#you are getting BABIED juggler
thalassofiles · 10 months
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❛ A monster knows another when they meet one... ❜ Pretense must always be kept up in front of a human, but this man is not one. What is he, though? You aren't quite sure. He looks humanoid, but many of you do... even now you look as if you are a human. The village locals don't even scorn him as they would another human outsider that walked around. Though, he does not belong still. A strange creature that just wandered into this little place? ❛ Ahah~ How strange... You are rather cute, though... Ahh, it makes me want to baby you. What has brought you to this cursed little place, my dear? ❜ sc. @tokushuei (juggler)
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soft-mafia · 9 months
Throwing my head into the ring and asking for reader insert headcanons with a reader who has recently joined his crew but isn’t really a part of the act yet and works more behind the scenes, but is trying to learn at least some basic circus stuff like juggling or riding a unicycle or even just some basic baton twirling because, well, you should be able to do SOMETHING if you’re a Buggy pirate.
Cue training and practicing and Buggy stepping in to show them how it’s done when they just can’t seem to get it right, which leads to them spending more time together and suddenly feelings! (Bonus points if Buggy isn’t necessarily an awful or strict teacher but he’s also still incredibly sassy when he corrects you „You know you’d get a lot further on the rope if you didn’t wave your arms around like your trying to shoo a snake“ „Are you scared of the balls or why are you throwing them away from you?“ etc)
Flashy and Sexy [Buggy x Reader]
warnings: reader insert, gn reader, I was sleepy when I wrote this, sorry for any grammatical mistakes
a/n: THIS IS SUCH A CUTE REQUESTT🥺 I hope you didn’t mind that I wrote Buggy to have feelings for Y/n from the start😭I thought it would be cute :3
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“Awww.. cmon baby, a cute thing like you has got to have some hidden talent!” Buggy slapped his hand on Y/n’s shoulder as he walked them inside of the empty circus tent; some of Buggy’s crew members were scurrying in and out, setting up the scenery before the show.
Buggy went through a lot trying to get Y/n to join his crew, persuading, pleading, flirting, eventually Buggy had tricked them to get onto his ship, luring them in with treasure chests that had gold spilling out of them.
“Captain Buggy, isn’t this considered kidnapping?” Mohji mumbled to Buggy.
“NO! It’s not kidnapping! Don’t tell people I kidnapped them!”
Y/n was panicking on the deck, watching as the island they used to call home grew smaller and smaller in the distance.
Now that Y/n was now stuck with him, he wanted to make them one of the main attractions of his act(besides himself of course) he mainly wanted Y/n to be eye candy for himself; he nearly got nosebleeds thinking about all of the skimpy, revealing outfits and bikinis he could dress Y/n in.
“Well- I don’t.. I don’t really know what I’m good at..” Y/n said, watching as some crew members strung up some streamers, “I mean, I don’t know what I’m good at that would be an.. entertaining circus act.”
“Hmm..” Buggy looked Y/n up and down, getting lost in ogling them before he quickly snapped back to reality and focused back on the issue at hand, “You’d look good as a juggler.. OH! You’d definitely look good walking on a tightrope!” Buggy had a goofy grin on his face as he imagined dressing Y/n in a skimpy outfit.. watching them juggle some balls or walk on a tightrope above him.
Y/n gave Buggy a look, they knew that look on his face and they tried to ignore that. Ever since Buggy began flirting with them they had tried to ignore it, although they couldn’t help but notice how.. handsome he actually was despite being caked in clown makeup that sometimes look like it hadn’t been wiped off in days. His eyes were what drew Y/n in the most; enchanting green orbs, and in certain lighting his brow would cast a shadow over them, making them stand out more.
Though it was his smile that brought out his eyes the most— and Y/n tried their hardest to ignore that, always looking away when he would flirt with them. Ugh, no way they were going to fall in love with a pirate clown.
“Come on, here—“ Buggy said as he quickly strode to one of the barrels sitting off to the side, pulling out a bag of small colorful rubber balls, “Try these, it’s basic and easy but it catches people’s attention.” He reached into the bag and then threw three balls at Y/n.
Y/n squeaked, but caught the balls, awkwardly holding them close to their body, one of them had fallen out of their arms.
“I’ll start you off with 3, that should be easy— trust me, it gets easier once you get a hang of it!” Buggy grinned, then gave Y/n an unintentionally hard pat on the back, making them slightly lurch forward and drop all of the balls.
It had been about 30 minutes now, yet Y/n was still on 3 balls— proving Buggy that this kind of talent would be difficult for Y/n to pick up. They squeaked, jerking back when they thought one of the balls was about to fall onto their head. Buggy groaned and leaned his head back, then looked back at Y/n with his hands on his hips, “What are you, scared of the balls? Why do you keep running away from them?” He marched over to Y/n and picked up one of the the rubber balls they dropped and squeezed it between his thumb and index “These are small, rubber balls! What’s there to be afraid of?!” He rolled his eyes and dropped it, “Ok let’s try something else..”
Buggy looked over at Cabaji’s unicycle.. the guy wasn’t using it at the moment, so maybe he could… nah, if Y/n had trouble managing some colorful toys they couldn’t possibly handle riding a unicycle; he didn’t want his eye candy getting hurt of course..
“Alright, tightrope it is!”
Upon hearing Buggy say that— Y/n felt their stomach drop. And before they knew it, they were on a tight rope. It actually wasn’t so bad.. but Y/n felt like a newborn baby deer.
“Whatever you do, don’t look down!!” Buggy called out from below. His words just made Y/n want to look down, when they did.. it suddenly felt like they were even more high up than they actually were; the comfort of the net underneath them wasn’t even comfort anymore. Y/n began to panic, shaking even more and moving their arms around in an attempt to balance themself.
“NO!! NO!! I told you to NOT look down— STOP WAVING YOUR ARMS LIKE YOU’RE SWATTING FLIES!! What are you doing?! You were doing so well!!” Buggy shouted out again, groaning before turning around as Y/n screamed bloody murder, falling and thankfully landing on the net down below.
Tightroping was a no-go..
“Alright! Baton twirling would be perfect for you. All you need is this, and maybe a bikini, you’d get all the guys drooling.” Buggy mumbled the last part of his sentence to himself, he could just imagine it now. He was envisioning the most perfect feathery outfit he could dress them in. Sexy and flashy! He swallowed at the dryness in his throat before tossing Y/n a sparkly baton, “Have at it!”
Y/n held the baton, tilting their head and looking at the instrument as if it was some foreign object they’ve never seen before in their life. Buggy sighed and walked around behind them, his gloved hands hovered over their arms for a minute as his jaw clenched, he gulped again; this was the closest he’s ever got to Y/n.. their body felt so nice pressed up against his chest.
Y/n could feel Buggy’s chest against their back, his arms hovering inches away from their own gave them slight tingles. His scent invaded their nose.. they felt the blush creep upon their cheeks. “Here- let me..” Buggy mumbled, quiet and gruff, but loud and intelligible enough for Y/n to hear; but damn they never heard Buggy’s voice get that low before, it did something to them— it gave them more tingles that headed straight down to their abdomen. “O-Ok.” Y/n gulped as well.
Buggy breathed out as he wrapped his hands around Y/n’s respective wrists, his arms pressed up against theirs. The man swallowed again, jaw clenched tightly. “Ready?” He asked them, his voice was low and husky, Y/n’s eyes were wide and their heart was beating fast in their chest. Buggy’s large hands holding their wrists, and the feeling of being encased in his arms was making them swoon. “Are you just using this as an excuse to touch me?” Y/n giggled lightly to cut the thick tension in the air. They heard Buggy scoff above them, “What? No! No of course not baby!” That pet name he would always call them, paired with the position that Buggy was holding them in, was making Y/n fluster even more.
“Hold it like this, ok?” Buggy said, positioning Y/n’s hands, his fingers almost interlocked with theirs; his gloved hand felt so large as he held it against theirs. “Good, good, just like that.”
Y/n inhaled sharply, Buggy calling them good like that made them weak at the knees, they found themselves hardly focusing as Buggy began to explain how to spin and work a baton— how to perform tricks.
