles if he’d be okay with putting it off for a while.
Stiles had kissed him stupid and told him that not only would he be okay with waiting, but that he loved Derek even more for being such an amazing brother. Derek hadn’t seen Stiles for almost three weeks, though, and didn’t feel like an amazing anything right now.
Laura hummed. “Stiles wasn’t supposed to be gone this long, and it’s nibbling at the edges of your sanity.” She smirked as she said it, but Derek knew she was just trying to cheer him up. “Is that why you took yesterday afternoon off? Did you see Deaton again?”
Derek nodded. “Other than asking Stiles to send me fresh shirts there isn’t much that I can do. But he sounded so down about his great aunt when I talked to him last night that I didn’t want to ask. I don’t want to stress him anymore than he already is.” The elderly woman was the last of Stiles’ mother’s family, and she was purportedly on her last legs. Hale and Co. had happily given Stiles leave, on half pay, to be with her before she, well. Stiles was still in Vermont.
Laura wriggled, and seemed to be trying to shift with a purpose but eventually grunted and flopped down again. “Bloody belly from bloody hell.”
Derek raised an eyebrow at her.
“I’ve been watching a lot of British shows online. Don’t judge.” She pushed her heel back into his belly harder than it seemed likely to be possible. “There. I wanted to smack you but I can’t, so a not-kick to the gut will have to do.”
Derek eyed her, and asked even though he knew he’d probably get another gut-kick. “Do you need me to move?” You don’t look as comfortable as you were before.”
“You’re a freaking saint, Derek. You know that, don’t you? I am a pregnant woman who hates the way her body feels but loves what it means. I’ll deal with an uncomfortable angle for a little while because I know it means that my Mate and I will have the baby we’ve always wanted at the end of it. Your human Omega boyfriend might not know what it feels like to react to someone’s scent the way you and I do, but he’s probably the smartest person we know, and he gets why it’s important for you to be near his stink. He’s also pretty freaking terrifying when he’s pissed off, and he will be if he finds out you’ve been holding out on him because you’re putting your own sanity on the line to stop him from feeling a bit sadder.”
Derek let himself sink further into the sofa, wishing it was a bit bigger so it would swallow him whole. “My sanity isn’t on the line, Lo. He’ll be back eventually. I can deal till then.”
“So, what? You’re going to Alpha-up by buying shares in Ben and Jerry’s? Does he really smell like peanut butter cups to you?”
Derek seriously considered tickling her feet, but decided he’d probably get an actual kick in the face and a broken nose and he didn’t want to find out if the sofa cushions soaked up blood as well as carpet did.
“Yes. Sort of?” He hadn’t really thought about defining it before she’d suggested Cora put Reese’s on her shopping-list too. “He must.”
Derek’s phone chimed with a message in his pocket, and Laura lifted her legs so he could cant his hips and get it out. He swiped it open and tapped on the text.
Did you get the parcel? I sent it priority so it should be there by now. I wish I was with you, but I figured some of my scent, relatively fresh from the source, would at least make up for me being stuck on the other side of the country.
A second text chimed as Derek stood without realizing he was doing it.
“Oi, Derek! Pregnant woman the size of a house here. Not knocking me off the seat would be a good thing.”
He looked down at her and then back and his phone and.
I miss you, D.
“I need to.” He couldn’t just leave Laura alone, though. Could he? She had been here most of the day by herself, so. “There’s something I need to go pick up. I.”
“Go, you fool. I promise I won’t let anyone get to your flavors if Cora gets home with the ice cream before you get back.”
Fading: [v] becoming dim, as light, or losing brightness of illumination; losing freshness, vigor, strength, or health
July CampNaNoWrimo - my prompt table and ‘rules’ are here.
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