#you wouldn't believe the sheer overhaul this fic got between the first draft and completion
zet-sway · 2 years
Fanfic: Comm Buoy Secure Encryption
Or, Shakarios Part 2: Revenge of the Garrus
[Read on AO3] - Rated E for EXTREMELY SPICY TIMES
Pairing: Garrus/Thane/FShep | Rating: 18+ | Words: ~5700
The word Roshun is borrowed from bluerose5. Check out her fics for more shakarios!
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Two and a half years. It had been nearly two and a half years.
“Welcome home, Vakarian.”
The customs agent waves him on through to the orbital shuttles, and he’s off. The familiar glow of re-entry almost makes him feel normal again. He’s strapped in with a handful of other civilians. One of them is muttering to their companion about the running news segment.
“Authorities are investigating a possible link between the recent activation of the Omega-4 Relay and an explosive event near the galactic core.”
He shuts his eyes. No one would believe him anyway.
They’re about to touch down when his omni-tool pings. 
| SHEP: Let us know you got there safe, big guy.
There’s a photo attachment. Shepard is grinning wide next to Thane, his lips upturned in a timid smile.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The first week goes by in a whirlwind. There’s hardly time to think between Solana’s wedding and his father’s questions. Where have you been these last two years? Cerberus is an enemy of the state. People don’t come back from the dead, Garrus. 
But Shepard had. 
“The way you talk about her,” Solana says one day, “It’s like you don’t believe she’s real.”
Thane talks about her that way, too, he thinks. Maybe that’s the only reason he does believe she’s real. Thane’s eidetic memory is one of the few things keeping him sane in that regard. The memory of their night together resurfaces and he fights to control the flange in his voice.
“You should meet her. You should meet both of them.”
“Both of them?” Solana asks, confusion intoned beneath her layered voice. Her eyes narrow with the understanding that he’s not telling her everything.
But he just shakes his head, as yet unwilling to share the warmth that blooms in his chest when he thinks of them.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The second week tests his mental fortitude. 
“I believe you, but Cerberus doesn’t have the resources for it," his father says with a sidelong glance. "They’re just a bunch of ex-military assholes who never should have left the Sol System.”
“I don’t know where they get their money, dad. But I’m telling you they had a direct line to the Illusive Man.”
“Did you speak with him personally?”
Garrus shakes his head.
“Damn coward thinks he’s some kind of Shadow Broker,” Castis mutters. “Look, son. You're making bold claims. It’ll be a hard sell without data.”
“Hold on, I’ll send you the ship schematics.” Garrus punches up his omni-tool to transfer the data.
His father nods. “I’ll pass this up the chain. Dig through what you have and send me anything else.”
Garrus turns his attention back to his omni-tool to make sure he hasn't missed anything. As he's sifting through what footage he was able to collect on his visor, a message pops up from Shepard. It's been a few days since he heard from her, but that's not abnormal - typical hangup with interstellar data and comm buoys.
When he opens the message, he nearly chokes on his own tongue.  
| SHEP: Miss you, hotshot.
His eyes are greeted with a lurid sight. Shepard stares back at him, her hair fanned out over softly wrinkled, white pillows. She licks her lips and smirks, sets her omni-tool down on the nightstand, revealing her state of undress - completely naked from the waist down, black camisole bunched up over her breasts. Garrus' eyes go wide when he realizes Thane's head is buried between her legs. She arches her back and threads her fingers through his crest, urging him on.
Stunned to silence, Garrus fumbles for the mute on his omni-tool and exits the message before she starts getting loud. 
Castis glances up from his terminal. "What's the matter?"
"N- nothing," he says, probably too quickly. "...spam call."
Garrus braces himself for more questions, but blessedly, his father says nothing. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Garrus doesn’t want to admit he can’t stop thinking about (and rewatching) this ridiculous (hot) clip of Thane going down on Shepard. Worse yet, he doesn’t know how to respond to such a message. The nagging thoughts follow him through stuffy  hierarchy debriefs until finally, he fires off a message he instantly kicks himself for.
| GV: Warn a guy next time.
Her reply comes through just two hours later, while he's having dinner with Solana and her partner.
| SHEP: Consider yourself warned.
A forwarded attachment from Thane follows within seconds, and his finger hovers over the innocuous notification labeled "no subject" before he puts two and two together. 