Y/n just noticed that Buggy had taken his jacket off earlier, their eyes drifted to his toned arms, years of hauling loot and treasure gave him some attractive arms.. it was a weird thought but, the way his muscles flexed as he maneuvered their hands to work the baton, and the way his skin felt on theirs, sun kissed tanned skin against [s/t] [s/c].
“You got it?” Buggy spoke up, bringing Y/n out of their thoughts, they forgot what was happening for a second until they saw the baton. “O-Oh!! Umm.. can you, explain that?” Their voice was shaky.. I can’t be falling in love with this guy.. he’s— he’s a clown! He’s a fucking clown! God but that nose.. I can probably put it inside of my— NO!!
Buggy looked down at Y/n, not speaking for a moment which was surprising for a flashy, boisterous man like Buggy. His mouth was parted for a moment, just staring down at the top of Y/n’s head; god he just wanted to bury his nose into their hair.. his big red nose that they couldn’t possibly ever find attractive— Buggy’s jaw clenched tightly again as he exhaled harshly.
Y/n looked up at Buggy, their [e/c] eyes meeting his enchanting greens. “Buggy?”
Buggy’s eyes softened as he looked down at their gaze, what was wrong with him? Really? He was utterly whipped for this person. He grinned down at them, his hands sliding up to cup their face, “Captain Buggy.” He corrected them, chuckling a bit, before his eyes widened as he realized how intimate his hands were on their jaw, he quickly drew back, “Ah!” He cleared his throat, “S-Sorry.” He mumbled, his hands patting his thighs for a moment before putting them on his hips, looking away.
Y/n gulped and held the baton close to themselves, “Oh! N-No it’s fine..” they gave a small smile at him before looking away as well. They thought about how good it felt when Buggy held them.. and when he put his hands on their face— oh god.
“Ok- let’s uh.. get back to, uh, the baton twirling thing.” Buggy said awkwardly, moving his finger around in a circle quickly before stepping back closer to Y/n.
Later in the evening, sun was setting and it was show time. Buggy’s crew members had brought in the audience— the towns people that were there against their will.. the show was spectacular; it was probably the only night that everything was perfect for Buggy. Everybody was on time— and the captain’s eye candy.. Y/n. His little baton twirler, they did amazing. The way their body moved made Buggy feel like his heart and eyes were about to comically pump out of his body.
This was the happiest the Buggy pirates had ever seen their captain after a show. The first person he wanted to look for was Y/n— they were spectacular, Buggy hadn’t focused on anything else ever since Y/n hit the floor.
“Baby you were amazing!!” Buggy said gleefully as he came up behind Y/n and wrapped his arms around their waist, lifting them up off of the ground as they squealed; rightfully taken off guard, “Thanks Buggy!”
He didn’t correct them this time. Buggy grabbed Y/s shoulders after he placed them back onto the ground, then turned them around to face him, “I knew you had something hidden in that sweet body of yours.” Buggy grinned, poking Y/n in their chest, eyeing them up again before tightly hugging them once more. His face was placed in the nape of their neck, their scent invaded his nose and it was heaven for him.
“What a weird thing to say!” Y/n giggled, but returned Buggy’s strong embrace. Buggy was holding them again, and damn did it feel good. Buggy’s hold was firm and warm, his hands squeezed their body. Y/n didn’t want him to let go this time.
Buggy leaned back, but still held onto Y/n, their eyes locked again. Y/n didn’t look away like they usually did, his handsome face looked amazing in the backstage lighting, “Buggy I-..” Y/n started, then felt the heat rising to their face again. Buggy leaned in closer, “Yeah?”
Y/n could practically hear their heart beating in their ears, “Can.. can I kiss you?” They looked away for a moment, then looked back up at him.
Buggy was on cloud nine. He was hooting and hollering on the inside, doing backflips and crying of joy in his mind. “Yes! Yes!!” He leaned in, aiming to kiss Y/n— “OUCH!” Y/n drew back and covered their hands over their face. Buggy got too excited and accidentally hit Y/n with his nose instead of kissing them.. Buggy’s face went red with embarrassment as he stepped back as well, he quickly got frustrated with himself, “URG!! DAMMIT!!” He turned around and slapped a hand over his forehead, then turned back towards Y/n, “Y/n baby I’m sorry— I- I didn’t mean to do that I swear, are you ok?!”
Y/n blinked for a little bit, then moved their hands away from their face and giggled up at Buggy, they wrapped their arms around Buggy’s neck and jumped up, tilting their head far to the side to avoid bumping into his nose again, successfully kissing him this time. Buggy’s eyes widened, taken aback by Y/n’s kiss but, he quickly melted.
This was all he ever wanted— kissing Y/n felt amazing, there were fireworks setting off in Buggy’s mind.
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luvyeni · 1 year
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SYNOPSYS. after filming the 5some with your friends for onlyfanz , you find yourself filming solo content with all of them , then feelings get involved.
AUTHORS NOTE. smut underneath <3
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"has jaemin been acting weird to you?" haechan looked up from his phone , looking at you. "i mean jaemin is weird already , you gotta elaborate." you shrugged , every since he supposedly brought you home he's been weird.
"i wonder if it has something with that night he brought me home." haechan's eyebrow quirked up. "when did he bring you home?" hoping you didn't hear the jealous tone in his voice.
"a few nights ago , i got too drunk at the club with the guys , and they called jaemin and he brought me home." why did they have to call him? he was free that entire night , they could've called him , he would've came running.
"well what happened?" you tried to remember , but all you got was fog. "i can't remember , did we hook up?" you said to yourself, he side eye you, he knew for a fact he didn't want to hear about you having sex with other guys , especially jaemin.
"i don't think it was that , i think it was something i said , he kind of implied that when i talked to him— oh my god i hope i didn't say anything embarrassing." you face palmed , groaning into your hands.
"why are you so worried about what you said around jaemin all of sudden?" he rolled his eyes. "im not i just- then stop bringing his name up when im literally right next to you." his hand crept up your thigh. "it's ruining my mood."
he kissed the side of your neck , "i don't care what you do with other people , but when im here you're mine." he slyly snuck his hands into your pants , rubbing you through your panties. "hae-haechan , fuck." you sighed , letting him leave little warm kisses on your juggler as pulled your panties to the side , his finger pushing your folds apart , fingering your needy hole.
"pussy so wet for me , i could just fuck you without any prep." he climbed on top of you. "please fuck me , i need you." he loved hearing you all whiny for him , he took your pants off , along with your underwear , throwing them away.
"come on princess , spread your legs for me , let me see that pretty pussy." you held your legs open , he mentally cursed , positioning himself at your drenched hole , "so wet." he thrusted all the way inside you. "oh fuck!" you screamed.
"slid right in , like this pussy was made for my cock." he pulled out , slamming back inside. "donghyuck!" he grunted holding your waist as he bullied his cock into your hole. "that's it baby , scream my name , let the whole build know whose fucking you like this." he cursed. "who's cock your pussy is squeezing around."
you felt the build up in your stomach , you were about to cum. "ch-channie." you moaned. "m'gonna cum , please can i cum." you were losing it , desperate for that sweet release.
"yeah , go ahead , cum on my cock for me." you screamed , your thighs shaking as you came. "oh my- fuck!" he pulled out stroking his cock , his white sticky sperm painting your stomach white. "fuck i came so much , your pussy is like magic." he breathed , you laughed , your chest rising and falling.
"you talk so much." he rolled his eyes , rubbing your sensitive clit. "st-stop , i already came." but he didn't stop , he kept going. "brat , i wanna see you cum again."
"i wanna see you cry on my cock."
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circus-clangen · 1 month
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yeah sure i’ll circus oc. what could go wrong
This is Fumbletoss the juggler and her idiot son. She joined really recently and immediately saw everyone just. being like that and decided to become the official Circusclan Therapist because someone has to do something about this. He sucks at literally everything he does including juggling but he’s actually really talented as a warrior. too bad he isn’t
Half the time Fumble can’t even therapy properly becuase ball is always busy trying to stop Bladekit from doing something stupid and killing himself. He does not learn a lesson ever even when he gets seriously injured. A force of nature that cannot be stopped
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tighnarly · 1 year
Cyno and Children Head Canons
Trigger warnings: Post partum mention
Cyno wants an entire audience worth of kids.
