#you'll get the worst longest funniest answers from me after 8 PM PST weds to sat
hi what r your thoughts on time travel sam & dean?? like older sam hanging out w younger dean and vice versa for like... magic plot reasons etc idk. i just ask because you do SUCH a great job at writing both adult and teenage them, so i wonder what your thoughts are on how they would approach their teenaged-brother!
I'm new to participating in fandom in a way where I am ~known~ and it's so great to be asked stuff like this apropos of nothing. it feels like a slumber party. we are braiding each other's hair.
(also, thank you, when I first started writing spn fic I told myself I wouldn't write weecest but I love writing teens so much, they're so complicated and sloppy, so I'm glad it comes out ok)
I've never really thought about time travel sam-dean before, but I will now!
older sam with younger dean would be veeeery interesting because I feel like.. when Sam was a kid, he oscillated between thinking Dean was big-brother annoying and didn't understand him at all, and thinking he was SO grown-up and larger than life, in the way that when you're 12, kids who are 16 seem like they're practically in college, you know?
so I think seeing teen-dean as an adult, sam might be.. struck by how.. small he was? not physically (and also yes physically) but that he was actually pretty insecure, and pretty lost, in a way sam didn't see when he was a kid. and he might think that maybe he could've looked out for dean more if he'd noticed how dean wasn't always the brave face that he put on, but you don't always think of that as the little sibling, you think they're always fine. it would be a very fun thing to write.
old dean with young sam would be absolutely KNEECAPPED by seeing sam young again because dean, as we all know, still sees adult-Sam as a kid. so seeing him actually as a kid would be "oh! oh, you WERE small. and now you are.. so.. big." he'd be starry eyed and nostalgic like the fourth of july scene. moreso than sam, he'd feel guilty seeing this unblemished kid and knowing what he'd have to go through in the future (what he wouldn't be able to save him from going through!) and I think he'd be very caught off guard by how capable sam was as a kid, not the baby he saw him as. but also: how weird and sad and trapped he was. would probably give him a new perspective on stanford.
I can't speak to this from a wincest angle without my lawyer present
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