#you wouldn't think hay is as pointy as it is
tricornonthecob · 1 year
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Live Radcliffe reaction to the latest chapter (13) of If Your Own Windows Are Glass by @connectingconstellations
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madphantom · 11 months
Also here's a new snippet for Sarah let's fucking gooo
The sun has come out once more and with it brighter days. Sarah's ankle has healed and the days are hazy and warmgolden. We spend our afternoons lying in the light, kissing, forgetting all about the rest of the world. The nights are quiet, and for now it seems that the fox has scared the deer off. It is just us.
Well, and the storyteller. Somehow, they have become a part of this house just as much as the furniture or the hay in the barn. We do not want them to leave and it seems like, for the moment, they are content staying.
The deer is not fully gone, though. Of course. When I walk down to the lake in the mornings I see it stalking through the distant trees sometimes, a pale white dot in the fog, and a shiver runs down my spine. It looks like an angel and that both frightens me and draws me in. Sometimes it seems to draw closer, but flinch away again. There are red marks on its leg now, reminders of the fierce anger the fox carried inside its pointy teeth, almost a protective spell. What a peculiar feeling.
This morning we were back in the field when suddenly, Sarah saw a large grey feather poking out of the flowers. She stepped closer, wanting to pick it up, and I followed, but to my quiet horror there were more…
A dead crane was lying in the bed of wildflowers, its beak slightly agape, eyes mercifully closed, the wings spread out like wide open arms. Dew droplets shimmered on its feathers like pearls. It seemed to have simply dropped from the sky.
Sarah bit her lip.
"Oh, poor thing," she whispered. "Look, it was a beauty. So elegant."
"What a shame," I mumbled.
Sarah turned her head. "Do you think we should bury it?"
"Perhaps." I hesitated when I saw the hurt look in her eyes. She had always hated seeing animals come to harm.
"I'll go get the spades if you want me to," I said quietly.
She nodded. "Yes. Yes…that would be nice."
We buried the crane in mostly silence. At some point Sarah began to hum a bit, a sweet soft melody which echoed through the golden air. Rolling it over into the grave pushed my heart inbetween my ribs, but I kept myself contained.
The afternoon was quiet and menacing following this. The heat flickered in the concentrated air like dancing ghosts. Sarah was in the backyard, tending to the vegetables she was growing. I did not feel well somehow, and retreated to the cooler kitchen, where I tried my best to sleep. Despite the fact that my eyelids were heavy as lead, I remained feverishly restless, caught in the limbo of a tiring half sleep. Eventually, I heard a strange sound and opened my eyes.
The storyteller sat by the kitchen window, blindly gazing outside. They seemed to be listening to something intently.
"What was that sound?", I inquired.
They shrugged their shoulders, not bothering to turn their head. "A crane's call. It must be very near to the house."
I shuddered and sat up. "Oh, Lord. Sarah and I buried a dead crane down in the field this morning. I do hope it hasn't returned to haunt us."
The storyteller smiled, teeth pointy. "Wouldn't that make a lovely story?"
"Of course it would, I just have to say, I am not particularly fond of the idea of being the protagonist in a ghost story," I admitted.
Another call echoed across the valley. It sounded almost haunting. The storyteller tilted their head and slightly furrowed their brows.
"That did sound very close," I agreed, getting up from the bench. My back hurt. "Let me have a look."
The storyteller elegantly slid to the side and I glanced out of the window. The sky had turned violet in the evening sun and it stood above the black fir trees like a blood red ring of fire. A crane stood on the roof of the barn, cleaning its dirt-stained plumage. I shuddered.
"Do you see anything?", the storyteller asked.
"It's on the barn roof…" I chuckled anxiously. "How funny, it looks just like the one we buried."
"Cranes do tend to look similar."
"No, I mean…it doesn't look alive. It's full of dirt and its feathers are falling out and it's viciously pecking at itself. It looks like it should never have come here in the first place."
The storyteller tilted their head, but said nothing. They probably thought I was losing my mind.
When my gaze wandered to the fir trees I saw the two-headed white deer among them staring back.
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feuervogel · 2 years
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I posted 1,843 times in 2022
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#especially since my sister had a completely different relationship with her and wouldn't understand if i talked to her about it
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Recent media viewing
I decided to open up Netflix the other day and watch the Sandman adaptation. It's as good as everyone has been saying it is! And episode 5 has some gross bits that you'll see coming if you're paying attention (also, the nice black lady and her dog don't die, if you're worried about that). The Corinthian is EVEN CREEPIER in live action.
I spent a lot of time thinking "God, that actor looks and sounds familiar" whenever the Corinthian was on screen, but I looked him up and he wasn't in anything else I've seen, so I guess he's just got That Kind Of Face (or at least lower half of it, since he's got dark glasses on 95% of the time.)
While I was on Netflix, they showed me recommendations, as algorithms do, and I browsed the anime selection to see if there was anything to add to my (extremely long) watchlist.