For his dad jokes of course.
You get him to settle on three, you just weren’t expecting to have all three at once.
Cyno is thrilled.
Not so subtly brags to everyone both friends and enemies alike.
Of course he knows you're doing most of the work, but he feels like his part in it isn't something to sneeze at.
Cyno had always been protective of you but with your kids in you, he's your shadow. At time when he had to go to work he would have his most trusted members of the Mantra follow you to ensure your safety.
Every time you’re having difficulty with your pregnancy, Cyno is right there trying to cheer you up with a "funny" joke or pampering you with whatever your heart desires.
Definitely the type to be found staring at your belly intensely.
Cyno is also the type to whisper his jokes to your belly late at night to try and stop the baby from kicking so you can sleep, when it fails and only worsens the kicks, he says in a very matter of fact tone that it's a sign the babies have taste and are laughing with him. You fight the urge to hit him in your tired state.
When the babies come you expected that Cyno would be by your side, holding your hand. Instead he stands almost uncomfortably close to the doctor and stares as they each come out. There's a wonder that fill his eyes as each little body makes it's way out.
After the babies are born Cyno constantly feels conflicted not being able to carry all three at the same time. He doesn't want any of them to feel left out.
Cyno becomes a master juggler and gets them all on a schedule a month after they're born.
You're not as organized with them and may even have a bit of post partum but Cyno is right there supporting you and talking and loving you through it.
As they get older, you and Cyno become the perfect unit. Your kids grow up loving you and each other, always protecting each other.
They maybe get a little too codependent but when Cyno realizes they don't socialize with other kids, he's bringing in Uncle Kaveh and Uncle Alhaitham to divvy up the kids to get them out separately to help build their independence. This then becomes a weekly venture the kids love it so much and they rotate between the three adults.
From the inside out you're all a happy family, even when the kids adopt their dad's humor.
You all love and laugh together.
Cyno loves you all more and more everyday and worships the ground you walk on.
You all live a happy and loving life.
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rimouskis · 1 year
rimouskis's 10 observations: betting on losing dogs and the swampening of ppg paints arena
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after a foiled attempt to attend a NoA in 2019 (which sounds more nefarious than the truth of the matter [I am deeply too much of a coward to go to one of these alone]), Lo, Hark, I made it, baby. in an attempt to convey the experience, which was wonderful, I am doing a drive-by robbery of our favorite game recaps and stealing the format for my nefarious purposes (sharing photos and memories).
come, come, join me:
01. PPG Paints Arena Gets Shrek'd
I can now say I have been greeted at the arena doors by a juggler. that was the first surprise of many that night. the whole joint was honestly really impressively decorated. the event took place entirely on the first floor concourse, and even the bars were decorated to look vaguely new-orleans-y.
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special lanterns and decorations were strung across the ceilings; there were enormous french-quarter-esque pillars erected in the halls; there was a fortune teller house with actors inside waving their arms very mysteriously over illuminated crystal balls; there was a woman gliding through the crowd with a skirt made out of servable and drinkable champagne flutes; there were people made out of disco balls wandering around; they flew a band in from new orleans to provide live music; mood lighting GALORE [more on this later].
I was super impressed. you can only do so much with an arena, and especially an arena concourse. they sunk serious time, effort, and undoubtedly money into transforming the arena into a gorgeous louisiana swampland. it was just so cool to see and worth gawking at.
02. Held Captive in the F.N.B Club
@ehghtyseven and I arrived almost-promptly a few minutes after 7. we were between a rock and a hard place: we wanted to take advantage of all the time we could, but also didn't want to be the first ones in. clearly there was nothing to worry about, though, because crowds were already moving through the gates. that was a balm to both of us, as we were kind of worried it'd be an intimate evening and I'd be forced to make smalltalk with penguins right and left.
("So, uh, what do you do?" sid would ask. I would stare at him, unsure how to explain the banalities of corporate life. I would walk away. He would be offput.)
we walked inside and immediately I got effusive compliments on both my shoes and my earrings. ah, I thought to myself, even the arena employees are in on it. they know how to butter up prospective donors to spend more money at charity events. but, in their defense: my shoes and earrings were both great, haha. we were handed some complimentary penguins-branded casino chips and sent on our merry way.
it was then that we went rogue. semi-accidentally. they weren't really herding us one way or another, you see, and as the night had only just begun, it wasn't too crowded yet. I looked at wendy. wendy looked at me. we mutually agreed that we should get a lay of the land. off we set.
we wandered around the concourse and looked at all the stations, abandoned and with signs saying play would begin at 8. we then ducked into the captain morgan club (which is one of the two clubs at the arena that normally are limited to ticketholders for those seats) to take a peek. it was made even more pirate-y than usual, I can only assume, and we got in line for drinks. the line did not move. (the poor folks staffing the bar needed reinforcements). we decided to keep moving and looped around the other half of the concourse to try our luck at the F.N.B. club. somehow that line was worse? penguins, please give more of your bartenders overtime to work charity events?
eh, we thought, we'll just keep walking around.
nope. no can do. they were herding us into the clubs like heifers in a cow chute. and, in fact, something dire was about to befall us:
03. The Penguin Parade
have you ever had a bunch of famous/famous-ish people trotted out in front of you like kindergarteners being shepherded across a suburban street? no? let me illustrate it.
iceburgh emerges with a bejeweled new orleans parasol above his head. out come colby and dan. I think colby is, like, roughly four drinks deep. maybe five. he and dan get through a very awkwardly scripted "thank you for giving us money:) please give us more:)" speech and then the processional of penguins begins.
they're announced in ascending numerical order, which of course leaves sid for last (no three years superleague will win geno that honor here). they all wander out and stare up into the stands, where we donors look down upon them like emperors at bloodied gladiators in the coliseum. I hold out my thumb and point down, signaling my displeasure. sid is immediately taken out back and s—
no no I'm joking. we all clap and woooo at them. geno spins in circles as he enters so he can wave at everyone, but he does it in a way that feels DISTINCTLY put-upon and tired. you know how some pets absolutely know they're being made fun of when you put stupid outfits on them? how they'll give you that deadpan look that says "I know what you are doing to me, it is cruel, but I have no choice but to weather it" ?
geno was that pet. long-suffering, exhausted, wants to go aggressively smack a card table instead of wander about in his special special jersey.
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one of the new owners (from FSG) gets up to say some words. he's a horrendous speaker, so I retain none of it, but I suppose if you're a billionaire you don't need to be eloquent or engaging. #eattherich. he tells everyone what some of the various players will be doing tonight around the concourse, and he throws in a very weak joke when he gets to explaining how geno will be manning one of the blackjack tables.
"and geno," this offensively wealthy man says, "try to keep it PG tonight."
I desperately, painfully wish I had a photo of the expression geno made. with the jumbotron camera trained on him, geno gives this man the most DISDAINFUL FROWN I have seen on his face. ever. he was NOT IMPRESSED. this man was NOT FUNNY. geno is a WORKING CLASS, BLUE COLLAR MAN and will not stand for billionaires saying he has to keep it family-friendly at a 21-and-up event! viva la revolución, baby.
sid, meanwhile, is making goo-goo eyes at jeff and giggling all over the place. also a few drinks deep, methinks. after a bit, the players are mercifully released from the grasp of the arena lights and flee back into the locker room, likely to take a few more shots to get ready to mingle for two hours straight.
we, the unmerciful coliseum audience, are freed from our club.
it's time to party.
04. Dan the Man
wendy and I made a break for it, finally let loose from our enclosure. we darted away and moved past some evil looking betting game being set up [more on that later], through a section of food that we couldn't eat [more on THAT later], and finally took up our posts at a cocktail table to get our bearings.
this was when we realized we'd put ourselves right by the elevators.
there were VIPs in attendance; they were schmoozing in the actual club seats a level above us for an hour before we plebeians were let inside. they began spilling out of the elevators in their evening gowns and suits, and wendy realized there were penguins among them.
we watched jason run off, and then drew, and then others. they scattered to the wind to their assigned games for the night. we tittered and surreptitiously watched. I complimented two different women's outfits (#girlpower #girlsgirl). we turned and realized dan and colby were posted up at the bar behind us.
dan caught us looking. wendy waved; dan waved back. thus our interaction blossomed.
when we went over to talk to him, he was incredibly nice and NOT very trickster godlike. he's miles-less confusing when he's not asking interview questions. and he's incredibly personable! he tried to get us excited to see connor mcdavid, though, which is something an evil trickster god would attempt at an event with sidney crosby in attendance. so perhaps I can be convinced after all.
