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motusactive-blog · 6 years
Are you a fitness enthusiast or an athlete? Here are the pros and concerns associated with CBD use
For many years, even way before the launch of the Olympic Games, athletes used various performance enhancers. Additionally, eating healthy, training hard, keeping their bodies well hydrated, and getting adequate rest, were other common practices adopted to boost their performance.
Newage and new dawn came with several synthetic energy boosters for athletes. Drug stores filled their shelves with all sorts of performance boosters - safe and dangerous, legal and illegal, until CBD came by.
CBD is a natural hemp extract used primarily for its numerous therapeutic benefits. It is one of the potent cannabinoids found in the marijuana plant alongside tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive compound known to intoxicate.
Regarded as the safest and the most effective supplement for athletes, the debate on whether CBD is worth the hype continues to rage. Just as other performance substances were subjected to full-drawn review, we take a look at the pros and concerns associated with CBD use for athletes.
The main idea behind CBD was for the natural benefits it brought about to humans and animals. So far there are so many recorded benefits of CBD, especially with stubborn conditions, even where synthetic medications failed to work.
However, for athletes, this is a product whose actual benefits can only be realized with the proper and responsible use. It is not a drug subject to be abused or to be over-relied upon for survival.
Pain relief
Pain relief is one of the documented pros of CBD, and a non-reputable one at that. Even before its popularity grew among athletes, Cannabidiol was used in the wellness industry as a natural pain reliever for different conditions such as arthritis. Today, athletes mostly Shop CBD Supplements Los Angeles, CA for purposes of helping them overcome pain suffered during and after workouts.
According to scientists, the evidence is available to show how endocannabinoids support in pain modulation when it comes to chronic and acute pain conditions.
CBD reduces inflammation in so many areas of the body. It happens when it attaches itself to the receptors in the endocannabinoid system (ECS), causing therapeutic effects even for the severest of conditions. It is evident that CBD works best even for diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and fibrosis.
Clinical studies suggest that CBD is ideal for athletes on the recovery trail after training and competition injuries. Initially, these were situations countered with painkillers only. And considering painkillers are meant for temporary pain suppression, CBD does more. It naturally helps in muscle and joint rejuvenation.
Antioxidant and neuroprotectant
CBD possesses numerous powerful effects both as an antioxidant and also as a neuroprotectant. Therefore, it is quite beneficial in diseases linked to oxidation. Athletes engaged in high contact sports are at a higher risk of suffering recurring head and body trauma, and with the help of cannabidiol, the effects lessen significantly.
Health-wise, there are no known adverse effects linked to CBD. However, the question of safety legality remains a hot topic. Reports of low-quality CBD in circulation are rampant, and users are at high risk of falling prey.
As a responsible athlete, ensure that you have read the laws governing the use of CBD in your respective state. Also, when you Shop CBD Products Los Angeles go for certified products distributed by reputable suppliers.
Here are a few concerns associated with the use of CBD;
Only recently, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) removed the name of CBD from the list of substances banned in sports. That was a welcome move for the sports fraternity, but it is unfortunate that it was not well received in some disciplines. Reports say that cannabidiol remains a banned substance in some sports; for example, the National Football League does not condone the use of CBD in the game.
Some CBD users find it difficult to admit they use it, for fear of being labeled a drug user even when the reasons are far above genuine.
Drug-drug interactions
The concern about CBD interacting with other drugs is rife. Allegedly, CBD diminishes cytochrome P450, the enzyme responsible for metabolizing drugs. That could potentially lead to alteration to the effects of other drugs resulting in different conditions. However, this claim is unsubstantiated, and thus, it is always good to consult a medical expert before combining CBD products with other medications.  
What athletes ought to consider before taking CBD
In this day and age, can you legitimately  Shop CBD Products Los Angeles or anywhere else in the U.S for that matter? Yes. Currently, you can legally shop CBD supplements in various American states including, California. It is, however, prudent to establish the ingredients in any given product because CBD containing more than 0.3 percent of THC is considered unsafe and illegal according to state laws.
Athletes should arm themselves with the right information, and shop only from trustworthy stores. It is up to them to make proper decisions regarding what they use and why they use it. The issue of safety should never be overlooked under all costs. Luckily, though not regulated up to this point, there is very little to write home about the concerns of the product as far as its safety is concerned.
Bottom line
Before the introduction of any new substance into the body, it remains your prerogative to evaluate your status by talking to your doctor. Your health comes first. Also, before you Shop CBD Supplements Los Angeles, CA for whatever purpose, do due diligence. The quality of the products available varies inconsistently from manufacturer to manufacturer, and your safety can never be disregarded. Vetting and verifying the authenticity of the available options is highly recommended.
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