#yeth king of face masks
niara-aldaine · 8 years
challenge 4
[part 2/3]
thank you to @haidenschreave @lady-naomi-lafleur @winter-havilliard
mentions of @heatherkuwahara @baguette-le-chef
Eliminations were nerve-wracking, no doubt about that. I was left pondering why I was kept here, although I most certainly didn’t argue against it. It was a questionable feeling, being one of the Elite. The hallways were emptier with a void lack of girls and the Women’s Room was filled with less conversation. Less laughter, more tension in the air, although the bonds of friendship that had survived were stronger than steel. But I felt..different. As if I was a piece of metal that had been heated and forged into something different. Something stronger.
But soon enough, it was announced that there would be a birthday ball in honor of Prince Haiden, and that the former Selected would be visiting. And just as it had been before, the palace was suddenly whisked into a frenzy. The buzz of chatter filled the empty rooms and maids hurried down halls, whispering to each other excitedly. The staff was reinvigorated and the girls suddenly were delighted, making plans for what to wear. That goes to show that life, no matter how dead it may seem, always goes on.
8 am // the morning of the birthday ball
Naomi and I were probably waking the other girls earlier than they would have liked, laughing hysterically while slathering on oatmeal face masks and throwing almonds at each other. Last night, I had knocked on Naomi’s door and suggested a sleepover, so that the next morning we could get ready together, which she agreed to.
“So,” I chucked an almond at her. “Ow! Stop that!” she laughed, picking up the fallen almond. “We’re in the Elite now,” I said, my face turning serious, although I doubted I looked somber due to the fact I had some chunky yellow face mask plastered onto my skin. “It’s crazy!” she answered, her eyes wide, “I can’t believe it.” “I know,” I responded, scrunching up my face, “I’m surprised I’ve made it this far.” “I didn’t think I’d make it this far either,” Naomi confessed, “It feels like it’s already gone by so fast!” It was true. Time was flying by faster than I had thought and definitely faster than I wanted it to be. 
The same rule applied to our “morning makeover session”. We painted each other’s nails and invited our maids as well, making it a blast. It was too soon when we had to put on our dresses, put up our hair, and elegantly (or at least tried to) descend down the stairs to the birthday ball.The ballroom looked absolutely stunning, a table overflowing with gifts, a glittering chandelier while a quartet played in the background. I saw the King and Queen waltz across the room, blissfully in love. 
Naomi and I, to no one’s surprise, made a beeline for the chocolate table. If anyone had slightly turned their head to look in our direction, they would’ve seen 2 girls clad in gorgeous dresses, stuffing themselves with desserts. 
“So shud we thalk to the fermer Shulected?” I asked, my mouth full. “Yeth we sall,” Naomi answered, with an equally stuffed mouth.
“Dun make me laff or elth I’m gonna shpit out all my thocolate,” I said, trying to contain my laughter. “Tat voud be unfotunate,” she giggled.
“Even wurse, I cud shpit it all over Haiden,” I grimaced. “Oh yu don’t even know how muth I voud pay to see tat,” she mumbled back. 
“Where ith Haiden efen?” I asked. Naomi turned me around, “Riht by teh shtairs.” “Ith he luking ath us?” I said, trying not to let anyone see my bulging mouth full of chocolate. “I hopth not. How do we luk so cthlassy?” she laughed, making me almost spit everything out.
“Wher ith Heather? She voud be madth at us,” Naomi said.”Ith ok, I theenk Bagueeth ith going to be more madth at us for making him make moore of theese desserts,” I shrugged. It was awhile until we could fully speak again.
“Should we talk to some of the Selected then?” I asked, receiving back a, “Yeah, I guess we should.” She looked back at the chocolate fondly, whispering, “I’ll be back for you.” I looked sideways, saying, “Someone’s going to eat all of them though, but thank God I brought a bag.” I took the entire platter of chocolates and shoved it into my bag. “So smart,” Naomi smiled, tapping her head with her finger before departing, her dress fluttering behind her as she went to talk to the other Selected.
I ended up talking to all of the Selected, each with their own advice and experiences. I hoped that from them I could gain a little knowledge, some sort of reassurance from the girls who once had stood in my place, all vying for the heart of the prince. I especially had a lovely conversation with Princess Winter, who was extremely sweet and gave amazing advice.
Somewhere during the midst of the birthday ball, I walked over to Haiden, in my hands a thin box with a neatly tied bow. “Happy birthday,” I smiled, handing it to him. “Ah thank you,” he answered, “What’s in the box?” “Sheets of music,” I said hesitatingly, “It’s a song I wrote myself. I hope you like it.” “That’s amazing,” Haiden said sincerely, “Thank you so much.”
And I suddenly realized that after a thousand conversations with diplomats and Selected and royals, that maybe I did actually know what my feelings were. And I knew somehow that I wasn’t anything like a piece of metal, forged into something stronger. No, I was glass, a piece of clear, delicate art that could break at the hands of anything. And anyone.
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