05. FRENEMIES: Craps Edition
that evil betting game? yeah, that's craps. shitty name for a game, if you ask me. the last time I was in a casino, I was 16 (don't ask) so I had no idea what was going on. nonetheless, when we heard loud voices, we were drawn close like moths to a flame.
that flame was the not-so-dulcet tones of one mr. jason zucker and one mr. bryan rust. these two goofballs were "running" the craps table, by which I mean jason had been armed with the dice stick and they were being heavily coached by who I could only assume was an employee from rivers casino, lol.
it made me feel a little better that said employee was gently cajoling some people on the other side of the table. "you ready to play yet? got it figured out?" he asked. no, man. no one gets this without a 15-step breakdown. stop making me do math. why does this board say COME in huge red letters? what the fuck is a COME bet? what the fuck is a DON'T COME bet? is this a sex game? why are jason and rusty hosting a sex game?
here's jason catching me sneaking a photo of him hosting a sex game. my middle name is subtlety.
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06. A Crisis of Sexuality and Chutzpah
I'm a seasoned penguins-watcher, okay? I've lived here for years, I've been to more games and practices than I can count, I've held doors for them in restaurants and walked past them in bars, and I like to pretend I have a scrap or two of composure about interacting with the players.
ha ha. hoo. wa ha ha.
so, that sid guy, right? crazy. he's, like, just some guy. just a dude. just a funky little guy.
he's also the most handsome man I've ever laid eyes on.
I can't quite articulate what my brain did when we came upon sid's Wheel O' Fun, which he was manning alone the first time we swung by (the second time jake had joined him after being freed from his shift at the milkshake factory making jake shakes [like for real]).
he was all smiles and was working the crowd (and there WAS a huge crowd around him) effortlessly. he'd lean in across his Protective Barrier of Folding Tables and take photos with folks between spins. as the night went on he'd even place people's bets for them as the crowd grew deeper. he was furiously chomping on a piece of gum the entire time (his masseter muscles have to be unbelievable).
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what really threw me is that he isn't a big guy. he doesn't come off as large at all. objectively I know he's sturdy, but... those hockey pads and oversized jerseys really help you overestimate their size.
he was a crowd favorite for good reason. funny, was a good sport the whole evening, engaging and friendly, has a well-deserved air of confidence about him. he's got chutzpah. I, uh, didn't talk to him though. if he looked in my direction I immediately became preoccupied with something very important elsewhere, like a nearby woman's hat or which chips I was placing on the table. I couldn't handle it, I'm so sorry. he's really beautiful. ugh. who am I. is this what I'm reduced to. what siren song does he sing that enraptures me so. what's wrong with me. what's wrong with him.
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weirdo. ugh. <3
07. PPG Paints is for Carnivorous Beasts Only
listen I don't know what I expected when the theme of the night was mardi gras. like, what about new orleans cuisine screams "vegetarian"? nothing! so I was not surprised when the food selections were everything from shrimp gumbo to jambalaya (chicken) to ALLIGATOR (!!!!) and nary a vegetarian option in sight.
disappointed but not surprised! I did have a few tiny beignets (good) and a slice of king cake (meh) but I was mostly running on the poptart I'd eaten before the event, lmao.
this is not new with the arena; ever since The Yard's arena location closed, vegetarian dining has been dire there for games. their pizza is bad, don't get it. in fact, next time you come to a game, don't get arena food. do yourself the service of eating beforehand. emporio never fails and if you need to be closer, go to moonlit burgers. up your game, ppg paints!
also since I had, like, one RC cola all night and not a drop of alcohol, I probably didn't recoup the cost of my ticket lol. dear pens offer me a discount next time I'M A CHEAP DATE I PROMISE
08. Evgeni Malkin's Blackjack Table
I had quietly made a rule for myself.
if I was committing financially to this event, if I was going to the trouble and stretching my budget and going all in, I had to go all in.
I had to play at evgeni malkin's blackjack table. I just had to. there was no way I couldn't. we came upon his table for the second time that night and posted up at a corner to watch, just like we had the first time we passed him. I eyed the players and waited for someone to give up a seat as I tried to remember the details of the "How to Play Blackjack" youtube tutorial I'd watched an hour earlier.
(I remembered, like, two rules. memory bad + star struck = bad combo).
the thing about geno, you see, is that he's a performer at heart. the drama? that's just him, doll. that's his personality. he was a dramatic dealer. he pretended to steal chips. he was LIGHTNING QUICK at mental math. he'd slap down a card and immediately move through with confidence. probably a solid 30% of it was unfounded, but it came off as both professional and intense... and still approachable, because he was being a little intentionally goofy.
he was also directly under one of the colored light beams they had set up in mardi gras colors around the arena. listen, learn some color theory with me: yellow light is SHIT for seeing colors. poor geno couldn't tell one chip from the next and kept having to squint at them to figure out what was up. it played into the goofiness very well. he rolled with it.
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he kept a very good energy at the table. all the attendees were getting a kick out of him and the game, and geno ran it as a proper game. he'd reward you if you won, but he'd take your chips if you lost. his huge hands moved the cards clumsily. he sometimes threw them at people. y'know. Just Geno Things.
a chair freed up. I hesitated. someone else sat down. fuck. I continued my vigilant watch. I needed to do this, I reminded myself. I'd never forgive myself if I went to NoA and didn't play at geno's table. WHO DOES THAT? not me. no way.
a second chair freed up. I pounced.
I was in.
and, fuck, now I had to remember how to play blackjack.
he dealt me my first card. I looked at it with a healthy mixture of fear and curiosity. he dealt me my second card. I added them together. I tried to figure out if I should ask for more cards. sure, why not?
wrong. I went over 21. bust. I lose. I've just lost in front of evgeni malkin. that is the correct way of the world, I SHOULD in fact lose in front of (and to) evgeni malkin, but I couldn't go out like that. no way. I stayed put in my seat. deal me more cards, dealer. I have something to prove.
he was also kind of sweet, because I was absolutely the only person under 30, if not under 40, at this table, and I think they could smell my inexperience lol. he sort of nodded at me to make a move the next round and keep adding cards. I heeded it. people at the table started making noise. something was happening. I didn't really know what, but there was excitement in the air. I "held" instead of "hit" when it felt right. geno continued on. the man next to me had a bust. geno did something with his own cards, and WOW!
I won the round!
people literally congratulated me. it was deeply undeserved. I didn't know what the hell I was doing. even in retrospect I don't know what I did. but whatever it was was good, and I earned my first chip. hallelu!
I'm not a betting gal, but I know that you cash out when you're up. on that high note, I got up and took my leave. I'd done it. I'd played at geno's table. I'd WON at geno's table. the world was my oyster etc.
so, here is me [just out of frame] getting a smile out of geno as he nudges me along at blackjack <3
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[photo credit to wendy <3]
09. America's Sweetheart, Brian Dumoulin
the night was winding down, and wendy had been very conservative with her chips, whereas I'd blown through mine [this is why I don't gamble, kids]. we need to find a table, I told her. we had bets to make!
and, serendipitously, dumo was hanging out at a somewhat poorly-attended table at that very moment.
dumo was so great. he lacked any of the confidence geno had at blackjack but more than made up for it with his sweet easygoing conversation and a truly great smile. he was CHARMING. like, I genuinely felt he was interested in talking to attendees and having a good time. the vibes were fabulous. I know I've been a little harsh on him hockey-wise this season, but wow, the babygirl truthers got me with this one. he's a goddamn sweetheart. long live dumo, who winced every time he beat you at blackjack.
