#you know wich word was invented much later?
Andy’s headcanons because we need to talk more about her:
She’s 6732 years old. She says she doesn’t remember her age, and it might be true, maybe she forgot to keep counting, but she thinks she’s somewhere between 6500 - 7000.
She’s a warrior since she’s a teenager, because the time she was borned was the “eye for eye, teeth for teeth” period.
She’s more an action person than a word person, because her first language was everything related to gestual actions. She can read body language better than anyone, so she can make you feel the more comfortable or uncomfortable you ever felt in your life depends the situation. She does little actions to show her love.
She’s ambidextrous. She can use her weapons perfectly with each one of her hands. (and later write too)
She’s been worshipped as a goddess at least in two or threes comunities she’s been part of. She actually thought she was a goddess at the beginning, because she was the only one who couldn’t die. But then, when years passes and she’s the only one not dying, but she loses all the people she loves and trascend generation after generation, she stops thinking it like a goddess thing and starts seeing it as a curse.
She used to wear clothes made of extinct animals skin, necklaces made with teeth, flowers and horns crowns.
When she was a goddess she had slaves, but once she overcome her goddess complex and realises how wrong it is (because all humans are equal, they all die no matter their social status, their nationality, their religion, skin color, gender, sexual preferences) she stops it. She starts fighting against it, every time she can. She still fight against it in the present time (human trafficking). 
I feel like she could also been a slave or prisoner in some period time. Maybe as a punnish from her inmortality? Because mortals see her as a threat?
She loves storytelling and stargazing. That’s why in present time she loves to go camping, she loves sleeping outside. She’s so old that even she had seen the sky change. The stars constellations changes but she learns those changes. There is something comforting about stargazing, so she keeps doing it.
She has very good location sense. She can always find the way to get to where she wants to go.
She’s been there when the first language was created, that’s why it’s easy for her to learn new languages. 
She was there when the pyramids of Egypt were built, maybe she worked in the construiction of one of them (?
She’s gender fluid and bisexual (or could be pansexual).
She knew the Sahara dessert before it becomes a dessert. She knew it with trees and vegetation.
She loves horses more than (most) people. 
 She was the lider of the scythians.
Her name “Andromache” comes from all the legends, that actually are true. She’s the amazon who defeated Heracles and once upon a time she was married to Hector of Troy.
She was the one who trained the amazon warriors on how to be warriors.
She was a gladiator for some time and had fights in the roman colliseum.
She writes mixing languages, because why not? That’s how her thoughts are anyway, in mixing languages. “Let’s put this word in scythian, and that one in greek, and the other in saumerian or tamil, and let’s finish in italian because italy it’s actually the country i am at the moment”.
When she starts dreaming about Quynh she thinks she’s crazy, untill she starts dreaming about Lykon too. She tried to indentify wich languages they speak in the dreams, so she could learn them before meeting them. 
She met Jesus once. She doesn’t find him that special. He didn’t come back to life, at least not in the way inmortals do.
Lykon, Quynh and her have a chaotic dynamic. They always die to save the others, to save them from the pain; wich in some way it’s ridiculous because they are all inmortal. But they always fight about it like children.
She can speak all the languages (even those that are extinct), only she sometimes forget how to speak in some of them, but remembers once she hears someone speaking it.
She knows more way to kill than entire armies will ever learn. 
She can use any kind and type of weapon. She’s as good as archer as Quynh and as good as a sniper as Nicky, but if she can choose another weapon she will do because she prefers hand and hand combat. 
She feels every death. She might have been a warrior all her life, but she doesn’t take pleassure on killing. We can see that in the church scene, her face tells us all how much it takes from her to be that lethal.
She’s very protective of the others inmortals. They are her family. And she feels like she has to protect them, because she has been alone for so long that she doesn’t want to take chances on that ever happening again. 
She’s become more protective after Lykon’s death, because now they know even them don’t last forever. She wants to protect the time she has with the other and thinks the best way to do it is to be the one who always goes first. 
She hates to dream about Nicolo and Yusuf at the begining because it hurts her to see them killing each other. For someone who has been alone for so long, it hurts to see that. Because for her they are lucky to have started their inmortality together.
Lots of deaths and trauma. She probably been raped at least once. 
She died from dehydratation and hunger more times that she can count. That’s why she’s not picky with food, she’s happy as long there is something in front of her to eat. She can cook good enough, but she’s not fan of doing it.
