#you had to be really careful saddling him and the crossties could not be loose at all
platinumjeon · 8 years
BTS Reaction - You’re an equestrian/meeting the horses
Anonymous said: hey! can i request a reaction where you're an equestrian and you take the member to meet the horse you own/lease but the horse is lippy (idk mine is really weird about always wanting to have his lips on/around something or someone yet never actually using his teeth to bite like boii who are you 💀) and the member also makes sexual innuendoes? lol thank you in advance, i love your blog <3
AH new fave request guys I’m an equestrian too! It’s nice to find some BTS fans who also love to ride lol I’m probably gonna be so extra for this reaction, just a heads up
Such a scaredy-cat. He wants to meet your horse, and wants to see the place where you spend all of your free time, but he’s terrified that he’ll get chomped on or stepped on. You assure him that it won’t happen - as long as he stays out of the horse’s way.
“Y/N..what’s it doing?” J-Hope would ask, stepping away from the animal before it could lip his arm again. 
“He’s just saying hi,” you say, trying to hide your laugh as you quickly run a curry over your horse’s fine, brown hair. It would be the middle of summer and J-Hope came completely under-prepared, with black jeans and bright, white converse. 
“It wants me that bad?” J-Hope would say slyly as your horse took a step towards him, pulling at the crossties on his halter.
“No, dummy, he just wants food.” You say, gently tugging your horse’s leather halter to get him to step back. J-Hope just pouts and goes back to gingerly petting the horse’s face. 
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Today was the day Namjoon finally came to the barn. You didn’t go together because he had to work, so he came in the middle of your jumping round. It was the middle of the summer, but a cool breeze helped the heat, thankfully. He walked up to the white fence and rested his elbows on it, absolutely mesmerized by your riding.
He wondered how you could control a 1200 pound animal so easily. He figured the teamwork between you and the horse was important as you sailed over parallel oxer after parallel oxer. 
After your lesson, he walked into the ring as you climbed down. Your horse was quiet as you quickly loosened the girth and put the stirrups up, and you smiled at Namjoon as he began to speak.
“That was amazing. I should have come out earlier!” He said, watching as you put the reins over your horse’s head and began to walk towards the entrance of the barn.
“She does all the work,” you laughed, giving your horse a hearty pat on her neck. Namjoon smiles and looks at your horse, before reaching out to pet her face. 
Your horse was on the cross ties when you pulled the saddle off her back and brought it to it’s place in the tack room. “Holy shit, she’s so sweaty!” Namjoon said, looking at the dark spot. But then he mutters, “Not as sweaty as you get when we-”
“Namjoon!” You gripe, smacking his arm as you bring your horse to the wash stall and begin to hose her down. Namjoon just laughs and pokes around the barn, inspecting a brush and petting the odd barn cat that appears.
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You brought Jimin with to the barn because he’s been complaining about meeting your horse for awhile. He wonders where you go every morning and stay at for hours on end, while he either works or sleeps. 
When you arrive, you run off to the bathroom to change into your breeches and polo shirt, while you leave Jimin to look around at the horses. You walk out to find him reaching his hands through the bars of a stall door to pet your horse, who just lipped at Jimin’s hand. It was hilarious watching Jimin pull his hand back at lightning speed when your horse did that, because she was harmless.
“Whatcha doing?” You asked, walking over and opening the stall door. Your horse huffed and took a step towards the open door. Jimin jumped at your words, and inspected his hand.
“She tried to bite me!” He exclaimed, wide eyed.
You laughed, “No, she didn’t. That’s her way of saying hello.”
He stayed quiet, that is, until you brought your horse out and hooked her halter to the cross ties. Jimin eyed you up and down and whistled, before saying, “I think you should wear those pants more often, baby.”
You scoffed and began to get your stuff together, offering a brush to Jimin who shook his head with a smile and stood beside you, running a curry comb down the horse’s neck. 
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From the get-go, he wanted to get on the horse. He didn’t even have second thought before you let him swing his leg over the saddle and adjust himself before settling back and gripping the reins as if he was on a pony ride.
“Alright...I’m just gonna lead him around. Just don’t lose your balance and you’ll be fine.” You said, gently pulling the lead rope so the horse would begin walking around the arena.
“Jungkook could be a horseback rider, if he wanted to,” you thought as you let him begin to walk off alone, without your guidance. You figured that the horse you had him on couldn’t go any faster than a muted, lazy trot, and watched Jungkook circle around the arena a thousand times.
He looked like a happy child on his first pony ride at the carnival. “Of course he has nice balance, his thighs are thick as hell,” you snort to yourself, making Jungkook look up at you before reaching forward and petting the gelding’s mane. 
“You know, Y/N, I think girls have it easier when it comes to riding horses because god, this hurts my-” Jungkook began to say, before you yelped “Hey!” and covered your face with your hand in embarrassment.
Later on, after Jungkook’s horseback riding extravaganza, you got on your own horse. Jungkook stood at the entrance to the arena, watching as you directed the horse to move into an extended canter, before attempting a canter pirouette. 