They're both in on this.
Hours later, when he's finally alone, Garrus holds his breath as he downloads the vid and transfers it to his visor. 
Shepard's eyes stare right back at him.
She's kneeling, unzipped hoodie framing the dog tags resting on her bare chest. Her gaze is heavy - she knows he’s watching - so intense that he doesn't realize what her hands are doing until Thane's twin shafts are extricated from his leggings - hard and proud, and inches from her mouth. 
Garrus mutters a breathy swear, reaching between his legs to soothe his hardness, already growing strong. Before he even knows what he's doing, his own cock is in his hand. 
She swipes her tongue over the tip of each length, one by one. Her hand curls around his upper shaft and Garrus can hear Thane's soft sigh out of frame as she begins to stroke him. Her dark lips push against the head of Thane’s lower length, her mouth opening around him. He slides effortlessly into her throat. Garrus can practically feel her - getting oral from another species isn’t something any turian could ever forget. Watching her give the same pleasure to Thane - blessed (and cursed) with the intimate knowledge of how he tastes - is the sweetest torture. 
She works him as only she could, hands and mouth and shoulders moving together, a visual chorus of action that makes his head spin - is she performing for Thane or for him? She must want it bad. 
There's a soft "Siha'' from off screen. She moans as one scaled hand cards through her hair. They’re impossibly beautiful together, their sounds of mutual pleasure distorting his reality, an emotional tailspin of lust and affection. 
And then something in the background catches his eye that sends him flying over the edge. 
They’re in his bunk - his own fucking bunk - tucked into the corner of the main battery.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
If the first vid had been distracting, the second was downright criminal. 
“You look like you hardly slept last night,” Castis says with a flange of disapproval in his voice. 
Garrus shrugs, having hardly heard the man. Papers and datapads are strewn across his makeshift workstation with intel they’ll be bringing to the hierarchy. He’d slept alright - about three hours, after his traitor dick kept him awake long after he’d tried to drain its frustration. 
Only one week left on Palaven, and he’s beginning to think they’d meant to sabotage his trip from the get-go. Commander fucking Shepard is sexting him on turian comm channels from the other side of the fucking galaxy. His hide feels tight - his pants, even tighter. His cock feels like an insatiable parasite sucking the blood from his body.
“Where are you going?” His father asks as Garrus rises from his desk without a word.
“Gonna shower before we head out.”
“Make it quick.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
| GV: Hey
Shepard views Garrus' attachment while stuffing half a sandwich in her mouth. He's leaning against a shower stall, his plates shining with hot water. One hand reaches down to his considerable length and she nearly chokes, her eyes bulging  when he wraps a taloned hand around himself, slowly pumping with a tight fist. 
| GV: Never would have pegged you two for a bunch of cockteases. When I get back there…
| GV: I hope you're ready.
A quiet rasp floats from her omni-tool, and Shepard slams her hand on the mute button.
Only a few feet away, Tali is attaching a custom stock to her shotgun. "Did you hear that?" she asks, looking around for the source of the very sexual but decidedly non-human sigh that had just come from Shepard's direction. 
Shepard coughs, trying to remember to chew the rest of her sandwich so it doesn't choke her on its way down. 
"Hear what?" 
Tali's expression is unreadable beneath her helmet, but Shepard swears she sees her luminous eyes narrow as she hurries past toward the elevator. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Garrus smirks to himself when her reply comes through a day later (sadly, without an attachment this time). 
| SHEP: Bring it on.
One more night on Palaven. He can't resist sending an instant response.
| GV: Be careful what you wish for.
Before his message is even finished processing, an attachment from Thane arrives. Subject line: “See you soon.”
The audio comes through, deafening in the silence of his room: shifting blankets and skin on skin as Thane lays her down on her side. He's behind her, all bare scales and muscled arms and roaming hands as he kisses her neck, massages her breast, before drifting lower. Garrus can hear him murmuring into her skin as he molds himself against her naked body, devouring her with his embrace. 
And then he grips her thigh and raises it up - and fuck. To see the dripping need between her legs floods him with the memory of her scent, and he's at full mast in moments.