She died from every tipe of weapon: spears, swords, arrows, axes, throwing stones, daggers, knives, cannons, guns, grenades, bombs. Also she died from being dismembered, from being hanged and burn alive.
Once Quynh’s is taken to her ocean prison, Andy was tortured and burned alive. They chose water methods for Quynh and fire methods for Andy.
She have tried to kill herself sometimes when she was depressed. They way i see it probably three times: one when she found out her inmortality and wanted to see how it worked, two when she lose her goddess complex and was tired of being alone for so long, and three after she realised that finding Quynh was impossible.
She spent lot of years looking for Quynh with Joe and Nicky, untill they realised it’s an impossible mission. She still checks new technological inventions and andvances to see if they have a chance. But as long as she knows it’s impossible and technology doesn’t help, even the marines and ocean experts says it would be easier to find something in the moon than in the bottom of the ocean.
The only time she prayed in her life was to ask for Quynh’s death, so she would stop suffering from constantly drowning. And for hers, because she doesn’t want to keep living without Quynh.
She keeps Quynh’s belongings saved in one of her fav caves.
She likes wearing things from the other inmortals because it gives her comfort and help her feel ground. She always wears Quynh’s necklace. And sometimes she wears Joe’s cap, Nicky’s hoodie, Booker’s jackets. She also shares t-shirts with them, or more like stole t-shirts from them.
Wars she probably fighted in: Achaemenid conquest of the Indus Valley, Corsica civil war, war between Corinth and Corzira, Expedition of the Ten Thousand, Latin wars, First Peloponnesian War, First medical war, Thasos Rebellion, Roman-Etruscan wars, Samos War, Second medical war, Wars of Veii, Trojan war, Sicilian wars, Alexander The Great  conquest of Persia, An Lushan Rebellion,  Mongol Conquests, Conquests of Tamerlane, Qing dynasty conquest of Ming dynasty, Dungan revolt, Hundred Years’ War, World War I, Russian Civil War, Ten Years’ War, World War II, Vietnam War, Afghanistan War.
Some modern revolutions and independence processes she possibly was/could be: French Revolution, Haitian independence, USA independence, Russian Revolution, Cuba revolution, LATAM independences, India independence, Australia independence, New Zeland Independence, Africans independences.
She died from electrocution, trying to find out how electricity works.
She died learning to drive a car and learning to pilot a plain. 
In World War II she was a pilot of the night witches.
Baklava and really anything that is sweet are her comfort food.
The first time she had ice cream she became a fan and only eat ice cream for like an entire year.
She likes percussion music: all types of drums, cymballs, tambourine, maracas, bongos, castanets.  
She likes theater more than cinema. 
She likes tea more than coffee. 
She can sleep everywhere. A chair? Good. The floor? Good. The earth and grass in the middle of nowhere? Good. A cave? Good. A tree? Good. The train. Good. A Car? Good. The bus? Good. A plain? Good. The couch? Good. An armchair? Good. All is good. Sleep when you can moto is big on her, because beds are a modern concept she still can’t fully incorporate. And without Quynh doesn’t feel like doing it. 
She’s very good on learning new things because she’s used to everything constantly changing. And when she finds something hard to learn she is patient, after all she has all the time on the world to learn it and master it (she’s kinda perfectionist).
She’s okay with technology, she could understand more if she wanted to. But she let’s Booker have that place and handle it, because she sense he needs to have something as his responsability to feel he’s useful to the team.
There’s personal things (clothes, weapons, paintings) of her in lot of museums. Joe and Nicky would try to recover some things of her (and them) from time to time.
Hard on the outside, soft on the inside. Ironic and dark humor.
She’s the best at dissapearing when the team takes time out of their missions, if she doesn’t want to be found there is no way you could find her.
She’s been nomad most of her life. She can’t stop moving. She loves traveling with no destination in mind, just for the act of it.
She gives up sometimes because she’s old and she’s tired, but if you give her a good reason to keep fighting she’s all in. 
She has the biggest heart (even if she tries to hide it) and actually loves humanity, if not she wouldn’t have fight for so long… and still does. 
(if you want to read more headcanons: here are the ones i have for Quynh)
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ryousanki · 5 years
Nerds in Space
This is my humble contribution to #Humans are Space Orcs. Since i first read about it on Failblog, i was hooked and only recently i found the time and the muse to write my own short story. 
