#you can send more ideas if you want! i don't mind akjhdgk
floralovebot · 1 year
idk who leon and luis are but 👍 cool
also here’s a short list of some of the ideas for how i would’ve changed netwinx lmfao:
Aisha is still royalty and gets her own plotline about like having and becoming comfortable with her freedom now that she’s no longer in the palace. and maybe also her trying to keep her royal status a secret bc she wants to be treated normally for once
bring Tecna and Brandon and Timmy and all the Trix back
if we have to keep the elemental system they were doing (fire, earth, water, air, mind) then Musa should just be an air fairy so she can still have sound powers. also then (if we’re also doing the thing they did where Cloud Tower doesn’t exist fsr and the Trix are at Alfea) Stormy and Musa can still have their little subplot of not liking each other bc they’ve got air magic classes together or smth
make Tecna a mind fairy and either give her telekinesis or telepathy?
Sky is a fairy but his parents forced him to be a Specialist bc they thought it would be more becoming of a future monarch. the Winx help him train his fairy powers (aka as they learn stuff they kinda teach him)
Bloom is still adopted and has a good relationship with her adopted parents!!
Stella has her personality back!!! also all the Winx are friendly from the beginning. are they always gonna 100 percent get along? no. but they still try to be friends first
(ok look I had this idea where Sky and Riven were maybe exes who dated briefly in the school year before the Winx came to Alfea. not sure about it now but eh)
look the Brandon-Sky switch is wild to me but I feel like it would be so funny to keep it
Dane… I had a whole thing with him but idr anymore
there was a whole thing with the Trix and what they were planning, and there was a whole thing for what to do with Dane x Riven x Beatrix, but I said I’d make this list short
I just looked through my notes for this for the first time in like two years and uh. wow I made the Winx way gayer for each other than I remember djdkgksksj
there are probably a few other things that I’ve forgotten but it’s been a hot minute idk
also I feel like this goes without saying but we’re also taking out all whitewashing, racism, homophobia, fatphobia, and ableism
aldhglajd luis and leon are from resident evil !!
ANYWAY i love these!! i've been saying that so many winxers genuinely would be able to fix that mess, it's truly insane to me that they casted a director that hated winx club like dude.
i really like the idea of aisha keeping her royal status a secret!! especially if there was a subplot where she got closer to stella and sky because of it (like they would be the only ones to Know and they'd help her?). musa having air powers is so fun!! like genuinely do not understand why they got rid of music like fuck you. i initially thought they could've just done sound yknow? like not exactly an element but definitely a natural part of nature?
i thought of mind tecna too! i feel like so many people did!! i feel like that would be SUCH a good way to tie in her issues with emotions too. like you could go the easy route and make her an Emotional Mind fairy and she has to deal with that or you could go the Logical Mind fairy route and stick a little more to canon! sky being a fairy... love that for him i want him in so much glitter (me to the specialists: and where's your uniform?????)
i'm actually so mad about them taking away the sky/brandon switch so Mad SOOO MAD
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