10. Kris Letang's School for Beautiful Women
after exhausting our chips, saying farewell to dumo, and watching geno get dragged by security with a firm grip on his arm away from fans wanting photos as soon as the clock struck 10 [the official end of the event, because geno is a union man who doesn't work overtime], we wandered the slowly-deserting halls.
geno may have been dragged away, and sid may have been gone from his post, but kris? oh, buddy, you were NOT dragging him from his blackjack table. no sir. he had games to win, you see, and judgemental faces to make at his players, and women to charm.
so, so many women.
his table had a higher ratio of women to men than I'd seen at any other, lol. and they were all having a BALL as he was holding court. he raked one high better over the coals with pleasure as he took her chips. you can be the most beautiful woman in the arena, but kris letang will be more beautiful and will beat you at blackjack.
he was clearly great entertainment, as both kappy and POJ came to watch him work. (and to fetch him drinks). he, as all the boys, honestly, was an excellent schmoozer. they're very good at this. I think they know they work in professional entertainment. I didn't have a bad or sideways interaction all night.
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it was a fabulous night. I had so much fun. the penguins did a wonderful job, the players were all lovely, and I also won a signed jersey, so hey, everyone was a winner.
brava, fellas. make sure to pay geno overtime for his post-10 o'clock photo ops.
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cosmictapestry · 3 months
ok please please tell me what you actually imagine dream's first kiss to have been. how and why is it worse. please
haha yaaaaaaaaay baby dream war crimes <3 <3 <3 warning for canon-typical godawfulness <3 <3 <3
we’re not really given an idea of like, the spacing between endless births. we know that death and dream were close together and that desire and despair are twins. there’s no timeline though.
so, before desire and despair are born, dream is the sole juggler of the mortal psyche. i don’t think the weight of the collective is split between the psychological sibs, exactly—it’s more just that certain parts of the collective did not exist before their births—but this does mean dream was entirely alone in his experience of existence. for some time. maybe a long time. we don’t know!
there wasn’t despair or desire or delight or delirium yet but there Were dreams. All dreams All the time. and in My Favorite Characterization, that drives dream very mad very quickly. and he does terrible things and no one checks him on it. he doesn’t know what’s real and what’s not and he’s doing things just to see what will happen. he extinguishes a star to see if it actually stops existing—and it doesn’t, the dream of it and its thriving solar system still exists, so he didn’t do any harm, really. it’s fine. no one tells him it’s not fine. how is he supposed to know it’s not fine. death doesn’t care. destiny knew it would happen. time and night think everything he does is silly. so. it’s fine.
then destruction is born and he can see, finally, what’s really happening, because when he extinguishes a star the solar system doesn’t die all at once—it decays. he has to watch it crumble away and know that he did that. living things exist long enough to suffer before they die. it’s not fine anymore—he doesn’t want things to suffer, he never wanted that, why did that happen?? and it hurts now. the weight of all dreams was intolerable before but it hurts now, destruction makes things hurt. now everything he does is terrifying. he’s out of control. the mistakes keeps happening because he can’t tell what’s dreams and what’s everything else.
desire and despair are born. it gets worse. the dreams are—it’s all so awful, now. everything hurts and grieves and wants and the wanting doesn’t hurt. he chases the wanting.
he won’t harm reality on purpose—he still can barely tell what that is, he’s still messing up all the time, still out of control. he can control this, though. he can make something to—something to touch, on purpose, so he doesn’t touch anything else. if it’s just him it’s fine. so he makes something that he wants to touch and he touches it. and it feels so good to not have to try so hard to be in control.
then he sees what’s left of the thing he made and he doesn’t understand. he feels so sick. it’s the most disgusting thing he’s ever seen. it isn’t the quick clean wrath of a god. it’s the lust of a mortal. of ALL mortals.
he sits with the thing he made for days. weeks. tries to understand. he didn’t mean to do that. why did that happen. it’s so much worse than extinguishing a star.
eventually he reabsorbs the thing he made, memories and all. it is horrible. it is what he deserves. he never speaks of it.
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harveyb-wabbit92 · 7 months
{Spark doll au: Zoffy is now spying on Belial and R/n, He followed the couple to shopping mall where Belial caught him; along with Jugglus Juggler who was in the wrong place wrong time. the three are just sitting at a café in awkward silence, which is eventually broken by Belial.]
Belial, nods to Zoffy's stars: So...Captain, eh?
Zoffy: ....Yes. And you have a little one?
*he says staring at the sleeping baby strapped to Belial's chest*
Belial: Aisling, though we call her Isla for short.
Zoffy, nods: hm.
Jugglus, annoyed: This is just pathetic, I mean you guys fought in a war together, don't you have any cool stories?
Zoffy & Belial, flatly: No.
Jugglus: Oh! I know, (to Zoffy) tell him about your sex bot!
Belial: His what?
Zoffy: Yes. my what?!
Jugglus: The defective android Gai told me about, the one that always follows you around?
Zoffy, with barely restrained rage: You mean My wife?
Jugglus, with an oh crap look on his face: ...Uh.
(Belial silently gets up and goes to check if R/n has finished with her shopping.)
[Zoffy's "disguise" is just his ultra form human size; dressed in a trench coat and fedora, which Jugglus and Belial later make fun of him for it. cos Jugglus has his own human form. And as for Belial, thanks to the clothes R/n got for him; he can almost pass himself off as human, so long as people don't notice his eyes or see him without his neck gaiter on.]
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sherifftillman · 1 year
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come along, one and all, to the hawkins fair! a special event held in honor of two thousand of you fine people being here. why not have a look around? we’ve got two wonderful parks for you to peruse, writer’s world and gifset grounds, so take your time, pick an attraction or two and be sure to check out the fireworks show at the end!
-ˏˋ Writer’s World ˊˎ-
🪞 hall of mirrors: you’re here, you’re there, you’re everywhere! which is the real you? who are these doppelgangers? – send me a description of yourself and i’ll write you a short blurb about what i think your role would be within the stranger things timeline! (+ add a 💕 if you also want to be shipped with someone)
💜 tunnel of love: they can’t stay still. your breath is shallow. awkward laughter as you catch each other’s eye, crammed in a boat with a strangely ominously glowing void ahead of you. – send a character or ship (please specify if the ship is standalone or an x reader polycule! i’ll assume all ships are standalone unless stated otherwise) and i’ll write a romantic blurb. (+ add a 🔥if you want smut)
🎠 carousel: the music fills your ears, the cool metal pole pressing against your warm, flushed cheek as you see your best friend next to you, having the time of their life. – send a character or platonic ship (please specify if standalone or x reader) and i'll write a friendship blurb. *this is the only option where i will also accept members of the party as options, but not directly interactive with the reader UNLESS as a side character/sibling of reader. (e.g. i won't accept dustin x reader but i would include dustin (+ other kids) in a henderson!reader x older teen scenario, or dustin with other canon characters)
🎪 big top: sit back, relax, and enjoy the show! this one’s all about celebrating you, dear audience, so we’ll need volunteers! volunteer yourselves, your friends, your idols. everyone deserves a spotlight! – send a fic you’re proud of! send a fic you love! this totally isn’t a thinly-veiled attempt at me trying to farm fic recs since i’ve slipped so much! it could be a reader insert or a ship. i don't mind any ship (as long as it doesn't include b*lly or j*son), especially rarepairs!
🌀 a portal?!: uh-oh, looks like HNL’s been at it, again. this time, it seems as though they’ve opened a portal through the entire multiverse! people are appearing that look strangely like existing hawkins residents. – send another character that a stranger things actor plays and i’ll write a romantic or platonic blurb for them, too! (+ add a 🔥if you want smut)
-ˏˋ Gifset Grounds ˊˎ-
🤹 the juggler: that’s right, i’m the juggler, baby! i can juggle almost anything you want, anything at all! i might even toss one your way, get ready for it! – make me choose between any number of things! people, ships, scenes, locations, seasons, etc.
🎈 balloon stall: get your balloons here! we got all the colours here, you want one? two? all?! you got it, kid. – send a character/ship and as many colours as you want to be featured.
🐤 hook a duck: feeling lucky, duck? why not take a chance on one of these rubbery fellas? anything could be under it, anything at all. you won't know unless you try! – send this and i'll have a randomiser decide who i make a gifset for.
🎡 ferris wheel: far above the shrieks of an excitable crowd, the blaring lights, the aromatic mix of sickly sweets, sweat and smoke; a moment of peace. just you, the world beneath you, and a simple song to guide you. – name a character and either choose a song/artist yourself or leave that up to me, and i'll make a lyric gifset for them!