The Idea behind it: right now, we have a huuuge community of tech savvy people doing epic stuff like self made robots, fabricobbled multiwatt lasers and 3D printed awesomeness. What if those people went to space? With extremely advanced technology at their fingertips?
Btw, english isn’t my first language, so please excuse my grammar.
Nerds in Space
The Asshantaki Cpt. Gemshyr of the  Super-Cargocarrier AMPERSAL was confused. 
Since he hired a couple of humans for his crew, that particular state of mind assaulted him far more often than he cared to admit.
When his branch manager first told him that having humans on board is a sure way to increase efficency, he was sceptical. Sure, human mechanics tend to excel at problem solving and, as they call it: thinking outside the box. 
And with box, they meant any and all reason, logic or just plain common sense.
They also made for exceptional security personnel, since they were far tougher, faster, stronger and all around more intimidating then 90% of all other spacefaring species out there. Sound too good to be true, doesn't it? Well, it does, since they came with some serious issues (wich the humans themselves were willfully ignorant of). Gemshyr shuddered at the mere mention of "DTE", wich was short for "Duct-Tape Engineering"; and their worship of the god of improvision and applied science, a Mekgaiw'ah or something, made him fear for his life at times. Also, since humans were a ridicolously hardy bunch - easily capable of shrugging off damage that would maim or outright kill any other species, they continously show it by playing "sports". Like football. In the cargo hold. Ever seen a group of apex predators roughhousing? Gemshyr did - he still had nightmares about it. And don't you ever get him started on booze. Since they introduced it to the Pashgan, those two species have been getting along like a house on fire, as the human saying goes. (He refused to think about the possible origing of THAT particular figure of speech) That most other species now lived in fear of partying groups of humans and their 7 feet tall, 300 pound reptilian best buddies, was completely ignored by the aforementioned partygoers.
Yes, humans tended to cause headaches, panic attacks, crippling fear, contagious laughter and confusion - the last one more than anything else. 
Like right now.
Standing before Gemshyr was Dell. Gemshyr liked Dell, for said human was his best engineer and had saved their company millions of credits by way of his ingenious repairs and his enforced maintenance shedule that bordered on religious fanatism. Wich made his request even more absurd. Or not. Dell was a human, after all.
Dell shifted uncomfortably under Gemshyrs incredulous gaze and rubbed the back of his hard-hat covered head.
"Look Boss, ah know it sounds a bit crazy, but mah boys and me, we ain't complete nutjobs. We did tha calculashuns and tripplechecked everythin. All ya have ta give us is ten minutes near the next rock we're passin."
The Asshantak sitting behind his desk stared some more until he answered. Idly he wondered why his translator still refused to filter Dells strange accent.
"...Dell. Everything you told me in the last two minutes is completely crazy. If anyone else would ask me to stop our ship next to a asteroid in order to test their selfmade..."
He checked the Words on the dataslate in front of him.
"...Magnetically Energized Graviton Accelerator Powered Energy Weapon - or M.E.G.A.P.E.W, i would immediately call for our medical officer and/or security."
Gemshyr exhaled tiredly. He was only 42 cycles old. Currently, he felt at least twice that age. With a look that spoke resignation (and just a tiny bit of curiosity. Its a human made weapon after all!) he once again adressed his chief engineer.
"Unsurprisingly, the one asking is you - a human. And since i am no longer capable of being shocked by your species lunacy, i will allow this..."
Dells face made this strange thing were humans showed their teeth and their eyes widened a fraction. A smile, as they called it.
"...even if it is just to make sure that you don't test it inside the cargo bay like your last invention."
The Smile disappeared so fast that Gemshyr wasn't shure if it was there in the first place. Dell coughed awkwardly and refused to look at him - a sign that a human was aware of his mistake and was at least somewhat ashamed of it.
"Ya just had to bring tha'one up, didn't ya?"
To be fair, even Gemshyr thought that 'Star Wars' was the most awesome thing to ever come from Earth; and that lightsabers should be invented post haste. Just not on his ship. Or anywhere near him. Near being less than 2 parsecs in this case.
"You and your boys melted a hole trough five decks and allmost fried Lee-at'nai as she was preparing dinner. I take it she still hisses at you guys?"
It was a sight to behold when five grown humans were chewed out by a Min'nai barely half their size and about a third of their individual mass, while said Min'nai was standing on a chair to shout in their faces -  waving the still glowing remains of her saucepan around like a battle standard.