He grits his teeth in frustration, torn between losing himself to this fantasy and fearing to blink, should he miss a single moment. Thane's fingers ripple through her folds and reemerge, glistening with her desire. And then he's moving, touching, positioning the lower of his dual cocks behind her and she moans. Her body tenses, her mouth falls open as he pushes into her tight ass from behind, Thane nearly shaking with restraint. He watches as they lose themselves to one another, Thane slowly fucking the breath from her body with each long, deep thrust. His chest feels tight - eyes fixed on the plush, glistening softness of her empty cunt - he should be there, sliding his tongue inside her, his fingers, his aching cock -
Thane's fingertips spread her open and circle over her clit. Shepard's face melts into bliss, her head pitched back, shoulders tense, breath fluttering in her chest as she comes hard, all while her pussy visibly clenches around nothing.   
| SHEP: I told him to save room for you.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Eighteen hours later, he's standing in the SR2's airlock, practically vibrating with anticipation. Decontamination never felt so long. 
There's no real reason to assume she's waiting for him on the other side of this door. But the decon VI helpfully tells him "CO Shepard has the deck" and the simple sound of her name makes his plates itch under his armor. 
He checks his omni-tool for the seventh time. Nothing from either of them yet. 
The doors hiss open to a quiet flight deck. 
"Welcome back, Gary," Joker says with a sideways smile. "Get any ass on short leave?" 
Garrus doesn't even have the mental bandwidth to roll his eyes at the dumb human nickname. You don't know the half of it, he thinks to himself. 
"Like you wouldn't believe," he mutters. Garrus doesn't even try to control his eager subvocals - Joker can't hear them anyway. 
"Great, cause Shepard said to put your ass to work as soon as you boarded. Something about calibrating her internal heat exchangers."
Garrus shoulders his duffel and heads toward the CIC.
He's fifteen steps down the gangway when he overhears EDI in the cockpit: "The internal heat exchangers are performing as expected, Jeff." 
He punches up the elevator for the captain's cabin.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Even if she spends little time there, Shepard's cabin smells different from the rest of the ship. Her scent hits him like a wave as he crosses the threshold. Somehow, the anticipation feels worse than his teenage years. 
He exhales sharply when he finds Thane lounging on the sofa, shirt off and pants undone - as hard as the day is long. And Shepard - fucking hell - the look in her eyes is pure satisfaction, a woman who knows precisely what kind of trouble she's starting. She’s on the floor, between his knees. Her mouth is stuffed full of him. 
Play it cool, Vakarian. 
"Internal heat exchangers, huh?" he drawls with a raised brow.
With a wet smack of her lips, she pulls off of Thane's cock and wipes her mouth with the back of her hand. Fuck. Life just hasn't been the same since he's been burdened with the memory of her hot throat. 
"Yep. Knew you were the right man for the job," she says with a playful smile. 
Thane's eyes are locked on him, and there's something in his stare that seems different from last time he’d come up to their cabin. A new kind of desire, this time interwoven with… openness. Trust. And yet, after weeks of fucking his own hand to the tune of their escapades, Garrus is still just a little unsure how to engage them. He fumbles for the confidence he knows he has, assessing the look on Thane's face with calculated consideration. 
An opportunity, then, he decides. 
"You know," Garrus muses. "I'm more of a gunnery guy, but I think I might be able to help." 
He knows exactly how that sentence sounds, but it has the desired effect, what with the soft chuckle he earns from Shepard. He takes a step forward, lingers maybe just a little too long on the pale green scales of Thane's abdomen, noting the subtle uptick in the man's vitals through his visor. 
"...in fact, my scans are showing we're on an overheat trajectory. Could cause some serious damage."
"Oh no," Shepard whispers, covering her mouth in mock surprise, as though she isn't face to face with a veritable bouquet of alien cock. "Officer Vakarian, what should we do?" 
Her eyes dart between Garrus and Thane, and the way she licks her lips makes his hide feel like it’s going to burn straight through his civvies. His next words rise unbidden before he can stop them.
"Both of you, on the bed. Now."
He’ll never forget how her brows shoot straight up. "Yes, sir," she says with a playful lilt in her voice. Shepard turns as she rises, giving him an eyeful of how her panties are endearingly riding up one smooth, round cheek. 
Sir, he thinks. Shepard is calling him sir.
Thane’s voice is full of warmth as he stands and steps close. "We've missed you, Roshun,” Thane touches his chin and leans up to press a kiss against his mouth. Garrus can smell Shepard's musk on his hand. "I trust Palaven was an enjoyable stay for you?"
