#you'd ride the blue line and it's all like sketchy alternatives to Actually Seeing A Dentist
queenlua · 2 years
it’s amazing to me how grift-y/low-quality/unintentionally hilarious the median ad is on right-wing talk radio stations
afaict the top ads rn are:
* BUY GOLD NOW!!!!! (complete with apocalyptic ramblings from the show host) * navage, this bizarre “nose cleaning” thing that looks like a medieval torture advice and seems 100% unnecessary but goddamn do they get like 18 ad spots per hour * some kind of “vitamin c boost” thing that will allegedly keep you from getting sick because i guess we’re all just living in the worst parts of linus pauling’s legacy huh * some ex-marine begging you to keep your guns locked in a home safe, which like, ok fair i guess this is an ok place to target that message * AARP PSAs lmao * “please get a fucking covid vaccine/booster” PSAs, which usually play literally right after the talk show host has ranted about how covid vaccines are murdering babies or w/e
like goddamn what a demographic to be targeting
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