"...we...uh, are still makin' it up to tha little Missus."
The hard flaps on the sides of Gamshyrs neck startet to shake and Dell knew enough about Asshantak in general (and his Cpt. in particular) to see his amusement. He also knew that he should not mention his intention to test the reworked prototype of their lightsaber as soon as they had plasma-proofed all six surfaces of utility storage unit 6. Better not push his luck.
Seeing that the conversation was done, Gemshyr dismissed his engineer. A short message to his navigator would ensure some entertainment later that day. A stray thought came to his mind as he read the dataslate again.
'When did i last update my last will and testament?'
-------------- ca. 6 standart hours later--------------
A loud rumbling humm echoed through the hangar bay and the stench of ozone was allmost overwhelming as the graviton accelerator slowly powered down after providing the needed energy for the worryingly ramshackle looking construction that the humans just test fired. Their target - a type B asteroid had just ceased to exist, despite its former mass of about 40 Million metric tons of dense rock and ice. In its place was now a giant cloud a rapidly cooling plasma and exotic particles - some of wich the scanners of his ship had trouble to identify. Pretty much the whole crew had come to see the crazy humans do crazy human stuff. They were not dissapointed as they were to busy being horrified.
"Well would ya look at that. Makin bacon, i'd say."
Gemshyr didn't even look, he could FEEL Dells satisfied facial expression across the six meteres that they stood apart.
Goodbye confusion - hello headaches and sudden bouts of PTSD.
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i-am-your-dragon · 6 years
Its time to meet the King of the dragons: Bio Roark
Human form:
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Dragon form:
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Name: Roark
Species: Dragon
Age: over 600 years old
Gender: male
Sexuality: Straight
Looks:  Roark is a 6'0"tall over 600 years old dragon.
In his human form he is a bald muscular man around 50 with wide shoulders, six-pack(Face claim is Bruce Willis) His eyes are bluish green with brown spot in his right eye, his nose is straight, his face masculin and his lips full. He clad his body in suits red, black sometimes grey without a fly or tie. His only jewelries are three massive golden rings with his kingdom sign and a ring with a drop of the a lock of his queen in it a gift to his 500 birthday.
His dragon form has three heads, three personalities, one is calm and polite it has ocean blue eyes, one is wild and rough one eyes dark golden and one is neutral and the leader of both deciding wich head to listen to has green eyes. Kinda like Angel and Devil on shoulder.
Scars: He has many scars from many battles with humans and other enemies. The worst is decorating his back after he was struck by lightning as child thought.
Clothing: Like said above he is wearing mostly suits and casual clothes like button up shirts, shirts and mostly long pants.
Weapons: He fights with one sword a gigantic one because if he fights he fights in his dragon form. Not that his human form is any weaker but he likes to scare his enemies with his gigantic sword and dragon form.
Personality: Roark is a strongwilled fair and calm ruler. He who would do all for his family and folk. He loves children and is popular with the kids on his island. Beside his age he is still a modern man and likes the inventions of humans. Even thought he rarelly leaves his castel to see them for himself because he need to keep an eye on his folk.
Relationships: He only fell in love once with his queen and had two daughters and three sons with her. Sadly the queen and princesses died on the virus who is killing the female dragons.
Thats why he is forced as the young male of his folks including his sons to search for a bride in his case a queen to safe his race.
Likes: -Roark likes fruits he has a weakness for sweet fruits like strawberries.
-He is satisfied when his folk is happy and trys his best to please them.
He loved his queen over all and his daughters and visits their graves every day.
-He likes to go climb the mountains on his island, it keeps his body beside the training with his much younger royal gards healthy.
-He is a romantic deep hidden inside and enjoyed to go on walks under the starlight with his queen or have picnicks under the moonlight.
He loves children and is a protective, strict big teddy bear father.
-Roark loves music and sometimes sings with his folks at little festivals. His voice is and and raspy voice makes the female dragons falling in love with him.
-He prefers baths over showers mostly using them at the evening to relax and think over the day.
-The king of dragons dislikes lies! Honesty is important for him even if the truth could be rough. He would never lie.
-In many battles he surivived he took lifes but he hates to kill and only does it if there is no other way.
-Roark hates hunters and he knew they are still out there trying to find his folk.
-He dislikes any violence against woman and childrend punishes it mercyless.