Garrus' chest rumbles as the drell pivots away to join her. His blood feels heavy and hot, his cock curving hard against the inside of his codpiece.
"Yeah, it was great," he says with no small amount of sarcasm "While I was meeting with the Primarch's aides, you were getting sucked off in the battery."
"A shame you couldn't have joined us," Thane says with a sly smile. 
Shepard parts her knees for him as they fold together in bed. She pulls her black camisole off head and their hands connect over her breast, Thane's graceful palm kneading in slow circles. Through his visor, he can see their heart rates climb to a steady thrum as they mold together, skin to skin. 
"You going to join us, big guy?" Her voice tightens as Thane thumbs her nipple. "I thought you were dying to get back here." She shimmies out of her panties and Garrus manages one single, suffocating glimpse of the intimate shadow between her thighs before she winds one long leg around Thane's. The smothered groan she pulls from him tells Garrus everything he needs to know about how wet she is, and spirits be damned…
"You spent the last three weeks teasing me," he says, stepping toward them. "Seems only fair I should return the favor."
"I'm beginning to think we may not have teased you enough, Roshun." Thane rasps, bowing his head to Shepard's chest. The dark green stripes criss-crossing his back shift under Shepard's hands, subtle ridges of his spine catching the low light and leading Garrus' eyes downward. Propped up on his knees, the man's ass is center stage, sizable lengths jutting from his undone fly, both erect and leaking precome on the pristine white sheets. 
Restraint is a word rapidly evaporating from Garrus' vocabulary. His hands connect with Thane's hips and the man rumbles in acknowledgement, pressing back into his touch. He spares a moment to peel Thane's too-tight pants off his thighs, lets his wide palm roam the curve of Thane's backside, and in a flash of impulse… gives his ass a firm smack. 
The action stuns even himself - his copper-blue blood flashing cold in his veins as he braces himself for reprimand. 
Instead, Thane gasps, a surprised, vulnerable sound that shoots straight to his groin. It makes him damn near feral, darkness and frayed control collecting in the corners of his eyes. Thane's firm ass pushes back into his hands and he feels the first thread of inhibition snap within him.
With a groan, Garrus presses himself up against Thane’s backside and slips an arm around him, palming his cocks. 
“Damn, Vakarian,” Shepard huffs. “A few weeks away really left you hungry.”
"Kind of unfair that you two were rolling in the sheets all that time without me," he says, subvocals keening so strongly in arousal it makes his throat raw. "I think it's my turn to call the shots." 
He pushes a palm into the center of Thane's back, savoring the groan of need as his head is forced low between Shepard's legs. Just as Garrus had hoped, the position puts his face barely a hand's width away from her bared sex.
Thane thinks he knows where this is going - and he's half right - but as his hands grip her thighs to pull her closer, Garrus swats his ass again. The shudder and heavy-lidded look he earns could melt him straight through to the engineering deck. 
"You'll taste her when I say to, understand?"
Face down, ass up, the position is compromising, but there's no reason Thane couldn't free himself if he wanted to. Garrus' eyes rake over him like a man starved, finally sparing a moment to free his own erection from his pants as he takes in the pair beneath him. 
"Damn," she whispers as she begins to tease the wetness between her legs. Garrus' tongue is thick in his throat, his body burning so hot he has to yank at the buttons closing his shirt. His blood surges as cool starship air hits his keel and he reaches for her, deliriously cinching her small human wrists together in one three-fingered hand, pulling them away from the ache she's so keen to satisfy. 
Part of him thinks he's already gone too far. But Shepard smiles, voluntarily lifting both her arms over her head in a gesture that makes her look especially enticing - to say nothing of the attractive things the position does to her breasts. 
"Alright, killer," she says with a smile. "Show me what you got."
"That's my girl," he murmurs. He runs a hand along her thigh, one taloned thumb reaching to swipe the slick heat between her legs. "You want it so bad you'll do anything I tell you."
"Almost anything."
"We'll see," he says with a smirk, circling his thumb over her clit before pulling away, pressing that same thumb to Thane's lips. Thane accepts without question, warm mouth engulfing him, eagerly sucking Shepard's essence off his hand.
"Got a lot of steam to blow off after that trip, Krios. Can you handle it?" 