“That was amazing,” Jungkook exclaimed as you led your horse down the aisle. Sheepishly, your boyfriend stopped you and asked, “Can I lead him to his stall?”
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Your pride and joy was Taehyung, of course. You loved him with all your heart, but he knew he had some competition when it came to Marilyn. He was utterly convinced that the big chestnut’s brown eyes would intrigue you more than his own, and that you’d decide not to answer Taehyung’s phone calls because you were with Marilyn.
Lest him be reminded that Marilyn, was a horse. 
So Taehyung, being his jealous self, decided he wanted to meet this Marilyn, and find out exactly why you loved being away from Taehyung so much just to ride around on a big, snorty animal that weighed 1000 more pounds than you did.
But when he saw you on that horse, with messy hair pulled back into a low, loose bun, tan breeches on and black, knee-high riding boots that you always complained were too small, he kinda realized why you loved that Marilyn so much. 
To him, it looked like you were flying and you had a smile on your face for the entirety of your time spent on the back of that horse. To Taehyung, your smile was the light he saw at the end of a tunnel, but now...the light at the end of the tunnel was your smile as you rode through jumps and ground poles, on the back of Marilyn.
“It looks like you had fun, Y/N.” Taehyung said, shoving his hands in his pocket as he walked alongside you, the mare close behind the two of you.
“I did. I love riding. Marilyn is honestly the best.” You said with another signature smile. While you put the horse on cross ties and began to untack, you noticed Taehyung stay in the front, close to Marilyn’s face. He was stroking her nose gently and lipped at his hand. At first, he’d pull away and make a face. But when he realized the horse wasn’t trying to hurt him, he’d just giggle.
You heard him talking to the horse, too, her ears pointed in the direction of his low voice. “Listen, as long as you return her to me safe and sound I won’t sell you.” You rolled your eyes at his words - he didn’t even own the horse in the first place - but you knew that he meant well.
You brought Marilyn over to the wash rack and began to try to cool her down from the heat the summer brought, and Taehyung decided he wanted to help. The quiet hum of the water turned into an all out water war, as you squirted Taehyung with the hose and he threw soapy sponges at your hair. Towards the end, Tae looked you up and down,
“Damn Y/N, you’re more wet now then when we-”
“Taehyung! Shut it!” You laugh, spraying him with the hose again before shutting it off and putting the horse in her stall. Before the two of you left hand in hand, Taehyung peeked into your horse’s stall and whispered, “I guess you’re not so bad, Marilyn.”
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Jin would be that boyfriend who insisted on holding your hand all the damn time in case you tripped. He’d be really lovey, and would be utterly concerned when he saw you climb on that huge horse in a dusty arena.
“B-be careful, Y/N,” He’d say loudly, his eyes shifting from your face down to the horse’s, who trotted off at your command. You brought him along today because you needed to get a workout in, but you also wanted to spend time with Jin since you didn’t get to a lot.
He was also very curious about your horse, and what you did for hours on end here. Your trainer just rolled her eyes with a smile at Jin, then let herself out of the arena. Jin watched as your trainer walked away, and gulped. 
“If you k-keep doing that, you’re gonna get hurt,” Jin said loudly again after you had finished easily sailing over a jump and through some ground poles. You stopped your horse right at the gate where Jin was standing, huffed and put your hand on your hip.
“Jin. I’ve been doing this for 10 years. Accidents happen, but not often.” You said, staring down at your boyfriend, then giving your horse a pat. Jin eyed the animal wearily, before reaching out and softly brushing the horse with his hand. He jumped back when your horse snorted, but relaxed when you walked off.
“Okay, but still..be careful.”
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You’d have to drag him to the barn. He wouldn’t want to go because he thought it would be smelly, or have a lot of flies, but when he walked in he realized that it wasn’t anything like that.
“See, Yoongi. This isn’t so bad. Can you go into that room and grab my saddle off the hook on the far left?” You asked, going into the stall and clipping a leadline to your horse’s pretty red halter.
Yoongi just looked at you funny before slowly walking into the tack room. You had already finished brushing your horse by the time he came back out, struggling with three saddles in his arms.
“I got confused.” He said, gesturing towards the saddles. Laughing, you walk over and take the correct saddle off his arm and direct him to put the other ones back, because they weren’t yours.
“Do you want me to teach you how to saddle him up?” You ask brightly, and before he can respond you give him the saddle back and tell him to put it towards his withers.
“What the hell are withers, Y/N?” Suga asks incredulously, staring at the horse then back at your face. 
“They’re like shoulders. Right here, like this,” you say, showing him how to correctly put the saddle on the horse. You were just about to unclip your horse from the cross ties when Suga shrieks. “What’s he doing?” He cried, pointing at your horse’s underside.
A loud laugh erupts from your mouth when you realize what he’s pointing at, and explain to your poor boyfriend between fits of laughter. You couldn’t get the look on his face out of your head. “That happens when he’s comfortable with what I’m doing,” you exclaim, “he seems pretty comfortable with you, Yoongi.”
“Damn, that’s a long ass-” He began.
“Yoongi! Stop it.” You said, putting the reins in his hand so he could lead the horse out to the arena. “You and your innuendos.”
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