#you kill a few goblin cultists who were one misstep from realizing you're bullshitting them and suddenly youre a Naive Hero Type
veilkeeper · 10 months
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Astarion: You know, I feel a connection between us. Like we're two souls walking the same path. You might be a little naive in the ways of the world, but I see promise in you. Ambition. Roz: What do you mean 'naive'? Astarion: Just that you... have a big heart. You like doing what's right. So I was thinking, what would be the right thing to do when we get to Moonrise Towers? When we come face-to-face with whoever is controlling the parasites in our heads. Roz: Seize control of the cult ourselves? Astarion: Yes, exactly! Just think, how many people have the mind flayers infected? Hundreds? Thousands? And they're not just goblin trash - there are powerful people in the worms' thrall. Whoever's waiting for us at Moonrise Towers controls it all. But if we can take that control from them, imagine the power we'd wield. Roz: And how would we do that, exactly? Astarion: I mean - I assume there's some device controlling these things, so we find that, murder some people, and... Look, I'm not a 'details' person, all right? But turning up and causing chaos has worked for us so far. I'm just saying there's an opportunity here. If we can control the tadpoles, we can keep ourselves safe and liberate the world from this evil. Roz: I'll consider it. Astarion: Do. It's not often the universe hands you something like this - we'd be fools to squander it. Of course, this all assumes we live long enough to find this 'Moonrise'. But I'm feeling optimistic.
this is soooo funny. he calls roz naive for half-accidentally helping a few people in between kicking doors down and scaring people to get what they want, meanwhile he's like "we can just waltz our way into Moonrise and murder our way into being in charge!!" thank god his little scheme worked and roz is looking out for him, poor astarion would have a one way ticket to becoming an environmental storytelling skeleton otherwise.
cute how at the end he's like "and we can take all that power and.... liberate the world from this evil :)" because he thinks that's what roz wants to hear. astarion truly has no idea what to do with them, does he?
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