-He cant stand it if someeone calls him old king. He does not feel old and always tells them to wait until he is over 1000. He does not planning to die anytime soon.
-Roark hates traitors and knows no mercy for them. Traitors are in his eyes are dragons who hurt humans who didnt started the battle. Killing out of hate who is sadly still living within the hearts of many of his people.
-Hurt one of his children thats how he sees his folk and you will feel his wrath. Mercyless he will hunt you down no mattr where you hide he will find you and take revenge for his child.
Background Story:
Roark was born over 600 years ago by Queen Regina as the youngest son of King Seoras. His older brother Neacal who was born to become king over the kingdom sadly was killed by dragon hunter as Roark turned 2 years. To soon his childhood ended four years later as his father left their kingdom for war. His days where endlessly filled with many lessons and hard training to make a strong king out of him. Only his mother took care of it that he sometimes could be a child and took him out on walks through his kingdom to be closer with the folks and learn from them as well. With eight years old he was almost killed by lighting striking him as he run away from the castle after a fight with his teacher. To his luck and all of his folks, he could be saved but a scar where the lightning hit him was decorating now his back. The young dragon king met his queen Rhiannon as teen when he was sixteen. She was one of the lady’s daughters who where friends with his mother. He just saw her and knew she was it. But she had eyes for another dragon at that time. That didn’t stop Roark to fight for her heart. First he tried to impress her with this title and spoiled her with gifts. But soon he realized the red haired beauty was not touched the slightest by it. Only as he showed her his true wild, kind hearted self he managed to win her over and after his father return he asked for the blessing by his and her parents. Three years later he married her and was pulled in to his first battle. He disappeared for one and a half year missing the birth of his first son prince Alasdair. In the war he lost many of his loyal men. It hardened him and almost filled his whole heart with hate. Only his queen Rhiannon could save him from it by introduccing to him his son Alasdair and only two years later making him the gift of twin boys Keane and Seoras. He soon began to teach them how to read, to fight and climb. His three boys are his pride. Alsadair is more like his mother while the twins come after their father. As the war with the humans became worse the dragons made horrible decision what still haunts Roark until this days. They find out that a human bride who was burn to ashes while giving birth made the dragons become stronger.
But the horrible act made the humans fight back with wizards and witches. Making Roarks father their traitor through mind control spell. His father and he had to fight but it ended as the father broke out of the spell and attacked the hunters. King Seoras found it end through their hands as many dragons.
Arman a dragon who kept his bride alive showed the dragons too late that human and dragon could live in happiness together. This made now King Roark decide to save the rest of his folks by calling one of the first dragons for help through a old wind ritual, after all was said that the soul of a dragon became one of the many colors fo the sky and can be seen carried by the wind. The dragon appeared in his dreams that night and showed him a island made grown on his bones and told him old forgotten words of a spell to hide this island from humans and any other beings. After he woke up in the deepest night he ordered his folk to build ships. He worked side by side with them driven by the hope in a better future for his kind. From over 40 big ships only 34 arrived safely at the island. Where Roark immedatly put on the spell like the old dragon told him letting his kind disappear for the rest of the world. Many, many years later the queen gave birth to his two daughters: Jovia, and Junia. The kingdom was blessed the folk started to grew more and more. But the king didnt liked how they where cut out from the rest of the world and decided to send young brave dragons out from time to time to visit the human world and keep an eye on them. Soon he danced on the weddings of his twins and after them his oldest son finally find his mate. It made the much older dragon King happy to see his family grow and his folk with them. Roark also decided to give festival every year for the many human brides who where killed so horribly by his kind. It was build a statue of the last bride who was killed in such a way and beg their forgiveness with flowers, salty pastery as symbol for the tears and red wine for the blood that flown. Sad songs will be carried through the whole island on this day. Also to remember how they forced the human to give away their beautiful virgins they have a special wedding ritual the dragon man is waiting on the island while the bride with her family is on a ship prepared clad in her white dress traditional jewelry. She is put in to boat to lay down and sing a song. An old song who humans sang to call the dragon in to their village to take away his bride. The bride and her family will sing it and the dragon male will take her with the boat in his dragon from to the island there they will be awaited by the priest. Roarks kingdom was growing through the inventations his spions brought to it and it seemed like he really brought his kind in to the perfect paradise... Sadly a few years ago a horrible virus started to take away the female dragons lifes. His heart broke as his queen and daughters fell to the virus. He himself carried them alone in his dragon form to their family grave to put them to rest beside his mother. Who was one of the first dragon women who fell to this horrible invisible death. As he saw the hate growing inside his young dragon men and his sons hearts, the dragon king decided to send them out in the world to find their happiness and see the human world for themselves. He gave them three months to find a bride or the cure for the virus.
