#you think it's funny people go to work on broken ankles because they can't afford to see the doctor even though
boyslit · 6 months
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can I ask non-americans not to do this please? a majority of u.s. citizens support a single payer/nationalized health care system and yet our representatives keep screwing us over and the insurance companies keep getting worse, demanding more money for less coverage and nothing is done. meanwhile people are dying without access to life saving meds, treatment and surgeries and ffs United health group is using a goddamn ai to approve or deny claims so how do you think that's going
you can criticize us for refusing to learn another language and insisting English is the best. you can criticize us for clinging to guns like a security blanket because our gun culture is fucked to hell. you can definitely criticize us for whining about our propaganda-drenched schooling never teaching us things that are obvious to the rest of the world while we have the Internet at our fingertips to find out we were taught wrong.
but maybe don't make fun of us for being crushed and killed by an evil system designed to juice as much cash out of our sickened bodies as possible? just a thought, for people who are interested in practicing compassion.
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