Thane practically purrs in response, shifting himself against Garrus’ hips and peering back at him over his shoulder. His sheath is glistening at the root of his twin cocks, and Garrus gathers some of the slick fluid as he presses one blunted finger against Thane's opening. 
"I am at your service, Roshun."
Garrus doesn't waste a second, breaching Thane's opening with a slow press of his hand. The heat within grips him like a vice, hot and tight. He feels different than anyone he's ever had before, and the delirious pull of pleasure to come spurs him on even further. 
"Spread her open for me, Krios." Arousal bleeds into his voice as he unfastens his pants with his free hand. Thane obediently pushes on her thighs, spreading her wide. "Be good and I might let you have a taste." 
"You fucking better," Shepard groans. Thane's mouth is inches from her flushed cunt, his breath coming hot and hard. 
"You feel that, sweetheart?"
She nods, hands clenching above her head. 
"Tell me why I shouldn't just fuck him over you like this? Maybe show you what it's like, getting a front row seat lightyears away from the action." The thought of Thane moaning hot over her untouched center as he takes his fill of her lover's body…
Shepard has the nerve to flutter her lashes at him. "That the best you can do?"
He growls, twists his finger in Thane's channel and the man gasps, bucking back against his hand. 
"Demon woman," he huffs. "It was your idea, wasn't it, Shep? Teasing me like that. Showing me all the wild places you guys fuck each other on this ship?"
"You liked it," she bites out. 
"You bet your sweet human ass I did. Doesn't mean I won't make you pay for it." 
She scoffs. "Maybe next time I'll -"
"Next time I want you to call me on the QEC. I want a live feed."
She actually laughs at that. The ship is only equipped with one entangled channel: a severed connection to the Illusive Man. But the thought of misusing a wildly expensive miracle of particle physics just to watch her fuck doesn't appear to be lost on her. She meets his eyes and wiggles her hips, a blush creeping across her cheeks.  
"Hope you didn't expect me to delete that footage," He continues as he withdraws and cleans his hand, watching as Thane's tight hole releases him. "Maybe Thane and I should compare notes sometime."
Thane takes a moment to adjust his position, moving his knees just little wider, his ass just a little higher, ready and willing as Garrus has ever seen. A quick detour to her nightstand and the lubricant from their last encounter is exactly where he remembered it should be.
Eyes never leaving them, Garrus uncaps the bottle and squeezes some into his palm as he orders: "Show me your tongue, Thane." 
Shepard tenses as Thane's tongue darts out, hovering a breath away from her apex.
"Good man," Garrus huffs, coating his cock in the slick substance. "Go on, give her a taste." 
Fixated on them, he barely hears how she groans when Thane's red, bifurcated tongue connects with her heated slit. Garrus can't help but stroke the taut scales of Thane's ass as his tongue glides slowly along her center, releasing a guttural sigh of satisfaction as he goes
"Just like that. Keep going, just like that," he murmurs, resting the tip of his cock at Thane's entrance. "Are you ready for me?"
Thane pauses in his exploration of her, his raspy voice nearly a whisper: "Please, Roshun."
"What was that?"
The drell clears his throat. "Please," he offers, louder this time. His breaths come slow and heavy against Shepard's cunt and he tips his hips back toward Garrus' length.
A hand roams over his backside, talons dragging along smooth scales as Garrus taps the tip of his cock against Thane's hole. "You can do better than that, Krios. Tell me what you want."
Shepard, with her arms trembling above her head, grinds her hips down on Thane's mouth and he practically whines his frustration. Pressing his palms into the bed for better leverage, he thrusts himself back against Garrus' hips and huffs against Shepard's sex, writhing between the two of them as though he can't decide whether to suck her cunt or fill himself with turian cock. 
It's a victory in and of itself to see calm, reserved Thane Krios worked up on desire. Garrus purrs, slowly thrusting his length along the cleft of the man's ass. 
"Come on, Krios." He reaches forward, a hand cupping Thane's jaw to hold him just shy of Shepard's center, cock pressing hard at the rim of his entrance. "I don't think you want it bad enough."
"Please, Roshun," he rasps, throat puffing out in desperation. "Make me yours."
Perfect. He's perfect.
Garrus shakes as he pushes forward, breaching Thane's opening, rapidly losing the more rational parts of himself as the man's tight, hot channel stretches around him. Slowly, he tells himself. Go slowly. 
