#you people seriously underestimate the courage it takes to speak in a language that isn't your own
aphvlion · 11 months
The term is albeit. One word. Not "all be it."
English is not my native language and while I appreciate criticism, this was uncalled for since I got my point across just fine and I was clearly in emotional distress.
As long as the level of english that I speak helps you understand me, I am not looking for grammar corrections or anything of that sort, thank you very much.
This doesn't come across as helpful at all, so if that was your intention, I'm sorry. It is annoying and nitpicky, especially since this is such a small thing to get wrong. No one speaks a language perfectly and I never wanted to- I simply wanna communicate my thoughts with other international fans and it doesn't matter if it's a 100% grammatically correct.
(also thanks I guess for making me even more insecure about my english skills, good job anon I hope you're happy lolsies)
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