👻 ghost train: what is dead may never die. what lurks within the dark depths of the unknown? truly anything can happen, if you dare to take the leap and open yourself to possibility. – give me an au (literally anything non-canon-compliant) and i'll try and make a gifset about it!
🎆 fireworks! 🎆
i just wanted to take a moment to thank every one of you. it's been insane how i can once again fall in love with writing, be this close to finishing a majorly hefty writing project, and learn a new skillset that i actually enjoy right from the get-go. being a part of fandom again has me getting out of the house again, going to conventions again, making new friends wherever i go, making plans to go to places i've never been before with those people. i thought that part of my life was behind me. i've never been more proud to be wrong.
all of you have encouraged me in ways i couldn't begin to explain, but the mutuals i'm tagging inspire me with their support and creativity every dang day. i'm so lucky to have these people in my life in any capacity, whether we talk every day or we've never spoken (though if the latter's the case, i'd love to fix that!) 💜
@denim-mixtapes @fanatictypist @keerysquinn @userquinn @hellfirehoe @reysorigins @eddieandbird @heroeddiemunson @roykentt @iero @hellfireclubs @corroded-hellfire @munson-blurbs @lunatictardis @loveshotzz @quinnsbower @newlips @wroteclassicaly @usedtobecooler @corrodedbisexual @dindjarins @stargyles @mulderfcx @enidsnclr @elizabethgillies @sebuckyverse @wordscomehither @eddiemunsons-missingnipple @hearsegrrl @mcbeanzontoast @pitifulbaby
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momsforroadhead · 7 months
People say crazy shit to me all day man! What do you mean, you think you're just like, you think you nailed it? People say all sorts of crazy shit to me! Gumball pizza. Smack salad. Someone said that to me, right as I woke up this morning. It's crazy! It's the first thing I heard. I had to brush my teeth and shit I didn't even bother following up on it. Woops, that's my baby alarm. That's my changing alarm, sorry. There's a baby at my house right know. There's a lot of people crashing at my place this week! Like a lot! Over 15, but it's a rotating cast of characters. It was a good deal, man. A lot of people couldn't even get more than four, I got 15! I made a good deal on the cast of characters. I got 15 of 'em! How many people you got sleeping at your house tonight? Boom! I couldn't pass it up. Someone said there's a rotating travelling cast of 15+ characters coming through town and they need a place to sleep. I was lucky enough to be the first one to see it, and I got 'em! If you're jealous just say it, man! You'll never have that many people stay at your place. If you wanna meet some of the characters you can come by tonight, but you can't crash. I'm out of room. The high score is 34. My neighbour Mark has it. You can meet 'em though. Some of 'em are pretty nice. Some of 'em are fucked up.
If you wanna come over and watch freak stuff with me and my dudes later, and the other characters, you let me know. There's one of 'em who's a Barack Obama impersonator. He's pretty bad at it. He's a mexican guy. It's bad, I didn't even know stuff like that existed! I guess you never know. Yeah, I was hoping more for trapeze artists, jugglers... It's not... It's not. One of 'em's got one eye. You've never seen a group like this, man. I don't even know why they're together! Who assembled this, like, ragtag group of misfits? Why do they even need to be at my house? Granted, it is a good deal for me, but like, why do they need to be there? It's a steal, honestly, it's so many people, it's three more than a basketball team. I don't know what they're doing, man... I will get to the bottom of it though, I promise you that.
I'm letting one of the guys borrow my Hanson cassette right now, but... It's hard to forget about, man! My house is full of people. One of the characters, Jessica, claims to be an old artist! I got a ton of people back at my house so, technically, I'm coming out on top! I got a good deal! It's a hell of a deal.
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stories-and-chaos · 3 months
Tarnished pt 17
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[Helluva Boss AU where Blitzø’s childhood theft from Stolas’ palace is discovered and major consequences ensue for everyone involved.]
[Part 17/?? Word count: 782 Cw: mild language]
Twenty-two years ago, the day Blitzo was hired by the Goetia.
Fizzarolli had performed in a few more acts after Cash took Blitzo off. Something about a royal wanting a playmate. It was harder, performing without his friend. Yeah, Fizz was better at all the techniques, but there was an underlying nervousness to the boy. Having the ever confident Blitzo there helped. The audience didn’t seem as big, it felt more like they were practicing together.
But Cash had basically dragged Blitzo away. And Cash was the boss, the ringleader. While they were away, Cash’s understudy kept the show going. Fizz did his best, pretending Blitzo was just on the other side of the curtain.
After the last act, everyone in the circus was cleaning up, getting food and the acrobat who was their accountant was tallying up the day’s take. Cash stomped back among the tents, telling everyone to pack up. While confused, most of them complied. The acrobat accountant and the horse trainer were among the small group of protesters.
They, along with the juggler/cook, the contortionist in charge of costumes, and Blitzo’s mom, were all following Cash. Even as he was giving out orders, the five were demanding answers. “We’re supposed to be here another two weeks, what’s the big fuss, the hellhorses just ate, we gotta give them a bit before we harness up, where is Blitzo, let people have dinner before we take off boss, where is my son?!”
Cash mostly brushed them off, just saying that shit happened and they needed to leave. At his continued insistence, the four performers gave up and started their own preparations. Cash’s wife wasn’t giving up.
“Where is Blitzo, Cash?” She grabbed the shorter imp’s arm as they entered their family tent. “Fizz said you took him to a royal estate? Without asking me? So where is our son?”
“Tilly,” the older man hissed, “the boy’s staying with the Goetia. He decided he likes being the blueblood’s pet more than being our family.”
Fizzarolli and Barb, Blitzo’s twin sister, looked at Cash in shock. “What?! Papa, are you sure Blitzo doesn’t want to come home?” Barb ran up to her father, not sure if she heard right. Fizz was stuck in place, his tail winding around his legs. It felt like a chunk of ice dropped into his belly.
Did Blitzo like this royal more than Fizz? They were best friends, he did everything with Blitzo. But being with this royal kid for a day was enough to make him leave home behind.
Cash was looking down at his daughter, making his eyes big and sad. “Yeah kiddo, he said it’s much better there, not being at a run down circus. I tried to get him to come back to you and your momma and Fizz. But he wouldn’t come outta that big fancy house, said he doesn’t need us. The prince’s daddy gave us some extra money for us to leave the Ring.” Both children started tearing up as Cash told them about Blitzo’s betrayal. “So pack up your junk so we can get lost.”
Barb rubbed her eyes. “Okay Papa.” She took Fizz’s hand and tugged him over to where their gear was. “I’ll help you pack Fizz.”
Tilly was not having any of the nonsense Cash was spewing. Her face was nearly black with the ichor flushing her cheeks. She rounded on her husband once the kids were out of earshot.
“That is the biggest load of hellhorse crap I’ve ever heard in my life and that’s saying something considering how long I’ve known you.” She jabbed a long finger at his shoulder. “Blitzo is scared of royal demons, there’s no way my baby would stay there. So what’s really going on Cash. How much trouble did you get our boy in?”
He grabbed her wrist, making the bones creak under her skin. “Don’t you dare talk back to me. Don’t even think about questioning me. He’s gone, never coming back. Get used to it, Tilly.” He shoved her backward, knocking her to the ground. “And get our shit packed or you might lose your little girl too.” He grabbed a bread roll and a hunk of cheese before leaving the tent.
The entire troupe was packed up and on the road before midnight. Every member was used to quick tear downs and departures. Midnight moves weren’t uncommon either and darkness wasn’t much of a problem for imps or their animals. Cash had them heading to Greed for now. It had been years since they performed there, but they’d made good money at the time.
The All Imp Circus never went back to the Pride Ring.