But after almost the end of the third month he grew tired of waiting and decided to visit the human world himself.
To may find some help for his kind and a new queen.
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marizetta · 8 years
About agent R because we need more of him in this fandom
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Offscreen- Todd: bleeding Farah: having nervous breakedown Amanda: screeching street: burning So, you might rememeber this CIA and mystery squad living happily together at Ridgely AU that we russian side of dghda put together some time ago. Remeber? No? There is like three fics in russian already about this somewhere in the world. Doesn’t matter. Well, for a sake of good storytelling we invented this one character, agent R., he’s the one who fill out all reports about what’s happening with main characters there. It’s funny, because suddenly he got his own storyline and asked Dirk for a coffee. And he said ‘yes’. And now we have our totally imaginary OTP with this agent without actual name but a heart. You might have seen something about it around here anyway, so finally decided I need to write about him, just because everyone here need to appreciate him too. (Technically I just put together bits of our conversation with @princessparadoxical so you know it’s a good stuff)
‘One guy from SWAT team is a bit shy with Dirk because he nearly broke his hand in the past (it’s not stoping him from outplaying him in cards though. Poker is poker). ‘Just ask him out, Greg!’ everyone tells him. But Greg is still too shy to do anything, for now.’ That’s him! Only he’s not Greg, just R., because secrecy and all this stuff. So Dirk is like 'Whatever, I used to codenames’ and just calls him Richard, Reginald, Ronald - everytime it’s different. R. is quite fine with that. They go for a coffee together (well, ice cream for Dirk). And it’s nice, really nice. And, of course, a bit bizzare. Later they would have some more bizarre dates like this. Dirk can’t work out whether the universe wants him to get laid. Or whether the universe wants him to remain forever alone. It swings wildly between the two and it’s confusing. On multiple levels ;) Fortunately, R. knows Dirk (by reading CIA files on him and in person) good enough to be able to patiently deal with all this. More or less. Dirk is fine with this knowing him firstly from dry CIA reports by the way, so long as R is honest about it and not trying to be too intrusive. I mean, he knows that the CIA have a file on him. The only issue would be if Dirk thought that people were all reading his file and trying to treat him like some project after all this time. But it’s not happening now. So, most of the time Dirk is quite chill about it. Or he act like he’s chill until something really uncomfortable slips in when they talk. It’s like with his psychic powers. He really appretiate chances when he can be as normal with other people as possible, or at least, he can pretend for awhile. So R is very careful. And also he’s the nervous one (at first), because he was so shy to even ask Dirk for coffee and was pretty sure it won’t work. Because he’s realistic - Dirk and CIA had a bad past. While Dirk is surprisingly open, just… well, just amazed at this sudden and happy turn of events. And what fascinates R. in Dirk, I think - he’s so out of ordinary in every possible way and this is beautiful. 'Weird’ beautiful, but R deals with weird every day and it’s kinda boring for him in a way, it’s his job. But Dirk is so endearing in his weirdness that it’s feells fresh and new every time he see him. Of course he falls for it easily. Dirk’s kind of weirdness is exactly the kind of weirdness that R finds most charming. Because Dirk’s not being weird for the sake of being weird. No part of it is an act. It’s completely and utterly genuine and of course R’s going to respond with affection. It has nothing to do with this Will of the Universe and Leaf in a Stream of Creation businesses (R strongly reject idea that something might have power over someones privet life. But, as it was said, he’s usually patient and quiet about this matter). It’s about Dirk being unique as a person. Anyway, here is some things we know about R so far: - huge nerd (likes books, cat memes and extra sweet coffee) but always play it cool (takes his job VERY seriously) - actually very self conscious and nervous (maybe as much as Farah), just very good at hiding it - have a dark gold hair and most impressive jawline - don’t like when people fooling around (but have agents G and U as his buddies, and they like two biggest gossip girls at school. Except they are two grown sarcastic man who sleep with each other and love being sassy with everyone. They keep sleeping part hush but everyone just know. They act like shits when R is near but they just teasing him and he rolls with