#you guys i found the one flaw fnv has
felassanis · 4 years
I’m having Ulysses feels so just hear me out
But this character is so so so good?
He’s literally a lesson to the player that every single one of our actions both in-game and in real life does matter and they can affect people on a much grander scale than we could ever realise. He’s mentioned in every DLC and in the base game which gives this ominous flair and builds up his important role in the story and just sets him up to be this fucking awesome character who is looking for you and probably has bad intentions for you. He’s stalking you but your stalking him too in a way as your just one step behind him. Learning about him through the impressions he’s left on other characters. It’s so OMINOUS AND I LOVE IT.
He’s also incredibly complicated and extremely flawed human being. It is annoying when people pin him as the big bad guy and nothing more because there is just so much to peel away from this character. 
He’s so flawed and I love it because if you actually think about his words and why they are so poetic and why he thinks the way he does it’s difficult to make him out to be evil and nothing more. He’s thoughtful and clever but at the end of the day he is a human being with trauma and pent up anger. He never once thinks he is the bad guy, he thinks he’s doing the right thing and because he’s clever it’s why FNV allows you to reason and talk him down rather than just kill him. You can make him think more about his actions, unlike with characters like Elijah. 
Because of everything this poor man has been through his trauma impairs his decision making and it’s why he believes that the Legion and the NCR don’t deserve to keep going and why he hates the Courier. (initially) The whole premise of the Courier’s argument is that Ulysses does not have the right to decide how history should play out when he’s jumped to conclusions. History has not played out so how do we know the Legion and the NCR should be nuked based on what he thinks is going to happen? Oh, but Ulysses knows best clearly...until the Courier hits him with the KNOWLEDGE.
There’s also clear parallels between the Courier and Ulysses. I don’t think it is talked about enough but the Courier bringing the device to the Divide on NCR orders is very alike to Ulysses discovering Hoover Dam and then relaying it to Caesar. The Courier destroyed the Divide and when Ulysses told Caesar of the Dam it started a war that has killed thousands of innocents. The only difference is the Courier had no fucking clue about what that delivery meant for the Divide but Ulysses knew what he was doing AS he was doing it. So it’s dumb that he is so quick to judge the Courier ANOTHER FLAW in him because he is arguably worse.
He’s also not a man who’s detached. He has regrets about his doings especially about telling Caesar about Hoover Dam. He’s not a monster. He wants to do what is right and his motivations are filtered through everything that has happened to him and everything he knows and thinks he knows. 
But he’s also right when speaking about the philosophies of the Legion and the NCR and he’s right about how flawed they are and he’s right about the impact one person can have on history and entire nations. He’s not COMPLETELY wrong and I think it is stupid to think he’s fully incorrect with everything he says. You have to agree with him on some topics because morally and realistically he has a point. And if you take his past into consideration you can see why he thinks the way he does. The man had his history stripped of all meaning, was forced into an ideology and when he saw a future, a possibility of something better when Ulysses found A HOME it was all fucking destroyed. I have sympathy and understanding with him.
Anyway, you do not have to like this guy. He’s a lot to take in and I get the irritation that he’s not direct with his points but the fun about him is how complex, flawed and human he is and analysing his words and history is so fucking awesome. He isn’t just “annoying” Obsidian knew very well what they were doing with this character and they fucking love him enough to give him his own DLC and mention him numerous times within the other DLC’s and Base game. I really wish he was a companion but I’m happy enough with what we got.
God this character is just SO COOL.
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