I decided to watch Tekken: Bloodline, because deep in my heart of hearts, I love 2D fighting games. Not at all because I've been a JinHwo shipper since the early 2000s, nope. Anyway, it's a Netflix original, originally voiced in English. The voice acting ranges from fine (Jin, Hwoarang, Nina, Paul) to cringe (Jun, Xiaoyu) to comical (Heihachi), and for some completely unknown reason, Heihachi's assistant uses weeb-Japanese and says "hai" when she could say "yes, sir." (Like, this is the ONLY Japanese in the show. I'm not counting uses of sensei, because that's been borrowed into English as a martial arts term, or the time Paul says "Mishima Zaibatsu," because that's been in the US versions of the game since forever.)
Is it any good? It's not bad... It's basically the plot of Tekken 3, with references to 1&2, with Jin finding out about his family and Heihachi being a total asshole (I mean, duh). The character designs are weird, like their faces are too small for their necks and chins are too pointy, and somehow Jin looks like Heero Yuy in profile. I laughed a couple times (Paul (or maybe Nina): You two are friends? Jin & Hwoarang (unison): NO!) and may be on the way to shipping Jin/Hwo/Xiaoyu because they're ADORABLE.
When I got my new computer for Xmas, it came with a free 3-month trial of Apple TV. I didn't do anything about it until they sent me an email that it would go away if I didn't use it, then I signed up. There's actually a good bit of good stuff on there, so I'm keeping it for 4.99 a month.
Severance: suuuuper creepy SF mystery/thriller? where people can sign up to get implants that sever their work lives from their home lives so they can work on something so secret, even their work-selves don't know what it is. Season 1 ends with a massive cliffhanger that was extremely brave, because S2 hadn't been confirmed yet. (It is now.) It stars the guy from Parks & Rec and guest stars Christopher Walken.
The Essex Serpent: based on a book, apparently. Tom Hiddleston plays a vicar who lives out in the wilds in the 1880s or so; Claire Danes is a recently widowed paleontologist. Hiddles is utterly charming, as always; Danes is a bit flat, as always (I've always liked her, but she has about 2 expressions: confused and sad). There's a doctor who wants to date her, and her BFF/maid ALSO wants to date her, but she's only got eyes for the vicar (who's married, of course). Anyway, she hears rumors of a sea monster in the river and goes to investigate it, which is where she meets the vicar and so on. You can tell it's going to be a romance, but that part is somehow not compelling.
For All Mankind: space race AU where the Soviet Union gets to the moon first and NASA has to catch up. A lot of the real-world timeline is changed in ways that are good (space shuttles! moon base!) and bad (USSR doesn't collapse). In season 3, there is an extremely honest depiction of Gay Life in the 90s and of the within-group politics of assimilation or not. I lived through it (before I knew I was queer, or admitted it anyway), and it still punched me in the gut. We've made so much progress in the last 30 years that it's easy to forget just how terrible it was back then and that Don't Ask Don't Tell was the progressive compromise. It made me think about all the puriteens here on tunglr dot com and the stupid discourse about ~flawed media~ and ~problematique~ stuff. They should watch it and maybe fucking learn some history.
The end of season 3 is dfjhadkjghk;djkhgojwhjdfxhvjh basically and season 4 can't come soon enough.
5 notes - Posted August 20, 2022
G witch ep 6
That was extremely fucked up.
They're speed-running all the super fucked-up bits from UC and 00. Good job.
9 notes - Posted November 6, 2022
I have a very specific request, and I'm sure someone here can point me in the direction of acquiring this. (These, I guess; there are two specific fannish things I've wanted for a while.)
The litany against fear, in its entirety, in calligraphy or similar. Not twee. (I'm not actually into Dune, but having basically cognitive behavioral therapy on my wall might help me with my stupid anxiety.)
The Discworld DEATH bit "to be the place where the falling angel meets the rising ape", with or without the rest of the speech. (It's a long speech and would make the piece too busy.) Not twee. Potentially illustrated with silhouettes in the background behind the text.
I have no artistic ability nor any skill at graphic design, and I lack the patience for calligraphy. Thinking about embroidery or cross-stitch makes my fingers hurt. (My mom was an avid cross-stitcher and taught me when I was a kid. I could never hold the needle properly.)
Type of item: poster up to A2 size
Price: up to around 20 € each
13 notes - Posted September 5, 2022
I can't be the only person who wants directors or whoever makes these decisions let Oscar Isaac have his gorgeous salt and pepper hair. A grown-ass man, silver at the temples, charming smile. Please?
Also I saw a comment about Dune that said they "aged him up" to play Duke Leto, and it took everything I had in me not to comment "oh, you mean they didn't make him dye his hair?"
32 notes - Posted January 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Been playing Disco Elysium and I tried on some new pants.
[ID: screenshot from the video game Disco Elysium
YOU - I like regular, normal things.
VOLITION - Mhm, I know you do. These interisolary pants are like wearing a perfect *compromise* in your nether regions. No one will call the Moralintern on you like this, that's for sure.
You're a little more moralist now, buddy. A little more *normal*. Even if you didn't want to be.
COMPOSURE [Medium: Success] - Makes sense. This is what wearing boring office trousers does to you.
end ID]
39 notes - Posted November 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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