The low, guttural sound Thane makes is pure rapture. Slack-jawed, his eyes squeeze shut as Garrus pries him open. "Ocean take me,” he groans, head dropping against Shepard's pubic bone. 
Garrus squeezes his hips. "Don't get distracted, Krios." Obediently, Thane's head rises, his eyes raking up the bare expanse of Shepard's quivering body. "You don't finish until she does."
Having already been intimately acquainted with the way she tastes, there’s something intense and visceral about watching the way Thane teases apart her slit with his mouth. She shudders beneath his mouth, biting back a moan as he drags the meat of his tongue upwards along her clit. The motion pushes back her hood, opening her further to sensation. When he passes over her pearl again, she tenses all over, her hands clenched in the pillows above her head. Garrus can't help but vocalize his appreciation, caught between the dizzying sight of Thane’s mouth in her cunt and the intense, tight heat clutching his cock. 
“Hot,” he mutters, rocking back, sinking back in.  "She tastes good, doesn’t she?”
Thane gasps as Garrus pushes inside him again, gasping for breath over Shepard’s glistening clit. “Incredible,” he manages. "An ocean like none other."
The memory of her taste is as alive as the slick, gleaming flesh beneath Thane's mouth. Garrus stretches himself over the other man, long limbs and body arcing easily within reach of the action he's only now starting to accept he has some control over. The position forces him to the hilt inside Thane's channel, the new angle making Thane’s tongue stutter on its steady exploration of Shepard's pussy.
He shoves one taloned hand against her thigh and she gasps, obediently spreading her legs wider for him. “I want a taste too,” he says, running his palm over Thane's throat. 
Hips rocking of their own accord, Garrus runs one thick finger down Shepard's wet slit and then pushes it inside, subvocals screaming his need as she moans for him. With Thane's tongue on her apex, Garrus lets himself linger. How he'd gone from reckless vigilante to fuck buddies with the dead Commander Shepard and renowned assassin Thane Krios is anyone’s guess. But here and now, the position he's found himself in is not lost on him. Finger-deep in her cunt with his cock buried in her lover's ass, he's inside both of them in one way or another. The heat is more scorching than any Palaven summer. 
"Spirits, you both…" The words are meaningless, unintelligible, his hips rocking slow and deep against Thane's ass in attempt to soothe the aching, consuming desire to somehow fuck them both simultaneously.
Somehow, he manages to withdraw his hand and bring it to his mouth to taste her salt. 
"Should've warned me that humans taste so good.” He savors her, each drop of her essence reducing him lower and lower until it feels like he’s drowning in lust. His hips have a mind of their own, easing his length in and out of Thane’s clutching heat. “Do you think about me when he fucks you? That why you couldn't stop sexting me?"
She whines as Thane gives her clit a stiff lick, and her voice is strained. “You bet your ass I do.”
“I’m listening." He gives Thane’s ass a firm squeeze. 
“Wanted you hot,” she manages. “Ready to cut loose.”
Garrus shudders. His hips snap into the man beneath him and Thane gasps, the sound muffled between Shepard's legs. 
“That’s my girl. Give her more - I think we both want to hear all the pretty sounds she makes.”
“Roshun,” Thane’s voice wavers against her. He's so close that his beautiful, verdant lips are stroking her with every measured lap of his tongue. 
“I’m going to ruin you,” Garrus growls, hardly able to form a rational thought as white-hot heat erodes his mind. 
His eyes fall closed, he lets his large hands roam over the stripes on Thane's back, the delicate pleated frills at his sides. It’s so easy to tease him, gently grazing talons over vermilion flesh, before traveling lower still, gripping the crease of his thigh, moving over his as yet neglected dual cocks. His hand closes around both of Thane’s shafts. The man's tongue slip into Shepard’s opening, and Garrus can hardly hold himself back. His hand sets the pace, and his hips follow. 
“Gonna fuck you so hard you’ll never think of anyone but me. But us.”
He doubles over Thane’s back, pumping into him with vigor. 
“And when you call me on that QEC," he pants, "I want you both naked and begging on that lowlife Cerberus conference table. I want you to see me stroking myself as you moan to every star between us."
“Yes. God- fuck-" she quakes as Thane moans long and deep against her. "God damn-"
He’s fucking Thane so hard that his thrusts carry momentum into her body. Thane’s jaw crashes against her cunt, her body jolting with each movement. By now he’s long since ready to admit to himself that he loves the way her tits shake. 