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oraclekleo · 1 year
Hyunsuk (CIX) Kinky Tarot Reading
All celebrity readings have purely entertainment nature
I don’t know any of the celebrities personally
Don’t base life decisions purely on tarot readings
I can never guarantee any of what’s said in the reading
Reading Info:
Rating: 18+
Reading Type: Single - Couple
Requested: Yes - No
Requester: /
Deck(s): Edgar Allan Poe Tarot
Spread: Kinky Reading
Turn On
Dirty Secret
Celebrity Info:
Full Name: Yoon Hyun Suk
Stage Name: Hyunsuk
Group: CIX
DOB: 08.09.2001
Blood Type: B
Sun Sign: Virgo
Chinese Sign: Metal Snake
Life Path Number: 2
Masterpost: CIX
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Hyunsuk (CIX)
Full Name: Yoon Hyun Suk Stage Name: Hyunsuk Group: CIX DOB: 08.09.2001 Blood Type: B MBTI: ENFP Sun Sign: Virgo Chinese Sign: Metal Snake Life Path Number: 2
Spread / Question: Kinky Reading Deck(s): Tarot of Mystical Moments
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Position - 2 of Pentacles
Hyunsuk is a bit of a juggler when it comes to relationships. He’s something of a chameleon; he can balance his lover in all aspects. He likes to play, push all the buttons and then play an innocent angel. On the other hand, if he’s given a task, he’s likely to complete it, even when he might be a bit of a brat about it. He’s not really a dom in a relationship but he’s not a complete sub either. He’s likely to take his share of responsibility if he’s asked to do so, although if his lover is the caretaker type, Hyunsuk will happily leave everything to them. He might have a thing for being corrupted a bit by his lover.
Libido - 3 of Swords
Normally I would say that Hyunsuk’s heart is broken and he feels no passion here but to be honest with you, I’m getting a completely different vibe here. Hyunsuk is a bit of a thief of hearts and womaniser (or men eater) himself. I mentioned before that he likes to play and he might have playboy tendencies. Hyunsuk knows how to charm people he likes and he knows how to pull them on a string as long as he pleases and then just cut them off, forget about them once he’s bored and leave them in tears, none the wiser what actually happened. While he likes to play like this, Hyunsuk isn’t really that passionate and sensual lover. Tricking somebody’s mind, playing with their heart, feels sort of more arousing than the act itself. I’m getting the vibes that sometimes Hyunsuk might find sex even boring and tedious. It’s really a strange idea I’m getting with him so please, if you disagree with me here, feel free to tell me. Maybe I’m getting wrong signals.
Turn On - 4 of Swords
Once again I’m getting a strange but very specific idea here. Hyunsuk is likely to feel attracted to someone mature, yet vulnerable when it comes to their experience. It might even be an older person but for some reason they haven’t dated much in their life. Imagine someone who got married young, lived with their spouse, now they are going through a divorce and out of the blue, here comes Hyunsuk to steal their heart and sanity. This type of person wouldn’t notice Hyunsuk’s mind games immediately and at the same time they would be likely mature and willing to pamper him. Until the moment Hyunsuk is fed up with them, of course. What a hyena, this young man is. I’m starting to like him. Lol!
Kink - Queen of Cups
I have already said that Hyunsuk finds regular love-making dull and is more likely to enjoy the process of seduction than the fruits of it. However, even such a cold hearted monster (I’m joking) has a kink. Hyunsuk is likely to especially enjoy being babied by his lover. If they are willing to actually play this role, and it’s possible that Hyunsuk will go into details and have elaborate scenarios for them, they will be rewarded by his passion eventually. I’m not sure if this kink is some sort of reaction to maybe abandonment issues, Hyunsuk might still have unresolved. Maybe his parents couldn’t give him as much attention as he wanted from them. It would make sense for him to quickly dump his lovers in fear of them doing it first but these are dangerously deep waters and I don’t really want to go there in this reading.
Dirty Secret - 3 of Pentacles
I mean… I don’t want to explore my hypothesis, but it kinda all makes sense. Hyunsuk is secretly hoping for someone to come and mend his unfinished soul structure, patch the wounds and help him to actually mature. He’s probably aware of his issues but it’s not an easy task to cope with them on his own, especially in such a stressful environment like the entertainment industry. Don’t take me wrong, he’s not really falling apart or breaking down. He’s only not completely done with growing up, yet, and he probably dreams of a person who could help him get there.
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Aww! Look at him! I mean I know what demon he is and I would still hug him and give him home made cookies. 🤣
Just joking. Honestly, this is one of those readings where I feel it strongly but my better judgement is shaking head. Please, feel free to disagree with me regarding Hyunsuk. Maybe there were some solar storms disturbing my intuition or something. 😊 Take this reading with a huge grain of salt.
Thank you for reading!
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pure-vanilla-lilies · 1 month
Can you do an adorable ShadowOrchid family fic? Something fluffy that's all, I want to cry out of tears of joy 🥹
Sweets & Love
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•Story Warnings: Fluff & Teasing)
•Notes: Witchberry & Ice Juggler are the adopted kids of Shadow Milk & Lily Orchid, while Rose Milk and Spilled Milk are the biological kids :)
Shadow Milk Cookie was getting his daughters ready for today, he decided to take his family out to the zoo. The girls were excited for it, while Witchberry Cookie & Ice Juggler Cookie getting dressed and while Shadow Milk Cookie got Rose Milk Cookie dressed. The jester went to check his wife and his new born son, he saw the faerie breastfeeding the baby, but thank goodness she had a blanket over her chest. As the faerie looked up and softly smiled, once the baby stopped Lily Orchid Cookie gently burped him and fixed her sundress.
“The girls are ready, we’re just waiting on you LilyBaby~” Shadow Milk Cookie teased.
Lily Orchid Cookie face turned a little pink as she gently hissed, it was cute. With the do final touches, the family headed to the zoo, as they soon arrived at the zoo the kids were excited especially Witchberry Cookie! Getting the baby bag and the double stroller out, the jester and the faerie put the little ones in the stroller they headed inside! While walking, the girls exhausted their mother and Shadow Milk Cookie could see the exhaustion in his wife’s eyes.
“LilyBaby are you okay?” Shadow Milk Cookie asked softly.
“I’m okay don’t worry.”
Shadow Milk Cookie let out a soft ‘hm’ as the family continued walking through the zoo, they stopped at a picnic area and ate. Lily Orchid Cookie covered herself with the blanket as she started to breastfeed her son for the third time. With the family enjoying and relaxing, the faerie finished breastfeeding and fixed her her sun dress again. With them continuing, the girls were now bugging the parents wanting a stuffed animal.
“Daddy I want a tiger plush!” Witchberry Cookie screamed with happiness
“Mommy I want a polar bear plush!” Ice Juggler Cookie screamed with happiness too.
“We’ll get it okay, let’s play the quiet game and if you stay quiet until we leave. You’ll get one.”
The girls nodded as they smiled, with Shadow Milk Cookie holding a sleeping Rose Milk Cookie, they got to the gift shop, the two got girls plushies while the faerie got an toy snake for herself because she use to have a snake when she was little. With them leaving the zoo and headed home, the kids were sleeping while Shadow Milk Cookie holding his wife hand and kissed it.
“Have fun today dear?” Shadow Milk Cookie asked as he smiled.
“Yeah. I did.” Lily Orchid Cookie replied with a soft smile.
Shadow Milk Cookie smiled as he kissed her. With them at home, they put the kids to sleep and the two went to their room and cuddled together.
“Mmm I love LilyBaby~”
“I love you too Milky~” Lily Orchid Cookie said with a giggle.
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noodyl-blasstal · 1 year
Astrology for Horse Jugglers
Sometimes your friend has a birthday so you have to do something ridiculous about it. Say happy birthday to @ceilingfan5 (for yesterday) and enjoy some mildly(?) unhinged Taakitz shenanigans!
“Yeah, fish magnetism research is incredibly important right now my guy, we’re revolutionising the industry. Doesn’t harm the seabed at all and you can just schlorp the fish you want straight out of the water as long as you set the master fish magnet to the right frequency.” Taako nodded sagely and took another swig of his secon… vth free glass of fizz, but truly who was counting? Not Taako, that’s for sure. Weddings were all about love baby, love, free tiny fancy drinks, and getting to say absolute bullshit to strangers because anyone that would actually try and stop him was too busy being gross somewhere else.
“That’s fascinating, Greg, how do you get the magnets in the fish?” Hurley’s third cousin twice removed was eating this up and Taako was thriving. He loved to perform, was the thing, and an hours long secret audience participation improv show? That was tap shoes, baby, and Taako was dancing.