it) - sometimes think about how CIA affected Dirk’s past too much, sometimes even more than Dirk (who just realy want to leave it all behind and make this relationship as nice and natural as it possible) - just constantly amazed by Dirk in general - honestly think Todd is fine fella, only sometimes annoying and whinie as shit. Also they lowkey gealous of each other but in a smug friendly way - there was this joke that Friedkin slept with almost every CIA agent at some point (“What? They all so awesome!”). Sometimes I think that R might be one of them and it keeps me awake at night. I think it’s keep Dirk awake too. - he’s from some some old artistic circus family (he can play several music instruments well, he can ride unicycle like a pro. He managed to get an actual elephant at Valentine's day just to impress Dirk??). But he's so shy of it, because they are so eccentric and he is trying to be Serious Agent. - tiny bit mind reading (it's runs in the family, something genetic). He actually uses this at work (it's CIA devision wich deals with supernatural, of course they have telepatic surveillance). It's not so great, he can only catch some bits of people's internal monologues and predict theirs actions for a few moments into the future, that's all. It's often become a subject of quarreling with Dirk (R thinks his 'hunches' is something genetic too, Dirk's just have been brainwashed with Rigginses propaganda in his childhood. R just don't have a nerve to say his feelings on that matter more openly, because, yeah, it might hurt Dirk too much) - we fancast Jamie Parker for obvious reasons Also a list of nice things to consider: - Dirk sending R ridiculous cat memes while he’s on duty, making him giggle and blowing his cover. - R is the first in line who will crush you if you touch Dirk (he and Farah. They kind of buddies now) - CIA team and mystery squad team are having a secret competition on whos gonna make them kiss first. They leave it to themselves after R put a sign with colourful 'Eff off!’ (Dirk’s writing) in front of one of hidden cameras at R’s place - R. teaching Dirk how to dance. Because Dirk can’t dance even simple three steps waltz as much as he can’t properly drive a car. So R. is forced to put Dirk (without shoes but still in his socks) on his feet and move him around carefully while firmly holding him by a waist. And Dirk definitely wouldn’t be able to dance at first, the boy is like 70% leg but doesn’t know what to do with them. Bonus: R dipping Dirk and Dirk getting adorably flustered. He’s got Dirk dipped and he’s strong enough to hold him there for a second and.. :) - IMAGINE DIRK BORROWING DIFFERENT PEOPLE’S CLOTHES AND EVERYONE IS IN A TIZZY He borrows R’s clothes and R almost proposes then and there. He borrows Todd’s clothes and R sulks around the apartment all day. He borrows Friedkin’s clothes in an absolute emergency and both R and Todd are jealous and horrified. And Dirk is not stupid, he knows that his borrowing is making people nervous, so he don’t say that sometimes it’s not even that big emergency, sometimes he’s just like how other people smell. (Dirk stealing other people’s clothes when he’s sad or lonely or stressed. R and Todd are a lot less jealous when they find this out). Also imagine it’s the middle of winter and Dirk’s wearing TWO jumpers. So R and Todd are like… are you wearing… both of our jumpers…? Dirk’s like yes, I love both of you and I love both of your jumpers so this made perfect sense. - that one Valentine’s Day Special Episode! So basically all that day Dirk works as Ridgely’s one and only kissogram (he says it’s for a case but no one believe him). He’s just send kisses for everyone - all of CIA (ten kisses for R. obviously), most of mystery squad, Estevez, Ken and Bart (he do this quickly and then just run), Friedkin (on a cheek), even one of the Rowdy (with his eyes firmly shut), suspected in kidnapping, victim of kidnapping, pizza delivery guy… Todd looks more and more confused. And, for no one surprise, a bit jealous. At the end of a day Dirk finally kisses him rather passionately, twice. Because 'Best friends get best kisses!’. And Todd’s definitely not put his hands on Dirk’s waist when a second one happens. (Well, one of the kisses is from R. whos just being cheeky. He and Todd give each other middle fingers from opposite sides of a room with smug faces afterwards). All is well. The most fun thing - Dirk acting like he’s most oblivious man in the history of the world. 'Ahh, of course!! We should all date together, all three of us! You are my closest friends, this is only logical!’. R and Todd: NO…'friends’?? and R is like: Brozman, you must talk to him about what word 'friend’ means. Todd: Dude, I’m TRYING While Dirk is just - :) There is more for it, but that’s enough for now.  
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