“Use your hands, Thane,” he pants. "Show me."
Thane is quick to comply. He teases his fused digits from her clit down to her opening; his ruby cheek rests slack-jawed on her thigh as he pushes inside her. Shepard is so damn wet that he can see the gleaming, viscous curve of her fluid gathering around his fingers as her cunt swallows them down. 
“Are you close, sweetheart?”
“Yes,” she bites out. Garrus’ hand tightens on Thane’s cocks and he can see the drell’s eyes fall closed, his mouth parted and gasping. 
“Give it to her,” he says through gritted teeth. “Don’t stop until you both finish.” 
Thane's whole body vibrates with an eager trill. His mouth covers her sex, devouring her like she's the only thing in the world worth tasting, all fingers and tongue and desperate fury, working her into a quivering, wailing mess. Garrus lets the last thread of his control snap, pounding into him from behind, losing himself to the heat and the softness and the sweet give of Thane's flesh beneath his hands. His talons prick at glossy scales and all it seems to do is spur Thane on; the man thrusts back against him with eager rasps of pleasure, lost between Shepard's trembling thighs. 
Though he'd demanded she keep them over her head, Garrus doesn't argue when she lowers one hand to her breast and the other to Thane's head, stroking his sensitive cheek. Thane's free hand joins Garrus' over his twin lengths, guiding him to the perfect grip to send him over the edge. 
"Fuck, Thane- fuck-" 
Her back arches, grip tightening around whatever she can reach as she hits her peak. Garrus can practically see her cunt sucking around Thane's fingers as she goes, crying out with each searing stroke of his tongue. 
"Don't you dare stop, Krios."
Thane can only groan as Shepard writhes against him, her hips twitching in oversensitive pleasure-pain. And it isn't long until Garrus feels Thane's body go tense, his cocks stiffening further in his hand. As the man's channel spasms around him, Thane's abundant release flows warm and wet over Garrus' fingers.
It's too much, too fast, too hot - he's right there on the edge, head spinning and throat raw. Garrus shakes as he thrusts deep, lost to the gripping heat around his cock and the colors exploding behind his closed eyes. With a final strained gasp, he finishes, releasing pulse after pulse of hot cum deep into Thane's suffocating heat. 
For a long moment, the three of them are reduced to shallow breaths and silence. Shepard falls boneless against the pillows, her body radiant with a satin sheen of exertion. Garrus extricates himself slowly from Thane's body and the man crumples between her legs, Garrus' thick spend already oozing from his twitching channel. He smiles in blissful contentment, resting his head in the crook of Shepard's splayed knee. 
They're a damn mess. They're perfect. 
"Jesus H Christ," Shepard breathes after a while. "We are absolutely doing that again."
Thane makes a soft sound in agreement and mumbles something unintelligible. Garrus can't help but smile, watching their sated drell sag further into the mattress, stretching his tired legs and untensing his spine.
"I think you killed him, big guy."
"Looks like.” 
Thane clears his throat and manages, "Thoroughly calibrated, Roshun."
Shepard gives a short laugh and pulls herself off the bed. 
"We missed you," she murmurs, letting Garrus pull her into his arms and nuzzle into her hair. She's so small against him like this - it's almost impossible to compare her to the hardened woman he knows her to be. 
"Thinking about making this a regular thing, then?"
"Without question," the boneless sack of scales formerly known as Thane announces from the bed. He inhales deep, and with a tired shove, rolls on to his back. "It's been far too long since I've been had with such… enthusiasm." His eyes look dreamy and unfocused, his hands slowly settling on the pale scales of his abdomen. 
“You could’ve just asked,” Shepard says with a roll of her eyes, walking over to the shower. “I would’ve picked up a strap for you.” 
“Some needs…” he says without opening his eyes. “...some needs are buried so deep they are difficult to articulate.”
Warmth wells in his chest. “Glad I could help you dig that out.” 
Their eyes lock as Thane pushes himself up on his elbows. Garrus clasps his hand and hauls him up. With a satisfied hum, Thane presses a soft kiss to his mouth. 
It’s in the little things, he thinks. 
“...Hey Garrus?”  Shepard calls from the restroom. “Does your visor record video?”
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