“Well, that’s a great question, Max, not everyone would think to ask it. We actually use laser darts!”
“Laser darts?” Max leaned forward, enthralled. Of course he was, Taako was at his loom weaving laser magnet fish blankets for everyone.
“They’re really small magnets, you see, tiny, but they’re super powerful. Have you heard of keyhole surgery?” Taako waited for Max to nod his affirmation. “Well, we’ve got this robot submarine with a laser powered blowgun…” Taako was rudely interrupted by the announcement that the dining room was finally ready. He promised Max that he’d definitely finish explaining later and was gathered up as the hungry mass of guests descended and swept them along through the doors.
Taako folded himself into his chair and tried not to look as sullen as he felt. He knew that they wouldn’t be able to sit the whole family together, but Taako on his own in a sea of distant relatives? Rude! Lup was allowed to sit with Barry, and Magnus and Julia were together, he checked, just so he knew how spiteful to be about it. Lucretia, Dav, and Merle were together too and Taako was fine missing out on that, but surely they could have swapped a family friend for him and allowed him some twin time? But no, apparently he was capable of handling himself, happy to be on his own, that’s Taako. Single Taako who was completely and utterly fine about it.
The scutch of strangers he’d be making awkward small talk with filtered in slowly and nodded politely to Taako as they continued their conversations. He definitely didn’t make a note of the fact they all seemed to know each other. What did he do to piss off the seating plan gods? Or, more specifically, Sloane.
The pondering ended pretty quickly when the seat next to him was pulled out and Taako turned to be greeted by a particularly delicious pair of thick, suit-challenging thighs. Taako didn’t really want to look higher, the view was great, A+ +, 10/10 no notes, but he forced himself to anyway. Gotta be polite. He didn’t regret it. Mr Next Seat Over was ‘pair of disposable gloves come with your chicken wings because we can’t trust you not to touch your face afterwards, idiot’ hot. Taako reversed the curses he may or may not have placed on Sloane and Hurley (to start from after their honeymoon, he was considerate like that). Hot boy sat in the seat elegantly and Taako resisted the impulse to engage immediately.
He resisted the impulse badly. Taako’s impulse control wasn’t great, it turned out. C- - -, in fact, but the guy sat down and didn’t introduce himself so what else could Taako do? There was a thing called manners and Taako had them. Sometimes. Probably. As long as you didn’t ask for references.
“Hail and well met…” Taako peered at the little wooden name plate Magnus had painstakingly etched everyone’s names into, oh no, that meant he had to lean in and press himself right into the man’s personal space. What a shame.“... Kravitz. What-ho!”
Kravitz, thankfully, didn’t look angry. In fact, he turned in his seat and grinned. “Ahoy-hoy.” Kravitz pretended to answer what Taako could only assume was an imaginary telephone. “To whom am I speaking?” Kravitz kept hold of the imaginary receiver and quirked an eyebrow at Taako. Oh, oh hot boy wanted to play, did he? Taako could play.
“Avast ye, matey! ‘Tis ol’ Taako from the depths of the sea, I’ve got you on my line now.”
“Sorry mate, wrong number.” Kravitz, inexplicably cockney now, hung up. “Sorry,” he grimaced to Taako, “I think that was a s-clam call, and my Mums always told me I had to hang up on those. Mind you, they also told me not to answer the phone at the table, so maybe I should have tried to counter-seduce the pirate.” He looks thoughtful for a moment, then continues. “Anyway, I’m Kravitz, pleased to meet you.” He held out a hand to shake. Taako fist bumped it, Kravitz was the best amount of hinged (un), and he didn't know it yet but they were friends now. Well, at least for the duration of the wedding. Surprise, Taako's your problem now...
Read the rest on A03!
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countercharmd · 4 months
Your name is Valrissa Angemont, and you are your mother’s daughter.
More specifically, you are your mothers’ daughter. Both Verrona and Ronarei Angemont can be see in every move you make. After all, it was Verrona who inspired you to take your affinity for magic, and fine tune it through the study of wizardly magics. You could feel the Weave crackling in your body, a roiling tempest that lurked just beneath your skin.
Your mother, Ronarei, tells you this is normal. She tells you that you have a gift, the same gift that every Angemont is born with. Your family is special, she says. Talos smiles down upon you and your brothers. With this gift in your veins, you are destined to do wonderful things.
As the youngest child, you are the most concerned with running fast enough to keep up with your brothers. Magic comes easy to them, with an effortless snap of their fingers. To you, it started as a struggle. Your oldest brother, Ekvir, becomes the captain of his own ship while you finally start to learn how to tame the beast inside of you. He sails off to great fortune, and even comes back with a new virtue name — Glory.
His homecoming is a warm thing that is felt throughout the entire house. Ronarei hugs him, kisses both of his cheeks, and cooks him his favorite meal while asking about his journey. She has never looked at you with the same pride that she does him. Probably because he is a saint in her eyes. A natural prodigy.
It stings, but during those dinners you are just happy to have him around.
The days when Glory is away are full of practice for you. You spend hours trying to perfect different spells, different ways to control this unruly thing in your beast. Your mother is ruthless, and hardly recognizes when you do get something right — only asks why you hadn’t gotten it sooner. She makes you feel like a failure, which only makes the storm inside you angrier.
You’re in the middle of your studies when you’re summoned to the drawing room. The sky is grey and moody outside, matching the atmosphere inside. Your mother relays to you and your brother that Glory was killed in a shipwreck, and your heart is torn asunder. She says he was caught in a storm, an unfortunate accident, and something in your mind clicks.
You’re not blessed. Nor was your brother. You harbor a curse in your blood. Why else would Talos allow Glory to perish in the roiling waters of a tempest? He wants to see each and every one of you dead.
You find yourself screaming at your mother in a matter of minutes. One question is turned into a demand, and then an accusation. You condemn your mothers, you curse them for their foolishness, for their pride. You announce that you’ll be the one to break this curse. Your mother informs you that you can do so out of her house, but you already know what you’ll bring with you.
You’re cast out, but you hardly care. You throw yourself into wizardly studies, into the history of your family — for of course you took a few key pieces from the library — and you start to form a plan of escape. You figure getting other gods involved is a good way to start.
In your scheming, you hardly notice how far you’ve fallen into love until it’s too late. You visit the circus once, and then twice, and then every day that they’re in town to see the charming sword juggler. You bring him flowers, and then a ring.
Before you know it you’re holding a child, a healthy pink baby tiefling. You’ve never been so soft with anything before. You kiss her forehead, and vow to give her everything she needs for greatness. It’s what you know.
After all, you are your mother’s daughter.
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that-house · 1 year
2 questions:
1: is there any specific build in FoWF that could basically centralize in making such heavy-hitting jabs that you could bore a hole through miles of concrete if its so needed; if so, how?
2: if Virgil had a character sheet in FoWF, what would it be like?
absolutely. Field of White Flowers is a system that doesn't believe in baby bullshit like "capping stats." there's diminishing returns, sure, but if you want to put 106 EXP into Perfection you could make a Jab Move that comes out at +20 to hit in contrast to a level one character's +5 or so. as for destroying miles of concrete when *outside* of combat, you could put a ton of skill ranks into a skill like "Break Stuff" and grab Universal Solvent to maximize your rolls when trying to fuck shit up
2. Vergil as a FoWF character (pretty high level)
MYTH: The West's Most Wanted
STATS: high Perfection (he's fast and accurate and all that), Aggression to put OHKOs on his big attacks, some Adoration
COMBAT POWERS: Knife Juggler to represent loading and reloading Serenity, Headshot to crit more often, Emerge Unscathed to dodge scary attacks, Fade Away to do hit and run combat, Come Out Swinging to quickdraw, Grand Executioner to deal a shitton of damage on crit or flat out oneshot people
MOVES: Jab that does some good damage, Guard that Focuses so he can hit better next turn to represent aiming, a Swing that takes years off his life when used
NARRATIVE POWERS: Deal with the Devil to represent binding his soul to Serenity, Crack Shot to snipe people, Transmute Skull to Mist II to instantly kill insignificant opponents within 100 feet, My Reputation Precedes Me for the whole outlaw thing, Expanded Awareness for Serenity-vision, Borrowed Power for using Serenity's magic to get things done
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