#you probably weren't expecting this long of an answer anon but you unlocked 'infodump'
passimtemere · 5 months
What is it about the hyenas that drew you to them? Is it a happy childhood memory?
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The Lion King is by far my favorite movie for sticking with me for so long. It's comfort content that I can always reach out to if I'm feeling up or down. I still have my Mufasa Mattel plush from 1994 (though I lost the Simba that went with him :c). TLK was the first online fandom I really started interacting with, checking out forums and looking into the 'off screen' lore of it all. I learned/practiced how to draw animals in the TLK style. TLK has been in my blood for most my life.
As for the hyena muses, I picked them up around 2017 when there were first talks of the remake (before we knew it was just a mostly beat for beat live-action remake and not one of the 'based on the original content but a new story' kind of remakes they were still kinda making at the time) and I had high hopes for it. So I figured that there probably would be an influx of TLK rpers so I wanted to get my hands on some of the muses (and I love me some secondary villain muses. You know. Middle management). But I didn't really know where to put them. I made the occasional sideblog or just ran them over through my head but it wasn't until we started getting more info on the remake, and the disappointment started setting in. But in honesty it just made me buckle down more on how much I loved the original movie and in 2018 I made a Banzai & Ed specific sideblog, then a main blog in 2019, and they've been with me ever since (though I fall out occasionally as I do with all my muses) but when the hyena are on the brain, they're on it hard.
Now, to get a little too personal maybe, as I've worked with the muses, I really have come to the realization the catharsis of rping a character like Ed. On the surface/face value he really looks like he doesn't get it. Like he's just a space-case who is just there for comedic value and filling in the 'hyena are stupid' trope. But when you've consumed the content as much as I have (and talked with others who have done so too) you realize there is a lot more to him. And I relate to that. Now my functionality isn't at his level but I do struggle with communication sometimes, I have the ideas but the words just don't synch up, and I think that I get some sort of serotonin reward of taking that to the extreme with a muse like Ed and I get to explore those struggles in a safe and silly space. But with Banzai I get to have a semi-sympathetic character who also understands Ed and can vouch for him (while also living out the 'only child' syndrome of portraying siblings) AND who doesn't love playing a pun-loving grouch (i do).
SO long story short. Yeah these characters mean a lot to me
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